Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knothole Triangle ❯ Welcome Mattress ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"Knothole Triangle" Chapter 5
by aladdinabu

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Legality: Sonic and all them are copywright Sega and Archie. This fanfic is my own story. That's about it.

Finding out my stories had disappeared from prompted me to write a fifth chapter. I know it was a long time coming, but it has arrived! I belive huzzahs are in order.

Also, good news, everyone! On a bright note, I once again have a website! For those of you who don't already know this, I am very happy to be back online.

And now without further stalling for time, here it is, you lucky sons of... -AA
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 5: Welcome Mattress~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sonic paced back and forth in the Knothole Airport. It wasn't much of an airport; really, it was just a little hut next to the airstrip. In any case, Sonic was cooped up, impatient, and nervous. Princess Sally would be arriving anytime now, and he wasn't sure how he was going to tell her about the recent events.

He had gotten over his sexual confusion enough to be able to be around Tails without getting turned on. He was pretty sure his sexual experimentation was over.

'Will she hate me?' he thought to himself. 'Will she understand? I mean, I didn't want to cheat on her, it just sort of... happened. And Amy is one thing, but Tails? Will it freak her out? Will she ever be able to look at me again?' Sonic sat down heavily in a nearby chair. He couldn't expect her to understand, or to be content to stay with him, but he had to tell her. Lying would only make it worse.



Sally sat up with a start. "Hmgplh, wha?"

"Sally-girl, twenty minutes to landing," Bunnie said, looking over at her.

"Oh," she said, sitting up sheepishly. She realized she was still in the hovercraft, speeding over the landscape toward Knothole. "I must've dozed off."

Bunnie chuckled. "Ah'll say. Y'all got a li'l drool there."

The princess blushed and wiped it away. "I had a dream... about killer zombie waffle irons... weird stuff." She stooped down to pull on her boots.

"Betcha Sonic'll be glad to see those tootsies again."


"Nothin'," Bunnie said, blushing and turning away.

"HA!" Sally shouted, dropping the other boot. "I KNEW it! You have a foot fetish, just like he does!"

"No, Ah don't!!! Ah just know Sonic does, that, that's all."

"How could you? I never told you, and I KNOW he didn't-"

"FINE, maybe Ah do!" Bunnie was shaking. She took a few deep breaths. "Y'all won't tell anybody, right?"

Sally giggled. "Surely if I can keep OUR secret, I can keep this one, too." She bit her lip as she rubbed Bunnie's thigh with her bare foot.

"S-sally," Bunnie said hesitantly, "Ah don't think this is such a good idea, Ah mean, we're gettin' pretty close to Knoth-ho-hoohh..." Sally's toes had reached her between her legs, and were now in the process of stroking her.

"That's Knot...hole," Sally said, using her big toe to move the crotch of Bunnie's garment aside.

"Mmf," Bunnie said, hear head leaning back. "You're... so bad, Sally..."

"Am I?"

The rabbit cyborg laughed quietly. "Well, y'all are fucking me with your foot mere minutes before we get to Knothole. Just a tad dirty, girl."

She sighed, lowering her foot. "Maybe you're right, Bun..."

Bunnie blinked, exasperated. "Well, you didn't have to stop!"

"I bet," Sally snickered. She crawled into Bunnie's seat. "How long until we get to Knothole?"

Bunnie's face reddened. "Twelve minutes."

Sally smiled, an uncertain half-hearted one. "We may never get to do this again, and we really shouldn't have in the first place, so..." She rubbed Bunnie's breast through her clothing. "Shall we give it one last go before we close this chapter forever?"

Bunnie smiled back, eyes tearing up slightly. "Now how can Ah refuse mah best friend a request like that?"

Their hands cupped the back of each other's heads as they entered another heated kiss, reveling in the sensations. Sally straddled her cold metal leg, rubbing her hot sex against it.

"Waxin' me, shuga?"

"Just a quick... shine-up, Bunnie..." She jerked her companion's top down, causing her to gasp, then proceeded to massage her.

Bunnie bit Sally's neck softly. "What a way to travel."


"Hey, Sonic!"

The spiny hero turned to see Tails striding toward him, followed by several of the other Freedom Fighters, including Amy Rose, Rotor, and Antoine. He was holding hands with Amy.

'They do look cute together,' Sonic thought to himself as he waved.
"What's with the posse, keyed?"

"Well, Rotor and Antoine wanted to ask about the mission, and I just... wanted to see my Aunt Sally." The two-tailed fox blushed slightly.

"Aww, my little Tails is so adorable when he's embarrased!" Amy gave him a strangling hug.


Sonic laughed, and was about to make a comment when the loudspeaker blared to life.

"Attention, please, flight 1547 will be arriving in four minutes."

"Jim," Sonic shouted, "we're the only ones here! You don't need to kill our ears!"

"Sorry," Jim said, still into the loudspeaker. A sudden blast of feedback made all the Freedom Fighters cringe.

"Well, I'm gonna head out there to meet her." Sonic took a deep breath.

"We'll go with you," Tails and Amy said.

Once they'd exited the airport, Amy pulled Sonic aside.

"What, what is it? I can see the plane, she's almost here."

"Sonic," she said nervously, "I wanted to thank you for your pity sex."

"Hey, c'mon-"

"No, don't apologize or anything... I realize that's what it was, and I don't mind. You're a good friend for indulging me, and let's face it, I was acting pretty pitiful," she added with a quiet laugh. "Don't worry, though; I won't tell Sally, ever. I swear on my mother's grave."

"Your mother's still alive, Aimes."

"Then I swear on my GRANDmother's grave, okay?!" She punched him in the shoulder.

"Oh, owwie!" he cried, grabbing his arm in mock pain.

A swoosh overhead interrupted them; the hovercraft had overshot the runway, and was circling around to land.

As Sonic watched it swoop down, Tails jerked him away from Amy and whispered in his ear.

"Sonic, I think you should tell Sally about everything."

"I know, Tails, I'm gonna. Are you gonna tell Amy?"

The fox fidgeted. "I dunno, maybe. She's still a little shallow and small-minded from her life in Station Square, but she's learning... I just don't know if she's progressed enough to accept... you know."

"Hey, one thing you got goin' for ya... she still has a crush on yours truly, so that might, turn her on and stuff."

Tails blinked. "You know, that wouldn't surprise me."

They both laughed, causing Amy to poke her head in. "What's so funny?"

"Your face," Sonic teased. Amy swatted them both across the head.

Then the aircraft was coming in, so they turned their attention from each other to the strip. Sonic took his umpteenth deep breath, and waited.


"I've been thinking, Bunnie."

The half-alloy rabbit turned as she ran the comb through her hair. "Sally-girl, now is not the time to get into a discussion -- Ah mean, we-all got a welcoming committee down there, and we don't want to disappoint, do we?"

"It won't take that long," she replied as she put her vest on. "I was just thinking that, well... maybe I should tell Sonic."

Bunnie gasped. "But Sally-"

"He deserves to know, Bunnie. It's his right as my beloved."

"Sally-girl, listen... Ah know y'all want to be straight with him, but... do you think he'd take it well? Ah mean, he's a pretty hot-headed hedgehog."

"I know that, but..." The squirrel princess let it drop there. "I guess I'll wait a little while, a day or two. But I don't think I could keep it from him much longer. If he leaves me, then I'll understand. I'll be devastated, but I... I don't want a relationship based on lies."

"...Well, Ah guess Ah can understand that..." Her companion sighed.

"Hey, listen. I promise I'll personally kick his spiky ass if he tells ANYONE that you were involved."

Bunnie laughed. "Thanks for the reassurance, Sally-girl. Ah just wish this had never happened, y'know? It could mess up everything with you two."

"Yeah, but at least we hopefully got it out of our system." She cleared her throat. "Well, we've touched down. Let's go."

Bunnie leaned over and gave her a warm hug. "Good luck, girlfriend."

Sally smiled, then rested her palm on the button by the hatch.

"Here goes nothing."


The hovercraft came to a gradual stop in midair several yards from where the trio was standing, then a puff of steam exited the underside as the hoverjets waned and the craft rested on the pavement.

They all took a deep breath as the door swooshed open, and Bunnie hopped out and onto the ground. She turned, waiting for Sally to exit, and then the two girls ran over to greet their friends, Sally sprinting into her lover's arms.

"Hi, Aunt Sal-" A sudden jab from Amy.

"Let the two lovers have their reunion," she whispered.

Tails turned and studied her face. He could tell that even though she was going out with him now, her obsession with Sonic would probably always be there. Even now he could see pain on her face.

"Howdy, Shuga-Tails," Bunnie said with a warm smile.

"Hey, Bunnie! How was the trip?"

Bunnie coughed slightly. "Pretty boring stuff, that negotiatin'. At least we got what we needed." She shrugged. "So, anything new in Knothole?"

"Well," Amy said, slipping her hand into Tails', "maybe a few things."

Bunnie blinked, and her jaw went slack. Tails and Amy just laughed.

Meanwhile, Sonic and Sally's kiss finally broke, and they breathlessly stared into each others' eyes.

"I missed you like hell, Sal."

"I missed you like a dozen hells."

"Oh, yeah? Well I mghp-" He was interrupted by another liplock.

"Come on, you two," Tails said, laughing. "Antoine and Rotor are gonna think the hovercraft landed on us."

"Let 'em think I took it to a discotheque, for all I care," Sonic said, making another attempt to suck his lady's tongue out.


"Oh, Sonic, this is so posh and swanky," Sally said, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"The best for the best," Sonic said, winking. The wink went unnoticed, as his princess was too busy taking in the scenery. Le Chez Duvet was the nicest restaurant in Metroburgh -- arguably the best on Mobius. The ceiling was about thirty feet up, and painstakingly crafted by a single Italian painter over an entire year. Several ornate crystal chandeliers hung delicately, and soft music came from the orchestra. A few couples were on the ballroom floor already.

Sonic, dressed in a red and black suit, pulled out the chair for his date, who was adorned in a blue strapless evening gown. As they took their seats, their waiter, a tall penguin (saves on tuxedo bills!), handed them their menus.

"Would you care to see our wine list?"

"Would we, Sal?"

Sally shook her head quickly. "You're the one paying for all of this, I wouldn't dare-"

"That's a 'yes'," he told the waiter wryly. The waiter smiled and handed it to him.

Sonic stared blankly at all the French for a moment, then gave it back. "We, uh, we're too young to have wine, anyway. Do you have like, really good ginger ale or something?"

Their garcon stifled a laugh. "But of course," he said, bowing slightly before running off.

"Hey, at least it has bubbles and a strong taste."

Sally rolled her eyes. "Yes, all is not lost."

They laughed at this, Sonic taking her hand from across the table. "Sal, I know it was only a couple weeks, but it felt like years. I'm comin' along next time."

"You can't come with me EVERY time I go somewhere, love. A princess has her duties. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"

"Wrong organ, Sal... absence makes me sick to my stomach."

She giggled. "I do believe you've got it bad, Sonic Hedgehog."

"Yeah, yeah," the blue hero muttered, waving it off.

Then the waiter came with their refreshment, and they paused to taste it. Pleased, they ordered their food; Sonic agonizingly refrained from asking about chili dogs (this being an upscale restaurant, he didn't want to look like a goober), and just had what Sally ordered, even though he wasn't paying attention to what she ordered.

"Sonic, I didn't know you liked khentha greens in red acorn sauce."

Sonic blinked and tried not to throw up. "I, uh, hear they have great dessert here, and I wanted to save room."

"You were staring at my cleavage again, weren't you?"

"SHHHH!!! I was not!!!"

"You're doing it right now!"

Sonic blinked, then slapped himself in the face, standing slightly. "Only because you mentioned it! I swear, I was just looking at your eyes before!" He could hear people at neighboring tables starting to laugh, so he lowered his voice even more. "I'm not gonna get out of this, am I?"

She grinned smarmily and shook her head.

"Fine." He sat down. "I'll just eat my... greens," he croaked.

Sally sighed. "Waiter, do you have chili dogs?"

"'Cheelee dogs'?" He looked puzzled. "We 'ave no dogs, and if we did, we would most certainly keep zem warm."

"Oh, god," Sonic said, groaning. "I should have taken Antoine out to dinner instead; he'd feel like it was a family reunion."

Sally tried to explain the concept of the coney (that's a chili dog, folks) to the waiter, and he only made a more disgusted face at each detail. Eventually, Sonic just ordered the filet mingon with a baked potato to be done with it.

"So," she said, smiling an accusing smile. "You have me here. We're sipping our ginger ales from champagne flutes, waiting for your twenty-dollar steak." Sonic winced when she mentioned the price. "What do you want?"

Sonic blinked. "What ever do you mean, dearest Sally?"

"Don't give me that, you con-hog. You want something, and you might as well tell me what."

Sonic laughed. "I've already got what I want right in front of me."

Sally nearly melted. "Aww..." Then she blinked a few times. "Wait, wait. What do you really want, Slick Eddie?"

Sonic smiled. Slick Eddie was her nickname for him when he was trying to pull one over on somebody. "Seriously, Sal, I just wanted to take you to dinner. I missed you like crazy, that's all."

"Come on."

"I mean it! Like, sure we've been apart when I was on missions, but those didn't usually last this long, and I was at least DOING something. But sitting around at Knothole waiting for you to get back, I went nuts." He rubbed her hand lovingly. "Besides, now that we're... us, y'know..."

"Yeah, I know," she said, sighing. "I literally ached for you. Back spasms, the works."

"Back spasms, eh?"

"Well, maybe not, but I got this leg twitch once..."

Sonic shook his head. "You're loonier than I am. I love you."

"And I love you, Sonic. I always will."

Both of them bit their lip at the same moment. Neither wanted to ruin what was so far a perfect evening by bringing up skeletons.

And neither did. Eventually, the food came, the evening progressed through a dessert or two, and then found them on the ballroom floor.

"Sonic," she whispered, "thank you."

"No sweat. It's only a month's salary."

She stifled a snicker, then sighed. "I wish this night could last forever."

"So do I, Sal. More than you can know."


Meanwhile, back in Knothole Village, Tails and Amy were beginning to get serious on her couch. He'd come over to watch a movie, and about halfway through they'd both lost interest in it.

"Mmm, Tails..."

He kissed down her neck as his hand roamed up the back of her dress. She cried out briefly as it reached her trim backside, then giggled, biting his ear.

"Ouchie," he said, smiling.

"Aww, Amy will make it better..." She reached her hand between his tails, finding his balls and rubbing them vigorously.

"MMmmh..." he moaned, his cock fully sliding out of its sheath at her ministerings. He rubbed it teasingly against her inner thigh.

"Well, go on," she said between panting, her hand now in front of him stroking up and down his lenghth. "You have permission to enter the Caves of Amy."

"Both of them?" He playfully poked at her ass through the panties. Her face reddened, and she poked his with her finger for revenge. To her surprise, he took in a sharp breath and seemed to get harder.

"Ooh, big brave Tails likes to be violated!"

The poor fox blanched, trying to swat her hand away from his rectal cavity.

"No way, this is too much fun!" She poked at it again, but Tails squirmed away from her finger just in time.

"HaHA!" He jumped to his feet. "Eat that, Aimes!"

"I would, but you'd enjoy it too much."

"I would not!!!" he yelled indignantly.

"Geez, okay," she said knitting her eyebrows. "I was just messin' with ya." She bent down and kissed the tip of his now semi-hard member. "I sowwy. Okay?" It immediately began to re-stiffen. "Yay!" she shouted. "Apology accepted!"

Tails laughed. "Guess my rod did the talking." She joined his laughter, then pulled him down on top of her.

"Do me now, or I'll never forgive you."

"Can't argue with that!" He immediately jerked her dress up over her head, revealing her soft cotton underwear. He noticed her panties had little pink and blue hearts all over them.

"Cutie patootie," he said, massaging her ass.

"Yes, yes it is. Almost as cute as someone else's." She tried poking his again, and he caught her hand.

"HA, I knew you'd try it just one more time!"

"Aww, but I wanna poke the ass..."

"I'll make you a deal. I show you hot funky right now, and you forget about my bum?"

"Deal." She held out her hand. "Shake on it?"

"I'd rather fuck on it," he said, jerking her panties down.

She gasped involuntarily, then giggled quietly. "Mmm, forceful tonight," she purred. "I like it."

Tails took a quick moment to undo her bra, fiddling with it a second or two before unveiling her perky little tits.

Amy laughed. "Why do men need a visual aid?"

"Why do women ask questions while men have sex with them?"

"Good one, good one. How about-"

"I rest my case, Aimes."

"Oops!" She giggled again. "You tricked me!"

Tails grinned devilishly, then settled between her legs, forcing his lenghth into her at a steady pace, pulling out and re-entering to widen it slowly.

"Ooooh..." She closed her eyes, laying her head back. She began to rub his ass, and Tails stopped. "Don't worry, ya big homophobe," she panted, "I'm not gonna 'finger' you again." She sighed, blowing a bang out of her eyes.

"Heh, sorry." He resumed his advance, savoring each thrust into her luscious flower. She moved one of her hands up to his back, her nails biting past his fur and into his flesh slightly.

"Oh, god..."

They both began to pant as Tails moved his hands up under her armpits for better leverage, pressing against the floor hard as he pounded into her faster with every passing moment.


They were at fever pitch, a blur of tan and pink fur. Their heartbeats were as one, synched perfectly, hips moving with the rhythm. A rivlet of cum ran down Tails' sac and down over Amy's anus, droplets spraying everywhere from their breakneck pace. At last, they climaxed.

"OH, SONIC!!!"

Tails stiffened, spraying his seed deep into her, as Amy shuddered over and over, coating his inner thighs. They then collapsed on the couch, gasping in breath after shuddering breath, trying to regain the spent energy.



Minutes passed. Eventually Tails had enough wind in him to reach for the glass of water on the coffee table and take a drink. He offered it to Amy, and she partook.

"That... was great..." he said.

"Yeah," she said after swallowing. "I mean... yeah..."

Tails laughed weakly, then his brow furrowed. "Wait a minute..."

They both shouted it in unison.


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the end.
(ready for chapter six?)