Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ The Wedding of Gourry Gabriev ❯ Wedding Bells! Gourry's getting married? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gourry was getting married and it wasn't to me.
I never think of the day we'll part ways, the day when our partnership, our life together will end, almost like a divorce, though it was never a marriage. I mean, don't get me wrong I never thought of me and Gourry getting hitched you know. Okay, not really that often. I mean the guy has a jellyfish for a brain, but he's still amazing to look at and quite possibly the best swordsman currently alive. I know that women, lots of women, when given the chance notice him, but I never thought about the day when Gourry would not be here, be with me.
Gourry with his inane comments that make me want to smack him upside the head, which I tend to do often.
Gourry with his total lack of historical knowledge, that after tearing out some of my hair I always end up explaining to him, even though I know he's not really listening.
Honestly, I didn't expect Gourry to just bend this way, about getting married. One day he receives a missive that he won't let me read, goes over it once, rips it apart and then announces that he's getting married.
Yup, all been decided for him and Gourry is just going to go along with it!
After I finished laughing for a while and realized he was serious I asked him how he could be so stupid to go off and get married because his family has picked someone out for him and he looked at me and started up this babble about, “Well Lina, there comes a day when a man has to settle down and start up a family.”
He was serious. And then he has the gall to ask me if I want to come with.
Ouch Gourry, way to kick a girl when she's down. Why not just say, “Hey Lina, I'm going to go marry some hottie, but first I want to parade you in front of her so she knows that I wasn't traveling with anyone she had to be worried about.”
I mean what am I less then dust in the road?
Not that I care if Gourry is getting married, I'm just saying, I don't want to feel like stray baggage he picked up, or a puppy. Yeah, that'd go over great, why don't you introduce me to the future Mrs. Gabriev like that Gourry…
“Hey honey, this is Lina, I was thinking we could keep her. Don't worry, she's housetrained, but she eats like a pig.”
Just thinking about it makes me want to smack him upside the head, so I did. Teach him to be parading through my subconscious.
“Ow Lina, what'd you do that for,” he asked, a wounded expression on his face, “I was just asking if you wanted to come with me back home, sort of as a good-bye.”
I couldn't refuse, but oh my god did I want to. I mean did he have no feelings? Couldn't he see how much this hurt? What? We'd been traveling companions for years, years! A girl gets protective of her partner. I mean, I'm just saying I always felt like I had dibs on Gourry and now I was walking him home so he could go get married to some complete stranger that his family had picked out.
“So Gourry, who is it exactly that you're going to be getting married to?” I asked all big eyes and innocent expression.
Gourry looked at me warily for a few moments, “Well gee Lina, the letter didn't say.”
Great, just great, jellyfish brain was getting married to a woman he didn't even know the name of. What if it was Sylphiel? How could I be mad at her? I mean, she's known Gourry longer then I have and obviously always had a bit of a thing for him…
Argh! Don't think about it Lina! Just walk. Just keep right on walking until you march Gourry over to his folks and don't think about it. If he wants to go ahead and settle down to start a wife and…and family, that's his business. You always knew you wanted to keep on traveling the road and hadn't planned on settling down, you can't expect Gourry to always stay with you….but I did.
We walked on for a few minutes in silence our feet finding the road to his home.
“Hey Lina,” He asked after a while, “you're not jealous are you, about me getting married and all?”
He mostly got out of the way of the fireball.
Nine days, five bandit camps, and one quick body guard job later we arrived at Gourry's family home. The place was massive and quite impressive. I had to stop and take a moment to let it all sink in. This giant mansion, with garden, farms and surrounding countryside was the Gabriev estates. This was where Gourry grew up.
I broke out into a cold sweat when a middle aged couple came out the front door waving and laughing. This is it Lina, all you have to do is escort Gourry to the front door and your partnership is officially over. No more Lina and Gourry, no more bandit camps, body guarding, saving the world together. It'll all be back to solo for you. Yup, I turned to my right to ask Gourry if he was ready, but he had already moved past me and was greeting his family with hugs and kisses.
I was left standing in the middle of the path alone and feeling a bit sorry for myself.
“Lina!” he yelled, turning back towards me, “what are you doing back there? Come meet my folks.”
Oh great, now I get to meet the folks. This was not how I pictured meeting his parents. Then Amelia peeked her head out from behind a woman I assumed was his mother and called out, “Miss Lina, come join the party!”
Oh my, sweet, please tell me he's not getting married to Amelia. Please tell me he's not getting married to Amelia.
Then Zelgadiss squeezed his way around the other side of the opening and I let the breath that had been strangling me out. Whew. I mean, Zel wouldn't just stand there and let Amelia get married to Gourry right? Right? And then Filia was there and Sylphiel and Xellos and I was just confused.
How the hell could all these people have known about Gourry getting married? I never saw him sending out invitations and I can't imagine it's easy to track down Xellos by normal mail. I, wait, could this mean that Gourry was? That he was going to?
And then Gourry came towards me and smiled and held out his hand. At least he was smart enough not to kneel in front of me and I said as much while I whacked him upside the head.
“Ow Lina, what'd you go and do that for,” he asked, his expression sad puppy.
“For scaring me half to death!” I yelled.
“Well how else was I going to get you to come out here?”
“You could have asked Gourry!”
He just shook his head at me, a sad expression marring his face.
“What? Don't you look at me like that! A girl likes to be asked to get married!” I yelled some more.
“Who said anything about getting married?”
And then I got to experience the sensation of having your heart ripped out of your chest. I'm pretty sure I heard Zel say ouch somewhere in the background and Amelia gasp. I'm not sure, since my vision swam a little bit.
“You did Gourry, you said you were coming home and getting married!”
“Right, I did, and I plan to.”
Just not to me apparently.
“Lina are you okay?” he asked, something like genuine concern in his voice.
I couldn't believe he could treat me this way and then ask if I was okay. I couldn't even get the anger to cast Dragon Slave. I just knew I wasn't sticking around for this. Gourry could get married to whomever he liked, but Lina Inverse wasn't going to be around to be made a fool of.
I turned and cast Ray Wing ascending into the sky, deaf to Gourry's calls and the cries of the others, one hand rubbing my breast bone, the spot right below my heart, and I wondered if the pain would ever go away.