Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ You, Me and the Willow Tree ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You, Me and the Willow Tree

Author: Yoshi


Chapter: 1/?

Genre: yaoi

Disclaimers: Didn t you know? I own SD ask my dad (Inoue-sama) for further explanations

Archive: Ask me first if you want to host this one.

Warnings: Some grammatical errors and blasted poor excuse of a fic. This is contains yaoi, so if this makes you go eeek!, I suggest that you go read other fics.

AN: Okay, I am trying my damned best to make this work as nice as possible. Pardon the lapses I'll accidentally commit on this fic because I'm just a neophyte in writing.


"Dr. Takamiya... you are needed on room 132. Please proceed immediately." A voice faintly echoed behind the wooden doors, cutting through the silence. After that, it was eerie still and he wished his dad was here, or just anyone. His dad got some business to do, but promised to return quickly.

Sniff... sniff...


Curious, the boy sat up on his bed, the pristine white sheets pooling around his small waist. He turned his head, looking for the source of the odd noise. Squinting his eyes as if doing so would make them see well, he looked around the room.

Sniff... sniff...

Glancing on the partition, he saw a vague figure through the translucent material. The figure seemed to be wrapped in white and moving strangely. His heart quickened its beat as scary thoughts flooded his young mind. Now he really wished that his dad didn't leave him alone...


Clutching the sheets tightly, he began to pull it to cover himself.


He was a big boy now and nothing can scare him away.

Sniff... sniff...

...Not even ghosts, right?

Summoning enough courage, he stood up, wiggling his small feet as they felt the cold tiles. He took one fluffy pillow as an afterthought. He could use it as a weapon- if the ghosts attacked him, he would fight using the pillow. Or he could tackle them on the floor- he would show those ghosts that he wasn't scared of them.

He slowly sneaked towards the partition, biting his lips nervously. His heart pounded furiously as he raised his hands, shaking a bit, towards the material.

"This is it," he breathed while closing his eyes tightly.




He nudged the curtain-like material and stuck his head out, all the while his eyes closed. Slowly, very slowly, he opened them. He saw another boy, around his age, curled up on the bed and crying softly. The other boy was half-covered with bedsheets that his face is barely discernable.

"Whew," he sighed in relief. Good thing it wasn't a ghost, or else he'll get so scared that he'd pee in his pants. And that would be embarrassing; big boys don't wet their pants, babies do.


He's not a baby anymore; he even tried to wear his dad's shoes, pants, clothes... and the small thing that his dad puts on his chin. Shrave? Sheef? Shaver? He couldn't remember the name but he swore that it felt funny when pressed on his face. His dad's legs are hairy, so it needs to be shaved- or so he thought. He remembered his dad's surprised look that turned to horror when he woke up to see his legs shaven clean. Nonetheless, his dad was amused with him when he tried to mimic his morning rituals.

'See? I'm a grown up now!'

Sniff... sniff...

He drawn from his thoughts as he heard the other boy cry again. Slowly, he went to the bed and lifted the covers. "Why are you crying?" he asked the other boy. He sat on the side of the bed looking at him quizzically, tad amazed at the pools of blue looking earnestly back at him.

"I'm scared," the boy replied, looking vulnerable and helpless.


"Cause the doctor's gonna rip me in half and then..." He trailed off while cringing at the idea. "They'll poke some needles on me and then put some tubes and then, and then-"

"They won't," He gave a gap-toothed grin. "And if they will, then I'll save you." He emphasized raising his arms to his chest. He's a grown-up and he'll be there to anyone who needs help. He'll be like Robocop or those nifty space defenders.

"Really?" The blue-eyed boy perked up on this. "You'll do that?"

"Course!" He grinned proudly to the other boy.

The boy sat up and circled his fingers on the sheets. "Do you," he asked slowly, "Ever get scared?"

"Nope, never," he answered immediately, his proud eyes looking at the blue orbs directly. "Err..." he amended, slightly fidgeting under the intense gaze. "Sometimes, I guess." He said. "I get scared that I'll never grow up and be small like this forever."

"We'll grow up, my mom said so," the blue-eyed boy chuckled. "Though I wish I could be brave like you so I won't get scared by Mr. Boogie."

"Mr. Boogie?"

"Yeah." The boy peeked under the bed quickly, just to confirm that Mr. Boogie isn't under the bed. "He lurks under the bed, so I get scared when my mom turns the lights off."

"Oh," he replied. "Well, there's no need to be scared, I'm here." He plopped his pillow he intended to use as a weapon before beside the blue-eyed boy's pillow. "I'll stay with you." He lay beside the boy.

"Thanks," he sprawled out on his stomach, chin propped in his hand. His bare feet went up in the air and another second later, he hooked one ankle behind another and began to bounce them slightly. "Wow..."

"Huh?" asked the other boy in puzzlement.

The blue-eyed boy lifted his hands towards his companion. "You've got red hair." He murmured while stroking the short crimson-colored locks. He petted the strands before he yawned, drowsy.

"My dad said I got it from mom," he said, yawning widely and blinking his eyes. "C'mere." He gestured the other boy to lie beside him. When he did so, the redhead draped an arm around him affectionately. He lifted the covers around them and began to close his eyes.

"Mrmmm." the blue-eyed boy felt his eyelids droop as sleep began to embrace him.

"Oh, I forgot," the redhead opened his eyes as if he remembered something important. "My name's Hana, what's yours?"


When he got silence as a reply, he looked down and saw his companion already asleep. "Goodnight," he murmured, smiling as the blue-eyed boy snored softly. The boy snuggled closer to the redhead and stretched his hand across his stomach. "Sweet dreams," he mumbled softly as he dozed off as well.

AN: Well, hope you like the outcome. R&R okay?