Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers Resurrection ~ a continuation of fate ❯ A Challenge ( Chapter 7 )

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Slayers Resurrection

Chapter 7: A Challenge


¡¥Tell me I¡¦m dreaming Xelloss.¡¦ Filia muttered, looking up like everyone else.

¡¥Nope, your not, the thing is one hundred percent real.¡¦ Xelloss replied in a murmur, his eyes closed.

Practically everyone had gathered outside in the city, staring out at awe. There was a enormous barrier trapping the center of the country from the outer. The barrier seemed to change colors from time to time. Translucent, making it really clear to see the division. It was howling with weird wheezing sounds.

¡¥Who in the heck is responsible for this?¡¦ Xelloss muttered.

¡¥I feel strong energy in the centre of the barrier.¡¦ Filia said, turning to Xelloss. The Priest looked at her, then closed his eyes and headed forward. Filia followed. The barrier was so close to the palace that you¡¦d think it¡¦ll cover it too.

¡¥I think the barrier is a combination of several powers and curses.¡¦ Xelloss said, touching the surface with his gloved hands. There was a ripple of energy forming.

¡¥But who would want to cast such a huge barrier?¡¦ Filia pointed out.

¡¥I don¡¦t know, but ¡V ¡¥ something struck him, he narrowed his eyes, then turned his head sharply.

¡¥What is it Xelloss?¡¦ Filia asked, she too turned, and saw Prescott looking at them, his eyes glowing red.






¡ ¥Is it true Lina?¡¦ Amelia asked, looking around with a sort of scared look in her eyes.

¡¥Dead sure.¡¦ Lina said in a serious tone, ¡¥it was somebody holding that red light, I heard it teleport just after I broke it.¡¦

¡¥Then where is it now?¡¦ Gourry asked, his eyes scanning the area.

¡¥Not far I presume.¡¦ Zelgadiss replied, his hands on his sword.

The surrounding was dead silent, not a sound was heard. It felt so uncomfortable. Then suddenly there was some soft water dropping sounds.

¡¥Who is it?!¡¦ Lina shouted, positioning for attack. Zelgadiss pulled out his sword.

¡¥I do have to agree that you are an intelligent and experienced sorceress,¡¦ a female voice echoed through the area.

¡¥Who is it there?¡¦ Lina repeated, looking around, eyebrows twitching.

¡¥Lina look!¡¦ Amelia pointed upwards. They saw a small ball of turquoise white light, shimmering in the dark. Then it suddenly shone violently of crimson orange. The others had to cover their eyes.

Then the light transformed into a figure of a person. It gradually stopped glowing and revealed to be a girl, floating in air, looking down at them with a smile.

¡¥Nice to meet you, Lina Inverse.¡¦







¡¥Xe ¡V Xelloss¡K¡¦ Filia backed away a little. Prescott¡¦s eyes were glowing unhumanly.

¡¥Stand behind me Filia.¡¦ Xelloss said in a low voice, still looking into the eyes of the general, ¡¥or I can¡¦t garentee anything.¡¦

Filia grimaced, then backed off and slid behind Xelloss, looking at Prescott sideways over his shoulder.

Prescott was standing so still, his eyes glowing crimson red under his mossy green hair, he seemed to be burning into Xelloss, in some sort of unspeakable hatred. The other people around seemed to notice the tense situation between the trickster priest and the bad tempered general, turning their heads forward to see what they were up to.

¡¥Prescott,¡¦ a soldier started, trying to walk up to him, sensing something wrong, ¡¥what are you ¡V ¡¥ But before he could even finish his sentence, Prescott held up his arms sideways and blasted something orangy black at him, causing the poor soldier fall into a fit, then slowly disappeared.

All of the people around screamed, Filia looked at him with shocked eyes, while Xelloss remained silent, but clutched his staff tighter in his hands, making it hurt.

The general didn¡¦t even blink, or look back to see what he had done. The other people just stared at him, not daring to make a sound. Filia saw from the corner of her eye that Neville and Flore were huddled together not far.

¡¥So Xelloss, I never knew that even you, would come to places like this.¡¦ Prescott said curtly, his eyes still shining under his shadowed hair.

¡¥That, is my secret, and none of your business.¡¦ Xelloss said, looking at him with his slender evil eyes.

¡¥Still your secretive evil priest image eh? Or did you not just realize what is just so special about this place that makes Dynast Grausherra place me here, just to keep an eye that everything is safe and sound.¡¦ Prescott said through narrow eyes.

¡¥I didn¡¦t know why, until now.¡¦ Xelloss said calmly. Filia let out a small gasp, hiding her face behind Xelloss¡¦s shoulder.

Dynast Grausherra? Filia thought, covering her mouth. She thought for a minute, memories coming back to her. She was told by Saijoro before of the War between Ceiphied and Ruby Eye Shabaranigudu, more detailed that perhaps anyone else. After the War, Filia thought again, Shabaranigudu was sealed into seven pieces, scattered all over this world. Then Hellmaster Phibrizzo triggered the Koumar War and resurrected on piece of Shabaranigudu, then another by Red Priest Rezo¡K¡K

Filia¡¦s mind was turning fast. We¡¦re locaction now is far from the Mazoku barrier, Dynast Grausherra placed his servant here, then that means¡K¡K

¡¥Now I know why Zelas told me to come here.¡¦ Xelloss said, if possibly narrowing his eyes. Filia jumped at his words.

¡¥You should know by now.¡¦ Prescott said slyly, ¡¥that the third piece of Shabaranigudu is sealed in this area, and no one is going to stop me from getting my hands on it.¡¦





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Lina¡¦s eyes trembled as the mysterious girl landed softly on the ground right in front of them, her hair moving against the breeze.

¡¥Who ¡V who are you?¡¦ Amelia asked, her voice shaking. Zelgadiss and Gourry were speechless.

¡¥My name is Elicia Longlay, and I have heard a lot about Lina Inverse and her friends.¡¦ The girl replied. She had long aqua green hair that practically went down to her ankle, pulled in a long ponytail. She had big crystal orange eyes, which gave you a sharp feeling. She wore a cape that went right down to the back of her knees. The wind suddenly changed directions, her hair practically covering half of her face.

¡¥Elicia¡K¡K Longlay?¡¦ Lina repeated suspiciously, ¡¥you were the one who controlled the chimera?¡¦

¡¥Of course, that should have been obvious.¡¦ Elicia said, tilting her head.

¡¥But what for?¡¦ Zelgadiss asked.

¡¥What for?¡¦ Elicia repeated slowly, her hands to her side. ¡¥To see if you really have the ability.¡¦

¡¥Ability?¡¦ Lina looked sharply at her, ¡¥what for?¡¦

Elicia opened her eyes, ¡¥I did hear a great deal about you Lina Inverse. About defeating Hellmaster Phibrizzo and Chaos Dragon Gaav. It does seem to me that you have great powers that will exceed yourself in some situations.¡¦

Lina grimaced, ¡¥so you know everything.¡¦

¡¥Oh, practically everyone knows about these histories you¡¦ve made, especially if you¡¦re a mazoku or shinzoku.¡¦ Elicia replied.

¡¥You¡¦re a, mazoku?¡¦ Amelia asked uncertainly.

¡¥No, not exactly.¡¦ Elicia said, narrowing crystal like eyes, her mouth curved in a sly grin.

¡¥What do you exactly want?¡¦ Gourry asked.

¡¥Ah, so I see that you have given Garunova back to the other world.¡¦ Elicia looked at Gourry.

¡¥What do you want?¡¦ Lina repeated, getting a little impatient. She was kinda tired after the fight.

¡¥To be honest with you,¡¦ Elicia started, putting her left hand on her hip, ¡¥I did also hear that you have destroyed the Shabaranigudu piece that was sealed in Red Priest Rezo¡¦s eyes, haven¡¦t you. With the help of your curse Giga Slave.¡¦

A flash of memory from the Claire Bible crossed Lina¡¦s mind, making her shiver. She never dared to use Gigaslave again after she had learnt about its true meaning behind.

¡¥So I¡¦m here exactly, to challenge you, Lina Inverse.¡¦ Elicia said, her eyes widened suddenly.

¡¥Challenge me?¡¦ Lina repeated.

¡¥Of course, I want to see what really lies in you, to give you so much power.¡¦ Elicia smiled again, which made Lina a bit uncomfortable.

Lina glared at her, her hands trembling.


¡¥And what if I don¡¦t?¡¦ Lina¡¦s voice shaking.

Elicia raised her eyebrows, then floated up in midair. ¡¥If you don¡¦t, then I will release the powers in the third piece of Shabaranigudu with is sealed in this area.

¡¥What?¡¦ Amelia cried in a shocked voice.

¡¥Yes, I will. And don¡¦t think of running away either, because there is already a barrier surrounded here.¡¦ Elicia said slyly.

The four of them all turned around and saw that there was a white transclusent shield surrounding the whole area from afar.

¡¥Lina.¡¦ Gourry looked at the sorceress.

¡¥What do you actually want?¡¦ Lina asked, not turning around.

¡¥I just want to see if you really have the ability.¡¦ Elicia replied, then she formed a pillar of ice with a sharp end in her hands, ¡¥to win.¡¦ Then she shot forward, aiming for Lina¡¦s back.


