Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures with Omochao ❯ Let's Get The Emerald, You Creep! ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Note of doom: Hiya minna-san!! Sorry I took so lnog to post this chapter...damn skool. ^^;; And yea, I did use alot of quotes form the Simpsons last chapter. Anymoo, I received ideas from Kyle, Miles, and TigerEyes549 for this chapter *-* so I'm gonna use them all. How you'll see! You'll all see!!!!!! oo; *ahem* 'Nuff babbling, on with the fic! Adventures with Omochao ~Let's Get The Emerald, You Creep!!~ I'm Dr.Eggman, the world's greatest scientific genius!! Why do I keep going on trips with these idiots?! We always end up almost getting killed! But I do need a break from being a evil genius every now and then. What's this?! Metal Sonic is gone!! I wonder where he went...oh well, I'd better get back to my base. ****************************************** *1:00pm Angel Island* Knuckles: o0 MY MASTER EMERALD!!!! WHERE'S MY MASTER EMERALD!?!? Rouge: How should I know. Knuckles: Rouge, give me back my emerald!!!! Rouge: I didn't take it....this time. Remember, I was stuck with you in the jungle. Knuckles: Oh yeah. Well, if you didn't take it...Eggman did! Rouge: You knucklehead, Eggman was with us in the jungle! Knuckles: ;-; I want my emerald back! *sob* Rouge: This looks like a job for-- Omochao: Powered Toast Man!!! Rouge: o0 Where'd you come from?! Omochao: The land where magical elves steal your socks. *-* Knuckles/Rouge: *exchange disturbed expressions* Omochao: The Master Emerald is missing! You should go find it. Knuckles: No shit, sherlock! Rouge: You'll probably need my help. -.- Knuckles: No way, bat-girl! I can find it by myself! Rouge: You couldn't find your way out of a empty room! Knuckles: *growl* Rouge: *growl* Omochao: ^.^ Moo!!! Knuckles: oo; Anyways....fine I'll let you help me. -.- Rouge: Great! Now, do you have any other enemies besides Eggman? Omochao: Santa Claus!! *twitch* Santa Claus will destroy us all! Knuckles: I'm just gonna ignore you Omochao. Hmmm....ummm....duuuhh Rouge: *smacks forehead* Come on, you idiot, think!!!! Omochao: Metal Sonic!! Knuckles: Yea, Metal Sonic! Wow..Omochao said something helpful. Omochao: Beat your greens, please! *long pause* Rouge: Anyways, Metal Sonic must be working for Eggman! Knuckles: Drrr!!! Omochao: *flying around Knuckles' head* I'll take you to Eggman's not-very-well-hidden base! Knuckles: o0 Get away from me!! Rouge: Let's get the emerald, you creep! Omochao: That's the title of this chapter. *pause* Follow me! *10:00pm Infront of Eggman's "Hidden" Base* Rouge: Damn you, Omochao! Are you trying to get us killed?! Omochao: What? All I told you guys to do was attack the robots infront of Eggman's lair. **Flashback to 7 hours ago** Rouge: Are you sure this is Eggman's base? It looks like a mall to me... Omochao: That's what he wants you to think. Now, attack the robots!!!! Knuckles: Its robot-killing time!! *Knuckles and Rouge attack the "robots"..which, in reality, are people* Little kid: MOMMY MAKE IT STOP!!! Knuckles: robots bleed? Rouge: oo; No.....ut oh. Police guy: *aims gun at Knuckles and Rouge* Stop right there! Knuckles/Rouge: o0 Omochao made us do it! *Omochao disappears* Police guy: ¬¬ Yeah, heard that one before. *The Police guy throws Rouge and Knuckles into jail..then they break out of their jail cell and run away* **End of Flashback** Knuckles: -.- That was the second time I've been thrown into jail. Omochao: ^_^ I'm here to help you die...I mean...oo; Rouge: ....anyways, let's go! Omochao: To make it to the center of Eggman's base, jump in the quicksand! Knuckles: *about to jump in the quicksand* Rouge: *smacks Knuckles* You'll never learn. Whatever Omochao says, do the opposite. Omochao: ...don't jump in the quicksand. Knuckles: Okay! *about to jump in the quicksand* Rouge: I give up on you. *flies away* Knuckles: Hey, wait for me! *Knuckles goes through the entire Sand Ocean level..almost getting killed because he listened to Omochao. He got an "E" ranking* Knuckles: Barely made it. Rouge: *flies down to Knuckles* Ya could have just glided here. Knuckles: Doh!!!! *They go inside Eggman's base. Eggman's watching tv* Eggman: *points and laugh* Everyone else loves Ned Flanders! I love this show.. Knuckles: *pounces on Eggman* Give me back my emerald!!! Eggman: o0 Get off of me! *throws Knuckles off of him* Metal Sonic, get out here!! Metal Sonic: .... Eggman: -.-; *turns Metal Sonic's voice box on* Metal Sonic: Its about time! Omochao: Now is the month of maying!! Everyone else: ...... Eggman: *pulls out the Master Emerald* Looking for this? Rouge/Knuckles: Stop fooling around! Give me back my emerald! Your emerald?! What are-- Eggman: Stop talking at the same time!!!!! So annoying...anyways if you want the Master Emerald, you'll have to beat Metal Sonic first. Go get them, my Hyper Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic: *sweatdrop* Omochao: To get the Master Emerald back, you'll have to defeat Metal Sonic first. Rouge: -.-;; Gee, ya think! Knuckles: *running towards Metal Sonic* You besta be aware of the knuckles that I send! Omochao: *flies infront of Knuckles* Stop!! Two wrongs don't make a right. They make a left. Knuckles: What the hell are you talking about?! Metal Sonic: *while Knuckles and Omochao are talking, he fires a laser at them* Omochao: I hope you learned you lesson. *flies out of the way* Knuckles: That was just..*sees laser coming towards him* OO AAAAHHH!!! Rouge: *pushes Knuckles out of the way and gets hit by the laser* Knuckles: *gasp* Rouge!! *holds Rouge in his arms* Speak to me! Rouge: Give him trouble..Knuckles.....*passes out* Knuckles: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Eggman: *sniffle* Kodak moment. Omochao: Say cheese and die! ^_^ Knuckles: *glares at Metal Sonic* You'll pay for this!! Metal Sonic: Bring it on, echidna-boy! *So the action packed battle between Knuckles and Metal Sonic begins. Knuckles wins! Woo ya gotta love those great descriptions ^^;* Metal Sonic: There can only be one Sonic...nic...nic..nic...*explodes* Eggman: Damn it! You haven't won yet! Rouge: *finally wakes up* Way to go, Knuckles! Knuckles: You're alive!!!! *hugs Rouge* Rouge: ^_^ Audience: Aaaaaaaaawwwww! Knuckles/Rouge: o0 *realize what they're doing and jump away from eachother...then they kill the audience* Omochao: Now is your chance, Cardcaptor Eggman!! Hora catch you, catch you, catch me catch me matte!!! Knuckles/Rouge: What the hell?! Eggman: *magically is wearing Sakura's pink and black kitty outfit and has the Clow key* Rouge: Oh my gawd... Knuckles: This isn't Cardcaptor Sakura!!!! Omochao: *turns into Kero-chan* Use the time card to get you out of this mess! Rouge: *to Omochao* Just whose side are you on anyways!?!?! Eggman: *pulls out the time card and starts spinning the clow know what I mean* Rewind time back to-- Knuckles: o0 Rewind time?! Eggman: *since Knuckles interrupted we don't know what time Eggman rewinded it to...yea* ---CLOW CARD!!!! Knuckles/Rouge: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Omochao: Wheeeee!!!! *1:00pm Angel Island* Knuckles: MY MASTER EMERALD IS GONE!!!!!! Rouge: Duh, we've been through this already. Knuckles: Oh yeah...Eggman rewinded time. Rouge: Captain Obvious! Knuckles: Oh, shut up Rouge! Omochao: I come from the land where magical elves steal your socks! Knuckles: -.-;; He doesn't seem to remember anything. Rouge: Anyways, since Eggman knows we're going to his base, he probably set up more traps for us and make Metal Sonic tougher! We need to change-- Omochao: Our underwear!! Rouge: Would you shut up! -.-; We need to change our plan. Come on, follow me. Knuckles: Where are we going? *Cut to: Amy's Apartment* Sonic: Got any fives? Shadow: No.. Sonic: Go fish! Shadow: NEVER!!! *pushes cards off the table* Tails: -.-;; Its just a game, Shadow. *Rouge, Knuckles and Omochao come barging in* Omochao: Hey you guys, you may already be a winner!! Just give me your souls. *-* Everyone else: *exchange disturbed expressions* Rouge: We need your help! *Rouge explains the whole situation to them* Shadow: a kitty outfit?! *cringe* Sonic: That's just sick. Tails: Hmm...knowing Eggman he probably is making Metal Sonic stronger. We need to find a way to weaken him! To my workshop!!! Omochao: Dunanananana Bat-girl! Dunananana fox-boy!! *Cut to: Tails' Workshop in the Mystic Ruins* Tails: ;-; Its been so long.. Shadow: Yeah, yeah, get on with it! Tails: *pulls out some test tubes and chemicals* By mixing the right chemicals together, we can throw my concotion on Metal Sonic which will make him very weak and easy to defeat! Rouge: Sounds like a plan, little man. *pause* Did I just say that? Sonic: Are you done yet? Tails: *glare* No!! Sonic: Are you--*gets slapped by Shadow* Ow!!! ;-; Tails: Now to add the chemical which will weaken him... *At that same time, Knuckles randomly pulls out some asparagus and accidentally drops it into Tails' concotion* Tails: KNUCKLES YOU IDIOT!!!! WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!?! THAT'S SOMETHING I'D EXPECT FROM OMOCHAO!!!!!!!! Omochao: And that is something I really wanted to do... :( Knuckles: I didn't do it on purpose! It was an accident! Shadow: Can't you just start over again? Tails: Sonic: Couldn't we just..fight him like we usually do? Tails: No!!! *sigh* Now I gotta make asparagus-based weapons, thanks to knucklehead!! Knuckles: It was an accident!!! Rouge: Hurry up already! *10:00pm Infront of Eggman's "Hidden" Base* Rouge: -.-; Ya think we would have learned the first time not to listen to Omochao.. Knuckles: I can't believe we attacked those people again! Omochao: ^_^ I'm helpful! Sonic: *looking around* Eggman's an idiot! He's the only dork that would put pictures of himself around his "hidden" base. Shadow: Yeah...let's get on with this! *Rouge and Tails fly to the center of the base. Everyone else goes through the whole level and got a "E" ranking* Sonic: What?! They slowed me down! Shadow: -.-; Whatever. Knuckles: Damn it! I could have glided here! I'm so dumb! Rouge: Can't agrue with you on that one! Omochao: To defeat the Egg Viper, jump off a building while rowing your boat. Tails: -.-; That made no sense... Omochao: Sense is my middle toe. Shadow: Riiight. Let's go already! *They all are inside Eggman's base and they see something horrible* Sonic: Oh my gawd! Eggman, you truly are evil! Eggman: I know! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Don't you just love all my clones of Omochao! Omochao: ^_^ Its beautiful! Metal Sonic: *using the Master Emerald to make more clones of Omochao* Omochao #1: One plus one equals one on a bun! Omochao #2: Cheeseballs and applesauce! Omochao #3: Press jump to A! Knuckles: Make it stop!!!!!!! *All the Omochao clones explode* Eggman: .....oh well, there's more where those came from! Rouge: Give us back the Master Emerald! Eggman: First you have to defeat Metal Sonic! Go get them my Hyper Metal Sonic! Metal Sonic: You dumbass, this isn't the Sonic Anime!! Eggman: *turns Metal Sonic's voice box off* Metal Sonic: :(
Tails: *throws his concotion on Metal Sonic* Metal Soinc: ?_? Knuckles: *pulls out a asparagus-machine gun* Eat this and die!!!!!! *shoots asparagus at Metal Sonic* Metal Sonic: o0!!!! *tries to dodge and fails* Rouge: Asparagus Wave!!!! Metal Sonic: !!! *gets hit* Shadow: Asparagus Spear!! Metal Sonic: *gets hit yet again* Sonic: Asparagus Wind!! Eggman: *gets hit with Asparagus while getting thrown into a wall* Ow!!! Tails: *throws an asparagus bomb at Metal Sonic* Metal Sonic: *explodes* Eggman: Not again! I won't let you get away with this! *turns around and is magically wearing Sakura's Green Fairy outfit* Sonic: Oh, come on Eggman! That's just sick! Omochao: Wow, I haven't said anything in a while. *flies infront of Shadow* So nice to meet you, good to see you kitto!! Shadow: *punches Omochao* Omochao: ;-; I just wanted to be your friend! WAAAAAA!! Eggman: *about to cast a spell* Knuckles: We can't let him cast that spell! We gotta get that card away from him!! Sonic: Leave it to me!! *runs towards Eggman* Eggman: *uses the dash card, and dashes past Sonic* Sonic: *turns around* Whoa, he's fast. Wait a sec..its not his speed, he's using the chaos emerald. *gets smacked by Shadow* ;-; Shadow: Wrong script, idiot! *slow motion* Eggman: *about to finish casting his spell* Rouge: NOOOOOOOOOO! STOOOOOOP HIIIIIMMMM!! Tails: I'll geeeeeeeet hiiiiimmmm! Omochao: Buuuuuuuttered tooooast!! *Tails almost reaches Eggman, but its too late.* *1:00pm Angel Island* Knuckles: You know how much its sucks, repeating the same day, three times!!! Rouge: -.-; I can't take it anymore. Omochao: Alls well that ends well! Rouge: Screw you, Omochao! Omochao: You hurt my feelings! *starts crying* Knuckles: *sigh* Let's go get Sonic and the others. *Cut to: Amy's Apartment* Kyle: Ha, you landed on Park Place, which I own! That'll be six hundred dollars! Shadow: The ultimate life form pays nobody!!! *throws Monopoly away* Tails: Its just a game, Shadow. -.- *Rouge, Knuckles, and Omochao come barging in* Rouge: We-- Sonic: You need us to help you get the Master Emerald back. -.-; We remember. Knuckles: Whose that kid? Tails: That's Kyle! He followed me home and Sonic said I can keep him! Kyle: Its like a dream come true! *-* Omochao: My dream is to kill you all....I mean help! Everyone else: ..... Tails: To my workshop!!! *In the Tornado 2* Tails/Kyle: ^_^ I wanna fly high! So I can reach the highest of all the heavens! Somebody will be waiting for me, so I've got to fly higher! Sonic: Kill me now!! *Cut to: Tails' Workshop* Tails: This time I will make a concotion that will weaken Metal Sonic, without asparagus!! *glares at Knuckles* Knuckles: ^^; Hehehehe. Kyle: *looks at Rouge* Walking boobies.. Knuckles: *snickers* Rouge: I heard that!! BLACK WAVE!!! Kyle: o0 AAAHHH!!! Tails: ^_^ I'm all done! Omochao: Remember Tails, rings are done, ice cream is dinnered. Shadow: Wow, that made absolutely no sense! Sonic: Let's get this show on the road! Its up over and gone time! Let's juice and jam!! Everyone else: o0!!!!!! Knuckles: Sonic...don't you ever say that again! Shadow: -.- Nothing but catch phrases. *10:00pm Infront of Eggman's "Hidden" Base* Kyle: Wow....I've never killed anybody before... Rouge: -.- Told you not to listen to Omochao, but noooooo. Because of you we all had to go to jail..again!!! Kyle: But Tails is kewl! Sonic: That's something I'd expect Omochao to say. Omochao: And again that is something I really wanted to say. :..( Audience: Aaaaaaaawwwww! Knuckles: I thought I got rid of you! Audience: *runs away* *They all go through the level and get another "E" ranking* Sonic: Again?!?! There's something wrong with this game! Knuckles: Whatever, let's just get this over with. *They go inside the base and...* Tails: *phew* No Omochao's.. Eggman: Back again? Don't you get it, you'll never win!!! Knuckles: That's what you think!! Give me back my emerald! Eggman: Yeah, like I'll actually give it back! Metal Sonic, go get them!! Metal Sonic: *attacks Knuckles* Rouge: *gasp* Oh no!! We gotta help him! Tails: I'll throw these chemicals on Metal Sonic!! Omochao: I'll do it! *grabs the tube and throws it out the window* ^_^ Now that was something I wanted to do! Tails: I hate you Omochao!!!! Eggman: *pushes a button, and a cage falls over everyone* Metal Sonic: *fires laser at Knuckles* Knuckles: *gets hit and passes out* Rouge: KNUCKLES!!!!! Eggman: YOSH!!!!! I WIN!!!!! *jumps up and down* Metal Sonic: -.-;; Kyle: There's only one thing to do! *pulls out a remote control and pushes a button...oooo* *Sondow comes crashing in. For those who don't know, Sondow is Kyle's character. Its a robot with Sonic and Shadow's DNA..yea* Sondow: Prepare to die!!!!!! *aims gun at Knuckles* Everyone else: o0 No!! Shoot the robot!!! Sondow: Oh....I knew that! Metal Sonic: *clenches fist* *Metal Sonic and Sondow fight...Sondow wins! Again, with the wonderful description -.-;* Sondow: *breaks open the cage* Rouge: *runs to Knuckles* Knuckles: *finally wakes up* What...happened?? Rouge: *sniffle* I'm so glad you're alright. Everyone else: Aaaaaaawww!! Rouge/Knuckles: *turn bright red* Kyle: Our work here is done! Farewell!! Sondow: *picks up Kyle and flies away* Tails: He's was the bestest friend I ever had.. Sonic: What about me!?!?! Tails: ^_^;; I was just kidding...hehehehe. Omochao: Again..I haven't said anything in a while. Shadow: What's you point? Eggman: *about to use the time card* Tails: *pushes Eggman to the ground and takes away the time card and key* Sonic: Way to go, Tails! Tails: ^_^ Knuckles: *takes the Master Emerald* Finally! Rouge: Its about time this day ended. -.- Omochao: *grabs the time card and key away from Tails* Oooo what would happen if I said "rewind time back to 1:00pm now, clow card!!" *hits key on the card* Everyone else: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *1:00pm Angel Island* Knuckles: ;-; We were so close...I had it in my hands! Rouge: This is all your fault Omochao!! Omochao: I'm Omochao and I'm here to help you! *Cut to: Amy's Apartment* Amy: *breaks down the door* Sonic: Hey Amy, we thought you were dead. Wanna play Monopoly? Amy: Grrrrrrrrr....okay! ^^ *Cut to: Angel Island* Knuckles: Come on Rouge..let's go. Rouge: ;-; This day will never end! Omochao: Thsi is the day that never ends! Yes it goes on and on my friends! Knuckles/Rouge: Shut up Omochao!!!! So ends another chapter filled with some quotes from Ed, Edd n Eddy and randomness. *falls asleep*
Shadow: *sigh* Looks like its up to me to end this chapter. *ahem* Where the hell did Eggman get the clow card and clow key from!? I don't know and I don't care. As for Knuckles and Rouge...after numerous attempts they finally got the Master Emerald back. Join us next time as Tails and I are forced to go to school! Until then....worship me and replace the Statue of Liberty with a statue of me!!! Do it now!!!! Sonic: -.-;; Shadow, you can't ask your fans to do that! Shadow: I didn't ask...I demand!!!! Sonic: *glare* Shadow: Fine! See you next time.....and replace the Statue of Liberty with a statue of me!!!!! Sonic: Shadow!!!!