Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers Melee ❯ Guav’s resurrection ( Chapter 8 )
Yippy! Ooh, this is getting really fun! Mazoku Lords are now showing up. Hehe. Well, at this moment in time Rhia is out of town (and away from a computer to the best of my knowledge) so I can now write stuff about her and not fear for my safety for at least a week.
Again, enjoy the story, sit back, relax, review. ^.^
Chapter 8: Guav's resurrection
It seemed as if L-Sama had a sense of humor after all. The group decided to take a day off from traveling to relax so they stayed in the clearing where the bandit hideout once stood.
For Xellos and Phibrezzo the day of rest was perfect for making plans for that night. But plan making didn't take as long as they hoped and in an hour they had everything they needed and the time they would leave worked out, plus they found a spot far enough away from the camp to do it where no one would hear. (They tested out hearing ranges by saying bad things about Fillia. If Xellos had an encounter with Mace-Sama they needed to go back farther.)
For the rest of the gang, they day was uneventful and useless. But they enjoyed it none the less. Lina, Amelia, Naga, Martina, Eris and Rhia found this to be a great time to work on their tans. Rezo tried with all his might to teach Gourry a simple lighting spell, he figured if he could do this he would be the greatest magic user ever. Kopii saw what Rezo was doing and tried to outdo him by teaching Zangulus how to do a fireball. Both weren't getting very far. Fillia was happily reading a trashy romance novel Melyn lent her, well she tried to read the trashy romance novel Melyn gave her in-between her frequent Xellos beating.
Val sat in a corner and laughed to himself as he played with his Slayers Action figures. His voice went high as he picked up his Lina figure. "Oh no! It's Valguav-sama! Whatever will we do? He's far too powerful for us!"
Val's voice dropped lower than his actual voice as he picked up the Gourry doll. "As your protector I will save you!" The Gourry doll charged at the Val doll. "Oh no! Valguav-sama stabbed me! Eeeaaahh!" Val dropped the Gourry doll to the ground, indicating Gourry was now dead.
"I will save you!" Val now impersonated Zelgadis "I have my super chimera powers! you can't hurt rock!"
"Oh yeah!" Val imitated himself. "I think you underestimate me! Ha! we stand next to a lake and when I hit you with a powerful spell you will sink and drowned! Bwahahahahaha!" The Val doll head-butted the Zel doll sending the Zel doll flying back.
"Oh no! I have fallen to! Amelia I am sorry my love. Blub blub blub."
"Mr. Zelgadis!" Val's voice went high again.
"Ha! I am the only Slayers guy that is worth anything left alive!" Val did a poor imitation on Xellos
"You forgot about me!" Val doll head-butted the Xellos doll. "Now I am the only Slayers guy alive!"
"Oh Val! Your so strong and manly! Who needs the other guys when we have you!" Val picked up the Amelia and Lina dolls. "We want to be with you! Forget about the other guys!"
"Yes, I am the manliest man around aren't I!" Val laughed "Come on girls! Lets go back to my..." Val stopped playing and looked over his shoulder to see the entire Slayers cast gapping at him in horror.
"Umm...." Val blushed a brilliant shade of red and put down his toys.
"Valguav!" Fillia snapped and grabbed her adopted son by the ear and dragged him off. "To hear such things coming from my own son's mouth! This is Xellos' and that Guav's fault!"
"Mom!!!" Val pleaded trying to escape Fillia's death hold on his aching ear.
"None of that! I am going to wash your mouth out with soap!"
The Slayers cast withheld snickers until Fillia and Val left the area then they all fell over laughing.
" I wish I had my camera!" Rhia gasped out between giggles.
"I had one!" Melyn leapt out of a tree and held up the camcorder. "See! I got everything! Even when Fi-chan dragged him off!" She was smiling brightly as she handed the camera over to Rhia. "I'll be right back!"
"Where are you going..." Rhia trailed off as she saw Melyn sit down on the ground.
Melyn pulled out a doll version of herself and began to play. Her voice dropped a few octaves as she picked up the Xellos doll. "Oh mighty master Melyn, how may we, your bishonen serve you?"
Melyn giggled "Oh, I don't know...Do my home work, Zelgadis! Gourry! Rub my feet! my laundry! Val! Clean my room! Rezo and Kopii can arrange my magic books and comics! Zangulus can guard my room from intruders!" Melyn squealed and hugged one of the toys. "Val has a Jiras plushy!" Melyn hugged the fox toy. It was apparent Val was not going to get his stuffed animal back.
Night finally came and the Slayers gang settled in for the night. Melyn was happily snoozing with the Jiras plushy in her arms. Rhia was also asleep with a plushy of her favorite anime character, a guy named Hotohori (he's from Fushigi Yugi). The rest of the cast slept peacefully as well, except for Val who was tossing and turning due to the loss of his beloved fox plushy.
Xellos and Phibrezzo stayed awake and sat in a nearby tree. Once they were sure everyone was asleep they quietly left their hiding spot and crept to the spot they had chosen earlier.
"Phibrezzo-sama?" A question nagged at the Mazoku's mind for the past day and a half. "How are you here? Didn't the Lord of Nightmares kill you?"
"I don't want to answer that." Phibrezzo mumbled under his breath.
"So your grounded, huh? Too bad." Xellos snickered.
"Shut up." Phibrezzo stalked away from Xellos. The two quickly came to the clearing. Phibrezzo scanned the book, looking for the page he knew he should have book marked or at least dog-eared.
"So what do we do?" Xellos read over the smaller demons shoulder.
Phibrezzo smiled and faced the other Mazoku. "Would you mind doing this spell?"
"Uh...all right..." Xellos took the book from the other demon like it was going to bite him. He scanned the page quickly. "Why do you want me to do this..."Xellos sweat dropped as he noticed Phibrezzo had skipped out on him.
"Do the damn spell!" Phibrezzo yelled from a distance.
Xellos sighed and began to read the page out loud. " Spell of Life. To do this spell you must have a clear mind blah blah blah..." Xellos scanned the introduction. "You will need several Magical items...first a...costume? Phibrezzo! What kind of spell is this!" Xellos barked
"Do it or else!"
Xellos sighed and continued to read. Threats from creatures more powerful than himself were not things to be messed with. "With this costume you will need to...sing with movements of arms and legs! Phibrezzo!"
"I am holding your life orb right now! I am applying pressure to the life orb with my thumb and pointer finger. I am squeezing harder and harder by the second!"
"Alright. I'll do it." Xellos sighed in defeat. "Where's the costume and what's the song?" Out of no where in particular a purple costume and a sheet of music fell in front of the purple haired Mazoku. "Thanks a lot oh mighty Hell brat Phibby." Xellos murmured under his breath.
"I heard that!" Phibrezzo said in a sing-song voice.
Xellos grumbled as he got into the costume. Sure he dressed up in costume before, but then there were others being humiliated with him and the costume from before was nothing like the one he was wearing now. In fact, he would have taken the fish costume over this any day.
"What are you waiting for!" Phibrezzo hissed. Xellos had been stalling for over an hour.
Xellos held up the sheet of music and felt like crying. The author would pay for this, he would see to that. Xellos already felt woozy wearing the idiotic evil costume that was Barney the stupid American dinosaur that entertained mindless toddlers. The music was far worse.
*Due to the hatred of the song Xellos is singing Melyn the Otaku decided it best for her health as well as for the ratings to not type the song because that is wrong on so many levels. You can make up lyrics yourself, if you wish.*
Xellos groaned and dropped the paper. It was done and he felt like he just ate some of his own cooking. If it wasn't bad enough a small child leapt out of the woods and tackle-hugged him.
"Barney!" She cried out happily as she clutched to one leg. "I love you so much!" Yes, this child was a member of the evil pink haired brats of anime club. (the other member of this club is Chibi-usa from Sailor Moon )
Xellos sounded as if he were choking on his own tongue as he fell over in convulsions. After a few minutes of mindless twitching he finally let the darkness take over. It was a sweet refuge from the sugary sweet childling name Kira (appearance in episode 10 Slayers Next)
Phibrezzo had long since run away as a big...really really big figure stepped out of the darkness, totally unaware what had just happened and why he was there.
The new guy smiled wickedly as he plotted his revenge on one, Lina Inverse...and Phibrezzo, ok, maybe Xellos to. Well...come to think of it he also wanted to get the traveling companions of Lina's. Especially that teal haired girl Margarita? No that wasn't it. Gaaa! he couldn't remember her name!...Martina! Yeah! Martina...
For the remainder of the night the guy in the trench coat sat on a stump and tried to remember the rest of the cast he wanted to kill.
Rhia yawned and sat up. That day off was so nice, they really had to do it again sometime.
"Good morning!" Melyn smiled happily as she still hugged the Jiras plushy. "Where will we be heading next?"
Rhia pulled the map out of her backpack. "Well, from the look of things, we are right next to Famille"(you know, the town where men can't enter. Only women...snicker snicker)
Zelgadis spit out all his coffee upon hearing this.
"Ooh! Fun! Can we go there?" Melyn's eyes were all starry for some reason. "Please!"
Rhia sighed as she rolled up the map and stuffed it back into her backpack.. "All right. Just don't brake anything when we get there."
"Yatta!" Melyn jumped up and did a happy dance. She stopped suddenly and looked around. "Where's Xellos?"
"He wasn't here when we woke-up. I say good riddance." Fillia snorted as she took another sip of tea. "Now we will have peace and quiet."
Melyn sadly sighed. "I miss Xelly." She whined. "I'm going to look for him. He couldn't have gone far."
Rhia sighed. Melyn really was a baka. Didn't she remember Xellos could move onto the astral plane? Rhia decided not to tell her this. Looking for Xellos would keep her entertained for at least an hour.
Rhia stood up and began to shove her sleeping bag in her backpack with great ease. She sat next to Zelgadis, who wasn't moving (probably do to the fact he hear 'Famille' and 'going there' in the same sentence. <(((,O)> hehe, Zel) Rhia sipped at the cup of coffee Fillia gave her and she finally thought she would have a nice breakfast.
"RRRRHHIIIAAAAA!!!!!" Melyn screeched as she launched herself out of the woods and behind Zelgadis. She was pale and shaking.
"Melyn?" Rhia put a hand on her friends back. "What happened?"
"I'm scared I'm scared..." She murmured over and over not looking away from the spot she just left.
Melyn was now crying. "It's him! I don't like him! Save me!"
"Who are you talking--"
"Guav-Sama!" The group heard Val cry out gleefully.
"Melyn. Your scared of Guav?" Rhia felt like laughing. Melyn wasn't scared of the more powerful Mazoku, Phibrezzo but was petrified of the big ugly Guav.
Melyn nodded and clutched to Zelgadis. "Make him go away!" She howled
"It will be alright." Rhia smiled. "What will make you less scared of Guav?"
"Well...if he were cuter I wouldn't be scared." Melyn sobbed "But that's impossible! There's no way to make that any cuter!"
"How about we make fun of him. If we poke fun at him will you feel better?"
Melyn nodded, but refused to et go of Zel. "Can we bring him to Famille?"
"Yes, of course we can! But next chapter all right?"
Again, Melyn nodded.
^.^; I'm scared of Guav. It's pathetic I know. But wouldn't you pee your pants if you ever saw Big-n-Scary walking down your street? That's what I thought! Ha! We're all pansies in this together! Well next chapter I'll hopefully get over this fear. My therapist, Heero Yuy, tells me I need to face my fears to overcome them. I guess he's right. (even if my therapist has more issues than I do).
School starts up again soon. *sob sob* And my final goal of summer is to finish this story before I've got to go back to school (and face Be-a-Weenie when he finds out what I'm doing...when that happens kiss the end of this story goodbye)
Until next time! Ja Ne!
Disclaimer: Ditto.