Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ The Masquerade ❯ Renovating?! ( Chapter 7 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hellooooooooooooooo people! I am sooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated for like a year….ehehehe…::scratches back of head sheepishly:: anyway, I really don't have an excuse as t owhy I didn't write more, sooooooo…… to avoid any more pain inflicted by readers, I'll just shut up now and leave you to read…and by the way, ME OWN NOTHING!!!! SO YOU NO SUE!!!!
::blah blah:: actions
`blah blah' thoughts
“blah blah” speech
“WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” was heard throughout the entire mansion. `WHAT DO YOU MEAN RENOVATING?! HOW COME I WASN'T INFROMED OF THIS?!” who else, but Ren Tao yelled. ::sigh:: “Dear brother, is it always necessary for you to yell? Yes, renovating. You don't know because we started today. Why is it so important you're told everything anyway?!” Jun retorted back. “Hmph!” Ren fumed and crossed his arms, Pirika giggled to herself at the display of childish immatureness. Jun smiled.
“Now then, Yoh, you will be sharing a room with Anna, HoroHoro, you're with Tamao, Lyserg with Jeanne, Manta with Chocolove, Pirika with Ren, and Ryu and the deadenders…hm…well, you can divide yourselves in groups of no less than 2 people, then pick out the rooms you like. There will be workers all around the mansion who would be happy to help you with anything you need. Please feel free to ask them for anything. Now, go on! Get to your rooms and unpack your bags. Oh, by the way, the spirits are free to sleep wherever you please. However, there is a room where most of the spirits like to stay. I'm sure Bason would be happy to show it to you if you're interested. Now, off you go, and please be sure not to get out of the way of the renovating!”
Yoh and Anna walked hand in hand towards room 251 quietly, enjoying the feeling of the other beside them. HoroHoro and Tamao were walking next to each other towards room 820. Horo was being his goofy self, although clumsier than usual, but that's to be expected, ne? Tamao was giggling at him and Lyserg was engaged in a polite conversation all the way to room 1210, seeming to get closer and closer. Ren was still fuming quietly, this time with an all-too-obvious blush on his face. Pirika was walking quietly beside him, thinking of how to make the best of their time and avoid bickering all the time.It was his birthday after all, and she should at least try her best to make it nice for him.
“We're here” Ren said, shaking Pirika out of her thoughts. She looked up at the grand room 1816 double doors. She sweatdropped. `Of course. Sleeping with the great Ren TaoYou're for sure going to get an awesome room.' She thought about that for s second and blushed. `Ugh….that came out all wrong..' ::sigh:: “Yeah, I guess we are” she replied. Ren opened the door and let her in first, remembering his sister's words again. Pirika blushed and thanked him, then walked timidly in the room, never drawing her eyes away from Ren. Ren just shrugged and entered the room as well, closing the door behind him. He looked around the room, seemingly unimpressed, the complete opposite of Pirika, who was looking around with her mouth agape.
Then both of their gazes fell on the same thing and the look on their faces was priceless. It was a mixture of shock, confusion, anger and embarrassment. Then at the same time, they yelled so loud it vould be heard on the other side of the world. “JUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!”
Ah…..okay, okay, I know. It was too short, and I've made you guys wait so long. Don't worry! I'm already over halfway done the next chapter. Well, actually, I wasn't going to put this up until I finished the next chapter, but I didn't want to wait any longer….even though I'm staying up really late just to type this…Be sure to leave a review for lil' ol' me! ::grin:: You know I luv `em! Thanks to all those who reviewed! I really appreciated them. `Til next time!