Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dairy of a Timid Tiger Princess ❯ "Over The River, Far To Travel, People Say 'Happiness Dwells.'" Yo! Read some more! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Meow all--Koneko here again to please y'all with another chap. Incase you haven't noticed--I'm kinda like a fast typer and I tend to make alot of mistakes: Take the title for example, I should've spelled it like this: "Diary," instead of "Dairy." Uh, well anyways, let's get started meow!! ^^

The room was very quiet, except for the soft music playing and the sudden chirping of the crickets. The two were quiet for a while, until Knuckles looked Maruu and placed his hand on hers.
"'re a virgin right? Well let me ask you something, do you know what...'deflowering,' is? Do you know how it works?" Knuckles was again quiet for a moment, then, he got an idea. "...Because I could teach you all you need to know...if you want."
" would really do that for me? That would be much help considering I know little of it." Maruu looked up at him.
"Well what do you know so far? I mean you had sex ed class when you were in school right?" Knuckles said.
"Well...not really. It's seems that that was the only class I payed little attention in. Um, what I do remember is that the male sticks something into you, but I forgot what it was..." Maruu looked down in her lap again.
"Hmm...well, how's about I teach you right now? Would that help?" Knuckles said.
"Oh yes, yes! I would be very thankf--" But before Maruu could finish, she was cut off in mid-sentance by a kiss.
'Oh my mew, oh my mew, oh my mew!! Is--is this happening?! K-Knuckles-senpai is...I think I'm in heaven...~' Maruu thought to herself.
The kiss began to become a bit more passonate as Maruu felt Knuckles' tongue push against her lips, awaiting for entrance. Maruu was a bit skceptical at first, but decided it would be okay. Maruu's ears had lifted up when she felt Knuckles' tongue wrestling with hers'. Maruu didn't what was going on, but she somehow knew what to do next. She had put her arms around him and moved closer to him, deepening the kiss. Then she had pulled away, getting some air into her.
", that felt..." Maruu was just lost at words.
"...You liked that didja? Well I'm sure you'll love what I'll do next, Maruu." Knuckles chuckled coyly.
"Oh? There's more? Wow, I think I might really love these 'lessons,' Knuckles-senpai!" Maruu squealed with delight and hugged him.

That's all I have for now!! Please R&R meow! Things will heat up a bit more in the next chap meow!! ^^