Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ You, Me and the Willow Tree ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You, Me and the Willow Tree

Author: Yoshi


Genre: Yaoi

chapter: 5/?

Disclaimers: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Just remember to brush your teeth after feeding.

Warnings: Some grammatical errors and poorly deduced plot. Don't you go pointing that out to me cause it's already mentioned, okay?

AN: I'm having a writer's block so forgive me if the story loses its appeal (as if it's appealing in the first place). Thank you for the reviews... I really appreciate those.



"What's that?"


"What's that?" asked Hanamichi to the dark-haired boy, peering closer at the latter's drawing book. Face scrunched, the redhead tried to understand the crooked stick figures drawn on the white sheet. He then raised his hands to move the drawing book for a closer look, but was stopped by the dark-haired boy.

"Hey!" hissed the dark-haired boy, blue eyes flashing as he shied his 'artwork' out of Hanamichi's reach. Turning to the other side, he grabbed another colored pencil and resumed his work. Coloring materials are strewn haphazardly on the floor, along with some rumpled sheets of paper.

"Aww..." pouted Hanamichi, coaxing the blue-eyed boy to show him his work. He huffed his breath in impatience as he lay on his back, looking at the spotless ceiling. "Can't I even see it?"

"It's not finished yet," he muttered, not bothering to look at his redheaded companion as he continued to draw on the paper. Pausing for a moment, he tentatively bit the end of a colored pencil to examine his artwork. "There!" he declared triumphantly, facing Hanamichi with his drawing in hand.

"Let me see!" Hanamichi exclaimed, looking at the drawing as he sprawled out on his stomach, chin propped on his hand. Sketched on the book were two kids: one with red hair and the other with black. The lines were crooked, and if not for the orange ball held by the redhead, it wouldn't be obvious that the two were playing basketball. "Wait!" He said as he reached for the drawing and for a green-colored pencil on the floor. He then began to scribble, the little pink tip of his tongue poking out between his lips in concentration.

"It's done!"

"What does it say?"

The redhead smiled proudly. "Forever. We should promi-" he glanced at his companion to gauge for any reaction. "Hey! Why are you laughing?"

"It's just that," the dark-haired boy breathed in between giggles. "...It sounds a bit cheesy..."

"What?!!" Hanamichi started in bewilderment. He tackled his friend and dug a sharp elbow on his side.

"Ow!" the blue-eyed boy grunted, rubbing his sore side. "Okay, okay, it's nice! Beautiful! Pretty!"

The redhead smirked, nodding in agreement. "It's perfect. This will be our treasure; that way we will be friends forever. And then when we grow up, we can play together!"

"Yeah!" the dark-haired boy nodded fervently in agreement. "...Our treasure..." he mumbled dreamily, an assured and excited feeling flooding him upon the idea of the treasure's meaning.

Both boys looked up as a soft knock reverberated on the room. The door opened, revealing an exquisite woman with skin that could rival porcelain's. She was small, but very shapely. Her jet-black hair hung on her waist, curling ever so lightly. Her eyes appeared as deep as a sapphire. There was no doubt; she's the blue-eyed boy's mother.

"Kae-chan," called the soft voice of the woman, smiling at the two of them as she entered the room.


Subdued rays of sunlight gently pierced the translucent curtains on the windows. Squinting, Hanamichi forced his drowsy senses to clear and his heavy lids to open. In a quick glance, he tried to assess his damage: his right leg is wrapped in a cast; he had a bandage on his head and some parts of his body. But most of all, he felt sore- as if his body got stomped by an elephant.

Turning to his side, the redhead saw a familiar figure napping on the chair. "Mito?" he winced at the hoarseness of his voice. He tried to move his legs, writhing at the sharp pains that racked his body.

The dark-haired man jumped up from his chair near the bed the moment Hanamichi called his name. "Hey,"

"Hey," Hanamichi responded, gritting his teeth as he tried to sit up a little. "What happened...? Fuck, I hurt."

"Take it easy man. We've been crazy with worry since yesterday." Youhei brought a glass of water, tipping it slowly on Hanamichi's lips.

"Yesterday?" Hanamichi echoed as he fought to recall the memory.

Youhei explained how they received a frantic call telling them about the accident, how they rushed at the hospital full of worries and how they all felt relieved upon hearing the good news. Youhei observed him closely for all reactions.

"You're lucky Rukawa found you just in time," he said. "If weren't for him, you'd probably be singing with the seraphs up there."


"Yeah. He was here a while ago, though he left when I arrived." Youhei glanced at the bundle of blue and white roses neatly arranged on the vase. "He actually left that for you." He handed the card attached on the package to Hanamichi. "I think he stayed here with you yesterday, when no one was around."

Get well soon... Hanamichi blushed faintly as he regarded the flowers thoughtfully. "Oh."


Don't forget your promise...

We'll play basketball together, right?

When Hanamichi woke up around six the next morning, he felt a familiar presence seated on the chair that Youhei occupied earlier. He adjusted his eyes from the semi-darkness of the room as he tried to brush the last vestiges of sleep in him. He raised his head to know the identity of his watcher.

"...Rukawa..." Hanamichi whispered as he gazed at his sleeping teammate. He couldn't suppress his smile as he watched the stoic ace of Shohoku sleeping softly. He had seen Rukawa sleeping A LOT of times, but never did it fail to surprise him. He didn't look as wound-up and serious as usual. He was as peaceful as a baby with what could be interpreted as a faint smile curling his lips.

Hanamichi couldn't help but lightly run his fingers on the soft black locks that captured the barest hint of light. The touch sent tremors on his body, his emotions making him perplexed. Before he could pull away his fingers, deep-blue orbs opened and stared back at him.

"I-I'm sorry," Hanamichi started, blushing furiously while berating himself mentally for such rash actions.

"It's okay," Rukawa muttered, getting up from the chair. "I'd better go." Before he could leave, a warm hand grasped his wrist and prevented his flight.


Confused, Rukawa turned to the redhead's direction and looked at him questioningly.

"Don't leave. Stay."

G'bye Hana-kun...

G'bye Kae-chan...

AN: Oh well,there goes another chapter. I hope you like it.