Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Search for the Darkstar ❯ People Change, but Xoana Stays The Same ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: "Slayers" isn't mine, but belongs to Kanzaka Hajime, Araizumi Rui and those who represent them. I'm just borrowing the characters for a little while and will return them intact. Except for Gourry. He might be squished just a little. This story is set after the manga arc "Knight of Aqualord" and is an alternate take on the TRY season of the anime.
Search for the Darkstar

Chapter 14: People Change, but Xoana Stays The Same
We have a very large group, Lina thought as she stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking into the inn's dining room. They was now so many people in their group that the harried waitstaff had shoved two smaller tables together and there was still barely enough room for all of them. Gourry and Lyos were doing an excellent job at consuming almost all the food being brought to their table, which would do until she got there. Zelgadiss, Amelia and Shizuri were at the opposite end of the table, holding a quiet discussion. Every so often, Amelia would dart in and grab a platter of sausages or a stack of pancakes that was being ignored at the moment. Filia sat in the middle of the carnage, looking like she was going to faint.
Even though her stomach growled and the competitive side of her nature wanted to out eat both Gourry and Lyos, Lina folded her arms over her chest and contemplated the group. Seven people, counting herself and three of the Darkstar weapons in their possession. They were doing much better than they had been twenty four hours earlier. Zelgadiss had told Lina that her hunch had been right, that the missing weapon had been the Darkstar one. The two he had resembled Razud Mezegis more than the Sword of Light, and Lina realized that originally that Gourry's sword had been in another form when it was known as Gorun Nova.
Zelgadiss had also confirmed her hunch that Xelloss was after the weapons, which made finding the last one all that more important. Lina bit her lip and frowned. And, I'm willing to bet that if he doesn't know that we're all together, he will very soon. Anyone could ambush us and get our weapons and it would really put us at a disadvantage. If my guess is right, the fifth weapon should be up here somewhere as well. It's a good place to start looking for it.
A plan forming in her mind, Lina approached the table. “Thank you,” she said, relieving Gourry of the full breakfast plate that the waiter had just placed in front of him. “Two more breakfast platters!”
“My breakfast!” Gourry protested.
“My budget,” Filia moaned.
Lina waved her hand at Filia and kicked Gourry's shin to keep him from getting at her meal. “You've already devoured three of these, so this is mine. And don't worry, Filia. I've got a plan to preserve your budget.”
Four Days Later

Saillune/Xoana border
“It was a good idea,” Zelgadiss conceded as he, Amelia and Lyos walked along the road heading toward Saillune City. “With Xelloss after the weapons, it makes sense for us all to split up with the weapons. We'll cover more ground this way.”
“I'm looking forward to seeing Daddy again,” Amelia added. “He might be able to give us some insight into the Saillune archives in case the fifth weapon is in the kingdom.”
Lyos picked at his ear. “How many temples and libraries does Saillune have?”
Amelia beamed. “Saillune is a peaceful and learned kingdom. The literacy rate is at 95 percent. We pride ourselves on having the best education system within barrier lands and we are known for turning out the best white magic users in…”
“That doesn't answer my question,” Lyos cut in.
“At least twice as many as Kunan just in the capital city.”
Lyos let out a low whistle. “Dang.”
They fell into a comfortable silence. About half a mile ahead of them, Amelia could see the colorful banners indicating the Saillune border. Her heart lurched as she realized that for the first time in more than a year, she was going home. She couldn't keep the smile off her face, nor could she stop herself from humming a happy tune beneath her breath.
Lina's idea had been a good one. She suggested that they split up into three groups to find the final weapon. It would distract anyone trying to get the weapons, she explained, and if someone happened to get one weapon, they wouldn't be able to find the other two easily. One weapon had been in Atlas City and another in Sairaag. The third was found in the Desert of Destruction and the fourth in the Kingdom of Ralteague. They had all been found in places where a lot of historical artifacts were collected or where historic events occured.
They narrowed down the three most likely places of finding the fifth weapon to Saillune, Zefielia and the Kaatart Mountains. Amelia immediately volunteered to go to Saillune and, to her surprise and pleasure, Zelgadiss offered to go with her. The bigger surprise had been Lyos wanting to go to Saillune, but when questioned on it, he immediately clammed up and said it was none of their business. Amelia immediately suspected that he wanted to see Sylphiel and quickly said it would be good for Lyos to see Saillune.
Shizuri and Filia were going to the Kataart Mountains. It would be easy for Filia to get there and Milgasia might be more willing to talk to Filia as a fellow golden dragon and one who served the gods, Lina explained. Shizuri was also a natural to go there since she served Aqualord. Lina and Gourry were going to Zefielia, where Lina said she would investigate a couple of temples she hadn't visited before she left the kingdom. When Amelia asked if Lina was going to see her family, she didn't say anything for a long moment, then shrugged and said that she supposed so.
It was strange, Amelia thought. She knew that Lina thought about her family pretty often. During all of their previous travels, she would often find Lina penning part of a letter to send back to Zefielia detailing their latest adventures. She had pulled Amelia aside shortly before their showdown with Phibrizzo and had handed her a thick letter and a piece of parchment detailing how to find her family in case something happened to her while rescuing Gourry. Come to think of it, I still have that, Amelia realized. Her reluctance to go home was definitely at odds with her tendency to keep in touch with her family.
Speakings of home… Amelia beamed with joy as they joined the line of people waiting to pass through the border. She bounced on her toes and grinned with a giddy joy. When the line hadn't moved after five minutes, the grin changed to a worried frown. It usually didn't take very long to pass through the border at all. She exchanged a look with Zelgadiss and he looked over the crowd of people.
“There's a carriage ahead with the Xoana seal,” he told Amelia. “It's holding up the line.”
“Let's see if there's anything we can do to help,” Amelia replied and stepped out of line. She strode toward the carriage quickly with Zelgadiss and Lyos behind her.
“I don't care how many people are waiting in line or what sort of record you have to keep,” a shrill voice that sounded very similar to Martina's came from the carriage as they grew closer. “I was told that I would have an honor guard escorting me into the city and I demand the right that is due my rank immediately!”
“I'm sorry, miss!” A young guard, sweat running down his face and soaking into the collar of his uniform, stammered as he bowed repeatedly. “We've had no word from Saillune City regarding this and the capital is still a day's ride away…”
“You mean to tell me that this kingdom doesn't have the ability to send a messenger out via horseback, nor does it have enough guards to form an honor procession? It's not like Saillune goes to war to begin with! What do your soldiers do all day, play poker in a back room?”
“Miss, if you'll pull your carriage to the side so we can let the others pass through the border, I'm sure that we could…”
“Not acceptable!” The high-pitched scream caused Amelia, Zelgadiss and Lyos to wince. “I demand to speak with someone in a position of authority now!”
Amelia and Zelgadiss exchanged another look. Lyos grunted. “Suppose you're that person, princess.”
The guard's head snapped around, a look of vast relief crossing his face as he recognized the woman dressed in pink and white standing near them. He quickly dropped to one knee and bowed his head. “Amelia-sama! Ceiphied's blessings upon you. Welcome home.”
“Who the hell is that?” Amelia winced at the coarse language as the woman in the carriage stuck her head out the window. At first, she thought the woman was Martina, but with orange hair instead of yellow. Her facial features clearly indicated that she was a member of the Xoana royal family. Amelia racked her brain, trying to remember if her father had mentioned anything about a royal visit. The last letter she'd gotten from him had been in Atlas City and even that had been written months before then.
The woman glowered at Amelia as she stepped up to the carriage. First thing first, she had to take care of her own guards. She smiled gently at the young guard. “What is your name?”
“Gr…Gregory,” he stammered.
“You've done well, Gregory-san,” Amelia praised him and laid a hand on his shoulder. “You are to be commended for doing your best to keep the border traffic moving. I will speak with your commander about this. There's many people waiting now. Have your relief guard fetch buckets of fresh water and some of the bread and cheese that you have in the guard tower. Cut it into chunks and offer it to people in apology for their having to wait. Invite them to rest in the shade a little bit. I'll make sure that your supplies are fully restocked by the end of the day. I'll take over this situation from here.”
“Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.” Shaking slightly, Gregory rose and quickly moved to comply.
Amelia turned to the carriage and gave the cross woman a warm smile. “I apologize for the delay. Welcome to Saillune. What can I assist you with?”
The woman wrinkled her nose. “What are you, some little girl playing dress-up? I said I wanted to speak with someone in charge, not a child!”
Amelia stiffened her spine and curled her fingers. She nearly fired off a nasty retort, but held her tongue. Instead, she reached in her cloak and pulled out her seal. “I am Princess Amelia wil Tesla Saillune, second daughter of Prince Philionel el de Saillune, second granddaughter of King Elderon Saillune and third in line to the Saillune throne. If I am not in a high enough position of authority for you, I'm afraid that there isn't anyone much higher that you can go to, ma'am.”
Zelgadiss arched an eyebrow as Amelia stared down the shrew from Xoana. He could count on one hand the number of time that Amelia had pulled rank during one of their travels. Even then, she had not recited all of her official titles, nor had referred to her status as a princess. He saw the highly impressed look on Lyos' face and realized that she probably hadn't done that when she'd been in Titou either.
The woman didn't say anything for a long moment, then finally lifted her nose regally. “One would think that a princess of Saillune would be dressed more appropriately than in stained linen traveling clothes.” When Amelia didn't reply, the woman nodded sharply. “I am Katarina Marla Mel Navratilova, cousin of Queen Martina Xoana Mel Navratilova. I have been assigned to be ambassador from Xoana to Saillune.”
Amelia lowered the seal and inclined her head. “Welcome to Saillune, Katarina-san. I have been away serving as ambassador to the lands beyond the Mazoku barrier nearly 18 months. We are very glad to have a representative of your kingdom in ours once again. I shall escort you to Saillune City personally.”
“Very well.” Satisfied, Katarina motioned for one of her guards to open the carriage doors. “I appreciate your company, Amelia-sama.”
Relieved, Amelia flashed a smile at Zelgadiss and Lyos. “Let's join Katarina-san.”
For the first time, Katarina noticed Amelia's party. Her eyes went wide as she took in Zelgadiss' features and she shrank back slightly into the carriage's cushions. “You're not…you're not letting that freak accompany you!”
“Zelgadiss-san is my friend, Katarina-san,” Amelia replied icily. “Either he accompanies me or we go on alone. I will be happy to send a guard escort you once I reach Saillune City, but you would probably have to wait a week since we still have to walk to the city and there are the official channels I must go through in order to send a guard for you.”
Katarina gaped at her, then snapped her mouth shut. She turned her eyes to the ceiling. “Very well. Your party can accompany the driver.”
“No, I think they'll be more comfortable inside the carriage,” Amelia said cheerfully and quickly motioned to them. Lyos hopped into the carriage without a second thought. Zelgadiss gave Amelia a quizzical look and she cheerfully nudged him toward the door. “I'm sure that Katarina-san won't mind once she gets to know you, Zelgadiss-san. Besides, if I remember correctly, Martina-san was quite taken with you.”
Katarina sniffed. “My cousin has deplorable tastes in men.”
Zelgadiss and Amelia shared a grin. That was something they agreed with completely.
One day later

Saillune City, Royal Palace
Their arrival in Saillune City had been filled with tears, hugs and lots of rapid talking as Amelia and her father kept trying to fill each other in on everything that had happened in the 18 months that Amelia had been away from home. Phil had also taken the time to welcome Katarina on behalf of the kingdom. Before they had retired for the night, Phil asked Amelia to dress in her court clothes and meet him in his office the next morning. Amelia immediately agreed, gave her father a hug and a kiss and went off to find Zelgadiss.
Amelia knocked on his suite door. When he didn't answer it, she opened it slightly and saw him standing on the balcony outside. She carefully closed the door behind her and crossed the room.
He didn't say anything when she joined him on the balcony. She didn't say anything either. They stared at the vast palace gardens and the stars, each lost in their own thoughts.
“I'm sorry about that,” Amelia spoke up. She gave Zelgadiss a small smile. “Katarina-san was very rude to you.”
“I'm used to it, Amelia.” Zelgadiss gave her a cryptic look. “It's been a number of years since Rezo turned me into a chimera. I've grown quite used to the reaction that it produces.”
You shouldn't have to grow used to it. Amelia blinked back tears and gripped the stone railing tightly. “Even so, it's not right.”
“We've been over this before, Amelia.”
“I know, I know.” Frustrated, Amelia leaned against the railing.
Zelgadiss gave her a small smile. “You handled that situation very well. I think that's the first time I've ever seen you handle a diplomatic situation that hasn't resulted in Lina blowing the place up or you getting captured in the name of justice.”
“It wasn't a big deal,” Amelia immediately replied, then realized that he was right. Most of her efforts to be diplomatic on behalf of her kingdom tended to be plagued with the Lina Inverse effect - in other words, something usually got destroyed in the process. “Then again…”
Zelgadiss chuckled. “I got your letter telling me about how Lina and Gourry burst in on your visit to Kunan.”
“There was only one ship not destroyed from Hureika's attack,” Amelia explained. “That's the one that the courtiers took to go back and get a new fleet. I'm glad that you got it. Did you get any others?”
He shook his head. “I don't pass through here very often.”
She was disappointed, but at the same time it was to be expected. She had gotten precious few letters from home as she was traveling around and she had more resources available to get those letters than Zelgadiss did.
They didn't say anything for awhile and Amelia wondered for the moment what the other half of their usual quartet was up to. Probably devouring half of the food in Zefielia, she thought and chuckled.
Zelgadiss glanced down at her with a raised eye and she grinned back at him. “I was thinking of what Lina-san and Gourry-san were doing. I hope that they're having luck finding the weapons. I'm almost halfway tempted to contact Lina-san using the Vision spell to see if they got there safely, but I don't want to interrupt them doing anything.”
“Doing anything?” He asked with a slight grin.
“Not like that!” Amelia said hastily, but with a slight tinge of disappointment. “I mean dinner. You know how cranky Lina-san gets if something stands in-between her and food.”
Zelgadiss leaned against the railing. “It's about time that they did do something. Those two never change.”
“But, they really have.”
“Yes, in some ways. People grow and change, but in their hearts they still pretty much act the same way throughout their lives.”
“I do think that Lina-san has grown up since we fought Phibrizzo,” Amelia defended her. “I think that having Airlord's power is also a huge responsibility and I don't think she's abusing it for once.”
Zelgadiss thought over all that Amelia had told him during their trip back to Saillune. She'd recounted everything she'd told him in her letters, from the initial diplomatic mission to the fight against Deep Sea Dolphin's general to their return, retrieval of the Sword of Light and the fight at the Flarelord temple in the southern lands.
He considered Amelia. She seemed different to him as well. Although she didn't show it very much, he could tell that she was carrying more burdens on her shoulders. She walked with a new confidence and seemed to be more of the young princess than a girl playing heroine of justice. Granted, he rolled his eyes when they came across a bandit group and she insisted on dispatching them, but she still seemed more world-weary than the last time he'd seen her. He remembered what she had said about him to Shizuri and Lyos in the Shrigan library.
He turned, his back to the gardens. “You've grown up as well,” he admitted, blushing slightly and was a bit pleased to see the same response from her. “I'm not tired yet. Mind if we do some research?”
“Not at all!” Amelia said cheerfully and grabbed Zelgadiss' arm. She pulled him away, guiding him toward her father's library.
The next morning

Saillune City, Royal Palace
“I know it's a lot to ask, especially since you won't be home for very long.” Prince Phil linked his fingers together and gave Amelia a firm, but sorrowful look. “This is the fifth ambassador from Xoana in as many months. We have done our best to extend our hospitality to our ambassadors, just as we do from any other country, but it is rather…difficult.”
That's because you're talking about people related to Martina, Zelgadiss thought a bit darkly from his position in the chair next to Amelia. Phil had invited Zelgadiss and Lyos to accompany Amelia, but Lyos had pulled Amelia aside after breakfast. He had whispered something to her that caused her eyes to light up. Minutes later, Lyos disappear and the only thing Amelia would say about it was that he was running an errand.
“I would like for you and Zelgadiss-san to accompany the new ambassador to lunch, where she will present you with something. Katarina-san has brought up a gift that we have been trying to obtain for the past few years, an artifact once belonging to Saillune.” Phil picked up a book lying on the corner of his desk and turned it to a marked page. “It was originally discovered on the Saillune and Xoana border not long before the Kouma Sensou. There has always been some dispute as to who rightfully owned the artifact and it's said to have some magical properties to it.”
Phil turned the book toward them and Amelia and Zelgadiss leaned forward to look at the picture.
Amelia blinked in surprise. “It looks like one of the weapons you brought with you, Zelgadiss-san.”
“It does look like it could be the twin of the one I found in the Desert of Destruction,” he agreed. “It could be the fifth weapon.”
“Once you showed me the weapon in your possession, it made me think of the Staff of Xoana,” Phil said.
Zelgadiss frowned. “If it's anything like the Book of Xoana, it's absolutely useless. It would probably summon a 1,000-year-old demon or something like that.”
It turned out to be something like that.
Zelgadiss and Amelia stared horrified at the demon that appeared to be only slightly smaller than the ancient golem they had destroyed in Xoana a couple years earlier as it ravaged the countryside where they had fought Seigram and Mazenda not long after that.
“Why does your kingdom keep such things around?” Amelia yelped as the beast took out about 20 trees with a swish of its tail. It looked like an oversized anteater with a long tail that curled around its body and tube-shaped ears extending from its multi-colored fur. “Oh, where's Lina-san and her Dragon Slave when you actually need her?”
“Causing chaos and destruction in Zefielia most likely,” Zelgadiss replied in a resigned voice.
Katarina folded her arms across her chest and beamed at the beast. It had taken four hours, a picnic lunch that seemed to be more like a state banquet and a lot of coaxing on Amelia's part for Katarina to present the weapon to them. Much to their disappointment, it turned out not to look much like the Darkstar weapons at all. Zelgadiss, however, had made the mistake of noting there was a magical core.
“Of course there is a magical core,” Katarina replied haughtily. “I shall show you.”
She had stepped away from the remains of the lunch and held the staff in the air. “I summon you to my side, the legendary beast of Xoana!”
Beast? Amelia thought frantically as she and Zelgadiss leaped to their feet and gawked at the huge being that suddenly arrived.
Katarina stood with her hands on her hips, laughing in such a loud, shrill manner that both of them were wincing from it.
“Let's kill that thing before it attacks the city!” Zelgadiss said and immediately took to the air.
“You can't kill it!” Katarina screeched. “It's an act of war if you touch that beast!”
Amelia ignored Katarina, already following Zelgadiss. They hovered above the creature and quickly laid out their options. “Do you think we can hit it from the astral side?” Amelia wondered.
“It's not a Mazoku. A direct attack will work best.”
“I'll take the rear.”
They launched dual fireballs at the beast, but it swatted the fire away with its tail. Zelgadiss swore and ducked out of the way, barely eluding the backlash. He climbed higher and wished that Gourry was there. I could power my sword with Astral Vine, but I'm not even so sure that would work. Gourry could cleave through it with the Sword of Light, but…wait a minute. He took off toward Amelia.
She was doing her best to slow it with a series of Freeze Arrows, but the ice shatter as it hit the beast's thick skin. Amelia pressed her fist to her mouth and tried to consider her options, but they were running out of them. There was Sylphiel and Lyos, but they were both in the city. Banisher could probably pierce through the skin and take it down, but I'm not sure that there's enough time to get him.
She quickly eluded a swish of the beast's tail and flew up to meet Zelgadiss. “I'm not sure what we can do at this point. Maybe we can try a Ra Tilt, but I'm not sure how well it'd work.”
“Do you still have the weapon?” Zelgadiss asked.
“I do, yes.” Amelia reached in the magically enlarged pocket of her cloak and took it out. “What are you going to do, Zelgadiss-san?”
Zelgadiss took the weapon and activated it. “You channeled the Sword of Light with a Ra Tilt during the fight with Copy Rezo.”
Pleased that he remembered, Amelia nodded. “You want to do it again with this weapon.”
Zelgadiss watched as the beast took another swipe at the trees. Near the ruins of their picnic, Katarina was still screeching something at them and he was not looking forward to having to deal with the Martina clone quite at the moment. They had enough time to try one, maybe two attacks before the beast reached the outer walls of Saillune City. He could see the guards scrambling to the walls and the rush of people trying to get away from them.
“Let's do it,” Zelgadiss held up the weapon.
Ra Tilt!” Amelia yelled, channeling the spell into the weapon. She grimaced and fought hard not to lose control over the spell as she merged it with the light source. The Sword of Light was much easier than this and I was a lot younger. This weapon must be more powerful than the Sword of Light, but how?
“Now!” Zelgadiss shouted as the spell fully merged with the weapon and he plummeted toward the beast. Amelia stayed where she was, tossing fireballs at the beast to try and weaken it enough to where Zelgadiss could piece it with the sword.
He hit the back of the beast, the blade stabbing through skin. Zelgadiss grimaced as blood squirted from the wound and hit his face, but he grounded down as hard as he could. He felt the moment that the blade fell apart and quickly launched himself back into the air.
Three hours earlier

City of Saillune, Gray Mansion
You're the Knight of Aqualord. You've faced down powerful Mazoku. You're doing the right thing. Lyos stared up at the mansion, the sunlight gleaming off the brown-tile roof. He stared at the wolf's head knocker as if it was his worst enemy. His hand trembled around the wrapped object he carried in his right hand and he ordered himself to calm down. He wasn't facing an enemy. He was just going to talk to Sylphiel. She was far from an enemy. He lifted his hand to knock.
The door swung open, revealing Sylphiel. She was dressed in flowing robes with a cloak tossed over her shoulders. A wide basket was nestled in the crook of her arm. She wasn't looking outside, but over her shoulder. “I'll be back in a few hours, Grandfather,” she said, turned and her eyes went wide. “Lyos-san!”
“Sylphiel-san,” Lyos automatically replied and felt his heart stutter a moment.
Shock passed over her face, quickly replaced by pleasure, then concern. “Lina-san! Gourry-sama! Did something happen to them?”
“Huh?” Lyos blinked, then shook himself out of his trance. “Oh, them? Probably eating three pigs or something.”
“Thank goodness,” Sylphiel placed a hand on her chest and beamed at Lyos. “Your quest with Filia-san brought you to Saillune then?”
“More or less.” Lyos bit his lip. He started to bring up his arm. He'd give the blade to Sylphiel and go. He'd go back to the palace, get moving on finding that fifth weapon. He didn't like what this was doing to him, standing on the doorstep of Sylphiel's home with her smiling at him. Sylphiel had thrown him off balance when they were with each other briefly in Sairaag, but this was… He swallowed. This was just the way he felt around his lady.
“I'm going to pick up some groceries for dinner. Would you care to walk with me, Lyos-san? I want to hear what everyone is doing.” Sylphiel pulled the door shut behind her and walked down the steps. He automatically followed.
Sylphiel kept up a light banter as they moved toward the market square. She pointed out various monuments and explained their history. It didn't really interest him all that much, but Lyos found himself listening simply because it kept her talking. She was smart and elegant, all of the things that his lady had been. But, he could tell little differences as she went around the business of gathering fruit, cheese and other staples. Sylphiel was regal, but didn't seem to act as she was above everyone else like his lady did at times. Her smile was warmer and she seemed to take geninue pleasure over doing chores even he considered mudane.
After a couple of hours, they stopped in a small park and ate lunch. Lyos found himself starting to talk more and was surprised at how easy it was to talk around her. Even toward the end, he never was quite comfortable talking freely with her. Sylphiel made it easy to talk with her and eventually he had her laughing as he recounted how they captured the thief in the Shrigan library.
“It's a good decision that Lina-san made,” Sylphiel said. “I had no idea that your quest was going to be so complicated.”
Lyos snorted. “Neither did we. Soon as we find that fifth weapon, we'll get the one Valgaav has back and take care of this once and for all.”
“Yes…” Sylphiel's voice trailed off and she stared at the partlally-eaten piece of bread she held in her hands.
Lyos tilted his head to one side and scratched at his chin, fighting back the annoyance that suddenly welled up in him. “Ah…they're doing fine. Probably eating half the country. They're the same as always.”
Sylphiel relaxed and traced a finger across her bread. “I… Thank you, Lyos-san.” She laughed a little bit. “I just… I get concerned.”
“It's hard to get over stuff like that,” Lyos shrugged and Sylphiel looked up in surprise. “You like someone, they don't like you back. Or they go away. Sometimes they come back and they like someone else. Sometimes, they don't come back at all.”
Sylphiel stared hard at Lyos. For the past few months, she'd been coming to terms with it in her mind, that Lina and Gourry were together and were going to remain that way. She hated herself at times, how she would feel happy for them in one breath and resentful in the next. She never talked about it, wasn't sure that anyone could understand what she was feeling. She didn't know much about Lyos at all, just that he was the Knight of Aqualord and had accompanied Lina back to the barrier lands. From what she'd seen, he was a good swordsman and had protected them during the attack at the Sairaag ruins.
His eyes met his and she could see that he truly understood how she felt. “I feel ashamed,” she blurted out, clenching the bread so tightly that it formed a ball in her hands. “I feel ashamed that I still have feelings for Gourry-sama even though he loves someone else.”
Lyos didn't say anything for a long moment. He closed his eyes, then tilted his face toward the sunlight. “I still have feelings for her. Soi Len.” It was the first time since he had told Lina about his past that he mentioned her name. “She's gone and hell, I spent a good bit of time last year confusing Lina for her.”
“Who was she?” Sylphiel asked softly.
He had clammed up when Lina had asked the same thing, had not wanted to go near that subject at all. But with the way Sylphiel was looking at him… “My father was killed in the holy mines before I was born. He wanted to make money for our family. But, the villagers said that the gods weren't pleased with how he worked in the holy mines and killed him as punishment. They said that I was cursed as well.”
He stared at his hands. “I was always stronger than the other kids, so they were afraid of me. Mother didn't want me to cause problems, but it was the only way I could protect myself. So, I formed a gang. About two years before Lina came, the mines were bought by a rich family and a member of that family came out to inspect them. I ordered my gang to attack the coach and then saw her. It failed, but she felt so strange. I felt strange around her.”
“Did she project magic?”
Lyos frowned. “No, not really. I mean, I don't feel anything off of you, Lina or the princess and all of you use magic.”
“What happened then?”
“She ordered our village to work in the holy mines, even though everyone said it was forbidden. She came across me practice with my sword one day and said that I was powerful. She said that she liked powerful humans and objects. She ordered the village to let me go work in the mines even though I was supposedly cursed. I spent more time with her…Soi Len…and she told me about the legend of the Holy Warrior. She said that there was a possibility I could be it.”
Sylphiel held her tongue. There were similar legends in every kingdom that she had visited and sometimes they were used to manipulate young boys into going into service for overly powerful warlords. She nodded.
“One day in the mines, I struck something in the dirt. It was the hilt of a sword. Behind me, a huge caterpillar-like beast started attacking one of the villagers. My lady…Soi Len…told me to grab the sword. I did and it took this form.” Lyos set the bundle he still carried on the ground and unsheathed Banisher. “She announced that I was the Knight of Aqualord and that only the chosen one could use this sword.
“The village was upset, but Soi Len told me to grow strong. She went back to her father's and after awhile, we learned that she and her ship had been lost at sea. The villagers tried to make me give up the sword, but I refused to. So, I ran away.”
He reminds me of Gourry-sama. The comparison surprised Sylphiel, but it made sense. Gourry had left Elmekia for the same reasons. He never told her or her father much about his past, but he did reveal that much - that he had taken the Sword of Light at 17 and fled in order to preserve his family's honor.
“I came across Lina washed up on the seashore and a few days later, we found Gourry in one of the villages. Then we started our quest and I learned that Soi Len's ship was attacked by an ice serpent. I haven't learn much else since then.” Lyos leaned back against the tree and sighed. “She's probably dead.”
“Lyos-san,” Sylphiel mummered and placed a hand on his arm. He looked at her. “I had feelings for Gourry-sama for a long time. I even learned how to do the Dragon Slave hoping to impress him. Being around him and Lina-san…they have made me stronger people. I realize that I have to let me feelings go or they'll keep holding me back. Maybe all of this, your meeting Lina-san and coming here, is a sign from the gods saying that you have learned what you needed to from Soi Len and it's time to let her go as well. She'll be at peace, knowing you have lived up to your potential.”
Lyos wasn't quite sure how to respond, but he felt something deep in his heart shift. He kept his gaze steady on Sylphiel and for the first time in awhile, truly smiled. He placed his hand atop hers. “Thanks, Sylphiel-san.”
The sudden shrieking coming from the city walls startled both of them. Lyos jumped to his feet, swung Banisher before him. He scanned the park, only seeing crowds of people running down the streets away from the gates. He then looked skyward and saw the huge beast towering over the city. “What the hell is that thing?”
“It's coming for the city,” Sylphiel gasped and grabbed Lyos' hand. He barely had time to scoop his package off the ground as Sylphiel chanted Raywing and took to the air. He kept his hold tight on her as they flew above the crowd and over the city wall, toward the beast that seemed to be attacking something.
Sylphiel squinted and could see flashed of blue and pink in the air. As she grew closer, she recognized Zelgadiss and Amelia. “They're trying to fight that thing.”
“Maybe they found the fifth weapon.”
“I'm landing.” Sylphiel hit the ground and they began to run. They skidded to a stop as they watched Zelgadiss attack, then recoil from the beast. Sylphiel swallowed hard. “If Lina-san was here, she could do a Dragon Slave.”
“Didn't you tell me that you could do one?” Lyos gazed at her out of the corner of his eye.
“Well, yes, but it was the one time and…”
“Nah, you can do it again!” Lyos jammed the wrapped blade in his belt, then brandished his sword in front of him and smirked at the beast. He tossed a grin to Sylphiel over his shoulder. “I'll lop off its head and you incinerate that thing.”
“Lyos-san!” Sylphiel reached for him as he bounded off. She clenched her hands into fists and took a deep breath. He was right. There was no choice. Amelia and Zelgadiss were doing their best, but it wasn't enough. If the beast wasn't stop, they all would be hurt or killed. The city would be destroyed. Sylphiel lifted her hands and began to chant.
“Zelgadiss-san!” Amelia flew toward him as he headed away from the beast. “Are you okay?”
“Don't touch me,” he warned her. “I'm covered with blood. Unfortunately, it's not enough to do any real damage. Do any of your palace sorcerers use the Dragon Slave?”
“No, they're not allowed to learn it.” Amelia's eyes widened when she saw the flash of a blue blade near the ground. “Look! It's Lyos-san!”
They watched as Lyos leaped into the air, swinging his blade down toward the beast's neck. The sword bit into the thick skin, opening a cut. Zelgadiss yanked out his sword and channelled the Astral Vine spell into it. He tossed the Darkstar weapon back to Amelia and flew back down. Lyos sprang back from the beast and Zelgadiss took his place, the magically sharpened blade biting deep into the widening neck wound.
Amelia started to maneuver herself into a better position when she caught sight of Sylphiel, standing near where Katarina had fainted. She squinted when she saw a ball of light form between Sylphiel's hands. Fireball? No, too big and I don't think she has any control over… Amelia's eyes widened as she realized what spell she was pulling off. “Dragon Slave!” she screamed to Zelgadiss. “Sylphiel-san's casting a Dragon Slave! Get out of the way!”
Zelgadiss moved quickly, Lyos taking his place. With one last slash from Banisher, the head of the beast separated from its body. Zelgadiss grabbed Lyos by the back of his shirt and hauled him into the air just as Sylphiel released the spell. The massive ball of fire exploded over the countryside, leaving a huge crater where there had once been pasture.
When the smoke cleared, Amelia dropped the shield she had barely managed to erect over herself and Katarina. She winced when she caught sight of the city walls and the crumbling mess they had turned into. And we had just barely completed repairs from when Lina-san did her Dragon Slave a couple years ago!
The next day

Kingdom of Saillune
“Told ya you could do it,” Lyos boasted to Sylphiel as they stood on the balcony of Amelia's rooms, looking out over the city.
“I still destroyed part of the city though,” Sylphiel replied, throughly embarrassed as she surveyed the destruction she had caused.
“Don't worry, Sylphiel-san,” Amelia said brightly. “Daddy's used to this sort of thing from Lina-san. We even now have a budget specifically earmarked for Dragon Slave repairs.”
“Doesn't anyone find it disturbing that we have a need for such things?” Zelgadiss wondered.
No one said anything. Lyos pulled out his wrapped package and thrust it at Sylphiel. “Here. I rescued this when we were in Sairaag. Never found a chance to give it to you before now.”
Sylphiel's eyes filled with tears as she pulled off the wrapping that covered the Blessed Blade. “Lyos-san, I… You don't know how much this means to me.” She leaned over, kissed his cheek. “Thank you so very much.”
Zelgadiss and Amelia exchanged grins as Lyos promptly went scarlet. “So, what about Katarina?” Zelgadiss asked her.
“Daddy says that she's going back to Xoana and has encouraged the kingdom to take a hiatus before sending anymore ambassadors,” Amelia sighed. “He wants to get a budget set up for damages incurred by Xoana ambassadors first.”
“We still have that weapon to look for,” Zelgadiss replied.
Amelia nodded. “I should contact Lina-san, find out how things are going on their end. We can start looking through the libraries here and the museums. Daddy's given clearance and he's made sure that no one questions us even looking through the rare stuff.”
“I'll help you as much as I can,” Sylphiel volunteered.
“We can split it up,” Zelgadiss replied. “You and Lyos can start searching some locations and Amelia and I can go look at others. It shouldn't take us long since we're specifically looking for a weapon and not just book research. We're hoping that Filia's handling that end.”
“All right then. Amelia and I sat down last night and we devised a list…,” Zelgadiss' voice trailed off as the doors opened and an elf girl dressed in heavy armor stepped through. He noticed Lyos shift at his side, his hand reaching up for Banisher.
The elf paused and stared at them. “I am Memphis Linesword,” she announced, “and I have orders to take your group to the Kataart Mountains to meet with Milgasia-sama.”
Author's Notes: Things I do not own in this chapter - World of Warcraft. Let's see if my fellow WoW addicts out there can spot the homage in this chapter. I also do not own Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" and Kosuke Fujishima's "Ah! Megami-sama!" where I took the names for Katarina. Katarina is the shrew heroine of "Taming of the Shrew" and Marla is one of the main, bungling demons who hates the goddesses in AMG. Marla physically resembles Martina and her half-baked schemes are also similar.
Lyos' story that he tells Sylphiel is a very condensed version of the one he tells Lina about his past in Knight of Aqualord. That one spanned several manga chapters, but I wanted to get in more about his past for those who are not familiar with the Aqualord storyline. Sylphiel gets it wrong though. Lyos is more like Lina than Gourry. He ran away from home in order to get stronger, like Lina did. Sylphiel, being Sylphiel, interprets it as Lyos running away to keep his honor and that of Soi Len's intact and that's why she compares him to Gourry.
Yes, the end of this chapter is just like the ending of chapter 9 of "Law of the Land." That was on purpose. So was splitting up the group. I wanted to concentrate on character development a lot more before entering the next major arc. Out of the next three chapters, this is the only real "filler" chapter there is, and even then it's basically to shift some of the spotlight onto Amelia, Zel and Lyos. Next on the lineup is Lina, Gourry and a rewrite of probably my least-favorite episode in the entire series.