Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knothole Triangle ❯ Persistant Desires ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Knothole Triangle" Chapter 4
by aladdinabu

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Legality: Sonic and all them are copywright Sega and Archie. This fanfic is my own story. That's about it.

Chapter 4! The chapter of champions! -AA
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 4: Persistant Desires~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm glad this all worked out, sir. We'll send a freighter up to make the transfer within a week."

"That's fine," the elderly goat said. "Thank you for your patience. Some of the board members can be so stubborn."

"Yes." Sally extended her hand. "Farewell, Mr. Winters."

"Goodbye, Your Majesty."

She walked back down the steps to join Bunnie. As they walked back to the hotel, Bunnie whispered to her.

"Good work, Sally-girl."

"Thank you, Bunnie. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it after..."

"Please, don't bring it up, honey. It's all water under the bridge."

She looked away. "Yeah."

"But on a related topic... did y'all see that hunky badger on the council? Third from the left?"

"What about him?"

"Ah think he was makin' eyes at me!" She fanned her face. "Do ya think Ah should ask him out or somethin'?"

Sally frowned. "It's probably not a good idea. When would you get together? How? This place is so far away."

"[sigh] Yeah, you're right. A girl can dream, though, can't she?"


Ahh, yes. A nice, hot shower was just what the doctor ordered.

Sally stuck her head back under the showerhead, washing the rich lather from her auburn hair. She watched the white foam as it ran over the porcelain and into the drain.

As she reached down to turn off the faucet, she thought about Sonic. She was finally going to see him, probably tomorrow! It seemed like a dream. These three weeks had been hell on not only her emotions, but her libido as well. Now she would finally be able to quell all her hungers. She stepped out and grabbed the towel.

Suddenly, there came a gasp from the other side of the door. "Bunnie?" she called. No answer, but she could still hear the muffled cries. She also thought she could hear music; perhaps the clock-radio, trying to drown the sound out.

She needed to think this out. Was there someone else on the other side? Or were they gone already. Either way, she had to be prepared for anything. She quickly wiped her feet off, picked up a bottle of conditioner to throw, and quietly unlocked the door.


She kicked the door open and ran into the room, and found Bunnie lying on her bed-

"Oh!" She turned away. "Bunnie, I'm... I'm sorry, I thought-"

The rabbit quickly whipped a pillow from behind her to cover herself. She was panting loudly.

"What the fuck is goin' on, Sally?!"

"I heard the cries, and... I thought you were in danger." She inched back toward the bathroom. "I hope I haven't disturbed your, uh... your activity too much."

"Well, that's it," she said, sitting up on the bed. "We've seen each other in all our glory. Both times it was your fault." She let out a shuddering sigh, returning the pillow to its place. "I'm really starting to wonder about you, Sal."

"Wait a second," she replied indignantly, turning around. She saw Bunnie was still naked and horny, and covered her eyes. "O... okay... as I was saying. It was your fault. The first time, the light was on. I admit, I didn't lock the door, and I did fall asleep, but you should've knocked to make sure I wasn't in there. And didn't you notice I wasn't in bed?"

"W-ell, maybe you're right."

Sally bit her lip. This whole situation was making her uncomfortable, and a little aroused. "And this time... well, I guess it was nobody's fault. I just made an honest mistake. I now realize the radio was on to drown out your cries of pleasure, not pain."

"You're right, Ah'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"Of course, Bunnie. I just wanted to set it str-"

She felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry 'bout it."

This made her lose bladder control. "Oh, shit!"

"Sally-girl!" The hand jerked away. "Wh-what...?!"

She could feel the warm liquid running down her leg. "Bunnie, I think that... was a bad move. I'm feeling... a little hyper tense right now."

"Ah'll say!" Her breath was coming faster. "Ah'm feelin' a bit... sensitive myself." A pause. "Oh, my."

Sally peeked through her fingers to see Bunnie looking down at herself. She followed her gaze to witness a tiny drip of cum fall from the rabbit's loins.

She took a deep breath. "Bunnie, are you... experiencing the same feelings I did last week?" She could feel her cunt swelling between her legs. "Cause if you are... mine may be returning as well."

"Ah-Ah-Ah don't know what you're talking about!" Bunnie wiped her own sweet valley and tried to look nonchalant. "Maybe Ah should go out for awhile, so this can settle down."

Sally lowered her hands. "Bunnie-"

"Oh, lord, Sal!" She used her arms to try to cover her private parts, somewhat succeeding. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Sally was hot. She wanted to lay down on an ice bed to make the feelings go away, but they wouldn't. "Bunnie, we need to test this."

A frightened look came over the cyborg bunny's face. "H-how do y'all propose we do that?"

"I... I have an idea." She swallowed dryly. She didn't like this idea, but she had to know. "This will do nothing for us if our feelings aren't true."

"Ah guess..."

"Good, then... here I go." Slowly, nervously, she moved toward her friend.

"Sally?" Her chest was heaving, trying to suck in all the air in the room. "Wh-what are you- no!" She started to back toward the wall.

"Bunnie, please!" She paused to wipe tears away from her face. "Don't make this harder than it already is!"

"Ah can't do this!"

"We have to! We'll never know if we don't, and I can't go through life without finding out." Sally resumed her slow advance. "Besides, do you think it'll just go away if we ignore it?"

"Sally, get ahold of yourself!" She was up against the wall now. "Ah don't wanna do this, please don't...!"

Sally stopped. "You think I'm going to try to overpower you? Do you really think I can r-r-" She couldn't bring herself to say that ugly, disgusting word. "My God, Bunnie... we don't know each other very well at all." She fell to her knees and began crying.

"S-sally..." She felt her strong hands close on her shoulders, pulling her to her feet. "Y-you're right. Ah just... just don't want this to be, Ah..."

"Bunnie, that's what I'm-"

Oh, boy.

Sally found herself in the arms of the buxsome rabbit, staring into her olive green eyes. Before she could stop herself, the words slipped out.

"How could this be wrong?"

Her friend was shocked, and couldn't find her voice.

"Oh, my God," she said, realizing what she had just said. "Bunnie, I didn't..."

Their heads were drawing closer. "S-sa-sal..."

Their lips met briefly, then they tore away from each other.

"Oh, my stars, Sally!" They were both on the verge of screaming, crying and passing out. "Wh... what have we done?"

"That was terrible! I hated it, I... I want to... I want..."

She surprised herself. "I can't believe it. I want... more."

Bunnie caught her breath, unable to say anything yet again.

She ran a hand through her hair, only starting to dry. "I had hoped this would make the feelings go away, but... it didn't." She looked up at the tan furred woman standing mere feet away, her fingers running up her stomach. "It's worse than ever now. It's so-"

"Shut up!" Her voice cracked. "It's not right, we, we can't!"

"Bunnie, think! What if we don't? Do you really think this will just go away?" She looked down. "Cause it won't."

Bunnie moved toward her. "It's wrong, Sally. We just can't jump in the sack and hope it solves everything!"

"Can't we?" Sally grasped her hands. "Please? I... I want you."

"No... no, this... Ah... you're such a Jezebel!"

They flung themselves into each other's arms, tongues exploring each other's oral cavities, hands roaming all over their soft furry backs.

"Oh, thank you, Bunnie!"

"This is so sick, so... dirty!" She kissed down her Princess's neck. "Ah'm so sorry this... didn't happen last week!"

"Oh, Bun..." Sally moved slowly downward until she reached her full, supple chest. "This..." Words failed her. She touched one of them, lightly, then more sure of herself, massaging, coaxing moans from the throat of the rabbit underneath her. She licked her chest all over, the cleavage, the undersides, finally settling on her right peak.

"O-oh, Sal!" She gingerly touched the squirrel's head, while throwing her own back. "Y-you're so good to me!"

(I can't believe I'm doing this!) Sally thought to herself. She used the same technique Sonic used on her, biting softly once in awhile, but mostly sucking. She switched nipples, not wanting to leave anything out.

"Sally-girl! Ah love you!"

She continued her trek downward, arriving at her flat stomach. "You're so buff, Bunnie." She rubbed her cheek against it, feeling the tight abs beneath the soft layer of fur. "You make me feel secure." She pulled herself back up again, embracing her best friend in a french kiss to end all kisses, both of them running their hands through each other's hair. Sally's leg was rubbing against Bunnie's crotch, and the rabbit blushed.

"Princess, your leg wants to yiff me."

She smiled, lowering her own cunt down onto Bunnie's cold, metal leg. "Oh, god... it's so cold and hard..."

"Ah want to taste you..." Bunnie pulled her to her feet. "Sally... how do we do the 'sex' part? Ah don't know how it works."

"We could finger each other... or how about...?"


Sally smiled slyly, gave her a quick peck on the lips and pushed her down on the bed. She walked around to the other side and crawled up onto her.

"Oh, Ah see..."

Sally swallowed hard as that beautiful vagina came into view between those cold, metallic legs. "It's gorgeous... ready?"

"Ah... Ah guess."

She slowly lowered her body onto her partner's. "Oh, God, this is so good." When she came to rest upon her, she called back, "Am I light enough?"

"Mmm... yeah, shuga momma."

The squirrel licked her lips. "Then here we go."

At the same instant, their tongues entered each other's sweet valleys, lapping at their already-present nectar. Sally could feel the comely rabbit beneath her quiver at her entry, and she could feel herself do the same. Her mouth dwelled on the sweet, alien juices, relishing the taste. Meanwhile, she could feel Bunnie working on her, the small tentacle in her mouth probing around inside her pussy, playing on her clitoris, even occasionally brushing against her anus.

"Hey!" she yelped playfully. "Two can play at that game!" She continued to eat at the soft pink flesh as she wormed her fingers into Bunnie's tight little ass hole, stretching and probing.

"OH, GOD!" The rabbit screamed, momentarily pausing in her meal to clutch at her lover's warm behind, reveling in the sensation. "Sally-girl, you... you're amazing!" The squirrel responded by sucking on her clit, driving her deeper into the throes of passion.

"Ah.. Ah shouldn't... hog all the... pleasure!" Bunnie began licking at her bum in earnest. Then Sally felt something very odd.

"Oh, GOD, Bunnie... what is THAT?!" It was something long, and it got wider the further it went in her luscious crotch.

The sexy bunny responded between licks. "It's... mah... ear, shuga!"

'Of course!' she thought. It made sense to her now; they were very long. Very, very long, and had a surprising amount of muscle in them. She found herself bucking her hips, trying to force it further inside her. Meanwhile, her own hands were still digging at that tight anus, forcing it to get wider and wider, and it was almost big enough to admit her fist! She had nearly forgot about Bunnie's twat, and resumed licking, her tongue not long enough to reach very far into it. Maybe she could try sticking her fist in there as well.

"Oh, Sally-girl!" Bunnie was biting her tail, shoving an ear into each oriface over and over again. Sally rubbed her head with her feet, barely flexible enough to do so. Her lover turned and kissed one, then licked between the toes. "Y'all have such... dainty toes..."

"I love your... sense of hearing," Sally said, her cunt pulsating against the advances of the ear. 'Does she have the same fetish as Sonic?' she thought to herself, rubbing her toes together. With a sudden idea, she licked the inside of the rabbit's thigh, tasting the cold, tangy metal. It gave her chills, contrasting the extreme heat between her legs. Then, satisfied at the dilation, she shoved her fists in, one in each hole.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!" Bunnie cried. "Excuisite PAIN!"

She licked at the taught vagina lips around her left wrist. "You're so wonderful."

She felt both ears enter her ass, causing her to cry out. Then she felt a very cold sensation on her loosened pussy.

"Is... is that your hand?"

"Y-yeah," Bunnie replied, barely capable of speech. She felt the rabbit kiss her on the left ass cheek as the robotic arm forced its way into her.

"Oh, GOD!"

"It ain't... over yet," Bunnie panted.

Sally's eyes flew open.


The hand was vibrating inside her, stimulating her to the max. She felt like it was detaching, on fire, so many things! The pure heat generating between her thighs was almost too much to bear. Bunnie kissed her ass again.

"Ah... Ah love you so much!"

"OH,.... OH MY GOD!" She could barely continue to thrust her own hands in and out of her tan-furred lover's body. Her cunt swelled, ready to explode, but she had to hold on a little longer. "I'm gonna..."

"Me... too...!"

They moved faster, those ears pumping her ass for all it was worth, her shoving her tough little fists deeper and deeper into the rectum and twat of her partner, the vibrating in her own sweet valley... it was all too much for them both.


They came together gloriously. Sally tugged her hand out of Bunnie's vagina to devour the waves of hot cum spewing forth, consuming as much as she could, letting the rest run down around her other hand, still jammed in her partner's ass. She could feel Bunnie doing the same to her steamy slit, removing her robotic hand to taste the Princess's juices. She used both hands to rub the squirrel's inner thighs as they feasted on each other.

When the fantastic orgasm finally subsided, they collapsed in a heap, falling into deep slumber.


Bunnie stirred. Why did she feel like she had to go number two really badly?

When she tried to get up, she recieved her answer; Sally's balled-up fist was still in her sore rectum, and her ears were still in Sally's. It brought to mind the events that led to that; she smiled and kissed her lover's no-longer loose valley.

"Sally-girl... time to get up."

The Princess moved slightly, then spoke. "H... wha?"

"Honey, Ah need to use the little girls room."

Sally propped herself up on her arm, then noticed her other one. "Oh, Bunnie, my hand is still..." She couldn't help laughing. "Guess we can't stay in each other's ass forever, now, can we?"

"Let's pull out on three," she said. "One, two, THREE!"

Her ears slid out of Sally much easier. Her own sphincter had closed around the squirrel's wrist, and it hurt terribly as the fist emerged with a pop.


"I'm so sorry, Bunnie!" She kissed her anus tenderly. "Didn't mean for it to be painful!"

"It's... okay," she said, slowly recovering. "Just get off, so Ah can go."

"Right." She rolled off of her, rubbing her ass. "Whew, what a night."

"Yeah," she said, standing up. She scratched her belly and glanced at the clock. "Oh, no! It's 10:20!"

"AM?!" Sally sat bolt upright. "We were supposed to get to the mayor's house for brunch by 11:30!"

"Maybe we can still make it," she said, racing to the bathroom. "After Ah use the toilet, we can take a quick shower together..."

She smiled, following her in. "Quick, eh? I think we'd better shower seperately if we want to make it."

"You're right, Princess." She kissed her on the lips lightly, then shoved her out. "Be out shortly!"


"Oh, Bunnie, these past days were so great."

"Yeah." Bunnie turned from the control panel of the hovercraft. "Well, the coordinates are all set." She looked down at her hands, fidgeting.

"Something wrong, Buns?"

The rabbit brushed her hair out of her eyes. Sally couldn't help looking into her olive-green eyes. They were so much like Sonic's, but a different shade, and softer, less intense. "Uh, Sally-girl, there's something we-all need to discuss."

Sally knew this was coming- She was going to bring it up if Bunnie didn't. "Yes, we do. None of this ever happened, right?"

Her lover looked up. "Yeah."

She tore herself away from those eyes. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Sonic's still my boyfriend."

"Ah hope this doesn't endanger your relationship with shuga-hog."

She looked wistfully out the window. "Me too."

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the end.
(i will be writing a chapter 5)