Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Epoch: Rust Coloured Memories ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“It all sounds pretty over.” Whispered Ray to Amy as the pair tip-toed over the debris that lined the back entrance to the Spring Yard Zone base, the same entrance that Sonic had escorted the pair from when they were attacked. “Though something pretty epic must've went down for back here to be rubble, didn't Buttnik attack the main room?” asked Ray, the details still somewhat blurred as he had left whilst recovering from a hammer blow to the head.
“Yeah, this part was clear when we checked out...” replied Amy “I just hope that Carve and Malt are al... OH MY GOD!” Amy screamed mid-sentence as they turned the corner into the main room, spinning round and throwing herself into Ray's arms, her instant tears dampening the yellow fur of his shoulder as his own eyes widened in shock at the scene.
There was almost nothing left, their base was decimated, rubble lay strewn everywhere. With a large hole where Robotnik's mechanical machine had forcibly entered looming over the other end of the room. Carve was nowhere to be seen, however Malt's body lay lifeless, covered in rubble, his large frame surrounded by the deep red liquid of life. Almost black, it stretched away from him as if it were trying to escape, though it couldn't, matted through his fur its fumes danced up into the air and that's when it hit Ray. The smell of death. It teased and played around his nostrils like a mischievous child trying to coax a reaction. He gagged a little, closing his eyes as he clung into Amy as tightly as she clung into him, her sobbing having reached optimum volume though the sound was dull to Ray who fought back the urge to vomit, if not for himself, for Amy's sake.
“Ugghhhnnnn...” came a faint groan from beneath a pile of rubble that lay near the gaping hole where the machine had entered, though the pair barely took any notice. Ray's ears visibly twitched however and as if by a strange sixth sense he opened his eyes, looking beyond Malt and towards the gaping hole, when he noticed the rubble moving slightly.
“Amy!” he exclaimed as he delicately, yet quickly lifted her from him and turned her to the moving stones.
“Could it be?” she asked breathlessly as she watched Ray leap to the area and frantically begin to move stones, revealing a gloved hand, a familiar glove, one she had held only hours earlier. “Carve!” she exclaimed as she ran to Ray and helped as they uncovered the body of the white Viscacha whose body was bathed in a faint grey light, though he didn't seem to be damaged, his eyelids flickered. “Is he ok Ray?” ask Amy nervously as the pair knelt over the body.
“It looks like it, this gray light, is it something similar to the gold that envelops Sonic when he takes in too much chaos energy?” he asked himself out loud. “Maybe it protected him in the same way...” with that Carve's eyes blinked open and he sat up, rubbing his head somewhat, he groaned.
“Ray? Amy?” he asked, mumbling as he appeared to be regained focus.
“It's us bud, it looks like you're ok though I can't say the same for Mal...” reassured Ray before he was interrupted.
“MALT? WHERE?” exclaimed the Vizcacha as he hurriedly stumbled to his feet, staggering backwards a little.
“Careful Carve!” squealed Amy as he staggered precariously close to the tunnel that had been left by Robotnik's machine, sighing as he stopped, she closed her eyes and turned her head in the direction of Malt, her tears forming once more. “He's there...” she whispered.
“He's dead?” asked Carve “Ughn, thank god.” He finished as he slumped onto some rubble, using it as a makeshift seat.
“WHAT?” Ray barked, leaping to his feet, his fist clenched, he drew back his arm and delivered a perfect blow straight to Carve's jaw, the fist making a cracking sound as it connected, causing Carve's neck to swivel to the right as he winced, with traces of blood and saliva flying from his mouth.
“He was a traitor...” groaned Carve as he hung in his makeshift chair like a boxer in his corner after going a round too far.
“Speak again and I'll kill you, bastard.” Growled Ray as the adrenalin flowed through his frame, pulsing through his arms and into his fists as he breathed heavily over Carve.
“Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut up!” screamed Amy as she unleashed a barrage of weak slaps over Ray's body, the squirrel stood firm, his gaze glaring into the slooping animal that he had punched. Amy's eyes balling as she spent her energy on Ray, already emotionally exhausted, she crumbled physically once again into Ray's frame, looking for the same embrace as when they entered.
“Bzzzt... Come in... Bzzzt... It's Mach here...” interrupted the scene, Ray turning, saw that just past Malt the electronics still flickered with life. The com-screen showed a pink rabbit who was in obvious distress. “Bzzzt... Malt? Do you read?”
“Who in the hell? That frequency is private...” growled Ray as he set Amy down to the side “I'll be back...” Ray snapped to Carve as he made his way across the room, side-stepping his huge friend, gagging as he passed. An unseen smirk stretching over Carve's lips for a brief second. “This is Ray, who is this?” asked Ray as he finally made it past his dead friend and to the com-screen.
“I'm Mach, a friend of Sonic's, he brought a young rabbit named Cream here just moments ago, we believe that her and Tails were attacked by Nack the Weasel, Tails is still missing however the Chao that was with them hasn't made it,” explained the Rabbit calmly. “Sonic has gone to locate Nack and Tails, he gave me this frequency and told me to contact Malt...”
Rays eyes closed as he fought back a tear, moving to the side so that Mach would be able to see the polar bear's body without saying a word.
“Oh,” exclaimed Mach, his image flickering slightly as he looked to the ground. “Well I was told by Sonic that you should bring the memory ring here, he wants to see what happened. I've wired the co-ordinates, perhaps you should bring the girl and the injured too.” Finished Mach, motioning past Ray toward Amy, who was still on her knees crying and Carve who still sat slumped, though he was beginning to stir, causing Ray to glance back over his shoulder. “I understand, look after Cream until we get there.” He growled as he turned off the com-screen before pressing a few more buttons.
“Now we'll see what really happened...” muttered Ray as the footage from the base's cameras began to roll, loading from the memory ring. He closed his eyes again, fighting back the tears as Cheese flew up in front of the camera on the screen, Cream's playful voice in the background, telling him to get down. Whilst Malt grumbled, choking up a little, a tear rolled down his cheek as he mashed the fast forward button. To the scene that saw him, Sonic and Amy leaving through the back, leaving Carve and Malt alone with the machine. As this happened on screen, off it, Carve pulled himself to his feet and silently made his way up behind Ray who's eyes remained fixated on the screen, unnoticed by Amy who refused to look that way as she would have to see Malt, he would have to take out Ray if he discovered the truth.
“I guess that just leaves me and you Vizcacha.” Growled the onscreen Malt before the screen flickered, the static taking hold for a couple of seconds, making Carve's words inaudible, who off-screen was standing right behind Ray now, his crystal shard glowing as he raised an arm, ready to strike.
“I... bzzzt... work for Robotnik and I'm not going to let you ruin everything that... bzzzt...'ve built here...” played the tape, skipping in key places, Carve paused for a moment, delaying striking Ray as he watched the polar bear dive at him onscreen. Then the tape cut out, replaced by static. Carve lowered his arm as a slight grin spread across his lips. Ray, stunned stared in silence, dropping to his knees he hung his head as tears rolled down his cheeks. Carve's arm lowered slowly, resting on Ray's shoulder gently.
“ W... Why...?” muttered Ray, unable to see Carve's grin. Everything had fallen unexpectedly into place for him, he now also had video evidence that Malt was working for Robotnik, it was all too perfect.
“Ray,” he whispered reassuringly. “Be strong, for Amy.”
After a minute of silent sobbing, Ray rose to his feet, almost zombie-like, wiping his eyes as he spoke with regret, choking as he spoke, “I'm sorry Carve.”