Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Bowtie of doom ❯ Flashbacks of general confusedness ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Hey, why is my sofa dyed red?”
“That’s not red. That’s blood. From my nose.”
TheVulpin eHero1
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG! TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
Tails: What the hell is going on here?
TheVulpineHero1: You’re going out with Cream?
ScootTH: Huh? Aren’t you a little young to be dating?
Tails: No, to both counts. I think Cream is just hallucinating after she drank those chemicals…
Sonic: What, you were cooking up a love potion? You really WANT her, don’t you?
Tails: NEVER!
Shadow: Hey.
Tails: That’s a good point. Wasn’t Shadow having a heart attack the last time we saw him? And wasn’t he extremely fat?
Shadow: Yeah, yeah, what was Cream crying about? You didn’t start saying you wanted rabbit for dinner again, did you?
Tails: Yet another great point. Foxes eat rabbits. Foxes eat hedgehogs. Foxes eat bats if they can catch them, although they never do. And echidnas are basically hedgehogs but rarer. Why do I hang out with what is essentially my lunch?
Sonic: Beats me.
Tails: Why are you all the way over there?
Sonic: Why not?
Shadow: He’s scared that you’re going to eat him.
Rouge: You ran away as well!
Shadow: So did you!
Knuckles: No. She was actually riding on me when I ran away. Speaking of which, GET OFF MY HEAD!
Rouge: No. We got a seat installed the other day, and I’m not wasting it.
Tails: Okay. Rouge and Knuckles seem normal. But, in response to your question Shadow, she apparently thought that I was going out with you. Maybe she was hallucinating again.
Shadow: Maybe. But not entirely.
Tails: Wuh, huh?
Shadow: It all started a few moons ago, when I was still fat and heart attacky…
Judge: You, TheVulpineHero1, are charged with the gross abuse of a pet hedgehog. How do you plead?
TheVulpineHero1: On my knees, whilst stealing the furniture.
Judge: Alright. Bad joke.
TheVulpineHero1: Correction. New twist on an old joke.
Judge: Whatever. Anyway, how do you plead without jokes?
TheVulpineHero1: Guilty. Oh, wait, insanity. My lawyer’s handwriting is atrocious.
ScootTH: I’m your lawyer, jerk!
TheVulpineHero1: Which is why I’m pleading insanity, because if I plead not guilty with you representing me, I’m sure I’ll lose.
Judge: That remark proves that you’re completely sane. I’m changing your plea to not guilty.
*Flashback end*
Tails: What does that have to do with anything?
Shadow: Shut up, or you’ll never know.
Tails: All I want to know is what you were talking about before!
TheVulpineHero1: Shut up, I wanna hear what happens next!
Shadow: You were in it, you fool.
TheVulpineHero1: So? I don’t remember so good. Besides, Tails was there, and he doesn’t remember.
Tails: I was there?
Shadow: As was Cream.
TheVulpineHero1: I was there as well.
Shadow: So was I.
TheVulpineHero1: And me.
Shadow: ScootTH was obviously there.
TheVulpineHero1: And I was there.
Shadow: I’m aware of that.
TheVulpineHero1: So was Sonic.
Tails: Okay, just shut up and get back to the flashback.
Shadow: Where was I? Oh yeah…
TheVulpineHero1: Which is why I’m pleading insanity, because if I plead not guilty with you representing me, I’m sure I’ll lose.
Judge: That remark proves that you’re completely sane. I’m changing your plea to not guilty.
*Flashback end*
ScootTH: HEY!
Shadow: Heh-heh.
Tails: He’s right. You do suck.
ScootTH: How would you know? You forgot the whole thing!
Tails: No, I just meant you suck, end of story. Anyway, I haven’t heard Sonic scream in the last five minutes. I wonder where Amy is.
Sonic: I was reading the first chapter recently and…
Tails: First chapter? What are you on?
Sonic: A chair. Oh, wait, that’s Rouge.
TheVulpineHero1: The first chapter of this story. Didn’t you know that you’re all mere figments of my imagination and that I built this whole world and chain of events?
Tails: I had no idea!
Shadow: You can tell by the workmanship. (Tears a hole in thin air) Real rushed job.
TheVulpineHero1: ???
Sonic: Anyway, I took a few tips, and booked Amy a first class luxury holiday to Alaska! WHOOP WHOOP! I love that dance!
Shadow: Anyway, getting back to the story…
*Flashback (Again)*
Judge: Huh. Why do I feel like my whole life has just been put on hold whilst someone discussed the general shoddiness of the world around us? At any rate, take the stand. Maybe your defence will get us back on track.
ScootTH: With all due respect, Your Honour, my client…
TheVulpineHero1: If you say one more word, I’ll sue your ass.
ScootTH: Sue? What does that mean?
TheVulpineHero1: It means that I lie to a judge and you give me all your money.
ScootTH: Shutting up.
TheVulpineHero1: And, as a side bonus, I get to see you dragged around town by rabid horses whilst explosives are detonated on your kneecaps.
ScootTH: What do you want me to do, chop off my tongue?
TheVulpineHero1: Hm. Don’t tempt me.
Judge: Enough!
TheVulpineHero1: Okay. I plead not guilty on the terms that I don’t actually own the hedgehog in question.
Judge: Okay. Bring on your witness.
TheVulpineHero1: May I bring to the stand…Shadow the hedgehog! (Shadow walks on, still fat)
Shadow: Say that this guy owns me again and I’ll totally go ape on your butts.
TheVulpineHero1: Thank you, Shadow. May I call to the stand…Dr Yolk-for-brains!
Eggman: That’s Eggman, you fool! Uh, I mean, Dr. Robotnik, you fool!
TheVulpineHero1: Yeah, yeah, deal with your identity crisis later. Now, do I own Shadow?
TheVulpineHero1: Yeah, since Eggman owns Shadow, can we put him in prison?
Judge: Why not. Just clean up after you’re done.
TheVulpineHero1: Tell it to warden, chubby.
Shadow: Do you mean me or him?
TheVulpineHero1: Yes, no, maybe! It doesn’t matter! I want to go home!
Sonic: Word.
Knuckles: Rouge, are you ever gonna get off of my head? I mean, why don’t we get a seat installed?
Rouge: Good idea. Let’s go, mugsy.
*End of flashback*
Shadow: And that’s the story of how Knuckles became a camel.
Tails: Just one thing. What the hell are you talking about?
TheVulpineHero1: Ooh, can I have a flashback?
TheVulpineHero1: Ooh, can I have a flashback?
*End of Flashback*
TheVulpineHero1: Wow.
Shadow: Now that that’s all cleared up…
Tails: I still have no idea what you were talking about.
TheVulpineHero1: That felt great. I wanna go again!
TheVulpineHero1: Hey.
AmazingNosebleed: Hiya.
AmazingNosebleed: D’oh! It happened again!
TheVulpineHero1: Things must really be getting dire if I have to import characters like you.
*End of Flashback*
TheVulpineHero1: I wanna do it again!
Tails: Quit messing with the flashback system!
Cream: Hiya! Mother said that all men are pigs and I shouldn’t be surprised if they swear.
TheVulpineHero1: I want to talk to your mother.
Cream: Oh, hi honey!
Tails: Shadow? Why is Cream calling me ‘honey’?
Shadow: Ah, that was settled after court. You see, to commemorate the fact that Eggman had gone to jail and therefore didn’t own my soul, we and the judge went to Las Vegas and had a good time.
Tails: So?
Shadow: The reason I’m not fat anymore is because the judge apparently bet me £100 that I couldn’t run around the world butt-naked in one day without getting caught by the police. I managed it, although there are now embarrassing pictures of me on the internet.
Sonic: What, you mean like this one? Or that one? Or the one that that big fat computer nerd was looking at? YEAH, I’M TALKING TO YOU, NERD!
Tails: Yeah, but why is Cream calling me honey?
TheVulpineHero1: Good question Tails. The judge is currently in jail, after he took things a little too far with a stripper.
Tails: Cream, why did you call me honey?
Cream: Don’t you remember?
Tails: Evidently not.
Shadow: The reason Cream is calling you honey is because, like all good trips to Las Vegas, everyone got drunk and someone ended up getting married. This time, it was you.
Cream: Luckily, since we’re both underage, the judge managed to annul it before he went joyriding in that police car.
Tails: Phew. So, why are you still calling me honey?
Cream: Well, mainly because you have my name tattooed on your arm.
Tails: Looks kinda cool, actually. At least it’s on fire.
TheVulpineHero1: So, that’s what happened to us.
Tails: So, what were you doing at the beginning?
TheVulpineHero1: I dunno. Let me just flash back…
Tails: NO!
It’s good to be back with another random chapter of Bowtie of Doom. I found out that it wasn’t the holidays and relaxation that was making me turn sane. It was the fact that I was relaxing, and so, was too busy to get bored. Now, it’s back to school, so I’m bored half out of my head. I know that this chapter was a little bit of a step down from the others, and no-one really seems to do much, but it’s early in the term yet, so there’s plenty of time for that magic moment when I go temporarily, permanently insane. See you later!
“That’s not red. That’s blood. From my nose.”
TheVulpin eHero1
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG! TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
TheVulpineHero1: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
ScootTH: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
BernardTheBeanpole: There’s only one, nuclear bomb!
StrangeDragonDude: Oh, no, I dropped my ice cream-
All: BANG!
Tails: What the hell is going on here?
TheVulpineHero1: You’re going out with Cream?
ScootTH: Huh? Aren’t you a little young to be dating?
Tails: No, to both counts. I think Cream is just hallucinating after she drank those chemicals…
Sonic: What, you were cooking up a love potion? You really WANT her, don’t you?
Tails: NEVER!
Shadow: Hey.
Tails: That’s a good point. Wasn’t Shadow having a heart attack the last time we saw him? And wasn’t he extremely fat?
Shadow: Yeah, yeah, what was Cream crying about? You didn’t start saying you wanted rabbit for dinner again, did you?
Tails: Yet another great point. Foxes eat rabbits. Foxes eat hedgehogs. Foxes eat bats if they can catch them, although they never do. And echidnas are basically hedgehogs but rarer. Why do I hang out with what is essentially my lunch?
Sonic: Beats me.
Tails: Why are you all the way over there?
Sonic: Why not?
Shadow: He’s scared that you’re going to eat him.
Rouge: You ran away as well!
Shadow: So did you!
Knuckles: No. She was actually riding on me when I ran away. Speaking of which, GET OFF MY HEAD!
Rouge: No. We got a seat installed the other day, and I’m not wasting it.
Tails: Okay. Rouge and Knuckles seem normal. But, in response to your question Shadow, she apparently thought that I was going out with you. Maybe she was hallucinating again.
Shadow: Maybe. But not entirely.
Tails: Wuh, huh?
Shadow: It all started a few moons ago, when I was still fat and heart attacky…
Judge: You, TheVulpineHero1, are charged with the gross abuse of a pet hedgehog. How do you plead?
TheVulpineHero1: On my knees, whilst stealing the furniture.
Judge: Alright. Bad joke.
TheVulpineHero1: Correction. New twist on an old joke.
Judge: Whatever. Anyway, how do you plead without jokes?
TheVulpineHero1: Guilty. Oh, wait, insanity. My lawyer’s handwriting is atrocious.
ScootTH: I’m your lawyer, jerk!
TheVulpineHero1: Which is why I’m pleading insanity, because if I plead not guilty with you representing me, I’m sure I’ll lose.
Judge: That remark proves that you’re completely sane. I’m changing your plea to not guilty.
*Flashback end*
Tails: What does that have to do with anything?
Shadow: Shut up, or you’ll never know.
Tails: All I want to know is what you were talking about before!
TheVulpineHero1: Shut up, I wanna hear what happens next!
Shadow: You were in it, you fool.
TheVulpineHero1: So? I don’t remember so good. Besides, Tails was there, and he doesn’t remember.
Tails: I was there?
Shadow: As was Cream.
TheVulpineHero1: I was there as well.
Shadow: So was I.
TheVulpineHero1: And me.
Shadow: ScootTH was obviously there.
TheVulpineHero1: And I was there.
Shadow: I’m aware of that.
TheVulpineHero1: So was Sonic.
Tails: Okay, just shut up and get back to the flashback.
Shadow: Where was I? Oh yeah…
TheVulpineHero1: Which is why I’m pleading insanity, because if I plead not guilty with you representing me, I’m sure I’ll lose.
Judge: That remark proves that you’re completely sane. I’m changing your plea to not guilty.
*Flashback end*
ScootTH: HEY!
Shadow: Heh-heh.
Tails: He’s right. You do suck.
ScootTH: How would you know? You forgot the whole thing!
Tails: No, I just meant you suck, end of story. Anyway, I haven’t heard Sonic scream in the last five minutes. I wonder where Amy is.
Sonic: I was reading the first chapter recently and…
Tails: First chapter? What are you on?
Sonic: A chair. Oh, wait, that’s Rouge.
TheVulpineHero1: The first chapter of this story. Didn’t you know that you’re all mere figments of my imagination and that I built this whole world and chain of events?
Tails: I had no idea!
Shadow: You can tell by the workmanship. (Tears a hole in thin air) Real rushed job.
TheVulpineHero1: ???
Sonic: Anyway, I took a few tips, and booked Amy a first class luxury holiday to Alaska! WHOOP WHOOP! I love that dance!
Shadow: Anyway, getting back to the story…
*Flashback (Again)*
Judge: Huh. Why do I feel like my whole life has just been put on hold whilst someone discussed the general shoddiness of the world around us? At any rate, take the stand. Maybe your defence will get us back on track.
ScootTH: With all due respect, Your Honour, my client…
TheVulpineHero1: If you say one more word, I’ll sue your ass.
ScootTH: Sue? What does that mean?
TheVulpineHero1: It means that I lie to a judge and you give me all your money.
ScootTH: Shutting up.
TheVulpineHero1: And, as a side bonus, I get to see you dragged around town by rabid horses whilst explosives are detonated on your kneecaps.
ScootTH: What do you want me to do, chop off my tongue?
TheVulpineHero1: Hm. Don’t tempt me.
Judge: Enough!
TheVulpineHero1: Okay. I plead not guilty on the terms that I don’t actually own the hedgehog in question.
Judge: Okay. Bring on your witness.
TheVulpineHero1: May I bring to the stand…Shadow the hedgehog! (Shadow walks on, still fat)
Shadow: Say that this guy owns me again and I’ll totally go ape on your butts.
TheVulpineHero1: Thank you, Shadow. May I call to the stand…Dr Yolk-for-brains!
Eggman: That’s Eggman, you fool! Uh, I mean, Dr. Robotnik, you fool!
TheVulpineHero1: Yeah, yeah, deal with your identity crisis later. Now, do I own Shadow?
TheVulpineHero1: Yeah, since Eggman owns Shadow, can we put him in prison?
Judge: Why not. Just clean up after you’re done.
TheVulpineHero1: Tell it to warden, chubby.
Shadow: Do you mean me or him?
TheVulpineHero1: Yes, no, maybe! It doesn’t matter! I want to go home!
Sonic: Word.
Knuckles: Rouge, are you ever gonna get off of my head? I mean, why don’t we get a seat installed?
Rouge: Good idea. Let’s go, mugsy.
*End of flashback*
Shadow: And that’s the story of how Knuckles became a camel.
Tails: Just one thing. What the hell are you talking about?
TheVulpineHero1: Ooh, can I have a flashback?
TheVulpineHero1: Ooh, can I have a flashback?
*End of Flashback*
TheVulpineHero1: Wow.
Shadow: Now that that’s all cleared up…
Tails: I still have no idea what you were talking about.
TheVulpineHero1: That felt great. I wanna go again!
TheVulpineHero1: Hey.
AmazingNosebleed: Hiya.
AmazingNosebleed: D’oh! It happened again!
TheVulpineHero1: Things must really be getting dire if I have to import characters like you.
*End of Flashback*
TheVulpineHero1: I wanna do it again!
Tails: Quit messing with the flashback system!
Cream: Hiya! Mother said that all men are pigs and I shouldn’t be surprised if they swear.
TheVulpineHero1: I want to talk to your mother.
Cream: Oh, hi honey!
Tails: Shadow? Why is Cream calling me ‘honey’?
Shadow: Ah, that was settled after court. You see, to commemorate the fact that Eggman had gone to jail and therefore didn’t own my soul, we and the judge went to Las Vegas and had a good time.
Tails: So?
Shadow: The reason I’m not fat anymore is because the judge apparently bet me £100 that I couldn’t run around the world butt-naked in one day without getting caught by the police. I managed it, although there are now embarrassing pictures of me on the internet.
Sonic: What, you mean like this one? Or that one? Or the one that that big fat computer nerd was looking at? YEAH, I’M TALKING TO YOU, NERD!
Tails: Yeah, but why is Cream calling me honey?
TheVulpineHero1: Good question Tails. The judge is currently in jail, after he took things a little too far with a stripper.
Tails: Cream, why did you call me honey?
Cream: Don’t you remember?
Tails: Evidently not.
Shadow: The reason Cream is calling you honey is because, like all good trips to Las Vegas, everyone got drunk and someone ended up getting married. This time, it was you.
Cream: Luckily, since we’re both underage, the judge managed to annul it before he went joyriding in that police car.
Tails: Phew. So, why are you still calling me honey?
Cream: Well, mainly because you have my name tattooed on your arm.
Tails: Looks kinda cool, actually. At least it’s on fire.
TheVulpineHero1: So, that’s what happened to us.
Tails: So, what were you doing at the beginning?
TheVulpineHero1: I dunno. Let me just flash back…
Tails: NO!
It’s good to be back with another random chapter of Bowtie of Doom. I found out that it wasn’t the holidays and relaxation that was making me turn sane. It was the fact that I was relaxing, and so, was too busy to get bored. Now, it’s back to school, so I’m bored half out of my head. I know that this chapter was a little bit of a step down from the others, and no-one really seems to do much, but it’s early in the term yet, so there’s plenty of time for that magic moment when I go temporarily, permanently insane. See you later!