Sonic Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Genesis Adventures 2 ❯ Crisis ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 10: Crisis

On a rainy night was a 15-year-old green hedgehog. He was running as fast as his legs could go through the forest. The young hedgehog's feet hit the ground hard as he ran. He turned his head over his shoulder to see ten humans with guns after him. The reason why? All humans hated Mobians. The alliance between Mobians and humans was a thin one.

"You stupid animal!" shouted one of the humans.

The human shot his gun at the hedgehog, but it missed. The young hedgehog ran faster and faster. He ran through some trees and on the other side, he stopped in time to see that he was on the edge of a cliff. His eyes widened with fear as he looked down at the bottom of the cliff where he saw a fast flowing river. He turned slowly back to the forest, only to see the ten humans coming at him with their guns, smiling and laughing at him. The young hedgehog sighed and closed his eyes, and jumped off the cliff's edge.


Sunnyhill Town, 7 `o clock in the morning…

A sleepy hedgehog woke up fast. He was covered in cold sweat, putting his right hand up to his forehead.

{That's the fifth time this week I've had that dream…} He turned his alarm clock off. {I wonder who that young green hedgehog is?}

Getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom, he looked in the mirror on the wall.

{How long do I have to play this game?} He thought.

He soon walked back into his room to get dressed and then he walked past Rei's bedroom.

"Hi, Rei," he said happily. "You ready for school?"

"No, I'm not!" she shouted from her room, and he continued to go downstairs.

The hedgehog walked into the kitchen and sat on a chair.

{Why me?} He shook his head. {I know it has been three months since anyone has seen Chaos and the Freedom Fighters have been working hard the last few days, and I have been…} Matrix looked up from reading the morning newspaper.

"Brother," he said in a welcoming tone. His brother was sitting on the other side of the table, drinking some coffee.

Matrix turned to tell Rei that the bus was to take her to school would be here soon, but in the corner of his eye was the Dark Omega sword on the kitchen top. It was glowing pure red.

Matrix's eyes widened with fear, and then he hit his hand on the table. {No, not now…}

{Brother, get Rei out of here NOW!} Matrix said telepathically to him.

From Ken's point of view, Matrix looked like he was in a lot of pain, and so Chronos ran up stairs and grabbed Rei's hand, and the two ran out of the house.

"Is the bus here?" she asked, putting her bag down.


Not far away, walking toward Matrix's house was Knuckles and the Chaotix Crew.

"I don't get it, Knuckles," said Charmy. "Is Matrix an Ultimate Life Form or not?"

"I don't know, Charmy." Knuckles said, "Ask him." he was annoyed at the bee.

"Aaahhh!" Espio cried and something hit the Chameleon. He was hit to the ground hard.

"Espio, you okay?" asked Vector.

Vector was looking around for the attacker, but only found Ken on top of Espio, and Rei ran up to them.

"What's the matter?" asked Charmy

There was a sudden explosion from Matrix's home and fireballs hit the group. Seconds later, all but one of them where on the ground. Knuckles, who was still standing, slowly locked faces with a grey and white hedgehog. The eyes of this hedgehog were pure white. The rage and hate filled the soul of this hedgehog, and in his right hand, was the Dark Omega sword.

"Matrix." Knuckles said quietly, but before Knuckles could say another word, he was hit in the face by a powerful blast of light.

"Brother!!" Ken shouted in a panic.

Matrix threw the sword at him, but the sword only hit the ground in front of his feet. The Chaotix Crew knew that it was Matrix because they had seen this before, but something was wrong. His once white fur had turned a dark grey, it was almost black in color, and his red and black lines on his spikes vanished, replaced with white. Powerful waves of psychic energy, like electricity left Matrix's body. His eyes were pure white, no pupils. Matrix stood with his left foot kicking the ground. Ken looked straight into his brother's eyes and he found his brother looking back. Matrix's pupils were slowly returning. Matrix fell to the ground. He was using all his strength to fight the thing inside him.

He grabbed his head, and threw his head back in the air, and shouted into the sky, "GET OUT OF ME!" After that, he returned to normal.

"What was that all about?" asked Vector, storming up to Knuckles.

Matrix turned his head away. "I'm sorry." He stood up slowly, in pain, and walked back to his home.

Ken looked at his brother. He didn't know why his brother acted like this, but he ran after him.

"Max, why are you running?" he shouted at his back.

Matrix stopped, but did not turn. "I run because of who I am, or who I could become," Matrix replied.

Knuckles and Mighty walked up to Matrix. "What do you mean?" asked Mighty.

"Sonic told me a few weeks ago about how he got his powers and how Super Sonic is an evil vision of him. I am like him in more ways than you think," Matrix replied.

Knuckles suddenly hit Matrix in the face. The shocked Matrix looked straight into the dark purple eyes of the echidna, and without using his powers, he saw something in them: hope.

Matrix suddenly remembered what the Ancients told him, {{{{Hope will rise in new lands.}}}}}

"Thank you, Knuckles." Matrix said, "It looks like you hit some sense into me. Thanks."


Later that night, after the others had long since gone back to the Floating Island, Matrix, Ken, and Rei, were watching T.V. and eating, when a knock came to the door. Matrix stood up and walked to the front door to open it. Rei and Ken heard the sound of something hitting the wooded floor. The two ran up to the corner of the door and looked around it. They saw Matrix on the floor of the hallway, unconscious. He had fainted. Ken looked at the person standing at the door. The person was a dark brown hedgehog, looking down at the unconscious Matrix.

"Ken." the dark brown hedgehog whispered, looking up at Ken.

"Uncle," he whispered, at the same time, remembering who this person was, but after he remembered, he shouted it out. "Uncle Terry!" and he ran to the dark brown hedgehog, and hugged him.


An hour after Matrix woke up…

"Oh, my boys, it's wonderful to see you safe," said their Uncle. (His full name is Terry Woodland Raven.) "Where is your sister?"

"We don't know," Matrix replied, looking sad.

"So, how did you find us, Uncle?" Ken asked.

Terry looked down at his lap. He sat in the chair in the living room with Max, Ken, and Rei.

"I heard about the ARK last year and thought of you." Terry looked up. "I was visiting your friend, Max, Samuel and his wife Summer..."

Matrix smiled, remembering the first time he meet Sam.

Then Terry continued. "He told me that their only son was taken away from their home a month ago by humans, and he hasn't been seen since." Matrix's eyes locked with his uncle's. "I thought that if I found you, you could help." Then Matrix suddenly remembered something…

>>>>>>>>>>Flashback <<<<<<<<<<

Max's thoughts were losing control, but someone grabbed him and pulled him into an alleyway.

"Max, are you crazy?" A voice asked. Max looked at the person.

"Samuel," Max said, and he turned to see a dark blue hedgehog, about the age of seventeen. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm visiting an old friend." Samuel replied, and the two hugged. "Max, are you okay?"

>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of flashback <<<<<<<<<<<<<

Matrix's thoughts were torn away as he heard his uncle talking.

"I was watching T.V. and I saw you, and I came here. Scotty is the name of their son. He is only 15 years old, Max." Terry said, and his voice was full of fear.

"We'll help you," Matrix said, putting an arm around his uncle.

"Violet and Rime would be pleased," Terry said.


Matrix, Ken, and their Uncle arrived at the South Island base. Matrix knocked on the door. Amy answered the door, and three walked into the base. Matrix saw Sonic watching the T.V., Tails was working on the computer, and Shadow was eating at the table.

"Hi, guys." Matrix said warmly.

Sonic looked up at him and waved his hand. Tails still worked on the computer.

Shadow looked up. "Hi, Max."

Matrix nodded at him. Shadow and Matrix had become very good friends over a short few days.

"Er, guys," Matrix said, trying to break the news to them. "Can one of you take me to the West side of Mobius?" Matrix asked.

"The West side of Mobius?" Shadow asked, standing up, and he walked over to him.

"Shade, this is my uncle Terry. Meet Shadow." Matrix said.

"So, you're Shadow…" Terry said, looking at the black and red hedgehog.

"Well, can someone…?" Ken asked.

"I will," replied Robotnik's voice.

"Tails can, too." Sonic said, turning his head from the T.V.


"Oh, Tails, you're on that computer all the time." Sonic said, smiling.


The trip west would have been a long one, but thanks to Tails and Robotnik, who flew them in the Cyclone 1 and 2, they were there in no time. After the four had said their goodbyes to Tails and Robotnik, the group of four walked into Matrix and Ken's uncle's home. It was the Raven's family home.

"Welcome back, Max and Ken," called a female's voice.

"Oh, this is my wife Helen." Terry told them.

She was a light brown hedgehog. Terry was showing his two nephews, Rei, and Shadow around the ranch. Shadow had asked to come along.

"And here is the main corral…" Terry finally said.

They all saw in the corral, another hedgehog, but this one was dark blue. He wore a tan cowboy hat on his head. The horse in the corral was a copper brown, and his mane and tail were white. The dark blue hedgehog was trying to calm the wild horse.

"That's not Sam… Sam never liked horses." Matrix said, looking at Terry.

"HEY! Hey, Cowboy!" shouted Terry.

The dark blue hedgehog turned his head and he saw Terry at the wooden post. He turned back just in time to see the horse that was in the corral with him, going wild.

"Kiel, GET OUT!" Terry shouted.

"Kiel… Sam's brother." Matrix said to himself.

Kiel, as he ran, his feet got caught in the reins that he was holding, and he fell to the ground of the corral, sand and mud in his face. The wild horse ran to him. The sound of the horse's hoofs hit the ground hard, and the dark blue hedgehog closed his eyes in fear.

"STOP!" shouted a voice.

Kiel heard the voice. {I remember that voice.}

He opened his eyes and looked up to see Matrix standing in front of him. Matrix stood in between him and the wild horse. The horse and Matrix stared at each other.

"Burner, is that you?" Matrix asked in a child-like voice.

The horse stopped, and slowly and calmly walked over to Matrix, head up high. Matrix held up his right hand to the horse's head, and Matrix closed his eyes.

{How have you been, old friend?} Matrix asked in the horse's mind, {It's me, Max, don't you remember your old friend? I'm grown up now.}

The horse looked at him, then raised up on his back legs and screamed with joy. Matrix did not move or open his eyes.

{You still remember me…} Matrix put one hand on the horse's neck. {Can you help us find a friend?} The horse nodded its head up and down, and screamed again. {Thanks.}

Matrix then opened his eyes and looked at the others. "Burner will help."

"Wow!" Kiel said.

Matrix helped him up. "Sorry about Burner. He has not seen me for a long time," Matrix said with Burner right behind him.

"Are you here to help find my nephew?" Kiel asked.

"Yeah," Shadow said, running over to Matrix.

"That was amazing!" Rei said, running around Matrix and Burner.

"Thanks," Matrix said, putting one arm behind his head in embarrassment.

"Terry, who are these people?" Kiel asked.

"You do remember me…" Matrix said, smiling.


It was 5 `o clock in the morning. Matrix was putting the saddle, bridle, and reins on Burner. He turned to watch the others get on to their horses. Shadow was on a mare called `Freedom.' It was his uncle's own horse. Freedom's color was pure black. Shadow got on with no problems. Ken was on `Windom', a newly broken white stallion, and Rei was on `Union', young copper mare who was Burner's daughter.

"I see you've had a family, Burn," Matrix said as he finished putting the reins on. He got on Burner's back. "Don't worry, Kiel, we'll get your nephew back."

Then group rode out of the ranch. Ken and Shadow headed southwest to see if they could find the humans and Matrix and Rei went east west in search for Kiel's nephew.


It was twilight when Matrix and Rei were on the two horses. They stood on a rock, out looking over the grassy prairie. Matrix gave the order for Burner to go, and Burner started to run down the rocks and across the open plain. His legs thundered on the ground, and along side him was his daughter, Union.

Matrix looked back at Rei on Union. After a while, the horses stopped on the side of another cliff, their heads raised up into the air.

"What is it, Burn?" Matrix asked.

The horse nodded to the left. Matrix could sense something near them.

"Rei," Matrix said to her. "Go back to the ranch, now!"

Rei and Union turned and raced off, back in the way of the ranch. Soon, Matrix and Burner came to a forest.

{This is like my dream…} Matrix thought as he continued through the forest, and then a fallen tree was in the way.

"Come on!" Matrix said to Burner.

As he jumped over the fallen tree, something hit the back of Matrix's head. Matrix fell off of Burner, and blacked out.


Southwest of the ranch, 5 hours later…

"So, you're Shadow," Ken said, not looking at him.

"Yes, why?" Shadow asked. He looked at the half hedgehog/lion.

"No reason." Chronos called, "Hey, look over there!" He was pointing at something.

He was pointing at five humans on horseback, and they had Matrix and Burner.

"Come on, let's get back." Shadow said, worried.

When they arrived back at the ranch, Ken and Shadow saw Terry and some other hedgehogs.

"Samuel, Summer, your son is okay." Terry was saying to them, but suddenly, Shadow and Ken rode into the ranch and jumped off the horses.

"Max? Was…" Ken shouted, now worried about his younger brother.

Terry looked back at the blue and green hedgehogs. "Rei." Terry said, looking at her. She started to cry, and Summer walked up to her.

"I hope Max can find Scotty." Samuel said, looking out of the ranch in the direction that they could be in.


Matrix awoke to find himself in a cell, a bit dizzy, and had a big headache. He put his hand to his head and slowly stood up. After that, he looked around to try and find a way out, but there was none.

He sat back on the cell bench. {Great, now what?} He thought.

Suddenly, the door to the cell opened and four humans threw another hedgehog in, and then walked back out. This other hedgehog was green and had a blue jacket, and had orange shoes on.

"Hey, you okay?" Matrix asked, and the green hedgehog looked up at Matrix.

"Hmm, yeah," replied the green hedgehog.

Matrix stood up and helped the green hedgehog up off the wet floor, and then Matrix walked up to the barred door of the cell.

"I know my powers could break us out, but what about Burner? I'm worried about him," Matrix said to himself, but out loud.

"Hey, did you say Burner?" the green hedgehog asked.

Matrix turned to face him, and then he nodded. "Yes," Matrix said. "He's my horse at my uncle's ranch. He found me and asked if I could help him find an old friend of the family."

"Oh, hey, what's your name?" asked the green hedgehog, sitting down on the bench.

"It's Max Raven, and my uncle is Terry." Matrix replied. "But my friends over in Sunnyhill call me Matrix."

"Max, but my father told me you died!" said a very shocked 15-year-old hedgehog.

"Do I look dead?" Matrix said. He put one hand on his hip. "What's your name, kid?" Matrix asked, not really looking at him.

"Scotty, but my friends call me Scott." Scotty replied. To Scotty, Matrix looked deep in thought. "Hey, Max, do you remember Dad?"

Matrix looked at him and nodded head. "Do I remember your Dad, yes, I do." Matrix said.

There he was with a friend of his dad. "You're an old friend of my Dad." Scotty said, smiling

"Actually, your dad befriended me first…" Matrix said, looking over to the barred window. "Sam helped me more times than I can think of. Hey, we can talk later, but right now, let's get out of here."

Matrix faced the barred door and raised both of hands to it, causing the door to fall back into the cell.

"Wow, how did you do that?" asked Scotty.

"I'll tell you later," Matrix replied, walking out of the cell, followed by Scotty.

Matrix and Scotty turned a corner and saw three humans walking by them. Matrix looked at Scotty and nodded. The two ran out before the humans could do anything. Matrix walked around another corner and this time he found Burner, tied up to a building. This made Matrix mad.

"Hey, skin bag!" Matrix shouted at the sixteen humans, who all turned around to face him and Scotty.

"Are you sure that was a good idea, Max?" Scotty asked, looking at the now mad white hedgehog, which was standing next to him.

"GET him!" one of the humans shouted, as they all ran at Matrix.

"Scotty, fight!" Matrix cried.

He just ran at the humans and jumped high in the air, and when he landed he kicked four of the humans, who got back up.

"Hmmm, looks like we'll have to play by my rules." Matrix said, and he backed up to Scotty. "Scott, can you use a gun?" Matrix asked

Scotty thought for a moment. "I might. Why?"

"Good, here, use my Dad's." Matrix gave the young hedgehog the gun.

{Sorry, kid, I can't use my powers here} Matrix then realized he had the sword. "Scotty, no!" He said, taking the gun back, and he grabbed the Dark Omega.

{{{{War will burn in the hearts of man}}}}

"These humans would like a war? Well, you picked the wrong hedgehog!" Matrix shouted. He turned to Scotty. "Scott, hide now!"


"No buts. Go now!"

"Oh, okay." Scotty ran off.

{If you got hurt or worse, Sam would kill me.} Matrix thought. He watched, as the humans got closer to him. "It's time…"

Matrix closed his eyes just in time. The sword turned pure white, blinding all the humans, but one of the humans had fired a gun and the bullet hit Matrix's right shoulder.


Scotty had found a place to hide, and he was with all the horses. Scotty looked out of the door to see the white light.

"Wow, come on, boy," he said to one of the horses.

The horse did not move, but something made the horse to go. Scotty got on his back and the two ran out.


Matrix was holding his right shoulder and used his other hand to whistle. Soon, Burner with Scotty on his back came running.

"Good, Burn." Matrix said, getting on.

Some of the humans recovered and started shooting at the three.

"HOLD ON!" Matrix called, and he gave the command for Burner to run, and the horse did.


Back at the ranch…

Ken looked up, and he felt something. "My brother's in trouble," he said, as he stood up and Shadow did too. "Uncle, can you look after Rei?"


But just as the two hedgehogs got on their horses, Matrix appeared in the middle of the ranch. He was on Burner, riding fast, and with him on the horse's back was Scotty. Matrix fell off of Burner.

"Brother!!" Ken shouted in a panic.

He ran up to Matrix, who was breathing hard and fast. His eyes where fully open and had an eerie red glow.

"I'm not doing that any time soon," said Matrix.

Shadow walked up behind them, and he asked, "What happened?"

"I used my powers to escape, it's like chaos control, Shadow, but it's not. I teleported here," Matrix said slowly. "Man, do I hurt."

The whole time he was on the ground, the others didn't see that he had been shot in his right shoulder.

"You need a doctor," Helen said. She had noticed Matrix's injurers, and she helped him up, and they all walked into the house.


Meanwhile, back in Station Square…

Sonic was waiting outside of a hair shop for Amy and Rouge, when he noticed a grey fox Mobian, who ran into the shadows of a building that was set to be destroyed. Being the hedgehog he was, he walked slowly over to the building. Looking around the site, he saw a small sliver Chao with a dark purple zigzag.

"Hi, little guy," Sonic said, holding out his hand to the Chao, who backed away from Sonic, scared. "I'm not going to hurt you."


Sonic looked up and heard a sound. He turned, but saw nothing.

`Click, click'

Sonic heard the sound again, and as he turned, and this time the building around him started to fall. A brick hit Sonic's head and he fell unconscious.


At the same time in the West part of Mobius…

Matrix sat outside in the hot sun, recovering from his injury and teleporting. His teleporting ability used a lot of psychic energy and he could only teleport three people at maximum. He had in the past teleported more, but he nearly died. He looked at the slowly setting sun. Then he looked down at his hands. In them was a photograph of him and another family.

In the photograph it showed two male hedgehogs and a light brown female hedgehog. One of the males was white, red and back, and the other male was dark grey, and standing next to them were two younger hedgehogs, a darkish brown boy and a light grey girl.

"Max, Max, MAX!" Rei shouted as she ran up him.

Matrix put the photograph back in his pocket and turned his head. He could feel that something was worrying her. His eyes widened.

{Sonic…} Matrix stood up and without warning, he vanished.


Back in Station Square, Amy and Rouge walked out of the hair shop that they were in.

"Okay, Sonic, what do you think?" Amy asked. She was in a white dress, and she looked up and down the street. She could not see him anywhere. "Sonic?"

"AMY!! Look!" Rouge said, pointing strait at the building that he had gone into.

Rouge was pointing to an unconscious Sonic, who was lying on the ground through the gate. The sign on the gate said, `KEEP OUT.' The building started to fall.

"SOINC!" Amy cried as she ran over.

Suddenly in front of them, Matrix appeared. He turned to face them.

"What? How did I get here?" asked a confused Matrix.

"Max, can you help?" Rogue asked, pointing behind him.

Matrix turned and saw Sonic, and the falling building. Matrix acted fast, holding his hands up to stop the building from falling.

"Rouge, get Sonic!" Matrix said.

Rouge ran over to the unconscious Sonic. A female grey fox suddenly helped her.

"Uh…" Rouge looked at the grey fox.

She was about he age of twenty. She had green eyes, short purple hair, wore a blue t-shirt with yellow stars on it, and she also had a purple and yellow jacket, and green trousers. Her shoes were dark blue.

"Who are you?" Rouge asked.

"Tell you later," the fox said. "Come on, let's get Sonic out of here!"

The two got Sonic out just in time before the building hit the ground. Matrix had to let it fall down.

"So, who are you?" Rogue asked the grey fox.

"Why?" said the grey fox.

Matrix turned his head to her and he felt the same pain she did, the same loss of family. "My name's Max, and the white bat is Rouge," Matrix said nicely to her. "And you?"

"Call me Aura," replied the grey fox.

"Nice to meet you," Matrix said, shaking her hand.

As he shook her hand, Matrix heard the three Ancients say. {{{{Hope will rise in new lands}}}}}

"Guys, we need to get Sonic some help!" Amy said.

"Okay, Amy, if I am right, Sonic's parent's home is not far." Matrix said.

{So the Ancients have sent Aura to help…} Matrix thought.

"How do you know where Sonic's parents live?" Rogue asked.

"I'm an old friend of them," Matrix replied, smiling.
