Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Cinderella...Um no CinderLina ❯ let's go ( Chapter 4 )
Cinderella Um...No Cinder Lina
Chapter 4
Disclaim: Not mine you all know that I don't own the Slayers, so don't bother being mean and
trying to sue me cause you ain't going to get anything out of me.
Author's notes: Okay don't kill me! [ducks flying flaming marshmallows] I said I was sorry!
Ahh![more flying flaming marshmallows coming my way] Ahh! meanies! [everything becomes quite] Ahh that's better. Now I really am sorry for taking so long I didn't mean to. I had to wait for school to end then I went on vacation. When I got back home from vacation I hadn't had anytime
between when school started and now to write. I had planned to write soon but then school
started and I had no time to work so sorry. Plus I had to come up with some more plot twists
that I'm still working on. I can't come up with something good so I'm going to keep thinking.
If I don't use your suggestion's don't think their not good it just probably wouldn't work in
the story. Okay on with the story.
Hey everybody how have you been. I can't believe how long it has been. My
summer's been long. My cousin's with just the short while I was gone from home have been
driving me crazy.
But I have had time to plan. Thank you for all the reviews you have sent . So it looks like
almost everyone wants Xellos and Lina paired up together. That's alright with me I'm in the
mood to write about them anyway. Well on with the story.
As Lina walked closer to the lake she saw a almost familiar pair of eye's look in her
Direction .She looked quite shocked. She quickly wiped the expression off her face. There was
no way in her right mind had she ever met this man. He had shoulder length purple hair. He was
wearing the strangest outfit. He had on one of the Latin kind of shirt's or maybe you call them
Spanish but their the one's that have puffed sleeves sorta.
A pair of black slack's, and a pair of black shoes.(Okay in my opinion if you go around
my town wearing something like that it's weird okay. It's also weird in the story got it.)She
cautiously walked towards him then doing a U-turn she turned around and went to the opposite
side of the lake. His head was bent low so she figured that he hadn't seen her, and wouldn't. She
looked at him for a few minutes studying him. Then she stared at the middle of the lake. It was
much different. That definitely wasn't there four year's ago. She starred back at the man who
was sitting across the lake, but when she looked up again he wasn't there. She sighed thinking
that he was actually kind of interesting looking, and wanted to know more about this man.
Then she felt a presence behind her and quickly prepared to attack. Then relived she saw
that it was the man from across the lake. "Interesting" came his voice taking her by surprise
she opened her mouth to say something, but was at a loss for word's." Isn't it?" he said.
"Huh?" she asked her mouth open and then turned in the direction of what he was looking at.
"Oh!" Then it clicked. He was talking about the base of what you put a statue on that didn't have a statue. "Yeah" she said stupidly "How long has it been here are they putting a statue
there?" "What?!" he asked "You mean you don't know?" She shook her head. "Are you just visiting Zelphila for the first time?" "No" she said mad. "I have lived here all my life" she said
indignantly. "Then you must not get out much?" he asked. " Of course I don't my mother hasn't
let me leave my house in about four year's now." "What?!!" he exclaimed. "Your joking right?!!"
he asked. "No I'm not and I would like it very much if you would take my word for it. She was
getting really annoyed at him.
"Well then it's time to go see the city for all it's worth." he said. "Are you serious?"
She asked confused. "Of course" he said simply and with that being said he grabbed her hand,
and led the way into the city. "Hey! Where do you think your taking me she said. She was about
ready to fireball this idiot.
"I already told you to see the sights!" he said happily. She sighed giving in. She might
as well get to see the sights. "You don't talk to many people do you?" She asked raising an
eyebrow. " Of course I do" he said lightly. "Just none that I can talk about anything
interesting. "Oh" she said.
"So what is up with the base of a statue in the middle of the lake?" she asked curiously.
"Well long ago in a time when the king was in the best of health he had ever been" he began
mysteriously. She raised her eyebrow at him. "Okay maybe not that long ago" he said. " It was
about 3 to 4 years ago. Well anyway it was probably a little after you weren't allowed to go
into town.
"Yeah go on" she said. She was now very curious. Which he didn't miss. "So let me
think" he said. He was trying to stop from smiling. He knew what she was about to do. " Oh
come on!" she yelled. She jumped in front of him. She grabbed onto the his shirt and started
begging him " Come on continue with what you were saying. Don't make me force it out of you"
She said as an after thought.
"Continue what?" he asked. "Arghh!" she was ticked off with him now. She almost let a
fireball off when she remembered her mothers words. Instead she tried to punch him, but
instead of hitting him in the head. Her hand hit his. He had thrown up his hand to block hers.
She tried again and again, but each time he blocked.
He smiled "You'll have to do better than that." she sighed giving up. He smiled and then
she got an evil look in her eyes. Which scared him. With amazing speed she came up behind him
and put him in a headlock. "I win!" she exclaimed which made him smile. "Sure did" he said.
She sighed "You know I never told you my name and you never told me yours. My name is
Lina, Lina Inverse and yours is what?" he smiled "I guess I forgot it is Xellos Metallium (I
think that's the correct spelling of Metallium or whatever close enough right?)
"So what's the rest of the story Xellos?" "Okay well anyway the king was in really good
health as I said." "So does that mean he's not doing so well right now?" she asked. "Yes. He's
started to get sick, and is in poor health. Well anyway I'll continue the story kay?" he looked
at her for her to tell him to go on. She nodded her head once. "Well he had just decided to go
into war when you were not allowed out. Well anyway after the battle, which he won. He was
going to have a statue made of him so no one would forget him. But as it turns out the person
who was making the statue was killed and the statue got destroyed by the one's who killed him
or so it is believed. Well anyway after the guy was killed the king decided that he wanted no
one else to be killed on his behalf and decided to give up the statue idea." Xellos took a
deep breath. "That's pretty much the story Lina."
"Wow so they just left the base there not taking it down?" she asked. "They were to lazy
and scared." he said laughing at the last part. "Scared?" she asked "Yeah they say there's a curse on the statue base. I don't think it's true though." he said. "So where are we going?" "Just wait and see!"
After walking for a long time they came upon an old city that seemed to not have very
many people living in there. It was a pretty sight though. Flowers here and there, plus being
right by the forest It was a magnificent view. There was also little things that made it unique
in it's own way. he smirked and said "I take it you like it." She looked at him wide eyed "it's beautiful! I love it! Thank you for showing me it!" He smiled at how happy she was "your welcome" she looked at him curiously for a minute and then asked "Do you come here often?"
He thought for a second before answering " actually I used to when I was little but now a days I really don't have the time." She looked at him for a sec trying to figure out if he was keeping a secret from her or not. 'he's hiding something, I just can't figure out what' She was snapped out of her thought's by him grabbing onto her hand and dragging her forward "come on let's not stand her all day." he said with to much cheerfulness.
Author's notes: okay I think I went a lot out of character but oh well it should get a lot better than this or at least I hope it will. I haven't had much time to work on this because of homework, chore's and a lot of other little stuff that get's in my way of writing. I think I figured out how to fix the chapter's so they don't hurt your eye's and if I get the time I'll fix the other chapter's too.
Cookies to the following:
Raziel The Damned: Thank you so much. I had this idea for awhile and was trying to make it original I guess it worked to I haven't seen any other slayer's and Cinderella stories crossed over together, or at least none like mine. *hands you a cookie*
LiltingTune: thank you I know I get out of character, but oh well sometimes I have to be hopefully I will be able to put the character's from a couple chapter's from now in character a lot more. I hope that I got the layout fixed if not I'm sorry. *hands you a cookie*
Chimera Dracon: thank you for your review I hope you like this chapter too, and thank you for your vote. *hands you a cookie*
Amelia: thanks for the review I'll take it into consideration on making it Z/A although it's not to likely that I will. I'm not a big fan of Amelia from the slayers. She's just to annoying with the justice loving stuff. On certain occasions though I do feel like writing about her and Zel. But I never have the time to. So you'll just have to wait and see what I write, you never know what I'll come up with next. *hands you a handful of cookies*
Zelas Metallium: I'll also take into consideration making it a X/L which is one of my favorite couples when I'm in a mood to where I like the couple. I switch off and on between liking Z/L and X/L. It also depends on the votes that I get for the couples, people you can say it in a review or email me your vote I don't care. *hands you a cookie*
Okay please read and review people. I need all the support I can get.