Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ A Traitor In Our Midst ❯ Let Me Show You Some Hostility ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I own no one from slayers...not even one lously slime half!
Traitor In Our Midst
"Do it Lina," Xellos commanded, closing his eyes to accept his fate.
"I... I can't, Xel," the sorceress pleaded for someone else to accomplish the task, it was to difficult, too hard.
"Do it Lina. Save them, save the humans, for the world, your world. Do it. NOW!."
Responding to the mazoku's demand, Lina swung the ragna blade with all her might. Piercing his heart, as her beloved died, it might as well been her own. Tears glided down her face as she looked to the heavens, now the mist should clear. *Clear Damnit! He gave his life for it!*
As every head tilted to look at the sky, the dark green mist hung in the air, descending slowly, waiting to envelope the earth. Not gone, it hadn't worked.
"It didn't work?" Amelia questioned.
"It had to," Zelgadis denied. "If Xellos possessed the spirit, then it had the work!"
"No," Sylphiel shook her head, "the scroll says the mist will disappear instantly. 'If the spirit be cast away, the cloudless sky shall rule the day.'"
"So," Amelia hazarded to ask, "we failed."
"Lina," Gourry placed a hand on her shoulder.
Shrugging off his sympathy, Lina reached down to gather Xellos's staff into her hands. Stepping back, she cast a fireball into his final resting place. Lina allowed another tear to fall to the ground.
"Miss Lina," the young warrior of justice had never seen the sorceress like this. It was wrong, the whole thing was just wrong!
Turning to face her companions, Lina shifted the staff to her arm and wiped roughly at her eyes. "Let's go. We have work to do." *Not in vain Xel, I won't let it be for nothing.*
The weary and disappointed group slowly trekked their way back to the sage's retreat, they must try again, the world must be saved.
A month earlier:
Lina landed softly on the rock entryway high in the mountains, Gourry dropping gracelessly beside her.
"Ow, Lina!"
"Come on Gourry! Don't be such a wimp. Syphiel, are you sure this is the place? It looks deserted." Lina scanned the hillside for any sign of inhabitancy, or treasure for that matter.
"Yes Miss Lina," the shrine maiden replied for the eighth time in the last two hours. "I feel we must prevent this mist from coming, and the benevolent forces led us in this direction! We must hurry Miss Lina!" Unconsciously, she glanced at the sky, an ominous green mist twinged the edges of the horizon, daring to make it's presence known.
"Yeah, yeah, prevent the mist, save the world. Since when am I the world's baby-sitter?" Lina grumbled as she knocked loudly on the stone doors.
"Yare, yare Lina-chan, am I sensing some hostility here?" Xellos observed from his perch on a broken pillar.
"Stop looking at me like some buffet Xellos. Why don't you come down here so I can show you some 'hostility'?" She cracked her knuckles for effect.
"As much fun as that would be Lina-chan, it will have to wait." The priest teleported to stand behind the group as the large doors opened.
"You're here!" A plump man in an elaborate get up rushed from the cavern to stare at Lina. "Yes! You're definitely the one! Come in! Come in!."
Hm, I wrote this a long time ago and actually just found it on my computer. So, what do you say? Up fo a Lina/Xel with a actualy plot? If I get 5 or so revies, I'll work on it.