Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ age of changes ❯ prolog ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Age of changes


A strenge winget dark shadow rush from a grean forest, cled in steam clauds and mists. For a momemnt it stood stil, and then howerd an foot or two ower the highest branch of a tree in the mystic forest.

It seamd the shadow serchet for something or somewho, its dark eyes glitering like black liqouid, as it streched his head in a unhumany curve to left and right. One long creapy hiss or snarl , or a cobintion of it , esceaped from the beasts excuse for a mauth.

Screaming in a schrill voice of anguish, came fleeing a little hord of bizar sheaped birds from a nearby oak tree. The little flying beings were in much ave to leve the place , as if thay wuld know, that soon their beloved woods were abaut too become a mercyless bettlefeild.

Beating the lardge, odd asimetric wings to stedy itself in the air and leaning a litle bit forward the beast had a expression of determinant seeking . Like a blood-dog , that finds a trail of its wounded pray, opend the creture its toothles mauth in delight and suddenly wenished from this plane of existence and from the great grean woods, that became oddly sylent as a greveyard.