Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers: Knightfall ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Slayers: Knightfall
Book One: Assassins and Shadows
Chapter Two
“Are you sure it wasn’t a dream?” Gourry asked while spearing a breakfast sausage with his fork.
We were all gathered around a table in the bar section of the inn. Gourry was next to me on the right, Zelgadis on my left and Amelia across from me. Over a big bowl of oatmeal and some Dilse toast, I had explained to Gourry about my odd behavior last night. After I told him everything, Zel and Amelia finally woke up and joined us, so Gourry and I decided to have a second helping and told the story to them as well. Minus the whole scared stupid part. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.
“I don’t know,” I groggily answered.
I really didn’t. The whole episode felt so surreal and dreamlike except for the absolute surety I had that it was, in part or whole, real. Nothing had scared me like that before and I really do hope it was just a dream, for the sake of my sanity.
“So that was you bumping around last night,” Zel stated as he stirred some cream into his coffee.
“You of all people shouldn’t be passing blame around for suspicious nocturnal noises,” I goaded.
And by the way, next time you are in Zephillia, try the lamb sausage omelettes. They are to die for!
“Huh? You heard that?” I was disappointed when he didn’t gag on his hash browns in embarrassment. He instead just sipped his coffee as if I’d just asked him about his new cloak. Which was nice, by the way.
“Uh, yeah! So what was going on in there, Amelia?” I tried putting her on the spot instead.
“Oh, you know,” she nonchalantly sipped her orange juice. “Passionate butt-sex.”
I gagged with embarrassment on my hash browns and tumbled off my chair and into Gourry, nearly knocking him off his seat, though he managed to deposit his eggs on my lap.
I got up just quickly enough to save a shred of my dignity and turned to face Zel and Amelia.
And judging by the way they were sniggering I’d say I’ve just been had.
“Predictable as always, Lina.” Zel laughed.
“That was even better than the time she asked Mr. Gourry to ‘accompany her’ for the evening in Vizendi!” Amelia giggled, nearly spitting her breakfast all over the table.
I’ll murder them! I’ll kill them all!
But not before lunch.
“OK then.” I calmly sat back down and starting cutting my omelette into little tiny pieces, imagining Zel’s and Amelia’s faces in every morsel, “Do you mind explaining what those dangerous-sounding noises were, before I blow you both back to Ciephied?”
“We were trying out a new cure,” Zel stated.
“In the middle of the night?” I asked incredulously.
“Yes,” replied Amelia.
What kind of a cure requires vigorous bed bouncing at 2 a.m.?
“Well, that’s that,” Gourry finally piped in, probably with no clue as to what we were talking about or where his eggs went.
“Hey, where are my eggs?”
God, I’m good.
“Anyways,” Zelgadis started, finishing his meal, “As you can tell, it didn’t work. So, Amelia and I have decided, like we told you last night, that we are going to hunt for one last cure.”
“And it’s located somewhere in Zephillia?” I asked for Gourry’s sake; he looked lost already, absorbed with picking the fat out of his bacon.
“Correct, there are three very rare and dangerous to find items we need to procure,” Zel said, gesturing to Amelia, who very carefully pulled out what appeared to be an ancient parchment from her pack and began to read from it.
“The pelt of a Cu Sith, the hooves of a Glaistige and finally the teeth of a Nuckelavee.” She read the scroll like a shopping list.
“Oh, that won’t be difficult at all. . . ARE YOU CRAZY?” Each and every one of those monsters is more than enough for any single one of us! Especially the dreaded Nuckelavee!
I see that you are lost.
Here’s some info to makes ya more edgamacated.
A Cu Sith is a hell-spawned canine the size of a pony said to have been bred by Shabranigdo himself! It is green skinned with a shaggy red or black coat (pretty festive, huh?). As well as its size and vicious demeanor, it can also hunt you down in absolute silence. The only way you’d know you were being stalked is when it lets out its three ear-splitting barks. And by then it’s pretty much over for ya.
Glaistiges are bizarre creatures that have the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower half of a goat. They can shapeshift into either complete form just to make things interesting. The typically live around lochs and rivers. I haven’t heard of them attacking anyone, and they tend to run away at the sight of humans, but I am not really worried about this one or the previous beastie either.
It’s the Nuckelavee I am shitting my drawers over. Not only is it TEN TIMES bigger than a normal human and several times that in natural strength; not only does it have nasty, haven’t-flossed-in-centuries, POISONOUS BREATH, but it also has the dubious distinction of being the most powerful and foul-tempered beast NOT of demonic origin. Nobody knows where it came from. Some say it is the unholy product of early chimera experiments. Ciephied knows it’s ugly enough. It looks like a horse whose rider decided to peel off their skin for some reason and merge together. The rider’s head has a huge, gaping maw of steel-like teeth. The horse’s head and jaw is said to be the size of a killer whale’s, with fins like said whale’s on its legs. It lives close to the ocean and will not go anywhere near fresh water, for whatever advantage that gives us.
I can’t just leave them to themselves to find those ridiculously lethal-to-get items! Damn it all! I thought this was supposed to be a vacation!
“So when do you plan on starting this grand, complicated way to commit suicide?” I asked wearily.
“There’s no big hurry,” Amelia said, “Daddy won’t miss us for another year if I keep up on writing him.”
“Cool, want to come over to my place?” I can at least buy them some time to think it over. But if they REALLY want to go after those monsters I wouldn’t be much of a friend to let them do it alone.
“We wouldn’t want to impose on you two,” Zel said with a wink, the bastard, “and we were planning on doing some more research on the scroll about ways to easily defeat the creatures described in it.”
“Hey, Lina?” Gourry said while nibbling at his now “healthy” bacon.
“Yes, Gourry?” I braced myself by locking my hands onto the chair.
“Isn’t there a sorcerer’s guild near where you live?” He turned to Zel and Amelia. “Why don’t you come with us? It’ll probably get you a lot closer to whatever it is you’re doing and it’ll make Lina happy.”
I nearly fell out of my chair but I held fast so all I managed to do was destroy my kneecaps when they hit the table and knocked some dishes onto the floor.
“Gourry! You kick ass!” He actually remembered something I told him! As well as potentially solving our problem! Astonishing!
“Yeah, I know,” he sheepishly said.
“So how about it?” I said to the venturesome lovers. “The Zephyr City Sorcerer’s Guild branch has a huge bestiary. It’s where I learned about the ways of magical beasts and how to obliterate them!”
They traded looks and seemed to be OK with it.
“If you are sure you don’t mind. . .” Amelia droned.
“Of course not! It’ll be a blast! You can meet the old folks and my big sis and I’ll show you around Z-town as well as the Guild.”
Look out, world! The Demon Slayers have returned!
We set out on the road shortly after picking up supplies after breakfast. We were headed east and slightly north to Zephyr City, the City of Wind. I took the lead as I knew the way, with Zel a few paces behind. Amelia was behind him and Gourry watched our backs. The road was lined with rocks and shrubs, making it almost too good an ambush point to pass up for even the simplest of villains and beasts.
Zephillia is a dangerous place, with tons of monsters and bandits hiding behind every shadow. The people who live here have to be tough to survive, much less build a thriving sheep and wine industry. When Dredrick McLaster, who became the first king of Zephillia, first tried to settle in this land five thousand years ago, he was sent packing by a horde of Red Caps. Red Caps are short, nasty freaks that look like mummified gnomes and like to kill people. But undaunted and lusting for the land’s natural treasures of lumber, emeralds and rich soil, he came back in force, wiping out the Red Caps to the monter.
It was still tough going for the early inhabitants though. With the rebirth of Shabranigdo still recent, monsters outnumbered people nearly ten to one for centuries until several aggressive campaigns tamed these lands. And even now “tamed” is a loose term in comparison to nearly every other civilized country in the world. In fact, every year all the boys entering manhood have to learn how to defend themselves and go on a monster-hunting expedition accompanied by a few soldiers.
So it really came as no big surprise when Gourry suddenly called out my name.
“Hey, Lina!” he said in a sing song voice.
“Yes, Gourry!” I did the same.
“Guess what time it is!”
“Clobbering time!”
And with that a gang of twenty or so bloodthirsty tasloi appeared from the either side of the road, surrounding us in seconds. But in those few seconds I had been chanting a spell. I could feel another presence close by, but I couldn’t tell if it was hostile or not.
“Blast Ash!” My spell reduced four of the lizard-like midgets into their component molecules.
“Vlave Howl!” Zel also had the reflexes to quickly weave an attack spell, and as he said the power words, the ground melted into lava beneath the feet of six of the tasloi, igniting them almost instantly. Zel moved on to find some more targets, and more came! At least a dozen orcs charged from their place of concealment to aid the tasloi!
“Cool!” I exclaimed, more than ready for a decent fight. Bring on a hundred more and they still wouldn’t be a match for us!
Gourry was tearing into a group of ten with ease, his magnificent Blast Sword shearing through the monsters’ wooden weapons and cheap leather armor as if they were tissue paper. Then again, his sword would be just as effective against even mythril.
Amelia on the other hand was a flurry of punches and spells. She flipped over two charging tasloi and toasted them with some flare arrows that were still in mid air. She landed in front of a stunned orc, deftly grabbed its head with both hands, then swung to the side, snapping its neck and then using her momentum to plant her feet into the face of another orc.
Show off.
A group of six tasloi and three orcs moved against me, and I intended to put on a show of my own. I took my short sword and held it in front of me while I began to chant a spell. I waited until they were ten feet in front of me. Then I shoved my sword into the ground and let loose.
“Caladbolg Break!” My spell caused my blade to lengthen inside the earth and burrow towards my targets. Small, finger-sized shards of steel then erupted from the ground, seemingly pureeing the poor monsters into an orc and tasloi smoothie.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is entertainment!
I removed my undamaged blade from the ground and looked to where else I might help out, but by then the fight was already over. The remaining few who attacked us were fleeing every which way, more than likely getting lost in the process.
We regrouped and then began to check ourselves for any injuries. Gourry had a spear tip lodged into his breastplate, the sight of which gave me a start. Luckily it didn’t penetrate; all it did was add yet another gouge to his already heavily pitted armor. Everyone else was OK so we started out again with either me, Amelia or Zelgadis taking to the air via levitation every so often to scout for enemies.
It wasn’t too long before I began to feel the presence I had sensed earlier. It still was unnervingly ambiguous so I didn’t tell any of the others. It was like someone was watching us through some invisible window, and whoever it was it was also following us.
We made it to the emerald-colored wooded gates of Zephyr City a few days later without incident, though the feeling we were being spied on hadn’t abated a smidgen. But I guess I’ll just have to worry about that later. I was home!
I felt like a little girl on my birthday again, all weak kneed and giggly. The fact that guards were posted at the gate where before there had never been any didn’t register with me until we introduced ourselves to the gate captain and he cast me an odd look as we crossed into the city walls.
I realized much later that his expression had been pity.
Tom the Mighty’s Mighty Notes!
Kind of a short one today, but it’s better than dragging it on if you ask me.
So, now we have a quest! And I think that Scottish pride is getting the better of me. . .
.Anywho, what surprises await the Slayers within the fabled walls of the Capital of Zephillia, Lina’s homeland?
Who has been following them?
Has Amelia actually immatured?
Is Zelgadis really such an easygoing guy now?
And is Gourry ever going to grow a brain cell?
Find out next time in Slayers: Knightfall!
Book One: Assassins and Shadows
Chapter Two
“Are you sure it wasn’t a dream?” Gourry asked while spearing a breakfast sausage with his fork.
We were all gathered around a table in the bar section of the inn. Gourry was next to me on the right, Zelgadis on my left and Amelia across from me. Over a big bowl of oatmeal and some Dilse toast, I had explained to Gourry about my odd behavior last night. After I told him everything, Zel and Amelia finally woke up and joined us, so Gourry and I decided to have a second helping and told the story to them as well. Minus the whole scared stupid part. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.
“I don’t know,” I groggily answered.
I really didn’t. The whole episode felt so surreal and dreamlike except for the absolute surety I had that it was, in part or whole, real. Nothing had scared me like that before and I really do hope it was just a dream, for the sake of my sanity.
“So that was you bumping around last night,” Zel stated as he stirred some cream into his coffee.
“You of all people shouldn’t be passing blame around for suspicious nocturnal noises,” I goaded.
And by the way, next time you are in Zephillia, try the lamb sausage omelettes. They are to die for!
“Huh? You heard that?” I was disappointed when he didn’t gag on his hash browns in embarrassment. He instead just sipped his coffee as if I’d just asked him about his new cloak. Which was nice, by the way.
“Uh, yeah! So what was going on in there, Amelia?” I tried putting her on the spot instead.
“Oh, you know,” she nonchalantly sipped her orange juice. “Passionate butt-sex.”
I gagged with embarrassment on my hash browns and tumbled off my chair and into Gourry, nearly knocking him off his seat, though he managed to deposit his eggs on my lap.
I got up just quickly enough to save a shred of my dignity and turned to face Zel and Amelia.
And judging by the way they were sniggering I’d say I’ve just been had.
“Predictable as always, Lina.” Zel laughed.
“That was even better than the time she asked Mr. Gourry to ‘accompany her’ for the evening in Vizendi!” Amelia giggled, nearly spitting her breakfast all over the table.
I’ll murder them! I’ll kill them all!
But not before lunch.
“OK then.” I calmly sat back down and starting cutting my omelette into little tiny pieces, imagining Zel’s and Amelia’s faces in every morsel, “Do you mind explaining what those dangerous-sounding noises were, before I blow you both back to Ciephied?”
“We were trying out a new cure,” Zel stated.
“In the middle of the night?” I asked incredulously.
“Yes,” replied Amelia.
What kind of a cure requires vigorous bed bouncing at 2 a.m.?
“Well, that’s that,” Gourry finally piped in, probably with no clue as to what we were talking about or where his eggs went.
“Hey, where are my eggs?”
God, I’m good.
“Anyways,” Zelgadis started, finishing his meal, “As you can tell, it didn’t work. So, Amelia and I have decided, like we told you last night, that we are going to hunt for one last cure.”
“And it’s located somewhere in Zephillia?” I asked for Gourry’s sake; he looked lost already, absorbed with picking the fat out of his bacon.
“Correct, there are three very rare and dangerous to find items we need to procure,” Zel said, gesturing to Amelia, who very carefully pulled out what appeared to be an ancient parchment from her pack and began to read from it.
“The pelt of a Cu Sith, the hooves of a Glaistige and finally the teeth of a Nuckelavee.” She read the scroll like a shopping list.
“Oh, that won’t be difficult at all. . . ARE YOU CRAZY?” Each and every one of those monsters is more than enough for any single one of us! Especially the dreaded Nuckelavee!
I see that you are lost.
Here’s some info to makes ya more edgamacated.
A Cu Sith is a hell-spawned canine the size of a pony said to have been bred by Shabranigdo himself! It is green skinned with a shaggy red or black coat (pretty festive, huh?). As well as its size and vicious demeanor, it can also hunt you down in absolute silence. The only way you’d know you were being stalked is when it lets out its three ear-splitting barks. And by then it’s pretty much over for ya.
Glaistiges are bizarre creatures that have the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower half of a goat. They can shapeshift into either complete form just to make things interesting. The typically live around lochs and rivers. I haven’t heard of them attacking anyone, and they tend to run away at the sight of humans, but I am not really worried about this one or the previous beastie either.
It’s the Nuckelavee I am shitting my drawers over. Not only is it TEN TIMES bigger than a normal human and several times that in natural strength; not only does it have nasty, haven’t-flossed-in-centuries, POISONOUS BREATH, but it also has the dubious distinction of being the most powerful and foul-tempered beast NOT of demonic origin. Nobody knows where it came from. Some say it is the unholy product of early chimera experiments. Ciephied knows it’s ugly enough. It looks like a horse whose rider decided to peel off their skin for some reason and merge together. The rider’s head has a huge, gaping maw of steel-like teeth. The horse’s head and jaw is said to be the size of a killer whale’s, with fins like said whale’s on its legs. It lives close to the ocean and will not go anywhere near fresh water, for whatever advantage that gives us.
I can’t just leave them to themselves to find those ridiculously lethal-to-get items! Damn it all! I thought this was supposed to be a vacation!
“So when do you plan on starting this grand, complicated way to commit suicide?” I asked wearily.
“There’s no big hurry,” Amelia said, “Daddy won’t miss us for another year if I keep up on writing him.”
“Cool, want to come over to my place?” I can at least buy them some time to think it over. But if they REALLY want to go after those monsters I wouldn’t be much of a friend to let them do it alone.
“We wouldn’t want to impose on you two,” Zel said with a wink, the bastard, “and we were planning on doing some more research on the scroll about ways to easily defeat the creatures described in it.”
“Hey, Lina?” Gourry said while nibbling at his now “healthy” bacon.
“Yes, Gourry?” I braced myself by locking my hands onto the chair.
“Isn’t there a sorcerer’s guild near where you live?” He turned to Zel and Amelia. “Why don’t you come with us? It’ll probably get you a lot closer to whatever it is you’re doing and it’ll make Lina happy.”
I nearly fell out of my chair but I held fast so all I managed to do was destroy my kneecaps when they hit the table and knocked some dishes onto the floor.
“Gourry! You kick ass!” He actually remembered something I told him! As well as potentially solving our problem! Astonishing!
“Yeah, I know,” he sheepishly said.
“So how about it?” I said to the venturesome lovers. “The Zephyr City Sorcerer’s Guild branch has a huge bestiary. It’s where I learned about the ways of magical beasts and how to obliterate them!”
They traded looks and seemed to be OK with it.
“If you are sure you don’t mind. . .” Amelia droned.
“Of course not! It’ll be a blast! You can meet the old folks and my big sis and I’ll show you around Z-town as well as the Guild.”
Look out, world! The Demon Slayers have returned!
We set out on the road shortly after picking up supplies after breakfast. We were headed east and slightly north to Zephyr City, the City of Wind. I took the lead as I knew the way, with Zel a few paces behind. Amelia was behind him and Gourry watched our backs. The road was lined with rocks and shrubs, making it almost too good an ambush point to pass up for even the simplest of villains and beasts.
Zephillia is a dangerous place, with tons of monsters and bandits hiding behind every shadow. The people who live here have to be tough to survive, much less build a thriving sheep and wine industry. When Dredrick McLaster, who became the first king of Zephillia, first tried to settle in this land five thousand years ago, he was sent packing by a horde of Red Caps. Red Caps are short, nasty freaks that look like mummified gnomes and like to kill people. But undaunted and lusting for the land’s natural treasures of lumber, emeralds and rich soil, he came back in force, wiping out the Red Caps to the monter.
It was still tough going for the early inhabitants though. With the rebirth of Shabranigdo still recent, monsters outnumbered people nearly ten to one for centuries until several aggressive campaigns tamed these lands. And even now “tamed” is a loose term in comparison to nearly every other civilized country in the world. In fact, every year all the boys entering manhood have to learn how to defend themselves and go on a monster-hunting expedition accompanied by a few soldiers.
So it really came as no big surprise when Gourry suddenly called out my name.
“Hey, Lina!” he said in a sing song voice.
“Yes, Gourry!” I did the same.
“Guess what time it is!”
“Clobbering time!”
And with that a gang of twenty or so bloodthirsty tasloi appeared from the either side of the road, surrounding us in seconds. But in those few seconds I had been chanting a spell. I could feel another presence close by, but I couldn’t tell if it was hostile or not.
“Blast Ash!” My spell reduced four of the lizard-like midgets into their component molecules.
“Vlave Howl!” Zel also had the reflexes to quickly weave an attack spell, and as he said the power words, the ground melted into lava beneath the feet of six of the tasloi, igniting them almost instantly. Zel moved on to find some more targets, and more came! At least a dozen orcs charged from their place of concealment to aid the tasloi!
“Cool!” I exclaimed, more than ready for a decent fight. Bring on a hundred more and they still wouldn’t be a match for us!
Gourry was tearing into a group of ten with ease, his magnificent Blast Sword shearing through the monsters’ wooden weapons and cheap leather armor as if they were tissue paper. Then again, his sword would be just as effective against even mythril.
Amelia on the other hand was a flurry of punches and spells. She flipped over two charging tasloi and toasted them with some flare arrows that were still in mid air. She landed in front of a stunned orc, deftly grabbed its head with both hands, then swung to the side, snapping its neck and then using her momentum to plant her feet into the face of another orc.
Show off.
A group of six tasloi and three orcs moved against me, and I intended to put on a show of my own. I took my short sword and held it in front of me while I began to chant a spell. I waited until they were ten feet in front of me. Then I shoved my sword into the ground and let loose.
“Caladbolg Break!” My spell caused my blade to lengthen inside the earth and burrow towards my targets. Small, finger-sized shards of steel then erupted from the ground, seemingly pureeing the poor monsters into an orc and tasloi smoothie.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is entertainment!
I removed my undamaged blade from the ground and looked to where else I might help out, but by then the fight was already over. The remaining few who attacked us were fleeing every which way, more than likely getting lost in the process.
We regrouped and then began to check ourselves for any injuries. Gourry had a spear tip lodged into his breastplate, the sight of which gave me a start. Luckily it didn’t penetrate; all it did was add yet another gouge to his already heavily pitted armor. Everyone else was OK so we started out again with either me, Amelia or Zelgadis taking to the air via levitation every so often to scout for enemies.
It wasn’t too long before I began to feel the presence I had sensed earlier. It still was unnervingly ambiguous so I didn’t tell any of the others. It was like someone was watching us through some invisible window, and whoever it was it was also following us.
We made it to the emerald-colored wooded gates of Zephyr City a few days later without incident, though the feeling we were being spied on hadn’t abated a smidgen. But I guess I’ll just have to worry about that later. I was home!
I felt like a little girl on my birthday again, all weak kneed and giggly. The fact that guards were posted at the gate where before there had never been any didn’t register with me until we introduced ourselves to the gate captain and he cast me an odd look as we crossed into the city walls.
I realized much later that his expression had been pity.
Tom the Mighty’s Mighty Notes!
Kind of a short one today, but it’s better than dragging it on if you ask me.
So, now we have a quest! And I think that Scottish pride is getting the better of me. . .
.Anywho, what surprises await the Slayers within the fabled walls of the Capital of Zephillia, Lina’s homeland?
Who has been following them?
Has Amelia actually immatured?
Is Zelgadis really such an easygoing guy now?
And is Gourry ever going to grow a brain cell?
Find out next time in Slayers: Knightfall!