Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures with Omochao ❯ The Ultimate Cold ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: For once I have nothing to say o-o;; Yup. Adventures with Omochao ~The Ultimate Cold~ Hi, I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog!! The fastest hedgehog in the world! Well, thanks to Amy, Shadow and I almost got killed by Eggman. But if it wasn't for Amy calling Tails, we would be dead. Hmm..actually none of that would have happened if it wasn't for Amy! Anyways, I made sure that Shadow didn't die. I try not to make the same mistakes the author does! What's going to happen next? Yeah, like I know... ********************************* *Inside Shadow's Room* Shadow: *lying in his bed* No, you can't make me! Tails: They should call you the Ultimate Baby! Now, open your mouth so I can take your temperature! Shadow: Noo!!! Tails: *shoves the thermometer in Shadow's mouth* Sonic: So, how bad is he? Tails: *takes thermometer out of Shadow's mouth* Eeewww Shadow germs! Anyways, it looks like he has...*dramatic pause* A COLD!!! Shadow: The Ultimate Lifeform does not get colds! Sonic: I told you not to run outside when it was raining! But did he listen..noooooooo. Shadow: But Omochao told me if I run in the rain, I can control the world! Sonic: And you actually believed him?! -.-;; Idiot. *Omochao appears..yay.* Omochao: Fun plus fun equals fun on a bun. Tails: o0 Make it go away!!!! Shadow: AA-CHOO!! *When Shadow sneezed, it made Omochao weirdness* Sonic: How'd ya do that?! Shadow: Maybe my cold is somehow connected with the chaos emerald that's in my "pocket". Sonic: ...Huh?! Shadow: Let me guess, you weren't listening. Sonic: ^.^; Yea.. Shadow: Dumbass.... *Cut to: Angel Island, where Knuckles and Rouge are glaring at eachother* Rouge: You have to let your guard down sometime, and when you do that emerald will be mine!! Knuckles: In your dreams, bat-girl! *Omochao appears* Knuckles: Oh great, Rouge is bad enough, now I have to deal with Omochao! Omochao: I'm Omochao, and I'm here to help you! Rouge: *locks Omochao in a cage* That takes care of that. Knuckles: Where did you get that cage from? Rouge: That information is classified. Knuckles: Whatever. Rouge: This is boring! Knuckles: Wanna play a card game? Its called B.S. Rouge: Okay. *2 hours later* Rouge: *has one card left* Err..what number are we on? Knuckles: 10. Rouge: *puts here card down* HA!! I WIN!! Omochao: Knuckles, she is lying, she put down a 2. Rouge: Damn you, Omochao!! Knuckles: Wow, Omochao actually said something helpful. *Cut to: Shadow's Room* Shadow: AA-CHOO!!! *Rouge's clothes appear on Shadow's bed* Sonic: OO!! Shadow!! Shadow: I didn't do it! Tails: Eeewww..hope she's not out in public.. *Cut to: Angel Island* Knuckles: I win!! Yay! Now you...*pause* Rouge: What? What are you staring at? Knuckles: *nosebleed* Rouge: What? I don't get it. *finally realizes her clothes are gone* o0 AAAAHHH!! STOP LOOKING AT ME YOU PERVERT!!!!!!! *hides in a bush* *Cut to: Shadow's Room* Shadow: *sneezes again, and Rouge's clothes disappear, and Amy appears in the room* Amy: ^^ Hiya! Sonic: o0 Amy?!?! Tails: I miss Omochao.. *Cut to: Angel Island* Rouge: *her clothes are back on* That was totally embarressing. Knuckles: *nosebleed* Rouge: Stop it Knuckles! *throws Omochao at him* Knuckles: Ouch!! Err...I wasn't looking at anything...heh heh.. *Eggman appears on Angel Island* Knuckles: Eggman?! Get off my island! Omochao: Green eggs, and ham please! Everyone else: *exchange disturbed looks* Eggman: You will hand over that Master Emerald, or else! Knuckles: Or else what? Omochao: Or else he'll turn you into frozen yogurt! Banana cream pie flavored! Eggman: No, would you shut up Omochao!! You had your chance! Feel the wrath of my robot army! *Eggman's robot army appear, then suddenly disappear and Amy appears* Amy: Hiya!! *Cut to: Shadow's Room* Sonic: Well, at least Amy is gone.. *Robot army appears* Tails: Uh oh... *Cut to: Angel Island* Eggman: What's going on? ?_? Omochao: The question you should be asking is: What isn't going on? Eggman: *pause* *pulls out a gun* Nobody move and nobody will get hurt. Omochao: What about "no one" and "anybody"? Eggman: *shoots Omochao* Everyone else: ^o^ Yay!!! *Then Eggman disappears, and everyone else appears in Shadow's room* Amy: ^o^ Yay, party!!! Rouge: Why are we here? Tails: Shadow's sick, and his illness plus a chaos emerald in his pocket equals weird stuff happening. Knuckles: Why don't you just take the chaos emerald out of your pocket? Shadow: Oh yeeeeeaaaah. Sonic: Shadow, you're such a dork! Shadow: *sneezes and Sonic disappears* *Cut to: White Jungle* Sonic: Hi Eggman, Omochao. Eggman: Hi. *long pause* Eggman: You think they'll bring us back? Sonic: *sigh* Probably not. Omochao: Friendship and buttered toast are a dangerous mix! Sonic: Kill me now!!!! Can't do that Sonic! Its against the rules. So ends another pointless, weird adventure! More randomness on the way!