Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ The Wedding of Gourry Gabriev ❯ Love! Gourry and Zelgadiss talk! ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
<b>Title:</b> The Wedding of Gourry Gabriev
<b>Fandom:</b> The Slayers
<b>Characters:</b> Gourry, Zelgadiss
<b>Prompt:</b> #97 Writer's Choice
<b>Word Count:</b> 845
<b>Rating:</b> PG
<b>Summary:</b> Chapter 2: In Which Gourry has a frank discussion about relationships with a Chimera.
<b>Author's Notes:</b> I don't own the slayers and I'm not making any form of monetary profit from this piece of fanfiction.
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The Wedding of Gourry Gabriev
Chapter 2: In which Gourry has a frank discussion about relationships with a chimera.
After Lina cast ray wing and flew away Gourry was left calling after her, his eyes watching her progress across the sky. Behind him pandemonium broke out as numerous people called out directions, suggestions and plans. Xellos disappeared without a word, while Filia and Amelia insisted they start searching for her.
After all the commotion died down Gourry was left with Zelgadiss and Sylphiel for company, all of them silent. It was Zelgadiss who approached the large blonde man first, placing one hand on his arm and nodding at him.
“Well, that didn't go as planned,” Zelgadiss stated, his eyes also following Lina's fading figure, “but Gourry, I don't understand why you said that….Lina probably believes you don't intend to marry her.”
Gourry raked his hands through his hair, a gesture as uncharacteristic for the man as the grim frown marring his face.
“I know Zel, it's just sometimes Lina, sometimes I wish she'd think of me too when she talks,” he answered, his hands tightening in frustrations for a few more moments before he relaxed and smiled down at the other man.
“Well, now the question becomes how long should I wait before I go after her.”
Zelgadiss crossed his arms and placed one hand on his chin, “now that is the number one question isn't it? You know Gourry for a man that was mad just thirty seconds ago, you are taking the last few minutes rather well, I must admit.”
The bigger man shrugged, raising his hands in the air in the universal gesture of confusion.
“I don't know what to tell you Zel; I guess I'm pretty easy going there just doesn't seem to be any sense in getting worked up over everything.”
“Getting worked up? Gourry, you were worked up not five minutes ago.”
“I don't know Zel, I just know that I'll give Lina a few hours to calm down and then I'll go after her and get her to come back.”
“Gourry, are you actually going to ask Lina to marry you?”
“That's the plan.”
“After what just happened?”
“Well sure, why not? Lina and I have our differences, but I am her protector after all.”
“And that means protecting her from spinsterhood?”
“No, I want to marry Lina. I mean, she's stubborn, she's rude, she can almost out eat me, she's not very developed, she's bad tempered, but she's Lina.”
“You really do love her.”
Gourry shrugged again before smiling and nodding.
“Do you really think she's going to want to just stay here? To settle down and have a couple of kids,” Zelgadiss asked, cocking one eyebrow.
“Nah, Lina's not the settling down kind, but I figure we'll get a small place for between our adventures.”
“A place to come back to,” Zel said softly, his face closed for a moment, “well Gourry, if you can pull of convincing Lina I'll have to admit you're a lucky guy. You two will never get tired of each other to say the least.”
“You're pretty lucky too Zel, I mean with Amelia.”
“Well, that is, I don't know what you're talking about…Gourry, how would you know?” Zelgadiss practically sputtered, fidgeting in place with discomfort.
“Well, I don't know, I just sort of assumed that you and Amelia were getting serious with each other, I mean, you talk about me and Lina, but you two have known each other years too.”
“It's more complicated then you and Lina.”
Gourry stared at him with a look of complete incomprehension, making the other man look away in embarrassment.
“I mean, you and Lina, you're comfortable with each other. You wouldn't ever try to change Lina right?”
“Of course not, but Zel, Amelia isn't trying to change you either, at least I don't think she is….”
“N-no she's not, but I'm the one that wants to change. Gourry, look at me, what do you see?”
“I don't know Zel, I see you, a Zelgadiss.”
“No Gourry, I mean yes, I'm Zelgadiss, but I'm a chimera too. All I've been searching for these last years is a way to turn myself back to human.”
“But Zel, I don't think that Amelia cares that you're a chimpera.”
“Chimera, Gourry, Chimera.”
“Right, what you said. I think she likes you the way you are.”
“The point is I don't like me as I am.”
“Well Zel, you have to learn to like how you are, but I don't see how that's Amelia's fault. She didn't make you into a Chimercia right?”
“Chimera. No, Rezo did, but Amelia is a princess. She has responsibilities to a kingdom, to her people. I can't, I won't be living there as a freak and I can't ask her to come with me and abandon her responsibilities. Do you understand?”
Gourry nodded, the look on his face clearly indicating that he didn't understand in the slightest.
“Just forget it Gourry. The important thing right now is to find Lina right?”