Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hiyas! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic, so I'd like to thank you for showing some interest! I hope it's decent. Please review it and let me know what you think, but don't be too harsh, pleeeeeaase!?

WARNING!!! This story contains SEX! And lots of it! Not just that, it's of the MALE/MALE sort! So if it ain't your cup of tea, or you are under the age of 17, don't read it!!!!!

Oh, and one final note legally, all characters I write about are property of Sega and/or Archie! And we all love them, right?

Knuckles' Adventures by The Lonely Echidna

It was another beautiful day on the Floating Island. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and a light breeze gently blew over the Echidna Guardian's body as he lay beneath a tall palm tree. Knuckles was taking a much-needed break from protecting the master emerald. And as he lay in the cool shade gazing out upon the vast expanse of ocean beneath the island, he found himself reminiscing over past adventures and journeys he had been on with the Chaotix and of course Sonic.

As Knuckles continued to recollect on past events, he let out a long *sigh* as his mind began to wander to one particular event in which he would never forget. As he slowly fell into a peaceful slumber, a smile crept across his face, a smile of delight, a smile of euphoric pleasure…

There he sat, across from me, the fire reflecting in his large black eyes. I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I turn my head back to look into the roaring fire as I poke it with a stick. But then, out of the corner of my eye I saw him look up at me. He got up from where he had taken a seat on a stone and approached me. Why? I ask myself, why does he have to be so damn sexy? I couldn't take it, of all the difficulties and troubles in my life, why do I have to be attracted to other males? Not only is it forbidden in echidna society, but also if I act on my urges, it's enough to have my title as Guardian taken away from me!

"Brother Knuckles, is something the matter?" he says as he takes a seat on the log beside me.

"Huh? Oh, Yanar, it's nothing, really." I say trying my hardest to cover up my nervousness.

"Really? That's not what I gather by the expression on your face. You were deep in thought. Tell me, what were you thinking about?"

Crap! I think to myself, Gotta think of something believable, gotta think of something believable!

"Ummm, well, I was just thinking about… I mean I was just trying to make sense out of why everyone I know is keeping my history such a secret from me?" Yeah, that'll do, now I just hope he doesn't ask….

"Please Knuckles, explain to me what you mean."

Damn! Okay, I can do this, I mean it's not like I was completely lying. Then he places a hand on my shoulder, and I just about melt! Somehow I maintain my composure and am able to continue on.

"Well, it's just that everything I thought to be true in my life turns out to be a lie! I thought my parents were dead, and not only do I find out that they are both alive, but that there was a whole echidna civilization hiding from me!"

Yanar takes his hand off of my shoulder and moves closer to me, then places his hand on my thigh.

"Go on." He says eagerly.

"Then I find out that I am a freak! Nothing but a mutant freak after being subjected to a radiation bath from the master emerald!"

"But you look just as any other Guardian does." Yanar interrupts, looking at me questioningly.

"Aha! That's where you were fooled, just like me!" I say with a sly grin on my face. With that he pulled his hand away from me, raised and eyebrow, and asked,

"What do you mean?"

"Look." I say as I carefully pull off the glove from my right hand. "See, unlike all the other guardians, my spiked knuckles are the real deal!"

"By the stars…." He whispers in astonishment. And before I knew what was happening, he took my hand into both of his ungloved hands. I couldn't believe it! He was actually touching my bare hand! No one has ever done that before! What do I do? Nothing. So I break my eyes away from our hands and slowly turn my head to gaze into his widened eyes. He just kept moving his hands around, feeling my knuckles' and staring, completely engulfed in the experience. Finally realizing what he is doing, he abruptly pulls his hands away, stands up, and begins to walk away with his head down.

"Yanar?" I say, "What's wrong?" It is only then that he stops, but does not turn to face me. "Please, tell me what's the matter!"

"I…I…I'd rather not say!" he says quietly, with his voice trailing off at the end of his sentence. It is now that I stand up and approach him. When he hears me coming, he slowly turns around, still staring at the ground, as if he were ashamed of something he had done. So I take my arms and place my hands on his shoulders.

"Yanar…" I don't know what to say! I have to take his embarrassment away, but how? "Yanar, it's okay, I love you." Oh SHIT! Did I just say what I think I did??? Just then he looks at me in the eyes and asks,

"What did you say Knuckles?" I did! So I panic, but I can't move! It's like someone froze me in place so I couldn't turn back. I know what I have to do. Calmed down a little, I then wrap both of my arms around his neck, bringing him close to me, so I can smell him stronger than ever. He smells wonderful, pure, muscular, male echidna.

"I love you." I repeat, whispering in his ear. Then I give him a quick peck on the cheek and break our embrace. He just stands there looking at me, not moving a muscle. Great, I think, wrong move, now my life will be ruined! How can I ever look at him in the eye again? Just then he lunged at me, and I thought he was going to beat the crap out of me, and I would let him. I deserved it. But to my surprise, he wrapped his arms tight around my neck and kissed me right on the lips! When he stopped, he looked into my eyes, with our noses touching and said,

"I love you too, Guardian!"

I can't believe this is happening!!! He said… he loves me!


"Yes, Knuckles?"

"You do know this sort of behavior is forbidden in echidna culture don't you?"

"Knuckles, I have been wandering across the face of Mobius all 20 years of my life. I think I know what is right and what is wrong! And believe me…this is definitely right!" he says as a smile creeps from ear to ear across his face. I then give him my trademark grin as a sign of approval as I begin to undo his belt.

"Knuckles? Are you sure you want to be doing this?"

"I don't care what happens to me. I will not be kept from the one I love." With that I finish removing his belt and decide to take off my gloves. He just has his eyes locked on my eyes; his hands have now slid down along my back to rest just above my butt. I then kiss him on the nose and slip my right hand down his shorts.

"My my my! Someone must be excited to see me!" I say as I rub my hand across his already rock-hard penis. He moans in delight and removes his hands from my sides to slide his shorts down his legs and kick them off into the darkness. I decide to help him out by removing his vest and chucking in the opposite direction from his shorts!

"Now, whaddya say we have some fun tonight, eh?" I ask playfully.

"Yes, my guardian!" he says trying to hide the excitement in his eyes. With that, I push him back on the ground and straddle myself across his stomach. I rub my hands across his naked chest, feeling his strength and power through his well-defined muscles. Bending over I begin to leave a trail of kisses, starting around his neck.

"Ooooooohhhhh, yesssssss…." Yanar says with a sigh as I work my way across his chest. As I move my body along his, I can feel the heat radiating from his erection as I approach it. I stop, lift myself over his pleasure point and continue kissing him until I reach what I knew he was hoping I would find.

"I have to know what you taste like, Yanar!" I say before I grab his stiff, swollen member and wrap my mouth around it. He is so big! But then again, echidnas are known for their rather large members. I lightly suck on his manhood as he lets out another long moan. Using my tongue to stroke him up and down, he begins to thrust his hips, meeting my rhythm. When I notice this I smile as best I could, and intensify the pace. He was now oozing his precious liquids into my mouth and I, myself let out a low moan, as I taste another male for the first time. By this time he was whipping his head from side to side, moaning louder and louder. He then began to tremble as he said,

"N-n-Knuckles! I'm gonnaaaaaahhhhhhh…" and that was all he needed to say. Abruptly, I stopped sucking on his rod and sat up. He was still thrusting into the air, but when he realized that I had stopped, he calmed down, slowing his breathing gradually, and propped himself up on his elbows to look at me.

"You taste so GOOD!" I say to him, smiling a larger smile than I ever had before.

"Then why the HELL did you STOP?!?" he asks, frustrated.

"Because I have a bigger surprise for you." I say, gesturing to my own throbbing erection.

"Knuckles, you're huge!" he exclaimed in astonishment as he reached out to touch me. When he did so, my penis twitched in anticipation of what was to come.

"That's one of the blessings bestowed upon me by the master emerald. Care to find out the other?" I ask grinning at him slyly.

"Do I ever!" he shouts as he lay flat on his back once again, closing his eyes. With that I take my position atop of him, pausing to see his chest rising and lowering as he took long, deep breaths. Once I am ready to begin, I realize that this might hurt him so I try to distract him by planting a long, deep kiss over his mouth as I force the entire length of my cock into his virgin hole with one swift thrust!

"Gnaahhhh!" he groans as he cringes in pain from my entry. I pause, waiting to see that he is alright, and when he opened those big, beautiful eyes of his and gave me a single nod, I slowly began sliding back out, and pushing back in. He moaned once more, this time in ecstasy, from the events unfolding. It was then that he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down right atop of him, and began kissing me passionately all over my face, around my neck and along my deadlocks. He felt so hot, so close to me, and I could feel his own erection burning between us, rubbing against my stomach and aching for release. I increased my thrusting and he joined the rhythm with me.

"Ohhhh Knuckles! He moans, "You feel so good inside me!"

"And you feel so good to be inside of!" I reply, reveling in the heat and tightness that is of his ass. Constantly increasing the speed, we are both panting heavily as I kiss him again. Then I feel myself swell up within him, and he lets out a louder moan than ever before.

"Knuckles, you're getting…bigger!" he shouts in delight. I simply smile back at him and cuddle the side of my head up against his.

Then I lose control.

My animalistic instincts take over as I mate with my lover. Faster and faster yet, harder and harder, so as only Sonic could've rivaled my speed, I thrust deeper and deeper into him, causing him to softly say my name. But my mind is clouded, I need to release! And then I feel something incredible.

"Gnnnyyaaaahhhhhhhh!" I hear Yanar shout as he spills his seed all over our front sides. The sensation on my own cock becomes too much for me to bear, as I too reach my climax, and spill my own seed deep within my mate in long, powerful spurts. It must've been something to see, the two of us, joined together as one, bodies heaving, sweat dripping along our cheeks and foreheads. This is the way things were meant to be, and as I finished climaxing, I collapsed on his chest, panting hard. Then I heard him say,

"Thank you my Guardian, you were phenomenal!" I just smiled and again we locked lips in one final kiss.

When I had regained some of my strength, I rolled myself off of him and lay beside him. He snuggled up close and rests his head upon my left shoulder.

"Now I see what your other surprise was." He says, teasingly. I just chuckle and stare at the star-filled sky as he wraps his arms around me and says,

"We made quite a mess on ourselves, you know."

"You made the mess!" I reply sharply laughing at what he had said. And with that I too wrap my arms around him and we both drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace, dreaming peacefully of one another.

Knuckles finally awakened from his mid-afternoon nap with a smile on his face. Although that was the first time both he and Yanar had ever had sex, it certainly, wasn't the last time they would join together as one. Throughout the rest of Yanar's journey to Albion, the two would sporadically get lost from the group and indulge in the pleasures of the flesh. Knuckles snaps out of his trance, yawns, and glances down at himself. Blushing an even brighter shade of red than his fur, he notices that his erotic dream has left him with a raging erection, quite obvious to anyone who might happen to pass through the area.

"Heh heh!" chuckles Knuckles as he stands up and stretches. "Oh well." He shrugs his shoulders as he decides to ignore it and head back to the emerald. However, on his way back, he couldn't help but continue to think about Yanar. His muscular body, the feeling of his hands on Knuckles' most sensitive parts, Knuckles' hands running through his dreadlocks. "Damn!" Thinks Knuckles, "What the hell has come over me?"

As he enters the chamber and walks towards the emerald, he can feel it radiating its absolute unending energy. This is most noticeable to him on his penis, as he feels it harden even more and twitch, as if someone were playfully teasing him. "Oh my. This has never felt so good!" he thinks to himself. Slowly advancing towards it, one step at a time, a sensation builds within him, intensifying with every moment! "This is incredible!" Suddenly, with one final step, he falls to his knees as his cock flares shooting his load all over the emerald. "Ooooohhhhhh goddddssssss…. What's happennnnninnggggg to meeeeeeee?!?!" Knuckles screams out as he continues shooting shot after shot of his precious seed without ever touching himself. When this has finally ceased, he collapses to the ground in a pool of his fluids, staring at the cum-coated emerald. "Wow…" he mutters to himself. Slowly, after a few minutes have passed, he stands up, stating cheerfully, "Well, it looks as if everything is in order here!" and walks out of the room.

"What the hell just happened? Is that some sort of connection I have with the Master Emerald?" I ask myself as I walk through the dense jungle. "At least I got rid of that embarrassing hard-on!" I say, looking down towards my sheath.

*sigh* "Oh, how I miss Yanar! I wish I could have joined him in Albion! We could have lived the rest of our lives together! I don't even know if I'll ever see him again!" "At least I found one thing that gives me pleasure." I think to myself as I glance at my huge, gloved hand.

Reaching the edge of the Island, I sit myself on the edge, dangling my feet over the side.

"I need some action, some adventure, anything exciting!" I say to myself. Just then I look down and see that I am passing over a continent now. "Hey, that looks like the Great Forest! Yes! It is! I can distinctly see Knothole Village from here!" Without a second thought, I leap from the edge of the island, fanning out my dreadlocks and glide my way to the planet below me. "Might as well drop in on him, since there's nothing else happening at the moment…"