Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ When The World Goes Boob-Boo ❯ Make a Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: When The World Goes Boob-Boo

Author: Blue-eyed Fox < >

Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimers applied. SD belongs to Takehiko Inoue.


Chapter 1: Make A Wish


"Aaack! Get your hands off me! Better yet, stay at least three meters away from me!!!" Hanamichi screeched as he tried to peel himself away from Sendoh.

The whole gym turned to look at them. Mitsui, Miyagi and the rest of the guntai started snickering. Kogure's glasses fogged while the rest of the Shohoku sweat dropped. Rukawa on the other hand, smiled inwardly. Serves you right! Pervert! Rukawa thought.

"Hanamichi-kun, doushita no? Did I do something wrong?" Sendoh asked. He was seemingly unaware of Hanamichi's reactions towards his advances.

Hanamichi scampered and hid behind Ayako's back.

"Keep your distance! Just stay where you are Smiley!" Hanamichi piped. He then felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he cautiously turned his head only to see a pair of piercing sapphire-blue eyes eyeing him hungrily. Hanamichi then felt shivers run up his spine when his eyes met Rukawa's and for no apparent reason, he sprinted faster than a speeding bullet towards the locker room as he shrieked,

"Aaack! I'm surrounded by perverts!!!"

Which of course made Mitsui and Miyagi rolling on the gym's floor with laughter. Youhei and the guntai watched as Hanamichi zoomed in to the locker room and out, carrying his duffle bag with him.

"Yo Hanamichi! Where are you going?" Noma called out.

"Anywhere! Just as long as I'm far away from here!" Hanamichi said. He was sprinting so fast, it was sure to have made Sendoh's gravity defying hair move out of place if not for the jar load of gel that kept his hair in place.

"Hanamichi-kun! I'm coming with you!" Sendoh called.

"NO YOU ARE NOT!!!" Hanamichi paused as he took hold of some of the basketballs that were sitting silently in their cage and threw them at Sendoh.

Sendoh ducked all of them but one, which hit his face that made him stop from his tracks and land butt first on the shiny floor of Shohoku gym.

Hanamichi quickly then exited the gym and made a run for it towards his house.


"Yo Smiley! You okay?" Miyagi asked as he gently slapped Sendoh's face. Shohoku team's practice ended minutes after Hanamichi left and Akagi assigned Miyagi to wake Sendoh up.

Sendoh slowly opened his eyes. His vision a bit blurry and the first thing that came to his mind was Hanamichi's face.

"Hanamichi-kun!" Sendoh exclaimed as he glomped at Miyagi.

"Let go of me! I'm not Hanamichi!!! Hisashi! Help me!" Miyagi struggled as he tried to get loose out of Sendoh's grip.

"Hey! Let go of my boyfriend you pervert!" Mitsui said as he whacked Sendoh.

"Hey! You're not Hanamichi!" Sendoh said as he realized the curly mop of hair he was snuggling on.

"What do you think?" Miyagi said sarcastically as he stood up.

"Hanamichi left a long while ago while you dozed off on our floor." Mitsui informed him as he helped Miyagi on his feet. Rukawa who was still shooting hoops, halted to a stop and walked towards them as he threw daggers at Sendoh.

"Stay away from him. Hanamichi is MINE." Rukawa said each syllable clearly that it was almost laced with ice.

"And what makes you think that I would?" Sendoh challenged.

"And what makes the two of you think that Hanamichi would even cave in to the two of you?" Mitsui interjected.

The two aces looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Rukawa asked as he eyed the scar faced player with the utmost hint of suspicion.

"Hold your horses Rukawa. I'm not interested with that red-haired monkey." Mitsui said as he ignored their scornful looks. "Besides, I have Ryochin."

"Really now, the two f you should have noticed that he gives no attention to the two of you. He doesn't even realize that you two are SO into him. He only thinks that you're playing around with him."

"I don't get it." Sendoh said. Confusion clearly etched on his face.

"What we mean is, Hanamichi is homophobic. He is 100% straight. Unless you guys could turn the world upside down and make a miracle and make his views more open." Miyagi said.

Rukawa and Sendoh were dumbfounded with the information.

"But of course, there is LITTLE hope that he could really be turned around since he really didn't have any objections or any hostile reaction when he knew about me and Miyagi."

"That's because Hanamichi is your friend and team mate."

The four of them looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Ayako standing at the entrance of Shohoku gym.

"What are you still doing here? I thought Kogure brought you home?" Mitsui asked.

"He was called by a freshie. Asked for his help and you know how kind Kiminobu is. So, I decided to see what's going on and to see if the 'Smiley' as Hanamichi calls him, has woken up already."

"Well, I'm absolutely fine." Sendoh said as he straightened his slightly disheveled hair.

"It's better if you haven't woken up at all." Rukawa snorted. Sendoh chose to ignore the comment, as Miyagi looked Ayako.

"Hey Ayako-chan, when you said that Hanamichi only chose to understand the situation just because we're his team mates, does that mean he wouldn't be open to the situation when it's presented right before him?"

"Absolutely. Unless by some miracle, someone would change the way his mind works. He wouldn't even have the slightest knowledge of a guy who likes him even if they were wearing an Indian inspired garb and start belly dancing in front of him. And besides, he is SO into Haruko that he doesn't give a damn about the two of you. Heck, he doesn't even think the two of you exist in his life, I mean, the two of you only exist at basketball but that's that." Youhei said in a matter of fact tone.

"Who's Haruko?" Sendoh asked innocently. Mitsui, Miyagi and Ayako sweat dropped and went wide-eyed.

"You mean you don't know who she is?" Miyagi asked dumbfounded while Mitsui shook his head in disbelief.

"And I thought that you of all people would also know who she is." Ayako said.

"She's Akagi's sister bonehead." A voice piped in. All of them looked and saw Koshino. "Akira Sendoh! Coach was looking for you! And he's going to skin you alive when he knows that you've been here flirting around with that redhead."

"Koshino! What a pleasant surprise! How did you know I was here?" Sendoh said cheerfully.

"You of all people! Almost every single member of the team knows your crazy for that redhead. And for your information, it would take a hundred years before Hanamichi Sakuragi realizes either one of the two of you has feelings for him because of Akagi's sister." Koshino informed him.

"What is she like then?" Sendoh asked curiously.

"You are so much worse than she is." Rukawa remarked. Sendoh, again, chose to ignore Rukawa's remark.

"Anou… Koshino-san, how did you know about Hanamichi's infatuation with Haruko?" Ayako asked.

"I'd spare you the details on how I got to know but I just overheard Uozumi and Akagi talking once when I accidentally saw them in a coffee shop..." Koshino said as he started to slightly turn green as remembered the fateful incident.

"You saw them in a coffee shop? The two of them… Together?" Miyagi sputtered.

"And what do you mean 'details'?" Mitsui asked as he himself was slightly turning green due to hyperactive imagination, but deep down inside, he was hoping that his theory was wrong.


"Spill it out Koshino-san… It can't be that bad…" Ayako urged, hoping that it might be something else.

"Well, they were sort of… Out on a date. I was going to buy a couple of croissants at a bakeshop when I saw the two of them. They didn't notice me and I just heard short of their conversation just when they started to leave when Uozumi offered that they watch a movie. Akagi sort of agreed with the idea. And when they went out, they were holding hands." Koshino narrated as he leaned over the doorframe for support.

"The two of them…" Mitsui started, his mouth hanging open.

"Together?" Miyagi was aghast.

"Akagi…" Rukawa's cool composure disappeared.

"And Uozumi…" Sendoh's cheerful side took a vacation.

"A couple?" Ayako ended as Koshino only grunted in reply.

"Hard to believe but it's true." Koshino said as he massaged his temples.

Just then, the five men turned to a vile shade of green as they made a run out of the gym and started throwing out by the oak tree.

When all of them had already finished, they slowly went back inside, disbelief and horror clearly written all over their faces.

"That was an overload of information." Mitsui said as he leaned over Miyagi for support.

"You bet."

"Uozumi and Akagi are the people I'd expect to be a couple. No one would ever take them to be one." Sendoh said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"You know you guys, it would only take a miracle for him to notice the two of you. If you guys turning into girls and grow the boobs and all, maybe that would help." Ayako said, as he finally got his senses back.

"Well if that ever happens, that I would love to see." Mitsui said as he got an elbow from his curly haired lover. "Hey I was just kidding."

"If that does ever happen, I bet he would notice." Koshino said as he regained his composure.

"Yeah, I bet he would, coz from that situation, the two of them would be the one doing the chasing and not Hanamichi." Ayako added.


Hanamichi arrived safely in the comforts of his home after hitting more than one post lamp on the way as he kept on looking behind his back for any sign of anyone that might be following him. He quickly bolted the locks as he switched on the lights. He dropped his bag on the floor as plopped on sofa.

"What the hell is wrong with those guys?" Hanamichi said aloud as he tried to catch his breath. He then walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Gatorade™. He opened the bottle and took a swig as he went up to his room and switched on the lights and sat on his desk.

He began to analyze all of events that happened that afternoon. First, there was Smiley who came out of nowhere just to say 'hi' and began giving him those odd smiles. Second, Rukawa was always behind him, as if he was blocking him from something. Third, the ball Rukawa was holding 'accidentally' hit Sendoh's face, as they were chatting, and fourth, Sendoh wrapping his arms all over him and Rukawa giving him that extremely weird look.

Hanamichi was slightly unnerved with all of it. He then looked at Haruko's picture on his desk and began to drool. All of the previous worries chucked out of the window.

"Haruko-chan…" Hanamichi sighed as he touched the framed picture of Haruko on his desk. His heavenly reverie was cut short as he suddenly became serious.

Why is it that no girl would ever take me seriously?What is it with me that they hardly give me a second glance? I just hope that a miracle would happen at least for once, let me find and know someone who would like me just as I am... Someone who would take me seriously… Someone… Someone… Hanamichi thought and hoped as he began to doze off.

Just then, a star shining brightly in the darkening sky glowed even brighter as it began to twinkle.