Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ First Wave ❯ Chapter 2: Years past by ( Chapter 3 )

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After about a mouth of travelling in the slave ship, the ship that Max was on arrived at the home world of the Drakons, within a day the ship landed on the planet and all the slaves were being led out and line up.

It was still early and Max was dreaming of being with his family again, but that was rudely shattered by the red cobra that had one of the Drakons kicked him in his side, "Get up slave were here at your new home " the snake shouted.

Max soon found himself being lined up out side of the ship with 54 others; only the aristocrats of the Drakons could pick slaves.

"NO, NO, no" snapped one of the Drakon, he was small but high up in command, by his side was a wolf/tiger like creation.

The red cobra moved over to him "good day Emperor Ko-Door, we just got these slaves in today" replied the red cobra.

Emperor Ko-Door walked up to Max; he was the only hedgehog out of the 54 slaves, Emperor Ko-Door was the Drakon leader of the house of War.

"I'll take this one," commanded the Emperor, "Scar, look after this one, train him with a sword" a wolf/tiger like creation walked up to them.

"As you command, Master" Scar replied.

"But Emperor, he's a slave" the red cobra replied.

"Hmm, we'll see" the Emperor said as he looked at Max.

Scar walked up to Max and looked down at the 5-year-old hedgehog then said, "Will you come with me" his voice was hard.

As the two walked away from the ship, Scar looked at now scared Max was, so he asked as nice as he could, "What's your name, kid"?

Max looked up then said "Maxxxx, Evelyn"

"Well, Max how about if I give you a new nickname, would you like that" Max nodded "well, let's see" Scar looked around then said "how about, Seraph".

"I like that name" Max said, "what does it mean"

Scar looked at him "Seraph means Angel".

As the two walked down the path Scar notes that Max was smiling, after about half an hour Scar said, "we're here".

Max looked up at the house it looked more like a castle.

Scar, opened the door and walked in "This is my home, the Emperor truths me, so he gave me this as a thank you" Scar looked down at Max "you see little one, I have served under the Emperor for 200 years, and I am not an adult yet, I have lived two lifetimes working for his family and it gets easier, my kinds life live up to 5500 years old", Scar suddenly remembered that he was talking to a 5 year old child, the look on Max's face confused, he looked back at the young hedgehog, "go have a look around" with that last couple of words Max ran off.

Scar watched as Max run around his home "Yes and it's yours now" he whispered.


A couple of days later Max was lost in the large house, he was walking down some of the corridors in the house, "I wish my brother and sister could see this place" Max said sadly, as he continued to walk, he walked into the large room.

The ceiling of this room was over 23 foot high and the walls were pure gold with three large stones on the three of the four walls, on the eastern wall was a gold sphere, on the western wall was a sapphire and on the northern wall was a ruby, in the middle of the room was a pillar about adult knee high on it was a sword. The sword's sheath was made from crystal and jade, the hilt had two stones imbedded into it they were an emerald and ruby; a light surrounded the pillar and the sword.

Max heard a voice in the room he looked around but saw no one, he slowly walked closer to the pillar, the voice was louder now, and with no control over his hand he reached out for the sword and touched it.

Seconds later the whole room was filled with an eerie white glow.

Emperor Ko-Door and Scar who were walking by at the time notice the light and then started to run, the two ran around the corner and ran into the shrine, to see want it was, the two saw Max lying on the floor with the sword in his right hand.

"MAX" Scar shouted, Scar ran over to Max "The Amega Sword" he gasped, looking at the sword in his hand, the crystal and jade sheath was in Max's other hand, Scar looked back at Ko-Door.

"That sword's destiny is out of our hands now" the Emperor replied, he looked down at Scar, who just turned back to look at Max worried.

A tall female creator dressed in purple, with long white hair and purple eyes, walked in and she looked around. She then asked the Emperor, "Ko-Door, how are the 3 Master Jews" once she was in the light the others saw who she was, her kind were rare in this part of the Special Zone, the name of her race was called Etecains a race of dragons that took a different evolutionally path and this race when randomly from planet to planet, she was know to the Drakon Empire as Oracle Nox Talon.

Nox walked up to the three in the centre of the shrine, she looked down at the young Max, "oh fate as given him another chance" a smile appeared on her face "Emperor Ko-Door, teach this child all you know".

Ko-Door looked away form Nox and then at the walls in the shrine "the 3 Master Jews are fine, the Order sphere, Water sapphire and the Blood ruby have not awoken yet, Oracle"

Just as Nox was leaving the shrine she said under breath "we'll meet again in the future Max Evelyn, I have seen it"


About 5 months later Scar was outside teaching Max how to use the Amega sword; the Drakons had stolen the great sword from a race of Psychic hedgehog's about 3 thousand years ago.

Outside with him was four other Drakons they where watching Max, all thinking why train a slave to fight, but it wasn't up to the Emperor, the Oracle had spoken.

Max stood in the centre of a white circle, his eyes closed and his hands around the hilt of the sword the sheath was on his back, he had been given a crimson red cloak that was blowing in the wind.

Scar stood watching Max's breathing, "Max concentrate on your breathing, breath slower" Scar replied as he walked around the circle that Max was in, Max's breathing slowed to the point were you could have thought him to be dead "that's it, now in your minds eye, can you see the target"

Max still concentrating slowly nodded.

"Good, now attack" Scar stood out of the circle.

Suddenly Max just vanished and within minutes the target of an echidna was in peace's.

One of the other four Drakon Prosecutors shouted "Hay, Scar why bother with that loser any of us can do that".

One of the other Drakons grabbed Scar and pushed him up agents a wall.

Max's who was stood over near the target, his eyes shot open and he turned his head faster to see his friend in trouble, he vanish again and he grabbed the Drakon who had Scar, killing the Drakon in minuets just with his hands, the other three watched the young hedgehog reappear in front of them, they were frozen in fear, Max's eyes glowed pure red, like a demon.

"Max, stop" a voice shouted and Max did, his eye changed back to normal.

Scar and the others turned to see Emperor Ko-Door walking over to Max.

"How is his training doing, Scar?" the Emperor asked

"It would go much fast if I had a place to train him in prevent" Scar replied, looking back at the other Drakons.

"Very well, Scar" the Emperor looked at Max, then back at Scar.


9 years have gone by and Max is now 14 years old, he has been training for a long time, over that time his training took day's sometime mouths, he also had mastered all the Drakon weapons and the way of the sword, it's pain, it's hatred and it's life.

All the members in the house of War have now the total respected for him, Scar had trained him in the art of war, Max also had learnt how to fight in hand to hand combat from Scar, and many other skills he would later use.

It was a hot day in the capital city of 'Draco', Max stood outside of a door watching a couple of young Drakon's, well the age of young Drakon's is unknown, both looked like were having what looked to be like fun, he turned his head and spoke "Scar, nice to see you" he turned his head fully to see his best friend in the Empire.

Scar looked at him then spoke "I would love to know how you do that, Max" he welcomed his friend, the two turned and walked past the young Drakons and down the street in the direction of the Emperor's palace.

The two arrived in the palace "Emperor Ko-Door" both called, walking into a room, Max and Scar then heard three voices.

The two walked over to see who it was, Max saw Sister Haggra from the house of Magic and Master Scholar from the house of Knowledge, they were the other two most powerful houses in the Drakon empire, both were with Emperor Ko- Door.

Sister Haggra had her hands over the vapours of Destiny and in the vapour was an image of a blue hedgehog.

Max turn and stared to walk away from the door, he saw Scar looking at him.

"Hmm, another hedgehog" Max murmured, he turned his head back to the door for a second, then he walked a way, "I'll see the Emperor later" he whispered.

That night Max was in his room trying to sleep but couldn't, he was dreaming, in this dream he was stood in a city, in front of him was a purple Chameleon calling his name over and over, then the dream moved on to a battle and he saw the city in ruins and he saw purple Chameleon dead on the floor.

Max woke up covered in sweat, putting his right hand up to his forehead, "not again" he simple said.


3 days later

As the twin suns rose up in the morning sky, Max was taking his time about getting up, he lazily turning over in his bed, the sun light was too bright to ignore, but he didn't want to get up and draw the curtains, so he just rolled over until that got uncomfortable.

When it did, he turned back over and shielded his eye with both of his hand to squint at the clock on the table, that was next to his bed, Max then sat up and stretched, yawning loudly and closing his eyes against the light, he go dressed in his normal Drakon uniform, that was a black ninja like suit, he put his crimson cloak on, and he walked out of his room.

Max walked down the corridor of the Drakon palace, he saw his best friend ahead of him "Scar" he called.

Scar turned to see Max "did you over sleep again" he said to the hedgehog, who just nodded, "was is it that nightmare again, Max" he was stopped in mid-sentence, because of the alarms that started Scar shouted "Come on, Max"

"Right" Max had to shout over the sound of the alarms, as the two ran.

Seconds later Max, Scar and many others had arrived in the main command centre, Emperor Ko-Door, Ko-Door walked up to them and said, "Max, Scar, I am sending you two to the front lines to help our forces, it's looked like the Chameleon Empire has finally shown it's self"

"To the honour of the Drakon Empire" Max and Scar said in union, the two ran off to the ship that would take them to the battlefield.


24 days later

The two had been fighting from 8 days with no sleep or food and it was taking its toll on Max.

"Go and get some sleep, Max" Scar replied

The tried Max looked at him "No, I'm ok" just then a missile hit the base and exploded, Max was sent fly up agnates a wall, "Scar" he yelled darkness took him into unconscious. When he finally woke he looked around and then he saw his best friend lying lifeless on the ground, he limped over to Scar's form; "Scar" he said weakly, another missile hit the base and exploded, a peace of falling rock hit Max's head hard and he fall unconscious again.