Slayers Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers Lunar ❯ Chapter 12

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Slayers Lunar
Part 12: Boys’ Night Out or Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
By Sakura

“I hope Zelas is all right,” Lei Magnus said panting as the boys came to rest at monsterless room of the Black Dragon Fortress near Pao’s current location.
“She and the others’ll be fine,” Valgarv said also out of breath.
“How can you say that so calmly?!” Zelgadis shouted wiping the lock of sweat drenched hair from his face.
“Oi c’mon, Zelly. You’ve seen the girls fight. They’re strong, so they’ll make it,” the aqua haired boy said trying to sound reassuring and hiding his own concern for Firia.
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve said about them,” Nall piped up from Xellos’ shoulder. “You feeling ok?”
“Shut yer hole, cat!” Valgarv shot back, blushing foolishly.
“I’m glad you think that, Val-kun, but we’ve got to stop whoever did that to them,” their purple haired leader said.
“I quite agree, young man,” said a strange rumbling voice.
Lei drew out his bow and arrows while the others got out their weapons. The room went dark suddenly then as the light returned, a transparent figure of a black dragon was before them.
“Don’t tell me we’re too late,” Nall said forlornly.
“Again,” Xellos added.
“I am afraid so little one. The Magic Emperor has gotten me as well,” the dragon’s spirit replied sadly.
“Dammit!” Valgarv swore. “How’re we gonna beat this guy now?”
“Do not despair young warrior,” the dragon said. It then turned to look at Xellos. “You are the one who wishes to be Dragonmaster, correct?” The purple haired boy nodded nervously. “I have a favor to ask of you. Please destroy my body before that vile man uses it for his evil purposes.”
“I will,” Xellos replied “I only wish we’ve been able to get here sooner.”
“Trouble yourself not young one. What has happened was fate. If you are truly our next Dragonmaster, then may this help you in your battles.”
The dragon’s spirit glowed then shrank to form a suit of black-scaled armor. “Do not give up hope my friends. You may yet defeat Rezo.” the dragon’s voice said before fading into oblivion.
“Not again,” Nall moaned, his head and wings drooping.
“Well I’m not going to waste anymore time I’m going to make that witch pay,” Lei said, clenching his teeth. The plainsman then dashed out of the room.
“Yeah he’s right. I bet whoever hurt the girls is still here,” Valgarv said, following their latest friend.
“Lina…” Xellos said, even more worried about his missing ‘sister’.
“We’re going to save her. Don’t you worry,” Zelgadis placing a hand on the other boy’s shoulder. “Now let’s get going before those two get themselves knocked all the way to the Blue Star.”
Xellos nodded then followed the lavender haired boy.
When they reached the arena like top of the fortress, the boys received the shock of their lives.
Standing beside the comatose boy of the Black Dragon, was a red haired girl in a rather flashy sorceress outfit just like the one Lina had worn when she was kidnapped. Off to the other side was the Magic Emperor.
“Lina?!” Xellos and Nall exclaimed simultaneously, surprised to finally find her.
“Hey babe how’ve ya been?” Valgarv asked.
“Have some respect horn boy,” Zelgadis said, “That’s a lady you’re looking at. Of course you wouldn’t know how to recognize one unless someone’s around to tell you.”
“You wanna care to repeat that to my sword?” the aqua haired boy said angrily.
“Quit it you two, there’s something wrong,” Lei said noticing the strange blank look on the girl’s face.
“Did you miss you little playmate, boy?” Rezo said. They didn’t need to see his face to know he was smirking behind the helmet of his armor. “Lina-chan why don’t you say hello to your old friends.”
The girl then stepped forward.
“Lina, what’s wrong? It’s us,” Nall said, getting creeped out by her blank eyes.
The girl continued to stare at the group, then began to sing. It wasn’t the same happy and innocent song she and Xellos had been practicing back at Burg. It was a horrible, dark and sinister song that made their heads ache.
“What’s going on?” Zelgadis asked clutching his head.
“She’s the dark songstress that’s been plaguing us!” Lei said barely able to notch an arrow onto his bow.
“Lei-san, don’t! Lina’s not like this!” Xellos begged.
“I have to save my people, Xellos-kun,” he replied. Xellos then stepped in the path of the arrow. “Please move, I have no desire to kill you as well.”
“Lina! Wake up!” Xellos said, ignoring the weapon pointing at his back. “Don’t you remember us?”
The redhead didn’t hear him. “It’s no use, brat,” Rezo said. “She’s given herself completely to our cause. I’ll leave them to you Lina-chan.” He then vanished.
“Come back here ya b@$^@%#!” Valgarv yelled.
She began to change her song slightly and they were frozen in place. When she finally stopped singing, she turned to the dragon’s body and spoken in an emotionless tone.
“Black Dragon, destroy these fools!”
Suddenly the dragon’s lifeless body came alive and began to advance on them. Rezo reappeared grabbing hold of the red haired girl. “Listen well, Dragonmaster,” he spat, “If you want your precious Lina back, I dare you to challenge me at my base in the Frontier – if you survive that is.” He then laughed maniacally, disappearing with Lina.
“Damn! We can’t go after them!” Valgarv said, narrowly escaping a swipe from the dragon’s claws.

“U-Uso (It’s a lie)!” Amelia said, shocked. “Ms. Lina can’t –“
“That namagomi creep!” Firia said swinging her mace and making those nearby duck and nearly collapsing Lei’s teepee. “He’s gonna suffer big time for this!”
“Yeah, but we’ve gotta find him first, toots,” Valgarv said, “So are we gonna get to the Frontier? Any ideas fearless leader?” he asked his rather pensive purple haired friend.
“I think I may be of help,” said a scruffy looking man with a red beret.
“Laike-san!” Xellos greeted, surprised to see the strange wanderer.
“Laike-sensei!” Lei said happily getting up and bowing before going back to his seat. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Sensei?” Nall asked confused.
“Who do you think taught me how to fight?” the young plains chief said proudly.
“How’ve you been, kiddo? You’ve got yourself quite a babe there,” Laike said noticing Zelas. Lei blushed slightly.
“So what brings you here, Laike-san?” Zelgadis asked.
“I was looking for you kids. Jiiras wanted me to tell you that the airship’s ready to go when you are.”
“Great more flying,” Valgarv muttered under his breath and earning a smack from the blonde priestess.
“That’s wonderful! Now we can go save Ms. Lina!” Amelia said, her eyes sparkling.
“Well I’m proud of you Xel-kun. You finally got to be Dragonmaster,” Laike said, a strange sad look on his face. “Congrats son, but be careful. Rezo is still powerful and he has the power of all the dragons now.”
“I will and thanks for everything, sir.”
“No need to thank me, son. Just stop that idiot for me.”
“Xel-kun, I want you to have this,” Lei said, handing him a very expensive looking sword. “I’m much better with a bow than a sword so it’s no use to me anyway.”
“I can’t accept it, Lei-san. Not after… what happened.”
“Nonsense!” Zelas said, “From what you told me, your Lina wasn’t really responsible for our troubles. It was that Rezo monster.”
“Please take it,” Lei pleaded. “I want to help fight with you, but my people come first. Think of it as my way of helping you on your quest.”
“Ok,” the purple haired boy said, finally agreeing. “Thank you Lei-san.”
“No thank you, my friend. You and the others will always have a place at our table,” Lei replied.
“Oi! Are we gonna beat that jerk or what?” Firia said impatiently from the teepee’s entrance.
Xellos-tachi sweatdropped then said their goodbyes to their new friends before heading back to Jiiras’ tower.

After spending the night at the foxman’s, the group was ready to board the airship. “You brats be careful with it. That’s the finest piece of work I’ve ever made,” Jiiras said proudly.
“Will it take us to the Frontier, Jiiras-san?” Xellos asked.
“Kid, it’ll take you all the way around the world and back! Now get going, I’ve got tons of work to do.”
“Might as well get this over with,” Valgarv said eyeing the contraption warily.
Just then Zelgadis stepped up, blocking his way to the gangplank. “I can’t let you go on with this,” he said.
“Wadda you mean, Zelly?” the horned boy asked, perplexed. “Get outta my way before I change my mind.”
“Please Zel-san, Ms. Lina’s waiting for us,” Amelia pleaded.
“Amelia, if you go, you’ll get killed. I can’t let that happen. I don’t want any of you to die. I was hoping you’d give up Xel-kun, but now I have no choice. Please forgive me.”
He then sent a lightning spell at the ship. There was a huge explosion and when the smoke cleared, there was a gaping hole in the ship.
“Oh no!” Jiiras said. “My masterpiece! The brat’s shorted the engine! We need a whole new one!”
“Zelgadis-san, h-how could you?!” the black haired princess asked.
“That’s because he’s been working for us all along, you silly girl.” Out of nowhere, Martina appeared next to the guilty apprentice mage. “Excellent work Zel-kun. I couldn’t have done better myself,”
“You scum!” Valgarv said, being barely restrained by the others.
“Val, don’t. They’re not worth it,” Firia said, looking at him pleadingly. “’Sides, he’ll get his soon enough. Do you really think Rezo’s gonna reward you for this?” she spat at the lavender haired boy.
“I just wanted to protect you, Amelia,” he said, lowering his head. “If any of you hadn’t kept insisting we go along with this insanity, I wouldn’t have been forced to do to that.”
“Zelgadis-san…” The black haired girl could only stare sadly at her friend and schoolmate.
“Well toodles, kiddies. Zel-chan and I have a report to make,” Martina said as she and the traitor vanished.

Sakura: So sorry this chapter’s so short minna. My life’s been a living hell lately. Anyhoo, bet
you didn’t expect that. Poor Xel-chan ;__; And on top of that now Zel’s turned traitor.

Zel: What’s the big idea?! Only a mazoku would do something like that.

Xel: Ah, but you are a mazoku, Zel-kun. ^_^

Zel: I most certainly… AM. NOT. A. MAZOKU!!!!!!!!!! DUG HAUT!!!!!!!!!!

Sakura: ZELGADIS!!!!!!!! I JUST CLEANED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zel: Runs like hell from the author waving Gourry’s Hikari no Ken.

Amelia: Um… please excuse Ms. Sakura. She’s had a bit too much caffeine. Please review this, er, story and tell her what you think.