Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ :: A world beyond me :: ❯ Chapter 4: King Boom Boo Bellows Back! ( Chapter 4 )
:: A world beyond me ::
I don't own anybody's characters or the original Sonic characters! The original Sonic characters, like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, the works, with be in here...soon! Ztarlight! You appear in...THIS CHAPTER! WHOO HOO! Okay, now on to the story!
Well Eggman is the original Japanese name for the evil egg-shaped villain in all of the cartoons and games where as Robotnik is the American dub name. I bet you didn't know that, did you? I guess Sega wanted to use the Japanese name for later reference through out SA and SA2 and upcoming Sonic games.
*~* Back to our feature presentation *~*
As you and I both recall, we were face to face with the big cheese himself, King Boom Boo who sauntered out of nowhere. In the game, he was retarded freak of nature who yelled "bra" all the time and people laughed their asses off at. But here things seemed very different up close. You could see the details of his face and his huge, translucent body as well as his jaws. His body could go through walls, but his jaws could be felt scraping off your blood and flesh! Don't ask me how I was a lucky guess! A lucky guess that we'd test for ourselves if we're unlucky enough for our heads to get snapped off by him and his teeth.
If I weren't already snow white, I'd be as pale as ever. There were the 5 of us running from the insane ghost. There was C-4, Nokameko, Kit_Kat, Rahn, and I, formerly known as Bell. I was going to lose count if many more people joined us. Let's just hope nobody finds that stupid ezboard!
"Hey, Bell, snap out of it!" C-4 yelled at me. It worked. I could hear the battle music coming from deep within myself. Or maybe it was my memory, since I did very well to mimic music and sing or hum it.
"How come Knuckles isn't here?" I asked.
"Well I guess that means we came before he fights King Boom Boo! That's a good sign! That means Knuckles isn't done finding all the security keys yet!" Nokame said. Then he spoke again.
"This won't be so hard." Nokameko began, "It's rather simple! If we keep running ahead...we should get to the..." He trailed off as a short ghost holding an hourglass high over his head came into view, "THERE IT IS!" Nokame yelled.
"Now someone has to knock it down!" Kit_Kat murmured. Rahn was in deep thought too, I could see.
"Hey, buddy! Go for it!" C-4 said as he patted Rahn on the back extremely hard.
"ACKKKKKK!" Rahn yelled as he flew forward and fell onto the top of the hourglass. His weight caused the hourglass to topple over and out of the ghost's reach. The ghost panicked and disappeared...but he'd come back to aid his `master'.
Sunlight filled the room, as the hole we dropped down in was unclogged of the block that had covered it just before.
Then King Boom Boo dissolved into the brick floor as a shadow beneath our feet and slithered about to avoid us. All eyes turned over to C-4.
"Hey, C-4 buddy. Why won't you try digging him out?" Rahn asked.
"But I can't dig inhumanly fast like Knuckles! He has huge steel spikes on his knuckles! I-"
"Hey, GO FOR IT!" Rahn said shoving at his back just as hard as C-4 did to him.
"OWWWWWWW!" C-4 moaned as shoveled hastily into the ground beneath them...he burrowed through it like it was sand! And so fast that it was if like he was digging into water!
And just our luck, Boom Boo had slithered right beneath C-4 the exact same moment! And out came a defenseless, frantic ghost. What happened to the vicious monster that was chasing us only a second ago?
He soon was out of our sight as he scurried off the left behind the pillar and started to come out at the right side of the pillar.
C-4 immediately tended to the sore bruise on his back where Rahn had shoved him.
"You didn't need to hit so harrrrddddd." C-4 complained. Rahn scowled and folded his arms.
"Now we need someone quick to hit him." I said. Kit_Kat spoke up.
"Leave it to me...and my handy dandy YO-YO!" Kit_Kat said flinging his yo-yo from where ever he hid everything he had with him.
Then came King Boom Boo passing us by.
"AROUND THE WORLD!" Kit_Kat yelled swinging the yo-yo through the air in a circular motion and hitting King Boom Boo in the process as it returned to his hand. King Boom Boo then scooted away awfully fast. One hit thanks to Kit_Kat's top notch `fighting skills'.
Then, a few seconds afterwards, the hourglass had returned to the hands of the small ghost from before and the sunlight dimmed ever so slowly as the hole we entered this room was filled with darkness. And King Boom Boo was right on our tails! No pun intended about myself.
"Well now there's only 2 more hits and we're finished with him." Nokame said. Rahn didn't say a word now. He was always exclusive, so to speak, even when he's mad. Nokame was watching over the yellow chaos emerald like it was a child to him or something. I guess it deserved the attention. He then stuffed it inside his shell for safekeeping.
"This is getting so irritating already!" Rahn said with a grunt.
"Yeah, my legs are killing me now and so is this bruise!"C-4 complained still rubbing his bruise.
"Hey, since there's more than one of us, maybe we could defeat this guy faster than Knuckles could! Let's see. How about one of us sneak the other way while the rest of us run in the other direction as fast we can! Then he won't even know that one us tipped over the hourglass!" Nokame suggested.
"Perfect! Hey, where'd our Chao Walkers go?" I questioned them.
We all looked at the ground beneath us.
"Oh great. Must've disappeared...It has to be a plot device." Rahn said.
"So who should be the one to sneak off?" Kit_Kat asked.
"How about Bell?" C-4 asked.
"ME?" I asked bewildered.
"Yeah, you-hey wait! The hourglass is just up ahead!" C-4 told me.
"Well, that will be out last plan to resort too, for a quick finish." Nokame told both of us.
"SHELL SHOCK!" He ranted as he popped himself into his shell and flew right into the hourglass, knocking it out of the ghost's hands. The room grew well lit again and King Boom Boo had crawled up the pillar.
"Well echidna boy, DIG!" Rahn ordered gruffly. C-4 sighed.
"Fine, fine! Just don't hit me!" He said following Boom Boo closely after. Then he slithered up the pillar!
"But I can't climb!" C-4 said. I interrupted Rahn.
"Please, C-4. Could you just try?" I pleaded. He groaned and felt his fingers go into the cracks between every brick there was. He could climb with ease! Then he followed Boom Boo's shadow form. And once he found the appropriate place to settle, he burrowed rapidly and threw him out and then he whimpered once he felt the sunlight hit his skin.
"So, who's going to hit now?" Kit_Kat asked.
"I might as well..." I told them. Boom Boo quivered around desperately looking for shade. I walked over to him, calm, cool and collected, and thwacked his head the old fashioned way. His whimpering was driving me insane!
"That wasn't hard." I remarked.
"So now that's he's on his last turn before he gets hit again, let's try out Nokame's plan and get out of here quickly before Knuckles comes!" Kit_Kat ordered.
I nodded. That King Boom Boo was furious as it was. His anger was clouding his mind and would only steer him right into our trap.
"So you all are bait and I'm the sneak?" I asked. Nokame nodded.
"Works for me." I said scampering off silently in the other direction against the pillar, as they ran as fast as their legs could carry them! A just as Nokame thought, King Boom Boo had confronted them and chased them my way. I was almost there!
"There it is!" I told myself as I approached the hourglass and the ghost holding it over its frail shoulders.
"Move over pal! HYAH!" I warned the ghost as leaped into the air and high-kicked the hourglass with out of his hands.
Just as King Boom Boo was gaining speed on my comrades, he melted into a mere shadow for his final time and his futile attempts to escape were amusing.
I ran back to them and C-4 has already climbed onto the pillar.
But King Boom Boo was moving rather fast along the pillar!
"Stay still god damn it!" C-4 yelled but could seem to dig at the right moment.
"HURRY ALREADY!" Rahn snapped. Strange to see guys like him snap.
C-4 groaned again and shoved his hand furiously into the pillar right over King Boom Boo's exact spot effortlessly.
"Hey Rahn! You should snap more often!" Kit_Kat commented.
C-4 then dropped right onto King Boom Bo and rode him like a bull in a rodeo!
"YEE HA!" He screamed as got out his sword and jabbed it into him. Then C-4 was thrown off like arag doll but landed gracefully on his feet.
But things weren't looking up for poor King Boom Boo. The horrible ghost had diminished in thin air as a result of countless explosions running through his body. He felt himself fading fast to his real domain. A place where flames brewed everywhere and people who gave the word `bad' a new name. A place we know as hell.
Once entire room grew silent and still, C-4's sword fell from where King Boom Boo's new gash once was and met the brick floor with a loud `CLANG'! C-4 stumbled over to it and once he obtained it, he withdrew it back into his sheath.
"Okay, now what next?" Kit_Kat asked. My eyes wandered around, hoping to spot the Chao Walkers.
"Hey where's the Chao walkers?" I asked with no success in finding them myself.
"Shouldn't they be around here somewhere?" Kit_Kat asked.
"I say we forget about them. They're lagging us behind! We can wing getting to the rocket, can't we?" Rahn asked crudely.
He was on to something. We could just hurry, and skip right through the Egg Golem fight, since Eggman hadn't come yet to activate him. But if we used the Chao Walkers to get there, it'd take forever! So I nodded.
"We're so close to that rocket! We're hardly a step ahead of Sonic and co. as it is. If we slow down even further, the rocket will launch for sure without us on board!" I told them. I found myself correct and so did the others. Kit_Kat seemed to be attached those Walkers an awful lot. But it's not a huge sacrifice we're taking about here. So we will `wing it' as Rahn said.
"So how do we get up to the Egg Golem arena?" C-4 asked rubbing the throbbing bruise on his back. It was purple now...even with his yellow grayish strands of fur blocking it.
"Man, you didn't have to shove me so hard." C-4 told Rahn followed by a few painful moans.
"Neither did you." Rahn said gruffly. Then both exchanged light scowls.
"Come on you two! We've got to search for an exit out of here." Nokame said. I leaned against the pillar in the center of the room and my mental notes and pictures about the cinema, stages, and boss fights that happened during this moment in the game weren't providing much information. It moved right from King Boom Boo to the Egg Golem fight! But how is the question.
Then I felt a tad bit of sand fall onto my ear.
"Wha-" I asked gazing up. Above us I saw the pillar letting sand pour down like the bottom of that hourglass the aiding little punk of a ghost was holding conveniently for us to knock down.
But the sand, telling from what it look like it was quick sand, fell and trickled like a river down the sides of the circular walls and we were left with no other means of escape. We all noticed it about now.
"What's happening?!" C-4 asked leering at the ceiling. Then Nokame kneeled down and clawed his green paw through the quick sand and took the chance to observe its form.
"It's apparently quick sand." Nokame stated. Fell backwards as I felt the pillar slipping so low that it was now falling beneath my ankles. It stopped once it aligned itself with the floor and allowed sand to gush out of the huge hole by the gallon.
"I think this was supposed to happen." I thought and said orally.
I felt the quick sand heighten to my knees and showed no sign of ceasing. It was damp, and cold and wasn't exactly as wonderful experience as a nice warm shower or bath would be.
Then it rose up to my waist! And then crawled up to my my neck!
"ACCCCCK!" I said as I began to float a little as if I was swimming.
Nokame didn't have a problem yet I did. He paddled closer to be swiftly and hastily.
"I guess I'm more buoyant now that I'm a turtle." Nokame said, as he stayed afloat as I squirmed for my head to stay above the surface. I got a hold of his leg so that I could stay afloat as well.
"AIII! That tickles!" Nokame yelled shaking around a bit.
The others had been buried...for at least a few of seconds. Their heads popped up above the pool of sand, some gasping for air as others were breathing as they do usually.
"So we're all present and accounted for?" I asked their replies varied but I interpreted them all as a `yes'.
"At least we're all safe." Kit_Kat said quivering at the moist feel of quick sand lapping at his fur. Now that he was a feline, it seemed he resented anything that resembled water. But this was the first time I've seen him swim, so I can't say for sure that he despised anything liquid.
We were juggled around by waves like a few balls by a clown. My stomach was topsy-turvy now and it felt I was in a washing machine with the soapsuds replaced with thick bubbles mixed of sand and mud combined. I hated anything dirty and washed my hands enough times a day to rub the skin off, but fortunately I didn't scrub too hard.
Here we're practically going to drown to our doom and I was thinking about hygiene.
"I wonder where the sand is taking us." Nokame said as we were sent into the wide hole that the pillar once filled.
The sand had formed waves and threw us `ashore' onto a narrow ring of platforms that had a huge hole in the middle. Reminded me of a nice, oven baked Krispy Kreme glazed donut...yummmmm. I guess was hungrier than my stomach and I was letting on.
Strange how we had not a trace of quick sand buried in our fur/quills. It must've been another plot device, like how our Chao walkers disappeared. I'm sure the sand wouldn't have been able to lift those heavy machines anyway. Guess who was crouching below us, sitting on many platforms scattered atop of the quick sand?
"EEP! IT'S THE EGG GOLEM!" I yelled as I dashed behind Nokame's shell. The monstrosity was enormous once you were as short and as close I was. But his eyes were blank, more than they were usually, and his body remained motionless.
I exhaled after concluding he wasn't activated this very second. But his eyes gleamed and his head towered above us. His huge pupils settled on us.
"First King Boom Boo...Now this chump! What's next?" C-4 asked.
C-4 just had to ask.
An alluring sphere of light appeared on the ceiling, like one did as a result of playing the Mystic Melody tune at a shrine. But out came a pair of hands wearing pink finger-less gloves, one of them attached to a small metal box, and girl's head, who had beautiful blue eyes like mine and locks of blond hair held back by a pink bow in a ponytail. Soon enough her whole body came out her entire body came out and landed right on the Golem's weak spot, the huge blue button located on its head.
Rings of sparks traveled down the Golem's body, paralyzing it for good 3-5 seconds.
"WHA? Where am I?" She asked bobbing her head insanely fast in every direction possible.
The sphere of light dimmed and was replaced with the empty space of air that was there before.
"Another person trapped inside their fan character's body?" Kit_Kat asked.
"Uh huh." We all replied in unison.
The Egg Golem tried to yank the girl off his button, which was so obviously his weak spot, but to no avail, she just held on stubbornly.
"ACKKK! IT'S THE SCARY EGG GOLEM THING!" She shrieked still persistently on the button, weakening him with every second she sat there hanging on for her dear life.
He tried to swat her off, much like I did with flies, gnats, mosquitoes, and etc. but the cracks between the boulders on his head provided a good grip to hold onto and she simply slid from side to another and dodged his hand that way.
He suddenly felt the urge to ventilate his pain and punched out a few metal walls in random directions! We ducked low as his fist hurled into the wall behind us and wrapped our necks with our hands for cover from any scraps of that metal fell, like I was taught to do incase of an earthquake or tornado but this seemed to be a suitable occasion also.
Then, suddenly the voltage running through his body had stopped and his eyes were as blank as they were before he was awoken!
But his body was limping ever so slowly in our very direction.
"Guys watch out!" I warned them as well as myself. We threw ourselves out of the way and the unknown girl that was on his head fell where we now were. She landed nimbly on her feet and dusted off her purple spandex biking shorts.
"What just happened?" She questioned herself.
"Thank you, whoever you are, for destroying the Egg Golem for us." Rahn said with gratitude towards our new `friend'.
"Um your welcome. Anyhow, do any of you know what I'm doing here?" She asked. She looked an awful lot like Maria but we knew she couldn't possibly be her.
"Astounding! An overlander character! How original!" Nokame phrased.
"Well, you see, we're all online on and somehow slipped into the STH dimension. You seem to be another one of the poor helpless victims that were dragged to this place. You see we all had some sort of idea for our very on fan character and I see you did too! And we actually became them. Thrilling story. You know this would make an awesome fanfic!" I said with huge bulging stars coming out of my eyes. I reminded myself of my favorite CCS character, Tomoyo! Back on regular ol' planet earth I would've looked like her with the exception of my glasses.
"Oh so that explains why I'm dressed in this getup!" She said.
"Yeah pretty much, so who are you really?" I asked.
"If any of you ever been on then you would know me as Ztarlight and at a time like this you could call my Serena Robotnik." She told us. The stars in my eyes bulged even wider.
"OIIIIIII! YOU'RE ZTARLIGHT?! YOUR FANFICS ARE THE GREATESTTTTT! ESPECIALLY `Project: Nightmare' AND THAT ONE WITH AMY AND TAILS AND SONIC AND STUFF THAT I FORGOT THE NAME OF AND-" I yelled like a bubbly, hyperactive fan girl. C-4, Nokame, and Kit_Kat dragged me a way from her.
"Okay already! Calm down Bell!" Nokame shouted. And so I clamed up.
There was now a huge gaping hold above the Egg Golem's head. He'd be up and at us if we didn't hurry.
"Knuckles coming soon. So Nokame can you pass me the chaos emerald?" I asked. Nokame nodded retrieving it from inside his shell.
"You guys go on ahead. I want to slip Knuckles the chaos emerald so that we can escape this place and make a reservation at NiGHTS hotel for us, because we're going to be here for a while." I told them obtaining the chaos emerald.
"You sure?" Nokame asked.
"Yes I'll be fine." I told him.
*~* The King Boom Boo arena… *~*
The entire floor sprouted up from the grounded and brutally forced all the quick sand that had filled the room to go back up. After it slowly heaved it up, the floor fell back down as the pillar stayed to keep the sand out...until another intruder battled and defeat King Boom Boo of course.
Then a hidden entrance is seen opened and in steps Knuckles the guardian of the Master emerald himself!
"Brraa-ah- (cough) AIIIIIIE!" yelled an `anonymous' voice from above.
"What?" Knuckles asked putting up his dukes. Then our huge ghost friend, who we previously beaten to a pulp, crashed to the floor with huge X's crossing his pupils.
Knuckles's tensed up muscles relaxed and a sweatdrop could be seen behind his dreadlocks.
Then the pillar fell once again, with quick sand rushing down at his feet.
*~* A couple of minutes later in the room above this one...*~*
Knuckles had been thrown onto a familiar set of platforms by gruff waves of quick sand. Right beside me.
He groaned as his eyes opened to see my own pair. I stashed the chaos emerald underneath his left arm and I ran for our escape over the Egg Golem's head.
And spin-dashing right behind Knuckles was Sonic T. Hedgehog himself! And following not too far behind was Tails and Amy.
"Hey, Knuckles, are you okay?" Sonic asked. Knuckles gave him a odd look.
"Of course I am. This ghost guy that came to face me was already beaten pretty badly. Some foe he was. I wonder who that fox girl was that gave me this though." Knuckles said with his stamina plentiful and his body unharmed.
"What fox girl? Hey, that's the chaos emerald, I think." Sonic said tampering with it.
"AH WHAT'S THIS? MY EGG GOLEM! It seems you have a couple friends tagging along with you." Eggman's voice said as he approached them. Then his tone became more serious. "Who are they? And what are they snooping around my fortress for?"
"What is he talking about, Sonic?" Tails asked looking over his pal, Sonic.
"They defeated King Boom Boo AND my Egg Golem on their own!" He yelled.
Then a huge holographic screen popped up with various shots of us in groups and close ups of our heads individually. But many of them were mainly us wielding our swords, firing our guns and pistols, shooting our utensils, throwing our frying pans, swinging our yo-yos, punching, kicking, hurling, and that was practically it. There were no recent shots of Serena though.
"These are photos my own robots have gathered before they were destroyed by them!"
"Hey, that's the fox girl that just slipped me the chaos emerald, but who's that?" Knuckles gawking once he saw C-4.
"If you won't answer me, then I'll just have to find out for myself. And will too. But don't worry! I'll leave you with a nice little playmate to play with. Those friends of yours might've damaged him 50% but the other 50 is all he needs to take you down! " Eggman said as he alerted his Egg Golem.
"Oh no! They must've destroyed the restraining mechanism!" Eggman said before engaging into battle.
WHOO HOOOOO! All characters are now a part of the story! I sure picked a crummy place to end, didn't I? Lol TOO BAD! ^_^