Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Alliance for Ages ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 6 )
Chapter 6
The power generation core of the Freedom Fighters' base had been heavily shorted and fused at all points. Tails was just finishing up a new charge-dampener to neutralize the still-flowing EMP charge when he noticed something strange. This EMP hadn't just fried the circuits, but it had also disrupted most of their communication frequencies. The generator is no longer receiving signals from the command tower! The old divide and conquer tactic, eh? Tails thought.
Meanwhile, Knuckles was helped from the command tower lift to the Med Ward by two human medics. Damn divide and conquer tactics, he thought. "Hey, careful. I think one of those bastards must have broken something in my leg… OWWW! DON'T TOUCH IT!"
Sonic came charging down the hall, just having heard about the comm blackout caused by the EMP missiles. "Knucks, are you OK? After I heard about the comm interference I was kind of worried. It's a shame that missile had to hit the tower. It did plenty of damage, yessir."
Knuckles looked quite annoyed. "Sonic, stop babbling. It really wasn't the missile impact that hurt me; it was the penetration units that followed. I fought them off as long as I could alone, but they overwhelmed me." The medics continued to prod at his leg. "I said DON'T TOUCH IT!"
"Guess it IS broken," one of the medics remarked.
Sonic just laughed. "Well, I'll let you get down to the Med Ward. Just remember, we're planning the retaliatory strike tonight. We'll probably post you in one of the tanks, so don't worry about the leg."
In the small base meeting room, Sonic, Tails, X, Zero, and finally Knuckles (on crutches) filed in. As the others took their seats, X pulled out the short notes he had taken on the battle. He had decided to record images of the ground assault to study later. He was glad that he had.
"OK everyone, SHUT UP! I call this meeting to order," Sonic said to the four of them. "We are here now to plan our next attack on Sigma and Robotnick's lab. Reconnaissance has revealed that the base is heavily fortified with soldiers and guns. At this time we are in possession of three heavy assault tanks, and two personnel carriers as well as forty trained commandos and enough crew and pilots for those vehicles. We will have to get inside if we want to do much damage."
Knuckles snickered. "He's been preparing that speech for a while. He never talks like that," he said quietly to Zero.
"I heard that. Knucks, please try to keep your insubordinate attidude out of these meetings before I have to take you outside and beat you until you promise to.
X raised a hand. "Yes, Megaman."
X stood and hit the button on his helmet for his image projector. "I studied the enemy's formations and tactics and have come to a possibly helpful conclusion," he said pointing to the projection of the tanks and support units. "All of the enemy units seem to mass against one target. They never even tried to move against Zero and me. My guess is that one person coordinates their troops. If we can utilize even a simple distraction, one of us can probably get inside."
"Thank you. I think X is right. We'll have to slip one of our guys in there to open something and let the rest of us in. Then we can do what we all do best. BREAK STUFF!"
The room cheered and Tails motioned for quiet. "In other news, I have discovered a startling bit about the G.U.N. organization. It looks as though Eggman and Sigma are attempting to turn them to their side. Our spotters around the enemy base got photos of two light personell carriers with G.U.N. logos on them entering it. We need to stop any and all collaboration between them. What should we do, Sonic?"
"Well, it sounds to me that we need more info. Before we scrap their computer systems during our attack, we'll need one of you to tap in and run a search for it," Sonic said, gesturing toward X and Zero.
"Got it. Get the info, then destroy the system."
"You'll need to make it quick because the base defenders will be on us with five minutes. You'll have to locate the computer core and do all that in that time frame," Sonic added. "Time sucks, huh?"
"Yeah, whatever," Zero said. "Shouldn't we just be… blowing a hole in the thing?" Tails and Knuckles laughed. "No, really. X and me have done it plenty of times. Just plant a big explosive charge, blast a hole and charge right in, quick and easy. Right, X?"
"Nah. Their plan adds more to the plot of this fic. Actually, something cool's supposed to happen during the battle, so let's just go with it, OK?"
The room was silent.
Finally, Knuckles spoke. "Let's move on to the next chapter before X reveals more than he means about the storyline."
"Here, here!"