Smallville Fan Fiction / Spiderman Fan Fiction ❯ Clark's Twin Brother ❯ Prolouge ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

On another planet in another galaxy, there is a planet called Krypton. A
35 year old couple name Jor-el and Lara, had twin boys. One was named kal-
el, and the other was Jal-el. One day, Jor-el predicted that the planet will
one day explode. Cause the core of the planet is collapsing. He told the
council of the planet. They did not believe him. After he made the prediction
and before he told the council, he made a space ship. Is look like a star made
out of crystals. He had a feeling that the council won't believe him. He
already told his wife. “What about Kal-el?”, Lara said. “We are going to send
Jal-el first and going to a planet that is like ours, to planet Earth.” “Are we
going to send Kal-el there too?” said Lara. “Yes, we are. We hope that they
will find each other when the time comes to find each other.” The next day,
they send Jal-el to Earth. It is a successful lift-off. For the next two
weeks, they started to build another ship. The next day, there were
earthquakes all over the planet and Jor-el knew the time had come. By the
minute, the planet's quakes got worse. The planet was breaking up. Jor-el and
Lara were getting Kal-el ready. When the ship was taking off , Jor-el said,
“Good luck, I hope you will find each other someday, my sons.” When this was
going, Kal-el was confused on what was going on.