Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ SLAYERS: Guardian ❯ Episode 1: A TRAP IS SPRUNG: The Obligatory Set Up Episode ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The Obligatory Set Up Episode

Here's the run-down:

Slayers- NOT MINE
Original stuff and fic- MINE
An odd birthmark on the cheek like Vash
the Stampede and Nuriko- MINE

Episode 1: A TRAP IS SPRUNG: The Obligatory
Set Up Episode

(*Author's Note: In my first submission, I
passed the whole episode as a dream sequence of Filia's, but I've decided
that a Xel/Fil family is a terrific idea and will continue with adventures
involving the children. Filia does have powers of prophesy so maybe the
dream was a premonition of the future. Since the children were named after
the Slayers, it would be too troublesome saying Lina for both Linas or
Lina/Little Lina all the time. So in the script, the children will go by
cute nicknames. Little Lina is Lina-chan. Zelgadis is Zelly. Amelia is
Amy. Little Gourry is Little Gourry (Since when did the original Gourry
give good aliases?))

(SCENE: A pink enveloped letter slips under
a door. Inside Zelgadis, dressed in his green PJ's, is trying to decide
if he between wearing an ivory suit and cape or another identical ivory
suit and cape.)

ZELGADIS: (Picks up letter and sniffs
Hmm. . .'Angelic Avenger' brand perfume. (Flips it over to
show that it is sealed with a pink lip print.)
'Justice Pink'. . .
it must be Amelia. I wonder what does she want? (Opens it and reads.)
AMELIA'S VOICE: Dearest Mister Zelgadis,

I just heard the most fabulous news! One of my court sorcerers told me
that an old wizard school chum was chronicling Seyruun's national magical
treasures. He told Ziggy (that's the court sorcerer's nickname.) that he
is currently translating some stone tablets on chimera! Several passages
have hints on how to make chimeras. If you find out how you were changed,
maybe you can reverse it.

I think it is the real thing this time! Especially it seems that Rezo,
himself, had checked out the tablets for several years from the library
(and, incidentally, he left a huge overdue bill which is why they are confined
to the town library.) I'll meet you there if I can.

Forever Yours in the Pursuit of Love and Justice,

Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun (With several hearts doodled in the margins.)
ZELGADIS: (Kisses the lip marks.) That
darling woman finally came through for me!

(SCENE: Zelgadis, masked, walks through
a town during the night to a brightly lit inn. He enters.)

WAITRESS: You must be (Looks at a note.)
Mr. Zelgadis Greywers?
ZELGADIS: (Warily.) I am. Why do
you ask?
WAITRESS: Your table is this way.
ZELGADIS: My table? (He is taken through
the noisy bar area to a private party room where Lina and Gourry are itemizing
their orders. They both look pretty much the same. (*Author's Note: The
Author's theory is that exposure to magic affects the metabolism and the
aging process. This is why Lina eats so much and doesn't gain an ounce
and never gets a chest. There are only three days out of the month that
she doesn't cast a spell. What is the caloric intake necessary for a Dragon
Slave, anyway? As for the aging process, dragons and monsters, who are
more magic than matter, live millennia. Human sorcerers probably live 150
years. So, even though it is 14 years after TRY, all the slayers look,
at the most, two or three years older. Lina still doesn't have a chest.))

(In chorus.) One of this and this and. . .
GOURRY: Four of these. . .
LINA: Seven of these. . .
(In chorus.)
And ten of these!
LINA: (Looks up.) Zel? What are
you doing here?
ZELGADIS: What am I doing here? What are
you doing here!?!
LINA: (Waving a letter.) Me and
Gourry just got a letter offering great rewards for protecting some jewels
for bandits and other riffraff.
AMELIA'S VOICE: Mr. Zelgadis. Miss Lina.
Mr. Gourry. What are you doing here? (Amelia steps into the room, a
couple of inches taller but looking pretty

much the same.)
ZELGADIS: I'm here because of the letter
you sent me.
AMELIA: What letter? I didn't send you
any letter.
GOURRY: If you didn't send the letter to
Zel, then why are you here, Amelia?
AMELIA: For the sake of justice. To get
some information to catch some assassins.
LINA: Hold it. I smell a set up. Why are
all of us gathered here?
promise, of course.
(Young Valgaav, Boss Gravos, and Jillas enter.)
VALGAAV: And probably risk life and limb
saving the world yet again.
LINA: You. (Looking around, not amused.)
Xellos, come out, come out, wherever you are.
VALGAAV: He's not here.
ZELGADIS: (Looking at his letter.) You
sent us these letters?.
VALGAAV: Yes, I tricked you into coming
. That was easy really. You really shouldn't fall for every little trap.
But everyone knows of Aunty Amelia's love of justice, so all I had to do
was say that I knew who was responsible for that attack on the Council
of Peace-Loving Nations' annual meeting. Aunty Lina came because of her.
. . we'll just say, avaricious nature.
LINA: (Rising from her chair and being
held back by Gourry.)
Hey, you little pip-squeak! Are you calling me
VALGAAV: (As he turns his back to the
It is a necessity, I would think, to be constantly thinking
about money, in your case. Considering you and Uncle Gourry's nutritional
ZELGADIS: <Growl.> Valgaav. . .
VALGAAV: And everyone knows of Uncle Zelgadis's
ZELGADIS: (Holding up his letter.)
How did you. . .?
VALGAAV: Forge a letter from Aunty Amelia?
I have several example of Aunty's handwriting from the thirteen years of
birthday cards. . .Oh and thank you for that thoughtful gift Aunty . .
AMELIA: (Smiles.) Don't mention
LINA: Thirteen?
VALGAAV: Yes, last month was my thirteenth
birthday. Don't worry. I understand how in your, Uncle Gourry's, and Uncle
Zelgadis's many travels, you all must have lost our address. (Looks
back at them with one eyebrow raised. Zelgadis, Lina and Gourry sweatdrop.)

ZELGADIS: But the letter. . .
VALGAAV: Well, Mother had a bottle of perfume
sent to her by Aunty and, though it is expensive, 'Justice Pink' is becoming
increasingly popular with Aunty's
fame and. . .
ZELGADIS: But what about the kiss mark.
. . (Boss Gravos raises his hand and Zelgadis REALLY sweatdrops.)
GOURRY: (Scratching his head.) If
you're here, then where is your family?

(SCENE: Valgaav enters a room in it are
four little, wooden boxes.)

VALGAAV: Here they are. (Flips the lids
off the boxes, one by one. revealing his four little siblings, each in
heavily padded bedding.)

AMELIA: What did you do to them!!?
VALGAAV: Gravos, explain.
GRAVOS: Yes, Lord Valgaav. The miraculous
fruit of the Grulee Sleep Tree. . .
LINA: You drugged them!
VALGAAV: Of course. It was the safest way
to transport them.
GOURRY: But why did you have to transport
them? Where's their mom and dad?
VALGAAV: (Looking down.) That's
the problem. I don't know.
ZELGADIS: I'd expect Xellos to run away.
In fact, I'm surprised he lasted this long. But isn't Filia the responsible
LINA: Explain what happened.

(*FLASHBACK*-SCENE: Filia's kitchen. The
children are shoveling food into their faces.)

VALGAAV'S VOICE: The first night she was
only angry.
FILIA: Where is your father?
VALGAAV: Mother?
FILIA: (Massaging her temples.)
Children go to bed.
LINA-CHAN: But Mooom. . .
AMY: Where's Daddy?
FILIA: NOW!!! (Eyes in flames.)

(SCENE: Filia stares out of the living room

VALGAAV'S VOICE: The second night, she
was depressed.
(Holding up a macaroni necklace)
(Filia doesn't move. Little Gourry leaves the
room to the hallway where the other children are spying.)

LITTLE GOURRY: Even the cutesy kiss-up
stuff won't work.
LINA-CHAN: What will we do?
VALGAAV: Where is Father?

(SCENE: A dark room. Filia clamps her hand
over Valgaav's mouth.)

VALGAAV'S VOICE: The third night, she was
FILIA: Shhh. Quiet. I'm going after your
father. I'll try to be back by dawn. If I'm not back, there's porridge
for breakfast, leftovers for dinner and lunch. Also some cheese and crackers
for a snack. Take the children into the forest to play. Away from buildings
and bystanders. I'll be back.

VALGAAV: Which is why I called you. They
didn't just disappear. Something happened. I know it. First to Father and
then to Mother. We have to find them. The drug will wear off in about a
couple of hours. We can start looking then.
AMELIA: Why did you drug them in the first
VALGAAV: I love my family. But, unfortunately,
my dear siblings make plenty of enemies with their constant property damage.
Without Mother and Father to defend them, I figured that I might as well
keep them out of trouble.
LINA: So when they wake up, you're going to give
them more of the sleeping berries, right?
VALGAAV: Oh, heavens no. I don't know what
another dosage will do to them. You four are going to take them. Plus,
there is something fundamentally wrong with keeping someone drugged.
VALGAAV: Though we don't know for certain
that Mother and Father are dead, we do know that you all promised to take
care of the children if they did die. They are gone, so you are the children's
protectors. I'm only thirteen. I am not fit to take care four younger children
for a long stretch of time. The plan I've devised. . .
VALGAAV: Yes. <Sigh.> You will take
care of them.. It is your responsibility. Obviously, you seem disturbed
by the thought. If so then the simple way to get out of your responsibility
is to find my parents.
LINA: You really want me to take care of
those kids again?
VALGAAV: Look, I know what happened last
time but still, you promised, Aunty Lina. Actually you'll only have to
take care of Little Lina.
LINA: (Eyes narrowing.) That seems
especially unwise.
VALGAAV: <Sigh.> Cut me some slack,
Aunty Lina. You are the only one who could possibly control her. Each of
you will take your namesake and (Spreads out a map on the table.)
go in different directions. You have to be separated.
GOURRY: (Frightened.) Each of us
ALONE! With one of them!
LINA: Lina Metallium Xellos and me alone
on the same road. (Closes her eyes.) Pretty dangerous, if you ask
VALGAAV: Well, they are even more dangerous
when they are allowed to. . .what is the word. . . oh yes, 'play together.'
Didn't you hear about the incident outside the village of Elcruz?
AMELIA and ZELGADIS: Elcruz!!!
GOURRY: Hey, Lina. Isn't Elcruz the village
where we have that great seven layer cake about nine and a half years ago?
LINA: You never remember anything in any
of the series but somehow you remember that?
AMELIA: I heard about the incident.
AMELIA: A pocket of swamp gas got trapped
in an abandoned mine shaft and got ignited by the sparks from the shoes
of a passing horse and some flint in the
mountain pass.
ZELGADIS: I didn't hear something as elaborate
as that. I heard that a simple meteor did it.
VALGAAV: (Closes
his eyes and shakes his head.)

(*FLASHBACK*-SCENE: A cloudy day in the
middle of the mountains is a empty meadow. Lina-chan and Gravos are standing
in the middle with the rest of the children lying down.)

LINA-CHAN: (Raises her hands.) Darkness
beyond twilight. . .
GRAVOS: (Turning around and around.)
Why do I have to be blindfolded?
LINA-CHAN: . . .buried in the stream of
time. . .
ZELLY: (Lifts up his head from where
he is laying 'dead'.)
Because you're Rezo!
(Lifts his head up, too.)
And everyone
knows Rezo is blind!
AMY: (Also lifts up her head.) Shut
up! She's just getting to the good part! (All of their heads drop limply
to the floor.)

LINA-CHAN: . . .I pledge myself to conquer.
. .
GRAVOS: But at least Rezo knew what the
hell was happening!
LINA-CHAN: . . .in my unworthy hands. Ah,
quit your complaining, Gravos. DRAGON SLAVE!! (Kaboom. `_~.S

VALGAAV: She didn't even get to use her
Giga Slave. . . (Looks of horror fall on the Slayers.)
ZELGADIS: It was just a game!
VALGAAV: An re-enactment actually.
AMELIA: But I heard the size of the crater.
. .!
LINA: She can do a DRAGON SLAVE!!!!????
VALGAAV: Oh no. She doesn't have the power.
. .well, really the control necessary for such a high level spell. Mother
can't even get most of them to control a little low level white magic recovery
spell without it going out of control. Though they know many of the spells,
especially black combat spells, Mother wouldn't let them practice until
they go at least some of the white ones. Only Lina can do a recovery half
way decent, so she's the only one who's. . .
AMELIA: How can a recovery spell go out
of control?
VALGAAV: Well, I've seen them draw energy
from one person to heal another person.
ZELGADIS: A resurrect spell!
VALGAAV: I guess so, but not really. It
was more or less random. Any injured creature in a quarter mile radius
can be healed. We always have amazingly healthy turtles around our house.
One time, Zelgadis was trying to heal Farmer Tipkins' sprained ankle and
skin healed over his belly button. At one time or another, all of them
have made the patient's hair and nails grow several feet long. . .
LINA: Then how was she able to do that
VALGAAV: Jillas. Explain.
JILLAS: Yes Lord Valgaav. (Sweatdrops.)
I kinda forgot to lock all of the locks on the door to my work shed.
LINA: You left your shed unlocked!
ZELGADIS: With all that gunpowder!
JILLAS: No, I only left 6 of the 17 locks
unlocked. Unfortunately, those were the ones that had the magical wards
on them.
ZELGADIS: Them how come we didn't hear
that a manmade bomb did it?
VALGAAV: Father had to pay through the
nose for the officials to shut up on that one.
AMELIA: (Horrified.) <Gasp.>
Xellos was able to bribe the town officials!
VALGAAV: Yes. (Shrugs.) So. Mother
didn't feel like moving for awhile. Anyway, this is the plan. Lina will
take Little Lina and follow this route. Zelgadis will take Little Zelgadis
and follow this route. Amelia will take Little Amelia and up through Seyruun
and follow this route and Gourry will take little Gourry on this route.
AMELIA: But where will you go?
LINA: Yeah, you're still just a kid. Where
will you go?
VALGAAV: Oh, don't worry.
GRAVOS: Me and Jillas'll take good care
of Lord Valgaav.
JILLAS: Gots to take good care of Lord
Valgaav. The Boss told us to.
VALGAAV: Mother really hates it when you
call her that. (To the Slayers.) Anyway, it seems that these two
still owe me their loyalty from my previous life. Don't know what I did
but it must have been special. I've got some contacts and leads that might
turn out. I'm going to travel with Aunty Amelia until she gets to Seyruun
and then separate, to follow up on a possible lead. I believe the best
way to keep in touch is to send word to the palace at Seyruun. They should
take good care of the information, right, Aunty Amelia?
AMELIA: Right.
VALGAAV: Then once my brothers and sisters
wake up then we'll go our separate ways.
LINA: Yet another day. Yet another quest.

(SCENE: An empty black room with a single
shaft of light shining on an empty altar. The light pulsates and Filia
is dumped on the altar.)

FILIA: (Putting her hand to her head.)
happened? Where am I? Where's Xellos? (Hears a sound.) Who's there!?!
hulking figures advance from the

shadows . . . )
Where is Xellos and Filia?
How well will the children get along with
their guardians?

Tune in next time: Episode 2: IN SEARCH OF
XELLOS: The Protectors go forth.

Here's the deal. The more I get feedback, the more episodes I
post. Simple isn't it.

-BattleJoy Walton `_~.S