Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Inked in flame ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Epilogue: No happy endings

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Raze scowled as best he could as the nurse changed his bandages. Across the area surrounding his right eye were three deep scars. Permanent, the doctor had said. And as much as he hated to, Raze agreed with him. It was a miracle his right eye hadn’t been sliced into, really. Tails, Ai, and Cream were sitting in the room with Raze. They were still awaiting a doctor’s opinion on Sonic. He had been referred to different doctors time and time again.
“Tails? Are you okay?” Cream asked, her brown eyes full of worry.
“Hah…We lost. Arid got away. We managed to recover one of the Chaos Emeralds, but the Tornado is toast, and the others are trying to rescue the remains of the city. We have a lot to do.”
“Tough luck, kid. Oh, and by the way, I’m gonna take that Chaos Emerald with me.” Raze said, walking over to them.
“What do you mean, take the Emerald? What are you talking about?” Ai asked, her voice rising.
“When I leave, Ai.” Raze said quietly.
“What, we’re leaving? But I like it here!” Ai protested.
“Good, because you’re staying. This time, I walk alone.” Raze stated.
“What? Oh, Raze…You’re not going after Arid again, are you?” Ai asked, her voice shrilly.
“No! He beat me before. He’ll do it again. I need to gather strength before I finally settle our score.” Raze said, looking at the floor.
The doctor swept in. He had a rather crestfallen look about him, which all concerned took to be a bad sign.
“I’m sorry.” the doctor started.
“Why, what did you do?” Raze asked.
“Just tryin’ to put a brave face on things.”
“Ahem! I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. Your friend has whole body permanent paralysis. The nerves at the bottom of his spine are severed. It’s irreversible by our current level of medical knowledge.” the doctor said apologetically.
“Hoo, boy. Rebuild the Tornado, build a radar that finds Master Emerald shards, AND find a cure for permanent paralysis. A genius’ work is never done…” Tails groaned.

A week later, everyone was there to see Raze off- even the cowardly Soots. As he shouldered his pack which Vanilla had prepared, they all waved.
“Raze! Promise us you’ll come back!” Ai shouted.
“Fine, then. Rest assured. You shall see me again.” Raze laughed as he walked away.
“Hmm. Out for a training voyage, huh? A good idea, that.” Jecht mused.
“Well, I’m going back home. My ma and pa must be missing me by now.” Hadrian said.
“I’m leaving too. There’s women and treasure to be had!” Soots laughed, winking at Rouge.
“Hmm…It’ll be a little strange without them, won’t it dear?” Vanilla asked Cream.
“Hah…I guess so. But, we’ll see them all again, won’t we Mother?”
“Count on it.”

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That’s it. Inked in Flame is finished. But, rest assured, there will be a sequel. I’m just gonna take a rest for a while, and pay some attention to some of my other, more neglected fics. (Cough…Bowtie Of Doom…Cough…) As always, a hearty whoop to all those who reviewed, and a big hello to my pal, inspiration helping person and partner-in-crime, TheRealScootTH, and our pals and palettes. Hmm, I’m sure that last one is a word already in use…Bye!