Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Darkness ❯ The Unexpected ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: This story is dedicated to Sakura01/Rika_the_Digimontamer/Carlsongirl. She is, after all, the one who asked me to write this. Also, I do not own Shaman King.
What do the sunspots hide?
Filled with secrets, a mind is a treasure box.
Someday being hurt, when the key unlocks it,
will the sadness really be eternal?
It was an average day in the Beijing Woods. Bason hoped that his life would finally return to normal. After his adventures as a Chinese warlord, Bason thought that his would go back to the way it was. Then there was the Nomadic invasion. That practically turned his life upside-down. But now, his life would go back to normal. It was time for some rest and relaxation.
Bason began his day with his usual morning routine. It had been a couple of weeks since encountering army members. The injuries he sustained while trying to fight those awful people were finally starting to heal. His arm would have to stay in a sling for another month or so, but his face was healed. Bason decided to take the bandage off today. He looked at his face in the mirror. The five gashes have healed, but they left ugly scars that would probably remain for the rest of his life. He wondered how Kwan Yin would react to this. Bason hadn't taken the bandage off in front of her, so she didn't know how bad the gashes were. This would be a surprise. Bason made a mean face into the mirror. The scars would definitely make him look tougher; maybe Chu Jung and the others wouldn't pick on him anymore. After he got dressed, Bason walked to Kwan Yin's house like usual. They always had breakfast together. They decided long ago to meet at her house in the mornings instead of Bason's. Bason didn't like people coming over in the morning; he was usually a grouch when he was waking up. Kwan Yin finally suggested this arrangement after having one too many pillows thrown at her. Bason knocked and walked into Kwan Yin's house. She had already prepared breakfast for the two of them. Fruit, berries, bread, and nuts lay in bowls on the table. Bason tried baking some bread for Kwan Yin once, but he ended up turning it into a burnt cinder. Bason left the baking to Kwan Yin, and they alternated gathering fruit every day. Bason walked over to the table and sat down.
“Morning, Bason,” Kwan Yin said cheerfully. She saw the scars on his face. “Ouch, you didn't tell me that your face was that bad.” She gently brushed her fingers across the scars and shuddered. “Does it still hurt?” she asked.
“No,” Bason replied. “They're all healed, but I think I'll have these scars for a while.”
“You never really told me what happened to you,” Kwan Yin said as she poured milk from a pitcher into two glasses. “I felt that it wasn't wise to ask you right away because I figured you needed some time. You know you can tell me anything; I won't tell anyone else.” Kwan Yin gave Bason a sad puppy-dog face. Kwan Yin always had a knack for finding out what was bothering Bason. “So, what did happen to you? And what in the world gave you those cuts on your face?”
Bason sat silently for a moment, contemplating his response. He couldn't tell Kwan Yin what really happened. He never lied to her before. Maybe he could bend the truth a little. “Well…” Bason stammered, “A big… animal attacked me. When I was walking. In the mountains.”
“Uh-huh,” she replied. “Well, it must've been pretty big to make a mark like that.”
“Yeah. It was a big mountain lion.” Bason stretched his arms out for emphasis. “It had huge claws and it charged me and swiped at my face. Luckily, a recruit was there, and he scared it off. Then I was climbing down and I slipped and fell down the side of a hill. I landed on a rock and broke my arm.”
“Oh,” Kwan Yin said. “Well… why did you wait so long to tell me what happened? That's no big deal.” Bason breathed a mental sigh of relief. Kwan Yin believed his story.
“I know,” Bason mumbled. “But I thought you would think I was a klutz for falling down a small hill.”
“Oh don't be silly,” Kwan Yin said. “I already know that you're clumsy, why would that surprise me? By the way, how does your arm feel?” Bason rubbed his right arm with his left hand.
“It doesn't hurt that much,” he said. “It's just a little sore.” Bason continued eating his breakfast silently. Kwan Yin was talking to Bason about all of the usual Chinese gossip when she noticed the conversation was becoming one-sided. This was ususual because Bason usually talked Kwan Yin to death, not the other way around.
“What's wrong, Bason?” Kwan Yin asked with concern. “You're usually a lot more cheerful and talkative during breakfast.” It was true. After Bason started eating in the morning, he would begin his usual babbling. Bason would often out-talk Kwan Yin, but today was different. Bason was very quiet and kept looking down at the table, as if he were trying to avoid eye contact. Bason looked very depressed today, and this worried Kwan Yin.
“Nothing's really wrong,” Bason finally replied. “I just feel a little… depressed.”
“Are you sad about the battle?” she asked. Kwan Yin could understand that Bason would be upset about people's deaths. Some of the army members died just a few days after Bason had met them.
“Well, yes that's bothering me… but it shouldn't be this bad. I just feel so… down.” Bason was feeling more than just depressed. He didn't want Kwan Yin to worry about him. What Bason didn't tell her was how sad he really was this morning. Bason felt so depressed that he didn't even want to get out of bed. He did anyways because Kwan Yin would suspect something if he missed breakfast. “Don't worry,” Bason continued. “I'll be okay.”
“All right,” Kwan Yin said. “I'm sure you'll be fine.” Kwan Yin got an idea. “Why don't you go see Ku Li? It's been a while since you two have seen each other; maybe she can cheer you up.”
“Yeah,” Bason said, his face brightening a little. He hadn't seen Ku Li in eleven days. Her father told Bason that he was free to come to their house any time he wanted to; maybe it was time for Bason to take advantage of his offer. “I think I'll go over there,” he said. Bason finished his breakfast with Kwan Yin and left her house. As he walked through the woods, some of the Chinese children gave him strange looks. They were probably looking at his scar. Bason ignored them and continued to walk towards the woods' exit.
As Bason journeyed through Beijing Market, his mood began to improve. Nevertheless, he still had a strange feeling in the back of his mind. He'd never felt as depressed as he did this morning. Bason wondered if there was something wrong with him. Then again, maybe it was normal for him to feel this way. Bason tried to push the depressing thoughts out of his mind and concentrate on Ku Li. He was going to see Ku Li. She would make him feel better.
When Ku Li woke up this morning, she felt depressed. All through breakfast, she couldn't stop thinking depressing thoughts. Chin-Lien thought that Ku Li might just be having a bad day, so she didn't bother her. Ku Li knew that she had no reason to be depressed. Maybe it was Bason. Yes, it was Bason. There was something wrong with him. He was upset about something. He would probably come over today; Ku Li had a feeling that Bason would. I can cheer him up, Ku Li thought. She decided to wear her knew outfit for Bason. She'd bought it a few days earlier, and knew Bason would like to see her in it.
As Ku Li was looking herself over in the mirror, her father knocked on the door. “Come in,” she said.
“Um, Ku Li,” her father said. “Bason is here to see you.”
“Oh goody!” Ku Li exclaimed as she ran past her father and headed towards the front of the house.
Bason was waiting patiently for Ku Li. Her father said that she would be down in a minute. In his left hand, Bason held a small bunch of wildflowers. He'd decided to pick them for Ku Li while he was walking to the village. Girls like getting flowers; he hoped that Ku Li would appreciate them. Bason heard footsteps that were rapidly approaching from down the hall, and Ku Li came into view. She ran excitedly towards Bason. He smiled and held out the flowers. “Oh you got me flowers!” Ku Li exclaimed as she took them from Bason's hand. “That's so sweet!” She gave him a light peck on the cheek.
“I came over here because…”
“You needed some cheering up,” Ku Li interrupted. “I know how you felt this morning.” Bason remembered their empathetic connection. “What do you think of my suit?” Ku Li said, twirling around. Bason looked at the suit she was wearing. It looked so familiar. It was all white. The suit Ku Li was wearing looked exactly like the one Kwan Yin wore everyday. She was wearing a white sailor top and a white mini skirt that was streaked with silver. All Ku Li needed was brown hair and she would look exactly like Kwan Yin.
“Wow,” Bason managed to say. “You look really… nice in that.” Ku Li smiled. Bason really liked the way she looked in that suit. Ku Li definitely looked like Kwan Yin.
“Thank you,” Ku Li said. “I knew you would like this. I saw it at the castle one day and I just had to buy it. I wore it today because I knew you'd like to see me in it when you came over.”
“How'd you know I was coming over here?” Bason asked.
“Oh, I just had a feeling,” she answered mysteriously. Ku Li grabbed Bason's hand and led him on a journey through the house. She did this only because she had nothing else to do. “You know…” Ku Li said after a minute of silence. “I've never actually been to your house, or the Beijing Woods. Of course, I did tell Daddy that I was going over to your house before, but that was when we had stuff to do with the invasion. Now I'd really like to see where you live. That is, if it's okay with you.”
Bason had been waiting for her to say that. He was anxious to show her where he lived. Bason had been in the village many times, and he wanted Ku Li to see the Beijing Woods. The only reason he never asked her was because he was afraid she would say no. Deep inside him, Bason knew Ku Li would never reject him like that. But he still worried about that anyways. “Sure. I'd love it if you came over to my house,” Bason responded, trying to hide his excitement.
“Oh great!” Ku Li said cheerfully. “We can get Chin-Lien to take us over there.” Ku Li grabbed Bason's hand and dragged him to Chin-Lien's room. Chin-Lien resided in the room right next to Ku Li's room. She was surprised when she saw the suit Ku Li was wearing. That skirt seemed way too short for her. Still, the two looked so adorable together. Judging by the look on Bason's face, Chin-Lien could tell Bason was uneasy. He probably wasn't accustomed to a crazed girl dragging him all over the place. They were so cute.
“Hi Chin-Lien!” Ku Li said. She had that `I want something' look on her face. “Chin-Lien, you're not doing anything, are you?” It was more of a statement than a question.
“No, not really,” Chin-Lien replied. She never had much to do. After all, her only job was taking care of Ku Li. And Ku Li was surprisingly self-sufficient. Chin-Lien often found herself with nothing to do.
“Well, I was wondering if I could go to the Beijing Woods with Bason. You know, for a few days.” Chin-Lien didn't see any problem with that. Normally, this decision would be up to Ku Li's father. But he would soon be gone for a month on a diplomatic mission. He left Chin-Lien in charge of the house. “I'd really like to go,” Ku Li continued.
“I don't know…” Chin-Lien said.
“Oh please,” Ku Li whined. “There's never been anything to do here, and it's always so boring.” Bason just stood there, not wanting to get involved. He would leave the whining up to Ku Li.
“Well, I suppose it's okay. How long are you planning on staying?”
“I don't know,” Ku Li said, looking at Bason who shrugged his shoulders. “A few days. A week maybe?”
“A week?” Chin-Lien said. “I don't see any problem with that. But I can't stay there with you. Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?”
“Oh yes,” Ku Li replied, putting her arm around Bason. “Bason will take care of me, won't you?” Ku Li looked at Bason's flushing face. He didn't want anyone else to know about his affections toward Ku Li.
That's so cute, Chin-Lien thought. He's protective towards her. “I can tell that Bason is a responsible person,” Chin-Lien said. “You should go pack your things, Ku Li. Try not to take too much stuff.” Ku Li gleefully agreed and ran to her bedroom, and Bason waited by the door. Chin-Lien entered and helped Ku Li decide what to take. Ku Li placed a small duffel bag on her bed. She began to fill it with various items. She packed a small hand mirror, a brush, and other various toiletries. The only clothes Ku Li packed were underwear and socks.
“Aren't you going to pack any clothes?” Chin-Lien asked. “What are you going to wear?”
“What's wrong with what I'm wearing?” Ku Li asked defensively. Chin-Lien looked at Ku Li's sailor suit.
“Nothing. You can wear that if you want to. But do you really want to wear the same clothes everyday for a week? What if that suit gets really dirty?”
“Bason's friends have clothes,” Ku Li responded. “I'm sure they'll let me borrow some if I need to. Besides, I have two sailor suits.” Ku Li walked over to her closet and retrieved a sailor suit identical to the one she was already wearing. She folded it and placed it into the bag. When Ku Li had finally finished packing, she closed the bag and hurried back over to Bason's side. “I'm ready to go,” she said. Bason offered to take Ku Li's bag for her, and gave it to him.
“Okay, I guess I'll escort you over there now,” said Chin-Lien. She began to make her way out of the house followed by Bason and Ku Li. Instead of walking to the woods, Chin-Lien took them on small horses. They were simple and unadorned so they wouldn't draw attention. Ku Li was enjoying the ride, but Bason wasn't. All the bumping and jostling was starting to make him sick. Bason always got motion sickness when he was riding something he had no control over.
They finally reached the entrance to the Beijing Woods. Bason immediately dismounted the horse. He was so relieved the ride was over. A few more minutes on that thing and Bason would have vomited. He forced a smile and picked up Ku Li's duffel bag.
“Are you okay?” Ku Li asked, concerned. “You don't look so well.”
“I'm fine,” Bason replied. “I just got a little sick on the ride over. I'll be fine in a couple minutes.” He was starting to feel better already. He carried Ku Li's bag to the entrance of the woods.
“I'll be back in seven days, at about noon,” Chin-Lien said from the horse she was sitting on. Ku Li acknowledged and waved back at her. Chin-Lien steered the horses back to the village. Bason and Ku Li turned around and entered into the Beijing Woods.
Ku Li was amazed when she entered the woods. This place was beautiful. It looked so peaceful. Mane of the children ran around, going about their daily business. As Bason walked Ku Li to his tree house, some of the Chinese children looked at her. Ku Li certainly looked like Kwan Yin, except she had no brown hair; just white hair. One of the older guys saw Bason and approached him; it was Huang.
“Hi, Bason,” said Huang.
“Hello,” Bason said. Huang was one of the few people in Beijing woods who didn't pick on Bason. Bason and Huang weren't really friends, but they weren't enemies either.
“Who's your friend?” Huang asked, looking at Ku Li. “I've never seen her before.”
“This is Ku Li,” Bason said. Ku Li smiled. “She's from Qin Village.”
Huang stood silently for a moment with a confused look on his face. Then a smile formed on his face. “Oh yeah, right,” Huang laughed. “Qin Village. I suppose she lives in the largest house, too. She doesn't look like she's from the village; where are her rich clothes?” Ku Li scowled. “Oh I'm sorry upper classman,” Huang said sarcastically, “I'll leave you two alone. You always were the joker, Bason.” Still laughing, Huang walked away from Bason and Ku Li. They continued to walk towards Bason's house.
“What…” Ku Li mumbled with a confused look on her face.
“Don't pay attention to him,” Bason reassured her. “They're all like that, except Kwan Yin. Everyone else here doesn't believe that people outside the woods care about them. I've told them how kind the people are outside, but they don't believe me. They think I'm just making it up. If anyone bothers you, just humor them.”
“Okay,” Ku Li said. This was weird. She'd never met people that were so sheltered. When she was younger, Ku Li knew there were nice people in the world. Apparently, the Chinese children didn't think anything good could exist outside their world. Bason stopped in front of a tree house.
“This is where I live,” he said, pointing to the second-story door.
“Oh neat. You live in a tree house,” Ku Li said, smiling. “How come you live in a tree house and everyone else has houses on the ground?”
Bason shrugged his shoulders. “I don't know, I guess it's `cause I'm special,” Bason said, smiling. “Go ahead, climb up.” Ku Li looked at the ladder and began to climb it. She stopped halfway and looked down at Bason.
“How are you going to get up here?” Ku Li asked. “I mean, with your arm… and you carrying my bag. I don't want you to hurt yourself.”
“I'll be fine,” Bason replied. “I've gotten used to climbing up the ladder using one arm.” Bason slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and motioned for Ku Li to continue climbing. When Ku Li reached the top, Bason climbed the ladder. Ku Li was worried Bason would slip and hurt himself. When he made it to the top, Ku Li let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. “See, I told you I'd be fine,” Bason said with a smirk.
Ku Li walked into Bason's house. It was small, but cute. Ku Li thought it would be fun to live in a place like this. She could be a normal person and not have to act important. Ku Li was often tired of having to do `official things'. Every time she had to be present during some kind of ceremony, she faked being sick. It worked a couple of times, until they caught on to her. She had to try more ingenious methods to get out of things. Like the time she dyed her hair brown. That worked really well, but she got into a heap of trouble. In addition, it took almost three months for the color to wear off. But this place was nice. She could be a normal teenager here.
“Sorry this place is so small, but…”
“Oh I just love it!” Ku Li interrupted. She ran and jumped onto Bason's bed. “This place is so cozy. So, where am I going to sleep?”
“Um…. Well, I was thinking that if it doesn't rain, then we could put some blankets on the grass and sleep under the stars. It's really pretty at night.” Bason often preferred to sleep outside. He liked to watch the night sky and the shooting stars. “And if the weather goes bad,” he continued, “you can sleep on the bed and I can sleep on the floor.” Ku Li thought it was so nice of Bason to offer her the bed.
“What do you want to do now?” Ku Li asked.
“I don't know,” Bason replied. “We can go to Kwan Yin's house, I'll introduce you to her. She'll probably want to meet you.” Ku Li agreed. She followed Bason out of his house. Ku Li looked forward to meeting the girl Bason talked about so much. When Bason first told Ku Li about Kwan Yin, she started to feel jealous. Ku Li was relieved when Bason told her Kwan Yin was like a sister to him. That meant that Ku Li didn't have to compete with her. Ku Li tried not to let it show, but she was very possessive of Bason. She didn't want people trying to take him away from her.
“That's it,” said Bason when they reached Kwan Yin's house. They walked in the house and saw Kwan Yin sitting at her table, reading something. Kwan Yin closed the book and smiled at Bason and Ku Li. “Hi, Kwan Yin,” said Bason. “I want you to meet Ku Li.”
Ku Li smiled politely. “It's a pleasure to meet you,” Ku Li said in her `adult' voice.
“So, you're the one Bason's always talking about,” Kwan Yin said. “He really likes you.” Bason blushed slightly. “I like your clothes. They look just like mine.” Ku Li looked down at her suit then at Kwan Yin's. They were almost identical.
“Thanks,” Ku Li said. “I bought it at the castle. Some weird lady had a whole cart of clothes and I saw this suit and I thought `this would look good on me, I think I'll get this and see what Bason thinks.' And when Bason came over I decided to wear it for him. So, does it look authentic?”
“Yes, it does,” Kwan Yin answered. “It looks like something I would've made myself.”
“Oh, that's great,” Ku Li continued. “I'm glad it looks real because I didn't want to spend all my money on something that didn't look real. Of course, I have a lot of money and I can afford it, but it's the principle of the thing, you know?” Wow, Kwan Yin thought, she rambles just like Bason does. They're definitely made for each other.
“So, you're a resident of Qin Village,” Kwan Yin said.
“Yes,” Ku Li answered. “You actually believe that I live there?” Ku Li was somewhat surprised that Kwan Yin believed Ku Li lived there. After the reaction Huang had given, she didn't think anyone would believe her.
“Of course I do,” said Kwan Yin. “Bason told me all about you. And Bason never lies about anything.”
“Kwan Yin is the only one who believes anything I say,” Bason told Ku Li. “Everyone else thinks I'm crazy.”
“You are crazy,” Kwan Yin said with a smirk. Bason stuck his tongue out at her.
“Oh, my Bason isn't crazy, he's just misunderstood. Right Bason?” Ku Li said, hugging him. Bason's face flushed even more. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to put these two girls in the same room. Ku Li and Kwan Yin stared at each other and giggled. Bason had no idea what they were giggling about, but he knew it couldn't be good for him.
“You know, Bason…” Kwan Yin begun, “it's almost time for lunch.”
“Yeah, I'm hungry,” Ku Li whined playfully. “What're we having? What do you usually make for lunch?”
“Well, Kwan Yin eats lots of fruit and stuff,” Bason answered. “And I usually go over to the pond and catch a fish. She bakes bread and I cook fish.”
“Oh Ku Li, you should've seen the time Bason tried to bake a loaf of bread,” Kwan Yin said, trying not to laugh. “He ended up mixing it wrong and then he baked it too long. He filled the whole house with smoke and burned the bread to a crisp.” Ku Li looked at Bason and giggled. “It was like a big lump of coal. Bason can cook fish, though. He seems to be pretty good at it, but I don't eat meat so I've never actually tasted it.”
“I like fish, Bason,” said Ku Li. “Will you go catch one for me, too?”
“Sure,” he replied. “I'll go catch some now. And I have to gather some berries and stuff, too. It's my turn today. I'll be back in a little while. You two won't talk about me while I'm gone, will you?” Ku Li and Kwan Yin smiled slyly.
“Oh, of course not, Bason,” replied Ku Li.
“We'll be fine. Ku Li can help me make the bread,” Kwan Yin said to Bason as he was walking out the door. Suddenly, Ku Li got an embarrassed look on her face.
“I… don't know how,” Ku Li mumbled. “I mean I can't… cook. I never had to cook anything in my house, and I've never even fixed anything for myself. I'm not saying that I'm some kind of spoiled brat or anything, but I've never needed to cook anything before.”
“Don't worry,” Kwan Yin reassured her. “I'll show you how. It's not hard to make a loaf of bread. I don't know how Bason messed it up when he tried to make bread one time. I guess baking isn't one of his talents. He can cook fish, though. He cleans it and everything.”
Cleans it?” Ku Li asked curiously.
“He cuts it open and takes the, you know, guts out,” Kwan Yin said with a disgusted look on her face. “It's really gross. I watched him do it one time. That's when I became a vegetarian.”
“He pulls the guts out?” Ku Li said with a fascinated expression. “That sounds so neat! Are they all gooey and slimy?” Kwan Yin looked sickened. The first time she saw Bason gut a fish, she puked. How could a girl, a high-class girl, be so fascinated by gutting a fish? Maybe Bason was right about Ku Li being a tomboy.
“You mean you'd actually want to see a fish being gutted?” Kwan Yin said, surprised.
“Well, I don't know,” Ku Li said, self-conscious. “I think it might be interesting to see it once.”
“Oh, well, you can help him do that later. Right now, I'll show you how to make bread.” Kwan Yin opened the cupboard and removed a sack of flour, a small pouch of yeast, and other various materials she needed to make bread with. Ku Li listened and watched attentively as Kwan Yin explained everything to her.
Bason sat on the bank of a pond deep in the Beijing Woods. He had his fishing rod in the water, waiting for a bite. It was a lot more boring trying to catch fish in the pond than in the river at Beijing Valley. They raised fish at the river; catching a fish at the pond was mostly luck. He'd been sitting there for nineteen minutes, and hadn't gotten a bite. Bason sat there, thinking.
He started to feel unusual. Physically, he was fine. But his emotional state was changing. The deep depression he'd had this morning was starting to return. Why do I feel this way? Bason thought. I should be happy. Ku Li is here. She made me feel better earlier, so why am I sad now that she's here? This depression wasn't normal. Bason never felt this sad.
The sadness was replaced by something else. A voice. It was a voice in his head. It wasn't an alien voice, it seemed like it was always there. It was the voice from deep inside him, the voice he never listened to. It seemed to be breaking from its prison inside him. It was the darkness in Bason's soul that was talking to him now. What am I doing here? Why am I doing this for them? What is the point of life? Why am I wasting away on this miserable world, with nothing but suffering? This voice inside him was asking the questions Bason never asked. But they were questions he always wanted to ask. The voice was louder than it had been any other time in his life. It was Bason's dark side. The part of him that was everything bad, everything angry, and everything evil. The shadows deep inside his soul were fighting with the rest of his soul. Bason's good side, the one he cherished and lived for, was being attacked within the darkness. The part of his soul that he always suppressed, the darkness, was starting to emerge from its prison. It was starting to take him over, and it wouldn't stop until Bason was dead.