Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers-Quest ❯ Filia - a Friend drops by ( Chapter 12 )
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Filia -
Filia -
A friend drops by
As Lina and Xellos prepared for the next day, Lina considered all the changes that had happened lately. She was finding herself depending on Xellos more and more; he was intelligent and now was helping her confront the demons within her heart. How much of the pull she felt toward him was the draw of Chaos and how much was something else? She wasn't very experienced with men; most were intimidated by her magical powers. Her almost relationship with Gourry had been laughable, he was gorgeous but she needed more than that. Just as Gourry needed someone who could accept him the way he was, like Sylphiel for example. Was she just lonely? That was a possibility, she'd been lonely for a long time. An overwhelming sadness flooded though her. Why did life have to be this way?
"Lina, no, you aren't alone," Xellos whispered as Lina's feelings hit him. "I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you." He took her in his arms and held her closely. "You are my soul, without you..." his voice trailed off. Lina looked up at him and was lost in the depth of emotion in his eyes. Slowly his head lowered toward hers, their lips almost touching.
"Lina, what are doing with that, with that monster?" sputtered a form in the shadows. "I didn't want to believe Luna, but really!"
"Filia, your timing, as always, is impeccable," grumbled Xellos. "Do you want to handle her Lina, or should I?"
"Xellos, you were a terrible monster the last time Filia saw you so just be quiet and go take a nap," Lina answered, still blushing at what had almost happened. "Filia and I have a lot to discuss."
After her second cup of tea and a full briefing from Lina, Filia summarised, "So Xellos is a priest of the Mother of All and has no allegiance to the monster race anymore. The voice of Chaos has warned you about a danger worse than the alliance of monsters and dragons against you."
Lina nodded, "She said that the balance needed to be redressed. You learned the hard way that the Dragons could be as bad in their way as the monsters in theirs, Val is proof of that. We are following the middle ground."
"Okay Lina, I felt sure there was a better reason for your actions than the one I was given. I had to find out for myself. The other dragons don't know but the council has allied itself with the monsters to destroy you. Once they see the direction you are heading, they are planning to set up an ambush. I am going to inform Milgard about the monster alliance; with this news he will not participate, he does have a soft spot for you. Auntie Aqua may also intervene."
Unable to keep out of the conversation any longer Xellos interjected, "You're not staying, Filia? Lina doesn't have your light hand with a mace."
Filia surprised herself by bursting out laughing, "I think Lina has something better, don't you?"
The two women were dumbfounded as Xellos flushed brightly.
"Nothing to say Xellos?" Filia teased. "Then I will leave contented. Take care of yourself, Lina, I'll send you my spare mace in case you need it."
Lina smiled with pleasure, "Another confederate, things are not completely bleak."
"Never, Lina dear," Xellos stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You do need your sleep though, it will be a hard day tomorrow." Placing a kiss on the top of her head he pushed her towards her bedroll. "I'll take first watch, we'll talk after you're rested."
About to disagree, a yawn forced its way from her throat. "Just don't get used to pushing me around," Lina told him.
"Never," Xellos answered.
Watching Lina fall asleep Xellos sighed, this emotional stuff was so hard and yet so easy.
"Okay, Melee, you've been much too quiet lately, what's going on?" Xellos gasped in shock as Melee came into view. Large sections of her body shifted in and out of view. He stood as the sight of her chilled him to the core. "What is happening to you?" Xellos asked.
"Nothing bad, just a bit quicker than I had hoped, too soon, too long in coming. I am in the process of returning to Chaos, my dear Xellos. I want to go, I've been on this plane for much too long. Do not worry, it comes and goes, goes and comes, comes and... I'll be around for a while longer."
"But Melee, I don't want to lose you. I have too few friends as it is," Xellos protested.
"Xellos, this is not a sad thing. The Mother created me with this world and I've been alone except for her presence within me. I've waited a long time to be rejoined with her. If it wasn't for you and Lina, I'd have already left so when it is time for me to leave, be happy for me, get drunk, have a party and be very chaotic."
Xellos smiled sadly. "I will, it's just that you've given me so much, I'll never be able to have enough time to repay you."
Melee giggled, "If you want to repay me finish what you started with Lina before that rude dragon showed up. It was about to get hot and heavy, wasn't it? Mind you you'd have more fun with me but Lina is a good second choice."
"You have a deal you old schemer," Xellos agreed. "But only if that is what Lina wants."
"You've gone blind and numb. Even Gourry could have figured out from the look on her face that she wanted you to kiss her," Melee informed him.
Xellos answered in a serious tone. "She has to decide with her eyes open what she wants at all levels, I told you before that I will not force or trick her into choosing your road for her. Now an old lady like you needs her beauty sleep, go to bed."
"Yes, child, but only because you asked me so nicely," Melee responded before going to her niche in the tree.
Preparing for a possible ambush, the group made their departure in the wrong direction. Xellos took advantage of the situation and started signing off colour ditties to which Lina responded by beating him thoroughly. After an hour of travelling, Xellos motioned them to a stop suddenly serious.
"They have left; there are no longer any dragons within the general area," he told them.
"Right. Into the forest now everyone, we have to be quiet, just in case," Lina ordered. "Gourry you take the lead, keep to a path with air cover. Zel cover our backs. Amelia, left, I'll be right. Xel, I just want you to concentrate on finding any stray dragons. Clear?"
As everyone nodded and took their positions, Gourry informed Lina. "They'll have set their ambush in the black mountain pass. If we were really going in this direction we'd be hitting the pass close to sunset and stopping at the village on the other side for the night. We should be within a half day's travel of our goal before they realise that we've fooled them."
Lina nodded at Gourry's words. He had told her the same thing the night before but the repetition was comforting. "Thanks Gourry, as usual your tactical sense is unparalleled."
"Huh?" Gourry wasn't sure what Lina had said but it sounded like a compliment.
Lina sighed, "I meant that you're a good fighter, Gourry, and I'm glad you're on my side." Gourry smiled happily and went to take up his position. Lina in a good mood meant no fireballs, which was definitely something he could live with.
They travelled quickly though the forest. Xellos was relieved to find no dragons around but the whereabouts of the Knight of Cepheid bothered him more. Lina could take on monsters and dragons with no worry and very little guilt if they attacked her, but somehow that sister of hers had Lina twisted up inside. He could feel the knot of fear inside of her every time she looked back. He didn't know how to handle the situation and he doubted Melee could help. That really left only Zel or Amelia to help him. Amelia, well, she was female and was experienced in healing, but she was also pretty naive about this type of stuff. Zel was almost as inexperienced as he was in the emotional stuff, but he knew what it was like to be screwed over by a relative. Xellos sighed, talk about the blind leading the blind, he would just have to play it by ear.
Zel glanced quickly at Xellos; he was coming to terms with Xellos as a possible friend. It was hard to trust him but so far, Zel was happy with what he saw. Xellos' growing attachment to Lina was understandable, sort of like the bonding of a duckling to its mother, but was that all there was to it? Gourry said that Xellos loved Lina. But then, they all loved Lina; she was sister, friend, leader; she was the one that had brought them all together and gave them a purpose. He was worried about her though. She had been acting differently since she had talked to Luna; she had become more brittle, there was a hesitancy to her voice that he had never heard before. Maybe he should talk to one of the others about it; Xellos or Amelia might know what to do.
Unbeknownst to the others, Amelia was having the same worries. Amelia went over ways to help Lina; pleas to justice wouldn't work, as that would only reinforce Luna's teachings. She considered types of healing spells but she didn't know any that could heal the mind. Amelia came to the conclusion that she would have to ask Mr. Zelgadis for help and maybe Xellos as well, since he could read emotions.
At the lunch break, the three attempted conspirators tried desperately to find a way to talk to each other without Lina noticing. The company was too close for any private exchanges though.
"You know, Lina, your sister is a bitch," Gourry remarked to the gasps of the others who tried to quiet him.
"What do you mean, Gourry?" Lina asked her voice becoming dangerous.
"Well, I was just thinking about it. She came, she threatened you and never once gave you a chance to explain. I mean, you always ask me why I do something before you fireball me even though I usually never have a good reason. You're pretty smart, so she should have asked. Right?" Gourry explained.
"You're right, Gourry. She is a bitch, it's just hard to let go of old habits," Lina responded.
"Do you want me to hit you over the head, like you do to me? That helps some," offered Gourry.
"Try that and you will be fireballed," Lina smiled.
Xellos felt the tension around Lina decrease. "So that's how you do it," he thought, "Take out the unspeakable and confront it, thank you, Gourry."
Arriving at the village was a relief. Lina had Xellos check the area again for the presence of dragons; when he pronounced the area dragon free, grins appeared on all the faces. Motioning the others towards the inn, Lina turned to Melee.
"Tell me about the Chaos sword. It's more than just a weapon, isn't it?" Lina asked.
Melee nodded, "It is a focus for magical energy, Chaos energy to be specific. The mother of All uses it to perform her will though her chosen avatars without taking them over. If the user is not one of the chosen, she maintains the balance by taking them into Chaos."
"Okay, let me understand this. If one is chosen they could theoretically use a spell like the giga slave as well because it does not upset her balance, right?" Lina asked curiously.
"Actually, there are quite a few Chaos spells that could be used if one is chosen." Melee looked sideways at Lina trying to gauge her reaction. "I have a spell book that contains all of them if you're interested."
"A whole spell book, of new spells." Lina shook her head trying unsuccessfully to clear the temptation. "I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to just look at them. I mean, I'm not doing anything else tonight, it will just be for the information, right?"
"Yes, child. Just for information; you couldn't cast any of them anyway unless you were willingly chosen," Melee answered as she handed over the book.