Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ MST of Just Be Still ❯ Mst of Just Be Still ( One-Shot )
MST of "Just be still" co-writen by GreenFire and butterkinfe
We don't own 'em, and we're not worth suing!
Authors notes- this was written In the middle of the night. We hope you enjoy it but quite frankly we don't give a damn. We had fun and if you like it good, if you don't like it, kiss my ass. We did this for our enjoyment. Not yours. Yes this seems rather bitchy but it's 2:34 in the fuckin' morning and I'm generally not a nice person at that time of day. So read on or fuck off.
Open scene on a tiny bedroom with barely enough room infront of the the computer for the two people sitting there. It is 12:15 AM and has been a long day of horrible movies, video games, shitty fireworks and doing shots of mountain dew.
The two people are GreenFire (on an enormous caffeine and sugar high) and butterknife who is currently tied up and gagged.
GF: Hi everyone who cared enough to show up. Today we will be MSTing a fic written by butterknife. Before gagging her, she had one initial statement; "It was the pixie sticks. They imfluenced the little orange/green/grey men! I swear it!!!" You know I don't feel like doing this by myself... who can I get to help?
BK: ::mumbeled suggestions through gag::
The door suddenly bursts open and a frieghtened chimera runs in then slams it behind him, trying to get the broken lock to work. Giving up and duct taping it shut and then nailing just to be sure. The whole time GreenFire and butterknife stare in silence. (well of course butterknife was silent she was gagged but if even if she wasn't she would still be silent cause a frieghtened chimera just burst into the room)
Z: Must ::pant:: escape... yaoi.... writers... ::pant::
BK: ::makes muffled Kenny like noises::
GF: yeah, dude what the hell?
Z: Fanfic writers... keep pairing me up... with ::shudder, sweatdrop:: Xelloss.
GF: that's a good idea! ::snaps, Xelloss apears::
Zelgadis freaks out and starts clawing at the door. "NOT AGAIN!"
GF: ::looks confused and then realizes what he's thinking:: No, no no no no. It's not what you think. Huge Zel/Amelia fan and Xel/lina and Xel/me fan.
BK: ::kenny-noises that sound like enthusiastic agreement, and much eyeing of asses!!!::
X: ::looks a little confused:: why am I here? And how did you get me here?
GF: question one: we're MSTing a fic and I'd like your help. Question 2: I'm writing this I can do whatever I damn well please.
X: oh ::shrugs:: ok ::looks over at the chimera who's still freaking out, shrugs::
GF: Zel calm down and get over here.
Z: ::continues to claw at door::
BK: ::more eyeing of ass::
GF: fine. ::types in computer:: "Zel finds himself sitting in a chair with butterknife in his lap."
As it was written so it was done. Zel finds himself beneath a very happy butterknife. Everyone tries to find seats but seeing as how there is no room infront of the computer, It ends up with the girls sitting in the boy's laps. (joy)
Everyone: ::takes a shot of mountain dew::
GF: Let's start
"Just Be Still"
By; butterknife
DISCLAIMERS: Slayers don't belong to me.
X: No shit Sherlock
GF: dig deeper Watson
Taking me to court is pointless. Not only don't I have any money, but I'm not all that dreadfully pretty, either. No one got that "taking me to court" joke, huh? Well, anyway; the song "Just Be Still" used to belong to me, but I sold it to a friend of mine. Don't ask me why.
X: why?
BK: ::muffled noises that sound like fuck you::
GF: this is getting old ::removes gag::
BK: Bitch. How dare you make fun of my beautiful fanfic! ::continues ranting and is ignored, except by Zel who has to put up with it seeing as how she is on top of him::
Z: ::nods and smiles so as not to be kicked::
I sold it to my friend Ryan Luse and his buddie Nick Morzinski for, like, what, fifty bucks, or something. Whatever else I absent-mindedly mention in here doesn't belong to me, either! Okie-day?......Okie-day.
I just wanted to write this. I want to see what people think of me as a poetic author, rather than a melo-dramatic hummorist. This will, I know, be depressing. The "happy pill" made me sick, so they took it away. Have fun reading, don't cry (like you would!). From here, I have no idea what I'm about to say, it's totally random manic-depressant ramblings...
They didn't know who the strange attacker was, but he used the strangest of spells, carried a wand, and kept rambling on and on about defeating some guy who he thought they worked for, by the name of Lord Voldemort
BK: Bite me!
(I didn't think that I was going to be funny, but I suppose I am, just the same). The attacker was accompanied by a short woman with brown frizzy hair and a gangly, somewhat unattractive red-headed man in a very worn pair of too big pants. The man with the dark hair and oddly colored eyes raised his wand to point it at Xelloss, whom he'd been calling "Lucius Malfoy" for the past ten minutes, or so.
X: yeah. That.......was annoying.
GF: how dare he insinuate that the little nazi could look anything like my Xelloss-san ::glomp::
X: ::deer in headlights look:: wow first paragraph already becoming a lemon.
" for my family." He called out to them, his voiced clogged with unshed tears.
Z: Oh, how, wait!!! HE TRIED TO KILL ME.....LITTLE BASTARD!!!
BK: ::beginning to chew threw ropes::
Then, he took a calming breath, closed his eyes and whispered "Avada Kadarva!"
There was an explosion of green light and a howling wind erupted from the tip of his wand. Several of the surrounding trees where ripped from the earth they grew from, and Amelia grabbed onto Zelgadis, screaming unheard cries,
Z: how can a "screaming cry" be unheard?
X: especially one of Amelia's...
begging for her life, and that of her love. She clung to Zel; they where now windswept, huddled together, curled on the limestone pathway they where traveling on about an hour ago.
GF: If they were traveling on the path way an hour ago how are they still there? What, are they going around in circles?
BK: well, um ... ::glomps, with the ropes on the back of his neck, filing away...::
Z: ::stuck somewhere between confused and pissed::
There was an eerie wailing sound emitting from the green smoke. The cry of death.
E (minus BK): ::in unison:: oooh... scary
They where all going to die,
GF: Way to be subtle!
BK: thanks, I do try..... ::one of the strand of rope breaks::
Lina relized, mid-Dragon Slave. She could feel it.
"[curses][censored][more curses]!!!" Xelloss called in the general direction
X: don't you think that's a little out of character?
BK: nope, .......(another strand breaks, seven and 1/2 more to go...)
Z: ::getting pissed::
of the unknown magical people.
GF: What "unkown" everyone knows who the stupid brat is.
A large silver crack of lightning hit the ground just a few inches infront of him, singing the ends of his boots. "That-Is-IT!!!!!!!" He screamed. "I have HAD IT with you!!!" He wrapped himself in his cloak and disapeared,
Z: wow, Xelloss just swore and got pissed, your really bad at this in character thing...
BK: You're just mad cuz there's a pointie-thing on your neck I'm using as a file...::thinks of way to shut him up::
the green mist soon filling where he had stood. It was now impossible to see more that just a few footfalls before one's eyes, and even the great Lina Inverse was feeling very weak, indeed.
The Sword of Light fell to the ground with a soft clang. It's owner, Gourry Gabriev, was on the dirt beside it, writhing, back arched in pain.
X: oh my god, you killed gourry
GF: you bastards.
BK: cliché,...
He was screaming in pain, but no one could hear him over the chaos of the wind and the dense fog, arisen from that deathly wand. As suddenly as it had come, everything evaporated. The two men and the woman where gone; vanished into the mist they brought with them.
GF: since when can Harry teleport?
The sight left behind was gruesome, to portray it best. Zelgadis lay protectavely over the Princess Amelia.
X: "Protectavely"?
GF: your guess is as good as mine.
Z: ::thinks of witty-comeback::...::nothing comes::...spell it right! It's pro-tect-ive-ly! God!
She was whimpering and crying.
GF: ::as amelia:: Zeladiss-san..get off.. to heavy.
X: ::also as Amelia:: that better be your sword.
E (minus Zel): ::bursts out laughing::
Z: ::glare o' death , made less severe by huge blush::
Zelgadis-san was motionless, looking almost dead. There where tiny chunks of stone strewn about the clearing and destroyed pathway. Amelia looked at the man lying above her...
She gasped.
BK: ::as Amelia, also:: Zeeeell,... stop humping me, it tickles!!!
((here comes the song, now))
GF: God save us she wrote it herself.
BK: again, more pixie-sticks, monkey dust, and mountain dew...
*I never thought you could change my world.
*I was wrong.
*I made a mistake.
Z: by writing this damn fic...
"You're... you're back... you..." she stammered, at a loss for words.
GF: there's a first
(Quite inconsistantly with her usual manner, actually.)
Zelgadis wasn't listening to her at all. .
Z: do I ever really listen to her??? Ever??? Nope.
GF: unless you want another yaoi fic you better be nice to the Z/A writers opinions
GF/X: ::evil glare::
He hurt all over.
GF: after all those yaoi fics I bet he would.
Z: ::shrinking into chair, pulling butterknife to cover himself::
BK: ::inner smile of glee::
He could hardly breath.
GF: after all those yaoi fics I bet he couldn't.
BK: shut up GreenFire.
He had the strangest pain on his right shoulder blade, and the same in his left thigh. He hadn't felt anything like it since...
GF: ::opens her mouth to say something::
BK: just leave it alone.
GF/X: ::smirks/chuckle evily::
he couldn't remember the last time,
BK: I can fix that, ...
Z: dear god....::frightened look..::
but he remembered the feeling all too well, despite his addled memory.
Amelia rolled him over onto his back,
GF: asume the position!
taking his hands, and gazing into his eyes.
GF: wrong postion!
She was still crying steadily, but smiling so much that it looked uncontrolable.
X: did that make sense to anyone but butterknife?
GF/Z: no./nope
*I thought it all would fade in time.
*Like an old song.
*Guess love's hard to break.
"...It, so (hacking cough) badly!...Amelia!...I'm dieing! all hurts so...(more coughing)..." Her hands where so cold, holding onto his own. Wait a minute here,...he could feel her hands!
GF: No shit!
X: wow, does dying make all humans stupid?
GF: nope just characters in crappy fics.
BK: I can take it....::looks at Zel and sighs...::
She touched his cheek, smiling even more,
Z: why is she smiling when I'm DYING?!?!?!
BK: you're not dying, ass-hole! why the hell would I kill YOU, of all fucking people?
if that's even possible. He could feel her hands! He had skin!
BK: pixie sticks
Z: ::facefaults, takes another shot of mountain dew::
"I'm...I...uh," he began hacking uncontrolably, convulging and scrunching his face in absolute misery, his throat unbelieveably constricted. Amelia just shook her head, and held him to her bosom,
X: lucky bastard
rocking slowly back and forth, planting little butterfly kisses all over his forehead.
X: poor bastard
Finally, he stopped gagging on the blood in his throat.
GF: there's a lovely mental image...
"I'm human again." and they kissed gently.
E: awwww.
GF: to think that all it took was a spell of death with no healing properties what so ever to cure something no white magic could help.
BK: ::blink....tighten's glomp on Zel::
*The wind whispers your name,
*no matter how far I run.
*And it's catching up to me.
*And on this road of life
*I keep searchin for that burnin sun.
*But it's you who I see.
*Who I see-
They pulled away from each other smiling, their foreheads still together lovingly. Zelgodis leaned forward, and whispered in her ear "Do you know what this means?"
X: ::as zel:: we can fuck now?
GF: ::chanting:: lemon lemon lemon lemon
Amelia kissed his cheek, which was abnormaly pale and felt like pure silk,
GF: :as Amelia:: maybe I can sell him to a fabric store when he dies.
BK: only you would think of that.
then shook her head "no."
X: ::as Zel, again:: so, we can't fuck?!?!? :pretends to panic:: I'll never lose that fucking vir....
Z: ::smacks Xelloss as hard as he can with a stone fist, upprooting both women onto the floor::
Girls: ::evil glare, get back to previous postitions and beat the crap out the guys who dropped them"
"It means, my dearest," he tightened hands about her waist and she giggled in response, "that Lina-san will never be able to force me to be her anchor EVER AGAIN!"
Zelgadis: damn right.
(no one else could say anything. That was just brutal)
he gave off a litle cocky smile
X: ::open mouth to say something::
GF: don't bother, everyone was thinking it anyway.
Z: ::stares in disbelief:: well, they are now!
"...Now, what do you say to that?"
"I say we're in need of a celebration," she moved closer to him, "and I know just the thing!"
GF/X: ::chanting:: Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon, Lemon...
She threw her arms around his neck, and began to kiss him passionately.
GF/X: whoohoo!
Somewhere along the lines, his tounge found its way into her mouth, which she seemed to like. They where pulled tightly together, arms intertwined, tounges ingulfed, sences inthrawled.
X: ::screws up his face:: dirty DIRTY mental pictures!
GF: Damn straight!
Z: ::frightened::no comment, no comment.......!!!!
GF: Zel are you blushing?
Z: ::grabbing a kleenex for his bloody nose:: no...
*And the world is a ride,
*waiting to unfold.
*And you're my only thrill.
*After all the mountains will turn to gold;
*so, in time,
*I'll just be still,
*I'll Just Be Still.
Amelia sighed, and rested tired thoughts upon her lover's shoulder.
GF: they kiss once and suddenly their lovers? Did we skip a scene?
BK: yup. ::gives strange glance:: you know I don't write into that sort of thing...
GF: like hell
"Hear that, Lina Inverse?!?" He cried in the general direction he last knew Lina to be in. "I'll never be your anchor again!" and he broke into a sort of insane, joyful laughter.
X: we all knew it would happen Zel finally snapped.
GF: what happened to the dying?
Head back, eyes closed, adam's apple protruding gracefully, shoulders heaving: the works. Amelia giggled along with him, giving him a little squeeze. Then, they saw Lina.
*I guess you can say
*that it's over now.
*Can hear it in the rain;
*Can feel it in the air.
She sat close by Gourry's side, crying her heart out to him,
GF: oh, there it is.
face contorted in the drama of her tears. None of them had ever seen Lina really cry before, it just wasn't something she did. Indeed, Xelloss had once thought aloud, that he had deemed her quite incapable of tears. Yet there she sat, pouring herself over a handsome man. His sword was a few steps from his right side, dropped there before he, himself dropped in a similar manor. And so Lina sat by him, his right hand lain on his failing heart, his left pressed to her cheek; both her hands clutching his, crying into the palm of his hand, mourning him, grieving in what may be their last moments together. He had been stabbed, and was bleeding profusely from the center of his broad chest. His flaxen hair was splayed about the upturned dirt.
BK: holy shit! We finished a paragraph without breaking it into a million pieces.
GF: does the ground feel cold to you? ::blank stares all around:: ::explaining:: cause hell freezing over... would make the ground cold....... never mind.
Amelia burried her face in Zel's chest,
X: since when does Zel have a chest?
GF: since the operation.
Z: ::takes another shot of mountain dew::
a wave of tears overtaking her joyous mood.
Z: why was she joyous when I was dying!?!?!?
BK; we already had this're not dieing, ass-hole!!! Remember that?
Z: fine, why was she joyus When I was wounded?!?!?!?
BK: oh, oh, no, no.....::grabs head::
Leaving Zelgadis to stare at the unholy sight in shock and disbelief.
GF: what does religion have to do with this?
*And so I leave you with gentle words:
*"Love will heal the pain,"
*And I'll always be right here.
Gourry looked into her eyes. He was crying too. He whispered "Lina...oh, Lina-san..." and she leaned foreward, touching her nose to his. "...I've known for, for so long,...yet, I've never had the say it out loud...I..."
X: ::as Gourry:: I'm not actually a man...
E (minus Xel): ::strange look::
"Gourry, I love you." She whispered, barely audible, but he knew.
X: ...well, at least SOMEBODY'S gunna get some!!!
She blinked away a few more tears. He brushed a hand through her hair, rubies in the sunshine.
" Lina,'re my can I ever leave you now?..." He closed his eyes, testing what strength he still had. He gave a sigh.
"NO!" Lina shouted, slamming her tiny fist to the ground.
GF: cause that'll save him.
"NO," He was about to go; about to leave her. About to die. "No." she said once more, firmly. She reached over and snatched his sword. She held it awkwardly in her left hand. He looked up at her with a pleading lovers eyes. He didn't want to go, but he was dieing all the same.
GF: ::to BK:: D..Y..I..N..G not dieing.
BK: thank you for the constructive criticism. However, it doesn't count..
GF: Why the hell not?
BK I.......had pixie sticks
E: ::facefaults, shots of dew::
*The wind whispers your name,
*no matter how far I run;
*and it's catching up to me.
*And on this road of life,
*I keep searchin for that burning sun.
*But it's you who I see,
*Who I see-
"I have to leave you. I love you, Lina....... you're my life..." and he closed his eyes, ready to die.
"I'm coming with you." Lina whispered, choked with tears and captive emotions. Everything that she had kept bottled up for so many years was now out. She looked at his face, his handsome, perfect face,
X: his goergous...
GF: matchless...
X: flawless...
GF: impeccable...
and gave it all to him.
GF/X/everyone with mind in gutter: to a dead guy?
She slit her wrist.
GF/X/ewmig: oh, dammit.
The pain was searing acid.
Z: what a bad metaphor.
She put the sword in her right hand. The wound bubbled, errupting with blood, rinning
X: rinning?
BK: typo fairy.
slowly down her arm, dripping in thick rivers down onto his armor. She made a fist, and slashed at it with the sword. Then dropped the thing, not caring where it landed.
She screamed, and leaned down to kiss her protector, mouth still open. She could taste the blood coming through his lips.
X: and it tasted yummy
E: ::strange looks::
He was still alive.
GF: ::as lina:: Goddammit, I go and kill myself so we can be together in eternity and the BASTARD'S gunna fucking live!
She placed his hands on her back, her blood falling everywhere. She snatched a handfull of his hair, and felt him stir a little beneath her.
GF/X: lemon?
Z: can you two think of ANYTHING else?
GF/X: no
If they would die, they would die together. They began to French kiss,
GF: that didn't ruining the mood at all...
Z: ::was about to open his mouth for another witty remark...::
BK : (remember that plan to shut him up? Yeah. This is it right here) ::she had found a very pointy spot on his back. She ducked down and broke the rest of the rope over the pointie-thing, and successfully jammed her tits into his face, preventing Zel from speaking. Talk about killing 3 birds with 1 stone!!!::
GF/X: ::siting there watching with a bowl of popcorn:: continue...
and waited in each other's arms for the darkness to come; and the light at the end of the tunnel.
Z: the light is really caused by your eyes shuting down and going blank making it look as if a white light is coming towards you.
GF: thank you so much for that useless fact.
*And the world is a ride,
*waiting to unfold.
*And you're my,
*my only thrill.
*After all the mountains will turn to gold.
*So, in time
*I'll just be still,
*I'll Just Be Still.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
All Fell Silent
And then there was darkness. With a light at the end. The Light was a woman; The Lord of Nightmares, the ruler. The woman was clothed in light. She was light, and she was everything. The Lord of Nightmares set her gaze upon them, will all chaos behind her, beyond her light. "Go back."
X: we don't want you
Z: its full
GF: ::as LON:: I'm not dealing with you one second longer than I have to.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
And they where back.
Zelgadis was bawling
X: does baby need a tissue?
Z: ::atempts to throttle him but butterknife won't let him up::\
and holding Amelia, who was screaming and crying out their names in horror. Xelloss was on his knees with an open mouthed, frozen expression. His eyes where open.
Lina opened hers to find herself face down to Gourry. Fresh blood was splattered all over them.
GF: is this a happy moment or a revoltong moment?
She lifted her head a bit, and Gourry's eyes snapped open. He was gazing right into her eyes. They began kissing, and before long, where rolling around in the grass, with tounges everywhere and hands grasping at one another's hair and backs.
GF/X: Lemon moment...
Lina was all smiles, and Gourry couldn't stop laughing.
X: ::as gourry:: that dying trick works every time!
Xelloss fell onto his ass.
X: ::turns just a little pink:: I ...really.....::can't process an insult::
Amelia let out a squeel,
GF: ::as Amelia:: what's that thing in Gourry's pants?
Z: ::weird look, shot of dew::
BK: ::shiver, shot of dew all around and high 5-ing GF::
and Zelgadis just stared at the two of them, making love on the grass, in the middle of the woods, on a sunny afternoon.
*And the world is a ride,
*waiting to unfold.
*And you're my,
*my only thrill.
*And after all the mountains will turn to gold.
*So, in time,
*I'll just be still,
*I'll Just
Be Still.
Z: is it over?
~*~ THE END ~*~
GF: yep.
BK: I've been ordered to finish this. We're hungry, caffeine-hyped, angry, sleepy fucking bitches. It's 2:29, and Xelloss wants to stay. Zel ,eh...well, you know what he's thinking, we'll leave it alone there. Well we're tired so...
GF/BK: Good fucking night!
after "night", butterknife smacked Zelgadis on the ass.
Anything Zel tells you tomorrow is a god-damned lie!