Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ A World Without Chaos ❯ Foolish Wishes ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A World Without Chaos
-Foolish Wishes-
Back at Club Rouge, the festivities and food had settled between the companions.
After cleaning up, Rouge and Amy came up with an idea.
“A game?” Rouge raised a brow while she wiped her hands off with a dish towel. “That wasn't what I mentioned...”
“Well, not really a 'game' per se, but something a little different.” Amy described.
“Like what?”
“Making a wish.”
Rouge laughed at the childish suggestion. “Are you kidding?”
Amy's brows furrowed a bit at this and she firmly placed her hands on her haunches. “Why, does that idea sound stupid to you?”
“Well, quite frankly, yes.”
Annoyed, Amy rolled her eyes and threw her dish towel on the counter. “Don't you and Shadow have Chaos Emeralds?”
Rouge was failing to see the point, but she had her assumptions. “If this is just some childish prank to wish Sonic would go out with you...”
“Look” Amy curtly interrupted. “This isn't about only me, Sonic or anyone else individually. It's about all of us. I just thought it would be kind of nice to do something different for the holidays this year.”
Rouge said nothing at first, but she was listening. “So? What does that have to do with the Chaos Emeralds?”
“The emeralds are able to turn thoughts into power!... Jeez you've been pining for these things for a while now and you didn't even know that?! You're a lousy treasure hunter!”
“And you're an under-aged psycho who's stuck on the verge of puberty.”
“Better to start than to be an old hag like you.”
“Do you WANT me to kick you out of here?”
Amy groaned. “Why can't we just make a few wishes huh?”
“Why can't you understand the word no?!”
“God, you're unbelievable, Rouge!” Amy shouted, throwing up her hands in annoyance.
“Yeah, that's what Sonic told me last night.” the bat retorted sarcastically.
But the sarcasm flew right over Amy's head.
“WHAT?!!” she cried, making the walls tremble. “YOU TRAMP!”
“What the hell?!” Shadow exclaimed from the Living Room, but was met with a casual response from Sonic.
“It's just Amy being herself again...”
Rouge had to cover her ears from the slurry of nonsense that spewed from that girl's mouth.
Perhaps that wasn't the best joke to use.
“IT WAS A JOKE!” Rouge yelled, still covering her ears.
Amy's mouth hung open in a gape as a liquidy hope glistened in her eyes.
“Oh! O-of course it was... Haha...” she laughed nervously, then her face darkened. “It had better been...” she growled. Then within seconds a bright smile rejuvenated her features.
“So, about those wishes?”
30 minutes later, the group sat in a loose circle in the Living Room each with a Chaos Emerald in their hands.
Tails had called Cream at home and put her on speakerphone so she could join in.
Between them all, they each held one emerald.
“Now..” Amy began, exchanging glances with those closest to her, “ Let's hope this upcoming Christmas will be a sweet one as we keep in mind, not only our friends but the people of this city that let us live here.”
“That's right!” Cream's caring high pitch added over the phone.
Knuckles scoffed. “You may as well wish for world peace then. That would be a miracle...”
“...A wasted one...” Shadow commented in a snide tone. Bothered by his remark, Rouge lightly hit him on the arm to make him reconsider. A “hmph” was all he gave.
“World peace?” Amy questioned, then shook her head. “No, but that does give me an idea.”
Holding up her emerald, she closed her eyes and made her wish. “I wish...for everyone in the world to be safe from harm.”
Various murmured comments towards her wish were made by the others as they considered their own.
“That's basically world peace...” Knuckles quipped, but shrugged it off as he made his wish. “I wish there wasn't so much violence in the world.”
As odd as that sounded coming from him, everyone couldn't help but give him strange looks.
“What?” he asked nonchalantly. “I-I may be a tough warrior but even I get tired of fighting the same exact fights over and over. It gets boring.”
“You mean you render yourself useless so that hedgehog and I will have to finish what you started.”
All eyes were on Shadow now.
“Shadow!” Rouge scolded to him in a whisper, but he ignored it.
Since the attention was on him, he figured he may as well make a stupid wish too.
Clutching the emerald he had, he stared deeply into the threads of its design.
“I wish for stability and less uncertainty and disorder...”
“I wish for a longer life and to be around those who care for you.” Rouge confessed, stealing a lingering glance at Shadow.
Of course, the others, except Cream and Knuckles caught this. Knuckles just wasn't paying attention.
“Allright, it's my turn!” Sonic spoke up eagerly and brought the emerald to his chest. “ I wish for a lot less chaos in this world and more peace.”
“I wish for love and happiness!” Cream's voice optimistically suggested.
“I wish for a world without troubles and suffering.” Tails confirmed.
After their wistful desires were spoken, the emeralds began to glow faintly.
“Wow, look Sonic!” Amy called happily, looking over at her crush. “They're glowing! Maybe our wishes came true?”
“Maybe, Amy. this supposed to happen??”
“I'm not sure” Tails replied.
“Oh! Our emerald is glowing too!” Cream exclaimed as Cheese cooed.
Rouge was silent as she thought for a moment. “A world without chaos, huh?” she thought aloud.
Shadow's ears instantly picked up the sound of her voice.”What?” he inquired, turning towards her.
“A world without chaos” she repeated. “That's basically what we all wished for. No pain, no suffering; peace... no disorders... “
Shadow frowned at the slight immaturity in her words and humphed. “There is no such thing. And even if such a fluke were to happen, there would still be chaos. Peace can't exist without disorder; pain can't exist without serenity. Without balance, one can't exist properly without the other.”
“...Balance, huh...” Her voice trailed off, as did her attention on him. She didn't believe in there even being a balance in life. An appreciation for the positives because of their coexistence with the negatives, she could see.
But for balance, no. If there was a such thing as balance in the world, then life, she believed, wouldn't be so unfair.
But, Rouge took his words into consideration anyway. Although, in the back of her mind she figured that a completely peaceful world would be allright. ..At least for the first few weeks. She knew it was a fairy tale, but sometimes you just never knew.
Her sudden silence and depth of thought caused Shadow to ponder, himself. But instead of sharing his views, he stood up and walked past her.
No one bothered to notice him heading towards the front door.
Alone without his presence next to her, Rouge pushed her hidden insecurities aside and forced herself to appear hopeful.
'..I suppose you're right...'
Outside, he was able to let his thoughts roam freely. Anxious carmine eyes peered up into the blank gray void above him.
The snow that continued to fall had thickened in the slightest since previously.
His eyes, alert and fierce, gave no yield to the icy pins that pricked at them.
He had come outside to clear his mind, but the moment he stepped out in the cold, he received the exact opposite.
A brisk shiver tingled up his spine. It took only the passing seconds for him to realize that he was shivering.
He had never before shown vulnerability because of an uncomfortable climate. His body had always ignored it.
“What's going on...” he muttered. His mind had begun to analyze the situation, but he soon decided against it.
Rouge had always scolded him about his unnecessary paranoia... Perhaps this was just another one of those times.
Believing it so, although he knew something much more complex was happening, he turned.
But as he did, he saw the faint flickering movement of another life out the corner of his eye.
Was it a Chao?
About-facing to claim a better perception, his speculation vanished, as did the subject.
It was as if the Chao had just disappeared into thin air.
Blaming the apparition as only a figment of his imagination, Shadow denied the sighting and headed back into the club.
To be continued...