Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Cream's Worst Nightmare ❯ um...... TMI you guys! ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sorry for the delay everyone, I've been busy. Now just as I promised, back with the show.
"Cream.... Cream.... Cream, time to wake up."
"Huh, wha.... MAN, IT'S COLD! Where'd the sun go?"
"Sun's gone, stars are out."
"You mean we're still on the beach?"
"Yup. I just kicked it here while you slept, kept you warm and whatnot.... However, it'st time to get you home."
"Tails, don't make me go, Eggman's gonna turn me white again."
"Not this time. Now come on, slip on your panties and let's go."
It was now eight in the evening and your young couple finally rose from the beach. Truth to the game, Tails caught some sleep next to Cream. Despite the fact he knew it was time to bring her home, Tails saw the reluctance in the doe. "Can we at least have sex again before you take me home?" Cream asked, more like a whimper.
"Cream...." Tails trailed off.
"Come on, let's go already." The two started walking down the beach when Tails suddenly stopped. He then lifted the hem of Cream's dress. "Cream, put your panties on."
"But I wanna do it again..." Cream whimpered.
"Fine, no sex for you.... nor am I taking you to dinner."
"Look, I don't wanna put 'em on. besides, I lost them anyway."
Tails fell over, "Why didn't you just say that from the gate?"
"It's embarrassing."
"Uh huh." She probably lost them on purpose.
The two had some dinner at the diner and afterwards, Tails took Cream into the alley. Ah, time for some nice evening lovin'.... Cream thought. Tails walked up to her and held out a pair of blue panteis for her to wear. Or not.
"Now put these on, without complaining this time." said Tails.
"Fine." Cream said and put them on correctly.
"Now put on these shades...."
"Just trust me."
"Okay." Cream puts on the shades.
"Now hold this staff."
"I get it now, you want me to appear blind when you take me back to my mom and that freak."
"That's right, and when the time is ripe, you'll stun them both."
"So I'll be like a sheep dressed in wolfskin?"
".....Yup, exactly." Cream is more clever in her words than I thought she'd be.
Eggman and Vanilla were finishing up their candle lit dinner. Despite everything, Vanilla was still worried. "Now cheer up Vanny baby, you know your daughter's in safe hands." Eggman said.
"I know," said Vanilla, "but I'm worried about her blindness. What if it's permanent?"
"Is my cooking that bad?"
"Your cooking's fine, I just can't eat it all."
"You need to relieve yourself of all that tension and stress. Let's have our session."
Suddenly, the door swung open and Tails walked through with Cream. "Man, let's get some lights in here." said Tails.
"Oh, thank goodness you're safe!" Vanilla cried as she ran to Cream.
"Of course I'm safe, I wouldn't endanger myself, y'know." said Cream.
Eggman, intruded this hearty scene. "Young lady, do you know what you put your mother through?"
"Fuck off, Eggman." said Cream.
"Your mother was worried sick because you ran off without telling us. What in the devil is wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me is that my mom is with some mountain of fat and enjoying it. Until I saw myself, I didn't think that a hill of lard could fuck a grown woman."
"You little shit, it seems you haven't learned from the last time."
"Cream, let it go, he probably has a vienna sausage between his legs anyway." Tails said.
Why did he have to say that.... Cream thought, knowing what was coming.
"Vieanna sausage, yeah right." said Eggman and whips it out. "This is Eggman John-"
"Ah!" Tails jumps back and looks away. "That's nasty."
"You know you love it."
"I take it back, that's no vienna."
"Damn straight."
"I never thought I'd see such a nasty sight on a living person. That wrinkly, waterlogged..... zombie dick."
Cream busted up laughing. "Zombie dick, why didn't I think of that?"
"Whoa, I knew you could dry out a prune, but I never thought you could stretch one out."
"That ain't funny you little bastard!"
"My god, no more pickles for you."
"What's wrong with pickles?"
"Nothing, but you don't have to put your dick in the jar with them."
Cream fell to the floor laughing. That last crack even had Vanilla giggling. "Tonight, on 'When dicks shrivel up and turn nasty'... see a living bag of crap with a 10,000 year old pecker. He preserves it by soaking it in embalming fluid and vinegar with his matching scrotum. Sources say that each testicle has 12,000 wrinkles."
"Hey, enough of this already." said Vanilla.
"No matter, that fox can't do much with his lower extremeties anyway. I can balance that globe on the tip of my dick." said Eggman.
"So what? I can juggle basketballs with my testicles." said Tails.
"Um...." Cream was surprised at that remark. "Since we're talking about bizarre talents, I wann put on the record that I can play the flute with my vagina."
"How the hell is that possible?" asked an astounded Eggman.
"Who cares, let's see." said Tails with a bit of excitement.
Vanilla broke this up. "All right, that's enough. Ivo, as amazing as that site is, stop bragging about it. Tails, I don't care if your sperm can sing the alphabet. Cream..... no! You don't put your lips on the flute.... well, not those lips anyway."
"Mom, don't even go there." said Cream. "Especially that time where you made smoke signals out of your own farts...."
"That was a sorority prank, okay?"
"You have it on video tape...."
Tails and Eggman have chees grins on their faces. "Now that I gotta see." they said in unison.
Yeah peeps, that's some crazy shit.... Anyway, I would like to tell those of you who don't know this already. The man who did the voice of Eggman died a little while back. 57 years old, man he was young. So for those of you who have Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle), walk through his stages and blow shit up in his honor. I of course, since I enjoy my puzzle games, will be playing Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine for a while. Naka-San, I hope you find a replacement actor for the bad egg for the next Sonic game. As for this tale, it's almost done, so bear with me everyone and review.