Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Epoch: Rust Coloured Memories ❯ Tremors ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“Urrrrrrrrrpppppppp!” came the gassy response from Sonic as he burped in response to Carve's request to pass the mustard, having scoffed his own mound of Chilli and Fries in a matter of seconds.
“Sonic don't be so rude!” scolded Cream.
“Isn't it like way past your bedtime anyway? Shouldn't you be making tracks?” Snapped Sonic back at the young rabbit who seemed to cower away from his unfair response, her lower lip quivering as her eyes glazed over.
“Haha, yeah Sonic's right, your mom will be worrying about you” laughed Tails nervously as he tried to diffuse the situation. “Tell you what Cream, I'll take you home tonight, I know Sonic's a lot faster but we'll be able to fly together!” smiled the Fox as he passed the mustard toward Carve's end of the table.
Tails and Cream, followed by Cheese pulled themselves away from the table with Cream smiling to Carve as she left. “Nice to meet you Mr. Carve!” she beamed, prompting a roll of Sonic's eyes before the pair left.
“You know in all my years I've never tried anything like this! It's trés munchablés!” laughed Carve as he shovelled fork after fork into his mouth.
“It's my own special recipe, developed especially for my Sonniku's palette!” boasted Amy with pride as she put another helping onto Carve's plate.
“Wow this is really too much, I don't know how to than...” Carve carried on as Sonic, behind Carve's line of sight and for the viewing pleasure of Ray only began pulling a ridiculous face whilst imitating Carve's mouth opening and closing with his hand. Ray was building up, his cheeks puffed out as a huge dopey grin spread across his face. Malt caught wind of what was about to unfold and just simply placed his face into his large paw as he knew Sonic wouldn't stop until Carve turned around and Carve was too busy being courteous.
“SPLAAARRRRRRR-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!” erupted Ray as the food he was eating jettisoned his mouth and covered Amy who sat stunned and unmoved for a moment or two as Ray creased up on the floor, having fell from his chair he was folded over with laughter. Carve's eyes widened in shock as he turned to Sonic looking for an answer who merely shrugged. Amy was still unmoved, like a stick of dynamite when the wick has disappeared inside and it's just a matter of t-
The sudden girlish battle cry caused Ray to ease up a little on his laughter, which subsided as a large shadow engulfed him. He looked up slowly, the only thing he could make out in the shadow were the demonic eyes of the figure which loomed over him.
“Help...” whimpered Ray as a speck of chilli dropped from the figure and onto Ray's cheek. THWACK! Ray's face felt as though it was vibrating a thousand times a second as he reeled from the blow of Amy's hammer.
Ray mumbled to himself as he cradled his head, Amy on the other hand had ran off to the bathroom, leaving Malt, Sonic and Carve sitting at the table. Sonic was sat, legs propped on the edge, swinging balancing back on the hind legs of his chair, hands behind his head and his eyes closed. Malt smiled politely as he took leave and moved to his control station.
“So... er... Sonic isn't it? I don't believe I got to thank you for helping me out before...” smiled Carve offering an outstretched glove.
Sonic opened one eye at the words, spying the outstretched glove, he smirked a little, closing his eye again. “No sweat slo-mo features.” Smiled Sonic on the outside. Though on the inside he was thinking. `Why's this kid thanking me? He had it under control without me, if anything we made it worse for him by confusing things and what was with the easy ride? Even Amy smashed a badnik...'
Ray pulled himself to his feet, thinking that the rattling in his head was over, “Man, Amy must've hit me harder than I thought, I can still feel the vibrations.”
“I don't think that's because Amy hit you somehow...” replied Carve as Sonic's legs vibrated off their spot on the table, causing the hedgehog to hit the floor.
“Impossible!” shouted Malt from his control centre at the other end of the room.
“What is it big guy?” asked Sonic, jumping to his feet as the whole began to vibrate.
“I think we've got company...” replied the Polar Bear as Amy ran out of the bathroom, followed by a deafening whirring sound and then the end of what looked like a giant drill which was attached to a classic Robotnik vehicle.
“BWAHAHAHA!” boomed an echoingly sinister voice throughout the lair, coming directly from a speaker attached to the large metallic invader. “Think you could hide from me for long pincushion?”
“Robotnik!” muttered Sonic clenching a fist.
“Somebody give the blue dolt the Captain Obvious trophy, how many other adversaries do you have that attack using large mechanised vehicles?” retorted Robotnik followed that the kind of snigger that is just plain horrible to listen to, not dis-similar to the sound of a Backstreet Boys track played over the sound of a blender.
“Why I oughta...” Sonic growled as he primed himself for action.
“Now now hedgehog... you aught to do what? Fight this machine that I'm not even piloting whilst another of my little surprise intercepts the twin-tailed fox and your little rabbit friend?” cackled the voice.
“You wouldn't dare...”
“Sonic, get Amy and Ray outta here and then get to the others! I'll take care of Robotnik!” barked Carve as the jewel around his neck began to glow.
“But...” Sonic began before he was interrupted by Malt “Go Sonic! Beat feet!” snapped the polar bear.
“Right!” said Sonic as he focussed on the task at hand, his reflexes snapping into action, whipping up the still brain-dead dizzy Ray and the trembling Amy before speeding out of the exit.
“I guess that just leaves me and you Vizcacha.” Growled Malt flexing his fists, removing himself from his control centre.
“Ahh so you figured it all out, how astute of you Polar Bear.” Grinned Carve as he turned to face his new adversary.
“I know you work for Robotnik and I'm not going to let you ruin everything that we've built here...” roared the bear as he dived for Carve's neck.