Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures of Gourry ❯ Chibi-Chibi ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Part One: Chibi-Chibi
Fade in. Interior view: cabin. Gourry, his mom (GM) and dad (GF) are sitting at a table.

"Son, were broke." GF

"And, more importantly, we are out of food" GM

"So that is why it is time for you to go off into the world and earn your fortune." GF

"But I don't want to leave!" Gourry

"WERE OUT OF FOOD! You have to leave!" GF

"No food?.... All right, I'll go." Gourry took a map out. "But where to?"

Gourry and his dad leaned over the map.

"Well, Sailoon is peaceful right now. So it's out." GF

"And Zaphelia is to remote" Gourry

"I here there is some sort of trouble near Sairaag." GM

"Trouble in Sairaag?" Gourry put the map away "So I'll go there. And dad?"

"Yes?" GF

"May I take the sword of light with me, It might come in handy?" Gourry

"No" GF

"Yes you may son." GM


"I'll worry about him if he doesn't..." She made a sad face at Gourry's

"Alright he may." GF. GM kisses GF.

"Good! I'll leave in the morning!" Gourry

"But it is the morning!" GF

"I meant tomorrow morning. I still have to pack my stuff." Gouury

"Not quite..." GM pulled a huge pack out of nowhere "I have already packed your stuff so you can leave now." Gourry and GF face-falted

"Okay." Gourry gave his mom and dad a goodbye hug and put the pack on.

"Bye mom! Bye dad! See you in a few years!" Gourry walked out the door.

"Bye son! We'll miss you!" Gourry's mom and dad waved at him till he is a ways down the road. Then they went back inside. Fade out.


Fade in. tavern. Gourry is sitting at the bar. At the other end of the bar sits an old man. The town elder walked in to the tavern. He looked around and spied Gourry. He then walked over.

"I hear you are a mercenary"

"I am."

"Good. The town would like to hire you to get rid of some bandits for us."

"Who, where, and how much?"

"They call themselves the Chimera Gang. They lair is a castle not far from the town."

"And how much are you going to pay me?"

"We can only pay you ten gold. Payment upon the job being done."

"Fine I'll take the job. And have a nice day!"

"Bye" The as town elder left the tavern the old man who was sitting at the other end of the bar walked over.

"Hello, I hear you've been hired to get rid of the Chimera gang. Could I join you in your job?"


"Not for the money, It is just that the castle the have taken over is mine and I want it back."

"Okay! Good to have some free help! By the way, what is your name, mine is Gouury!"

"Good to meet you, my name is Diol." they shook hands. fade out.


Well, the two of them then went to the bandit's camp. Diol threw a single fireball into the bandits mist and took out their leader. Gourry then took over the battle, ran bandits out of town, and retook the castle. Gourry also took out the army of chimeras that the bandits had created with sword of light. All Diol did, beside that single fireball, was sit around and watch the battle. He also got a few Ideas....


"Battle has ended, the bandits have fled and the town people's money has been returned to them, so It is time for me to go." Gourry

"Wait, I saw how well you fought and got an Idea. But I would need your
help." Diol

"Busness deal? Sounds interestiong. Tell me more" Gourry

"Well, I would need a lock of your hair..." Diol walked over to his machine and Gourry followed. Gourry then cut a piece of his hair off and gave it to Diol. Diol put it in the machine and started it up. Fade out.


Two days later...

Steam hissed, and ten chibi-Gourrys emerged from the machine. "Their done!" Diol said.

"Let me see them. Hey! They look like me!" Gourry

"Lets round them up and put them in the cages." Diol started to herd them in to cages "Then we can make some more after we sell these."

"Sell them! You never said anything about selling them or making more!"

"Yhea, didn't I tell you?" Diol

Gourry drew his sword "No and I don't think they should be in your control any longer! You're out of business!"

"I don't think so! Diam Wind!" The spell flung Gourry into the control panel on the other side of the room.

Gourry stands up "I do THINK SO!" Gourry trusted his sword in to the control panel.

"What have you done!" Blue sparks flew from the control panel. Machinery Exploded. Then a flash of white.

Outside looking at the castle. Several Explosions exploded from the castle. Then Large Explosion that destroyed it, fade out. [1]


Fade in. Gourry is carrying Diol over his shoulder. The Chibi-Gourrys are following him. He stoped at the forest edge and put Diol down. Then turned to the chibis. "Now, you do know how to live off the forest?"

The chibi-Gs wrote in the dirt "yes, we know, it is one of the memories we have from you."

"Good, now be careful, People might hurt you if they found you. Stay in the forest and travel toward home. My parents will recognize you and you can Live there." Gourry picks Diol up and puts him over his shoulder and walks off. Zoom in on the chibi-G's

Chibi#1 "where is home from here?"

Chibi#2 "I don't know, maybe we should ask him?"

Chibi#3 "he left all ready. We can't."

They looked at each other and then started to curse at Gourry who is walking away. But he could not hear their puny cries. Fade out.


Gourry is walking down the road. "That is enough money to last the rest of trip. Hey what is that?" Gourry sees a wagon under sedge by bandits. There are several guardsmen lying around it. The only thing keeping the bandits from getting at it is a magic shield, and it is starting to weaken. "IT is up to me to save them!" Gourry runs toward the wagon.

Fade out to a screen with a "TO BE CONTINUED..." on it.


This is a work I wrote a few years ago. Weird style. And pointless plot. But it's a fun fic. And you'll like the second ant third part.

Slayers belong to err. Umm. I don't know, but just ask L-sama. Anyways, they don't belong to me. This story is before the first TV series, and ignores the second and third ones, since I wrote it before I saw them.