Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ 7 Does ❯ solving the identity crisis ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do believe it's time we moved on with this show, don't you think peeps?


Amy and sexy Cream were headed for the door. "Where do you think you're going, young doe?" asked Vanilla.

"Shopping. I need the close to bring that man you wanna meet home." answered our sexy doe.

"And you're gonna miss out on breakfast, huh? Must be an important clothing store you're going to."

"Breakfast!" The other six Creams come out from the back room hearing the "magic word" being said.

"Um, I'll catch you later, Creams. It's obvious that it's crowded in here, so I better split." said Amy and out the door she went.


After breakfast, the Creams started to veg out. "That was good eating, Ma. I'm stuffed." said easygoing Cream.

"You should be stuffed, you ate more than the rest of us, you god damn pig!" yelled the mean Cream.

"Girls, girls, settle down already." Vanilla said. This is what I had prepared for. she then thought. A huge litter of bunnies to feed and clothe and bathe. My husband and I were expecting the hustle and bustle, especially myself, but when I only had just Cream, it was a positive drawback for me. Oh well, I guess the peace and quiet won't be back for a while...

"Gimme back my dress."

"Your dress, this is my dress."

"No it's not, it's mine." Crybaby and dynamic Cream were playing tug-o-war with the red dress.

"Give it back." said the crybaby.

"It's not yours in the first place." said the dynamic one.

"Mom, tell Cream to gimme back my dress." both does said.

"All right, that's it." said a now frustrated Vanilla. "Cream!"

"Yes mother?" all the does ask.

"Oh boy, where is the normal Cream at?"

"I'm in the bathroom." Cream answered.

"Get out here, now!"

"But Mom-"

"No butts, get your peach ass out here this instant."

"Can I finish my morning shit first?" {XD}


Vanilla and the original Cream stood in the center of the front room and the other six Creams sat down wherever they could. "Creams, this is too much stress on your mother." Vanilla began. "I can't keep calling all of you Cream."

"But all of us are Cream." said the crybaby Cream.

"Enough! I can't take this anymore, something needs to be done about this."

"I have a solution," offered the smart Cream.

"I'm open to them."

"Each of us should wear a specific color so you will know who we are."

"That won't work, foureyes." said the mean Cream.

"You got a better idea?"

"We could um..... wear bands with uh.... our traits on them. Simple."

"That can work." said Cream.

"I know."

"That's a joke." said our easygoing Cream. "If that's gonna be the case, we might as well give ourselves names."

"Yes." said Vanilla.

"What?" asked the Creams.

"That's it. My lounging Cream has done it. You other six Creams need to figure out names for yourselves. This way, I'll be able to tell you all apart."

The sexy Cream stood up. "Well if that's the case, you can call me, Créme."

"Créme, what is that, swiss?" asked Cream.

"No, it's french." answered the smart Cream.

"Not bad, sempai." joked Vanilla.

"Hmm, Cream-sempai.... I like the sound of that."

"No fair, she had to make her own name.... wahhhhh!" cried the crybaby Cream.

"Quit shedding tears in vain." said Créme. "Since you wanna act like a brat, we'll call her Cream-koh."

"Works for me." said Vanilla.

"No fair, I dun wanna be named Cream-koh."

"It's short for Cream-kohai, you whiny doe," said Cream-sempai. "And it suits you well, since you wanna act like a runt."

The easygoing Cream gave a yawn. "I guess I'll be Creamarin then." she said.

"It's not fair, I wanna new name!" cried Cream-koh.

"If you keep whining, I'm gonna give you something to cry about!" yelled the mean Cream.

"So what do we name you?" asked Cream.

"Just call me Yattacream, or else!"

"Figures, it suits her vengeful personality." said Cream-sempai. "But then again, 'Yattaro' does mean something around the lines of, 'I'll fight you.' anyway."

"Well, we're almost done." said Cream. "Now my dynamic side has to figure out a name for her self and we'll be-"

"Shut up and let me think, will ya?" the dynamic one cut off. "Ah hell with it, just call me Dynacream."

"Well, that settles that." said Vanilla. "Now let's recap everything. I have Cream, Dynacream, Yattacream, Creamarin... that's gonna be spelled with two 'm's from now on."

"Fine, whatever." said Creammarin.

"Okay, start over. I have Cream (normal), Dynacream (dynamic), Yattacream (mean), Creammarin (easygoing), Cream-kohai (crybaby) or Cream-koh, Cream-sempai (smart), and Créme (sexy). Did I get that right everyone?"

"Yes, Mother." answered six of the Creams. (Creammarin is sleep)

"Good, now I can tell you all apart."

"It's about damn time, Ma." said Yattacream.

"Now clean the house your girls."

"Aw, Mo-om...." all the Creams whined.

"Don't thank me, thank Yattacream for wanting to do the chores around the house." and Vanilla went back into her room.

The Creams began to work on the living room. "Yup, her name definitely suits her well." said Cream-sempai. "Yatta, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. Do us a favor and check that damn tongue of yours sometimes."

"Shut up and scrub." said Yattacream.