Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ The Masquerade ❯ More invitations ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello peeps! Sorry I haven't update for a long time. You see, I had projects, FSA, dances, homework, redecorating, and a whole lot of other things to think of so yeah. I hope you forgive me. I think this is going to be a fairly short chapter since I'm not really very good at writing long ones. I'm better at writing short one-shots. Anywayz, enough of my blabbering. Here ya go!

HoroHoro and Pirika's place (In Horo's POV)

"Oi!!! Imoutoooooooooo!!!!!!!! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail!!!!!!!!!!" HoroHoro

yelled. "Are you sure it's addressed to ME?!" shouted Pirika. "Well, actually, it's

addressed to both of us but I'm too lazy to read it" came a voice from the doorway.

Pirika rolled her eyes. "Figures. I should've known." She muttered. "Fine. Whatever.

Gimme it." Horo grinned. "That's better." He said. Pirika rolled her eyes again and

grabbed the letter from her brother's hands. She flopped on the bed, briefly read the

writing on the envelope that said: To HoroHoro and Pirika, from the Tao family. At first,

she was confused and she thought: `Why would they send us a letter?' unaware that her

face was a little red. She shook her head, ripped the letter open, and ran her eyes over the

letter that was written in beautiful handwriting.

Horo watched her, amused at the constantly changing emotions

flickering in his little sister's eyes. Everybody may think that he's insensitive and stupid.

No. They're all wrong. He knows that his little sister likes and probably even loves Ren

Tao. He fights with Ren just to make sure that he can protect her just in case something

happens. Pirika is his only little sister and the only family member he has close-by. It's

natural to be overprotective. Although, he IS completely willing to let her go-if she was

happy. Of course, he'll still be the one who'll strangle anybody who hurts his sister in

ANY way. No matter whom that person is. Even if it was Ryu, or Manta, Yoh, Hao,

Jeanne, Lyserg, himself, heck, even Anna! It won't matter. The only thing he'll think of

is that somebody hurt his beloved little sister, and they're going to pay for it. NOTHING

will stand in his way.

"So what does it say?" he finally asked. "Hm? Oh, well, Ren-kun's celebrating his

sixteenth birthday so his family is inviting us for a little vacation in their mansion. It says

here that Ren-kun's birthday party is going to be formal. It also says that the Tao family

will pay for the clothes and other stuff we need for our stay there. So basically, all we

have to pack are unmentionables (AN: My friend told me this word and I thought it was

funny so I put it in!), journals if you need one, stuffed animals if you want, toothbrush,

and some other things. Oh yeah. And the Tao family's personal jet is coming to pick us

up tomorrow so we don't have to worry about transportation." Pirika answered. "Okay,

then, you'd better start packin' lil' sis." Horo said before he walked away.

Tamao's place

Tamao had a vision last night. She saw herself jumping up and down beside her

side table. She thought it was nothing bad so she climbed into bed and fell asleep. It was,

after all, pretty late. The next morning, her cottony-pink yes slowly opened. She did her

morning routines and walked to her bedside table. She noticed a pretty envelope on it that

had: To Tamamura, Tamao, from The Tao family on the front. She suddenly had a

flashback of her vision and her eyebrow rose. "Gee, I wonder what made me so

happy?" She shrugged. She opened the letter and read it slowly, and after a while, her

eyes widened and she jumped up and down. "So this is what I was so happy about!

*giggle* Yeah! Oh wow! I get to go to China!!" She stopped jumping and thought: `I

wonder what I should get for Tao-san? Hm……I'' have to think about that. And from

there she started packing her stuff, all the while humming.

The place where Ryu and his gang were currently staying at

"Hey boss! There's mail for us!" Ballboy yelled. Ryu came walking around the

corner slowly. "Who is it from? Give it to me." He said. His eyes quickly scanned the

letter that was written in very elegant writing. When he finished, he put down the letter,

tipped his chin up, closed his eyes and sniffed, wanting his companions to be anxious. He

stayed like that for a couple of seconds, then smirked and said: "Well boys, pack some of

your things. We're going to China." He readied himself for the upcoming noise. The

gang's eyes widened, they looked at each other with their mouths in big smiles that

looked as if it would crack their faces, and cheered. Loud. "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE

GOING TO CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Just before the gang packed their stuff and got ready for

the trip the next day, Blue Chateau had a question, and decided to voice it out loud. "Hey

boss, why exactly are we going to China?" At this, the rest of the gang stopped what they

were doing. Ryu smiled and said: "Good question, Blue Chateau. You see, Master Ren is

having his sixteenth birthday party and his family is inviting us all for a vacation there.

It's formal so we all have to be on our best behaviors. Oh, and don't worry about money

for the clothes and stuff. They're gonna pay for it. So I suggest you all get to bed early so

we don't get late tomorrow. Goodnight boys!" At this, Ryu turned around and went to

bed. The others followed his lead.

So what do you guys think? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease review or email me! Thankies!!!!!!!! Oh. And if anyone is confused about something, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer you. Thank you for reading!!!