Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ Just a Little Love Story... ❯ Chapter Three: A Good Feeling ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Three: A Good Feeling
“Dude? Are you okay?” - Aki asked the dozing person, shaking him a little. When he raised his eyes and came into contact with hers, both had a jolting feeling in their stomach. It was a good feeling. She could see her face reflected in his blue eyes, and his in hers. They just stared at each other in their positions without even blinking their eyes. Just looking and looking. Just staring and staring at each other.
From the other side of the road, Ayako commented - “Looks like Akiko is the only person that is safe from his punch. Ne?” She looked at Haruko who was staring at the two tall people on the opposing side. Haruko looked emotional. “Nani?” - Muttered Ayako - “What's wrong Haruko-chan?” “Nanimo nai” - the shorter girl replied, as she tried to gulp down her tears. Ayako looked again, and she realized what had bothered Haruko. Akiko was holding Rukawa Kaede's hand as she pulled him up from where he had fallen. “Come on Haruko!” - Ayako said, shaking the girl a little before continuing - “She's just helping him up! What's wrong with that? I do that to the guys in the team too!” Haruko took out the fist she had placed near her mouth to prevent herself from crying, she sobbed out - “They were looking at each other before that… They were just looking and looking at each other like they were long lost lovers!” Ayako studied the two from the other side again; they were staring again and Akiko was still holding his hand. “Maybe they are…” - commented Ayako, forgetting that those were the wrong words to say to a Rukawa-admirer, especially to a sensitive person like Haruko. She heard a loud bawl from Haruko before the shorter girl ran away from her. “Hey, Haruko! Wait up! I was just joking!” - yelled Ayako in guilt and frustration, as she ran after her.
The loud bawl from Haruko woke the trance of the two people from the other side of the road. “Sumimasen” - mumbled Aki as she dropped Rukawa's hand from her clasp. Aki turned over to the other side and saw that her new friends had disappeared, and then she saw Ayako chasing Haruko. “Hey!” - Aki called out - “Haruko! Ayako! Where are you guys going?” They didn't even turn around to look at her. “Geez!” - She cried, stamping her foot - “I just got new friends! Now they've left me!” She scratched her head in frustration, and then sighed with a shrug of her shoulders - “Looks like I'm on my own again…” Just as she was about to take the first step, she felt someone tap her shoulder. The guy she had tried to help muttered in an almost growl - “I can be your new friend.”
The two of them walked to Shohoku, with his bike rolling along beside his waist. He was now awake. Akiko peeked at him from beneath her long curling lashes and thought out aloud - “If he can be a friend, he should at least say his name.” She heard him cough a little in embarrassment before saying in the same growl - “Rukawa Kaede.” She had that feeling again. He looks a little like onii-chan and their names are also the same, she thought a little nervously yet happily. Is he Kae nii-chan? “I'm Saito Akiko” - she replied. He glanced at her a minute before pronouncing her name with an endearing word attached - “Aki-chan?” She felt that jolt again. He could really be my twin brother, she thought, smiling at him. “Kae nii-chan” - she called him back, without even asking him if he liked it. She just knew he did.