Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It took me a while, but I can't write unless the urge hits me to do so, and that urge came today! I bet some of you thought I had stopped writing! No way! Anyways, this chapter is more serious, I think, focusing more on an actual relationship, and not just sex for fun. ;-) For those of you who enjoy this story (and I suppose those who don't as well), I hope you like it!!! Oh, don't forget to review!!! Hehehe.

WARNING!! This chapter, like each of its predecessors contains GRAPHIC, DESCRIPTIVE SEX, and, going beyond that, it's between TWO MALES!!!!! So… if it ain't your cup o' tea, or you are UNDER THE AGE OF 17, please, PLEASE, DO NOT READ IT!!!!!! That is all, enjoy! ^_^

And all characters herein are property of SEGA and/or ARCHIE!!! No fan characters here! (Yet! :-P)

Knuckles' Adventures Chapter 5 by The Lonely Echidna

After what seemed like only a few minutes, there was a knock at the door, which startled me enough that I fell off of the couch. Jumping to my feet, I walked to the door, trying to fix my hair at the same time. When I got to the door, I hesitated a moment, then turned the doorknob, opening it to see who was there. It was Sally!

"Oh, I'm sorry Knuckles, I didn't mean to disturb you." She said, noticing my fur was all ruffled.

"No, that's okay, I just fell asleep watching TV, that's all."

"Okay, well, I came here to tell you that there is a visitor here who has requested to see you." She said.

"Really? Who?" I ask, giving her a look of confusion.

"He didn't say, all he said was to tell you he's traveled a long way and would like to see you right away."

"Okay then, take me to him." And the two of us leave Sonic's hut and head towards the center of the village. Sally and I make some small talk along the way, just general things, like how everything is going on the island. That kind of stuff. When we reach where this mysterious visitor is, a crowd has gathered around him, concealing him from my view. Then I caught a familiar scent in the air, one that I had not smelled for a very long time. I knew exactly what it was, but didn't believe it could be true. And as the crowd parted to let me through, the scent became stronger, and I knew then that it was,

"Yanar! It really is you!" I shouted in elation as I ran the final steps to him, throwing my arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Yes, brother Knuckles, I have come back to see you once more." He says, hugging me tightly in return. Tears filled my eyes from the excitement of seeing him, as I thought maybe I never again would. Releasing him, I step back, wiping the tears from my eyes, trying to regain my composure.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" I say. "I honestly never thought we'd see one another again."

"Knuckles, when I make a promise saying I'll see you again, I mean it!" And he reaches out a hand and wipes away my final tears for me.

"I see you've met the gang already, Sonic and Tails you knew previously, Sally, Antoine, Bunnie, Rotor, Elias…"

"Yes I did, Guardian, but how's about you and I sit down and tell all about what's been happening in our lives since we last met." He suggests.

"Sure, I'd like that."

"Hey you guys, why don't you both stay in my hut tonight, and I can stay with tails!" Sonic interjects.

"Uhh, okay Sonic, but I don't want us to be a burden on you." I say in reply.

"No, you're not, besides Tails doesn't mind me staying with him, isn't that right big guy?" He says, winking at Tails.

"Are you kiddin Sonic!? Of course I don't mind!!" Tails shouts out, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Alright, thanks a bunch Sonic." I say and together, Yanar and I walk back to Sonic's place. I couldn't believe this was happening!! He was really here, my one, true love! Along the way, we began our conversation,

"So Yanar, how's Albion, is it really all that it is cracked up to be?" I ask, bearing my famous grin. He chuckles and answers,

"It really is Knuckles, I'd be hard-pressed to find many faults there. They've even elected me to the council as an advisor."

"Wow, sounds great, but how did you manage to get away from there to come see me?"

"Well, they don't know that I left for my own pleasures, they think I went on official business." He says, smiling. "They just think that I went to personally check up on you and the Floating Island."

"I'm so glad you're here Yanar." I say, resting my right arm around his neck on his shoulders.

"Well, you know Knuckles, there's one major flaw with Albion."

"What do you mean?" I ask, startled.

"You're not there!" He says, taking his arm and placing it on my shoulders as well. We walked the rest of the way like that until we reached the front door, at which time we released each other and I pushed the door open, letting him go in ahead of me. I follow behind him and shut the door.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I ask, trying to be a gracious host, even though I don't live here either.

"Sure, whatever you've got is fine." He says, being his normal un-picky self. So I return from the kitchen with two iced teas, and sit myself on the couch beside him. I place our beverages on the coffee table in front of us. "So tell me what you have been up to Knuckles."

"Well, not much, it's been pretty quiet around here lately. But a while back, I did help Sonic and the gang save a city of, uh… humans, from Robotnik, and then from some ancient water monster. That was fun!" I say, grinning again.

"Geez Knuckles, you're so brave! I'm so glad you're mine!" He says, grinning back at me. I feel myself blush when he said this. "And you're so cute when you blush like that!" He says, reaching out to touch my face. I had forgotten how wonderful his touch had felt.

"Oh Yanar, I love you so much!" I say, running my hand through his hair. "I missed everything about you! The way you smell, the feel of your hands against my face, the feel of your soft fur, and of course, I missed your beautiful body!" I exclaim, as I run my hand along his arm.

"And I love you too Knuckles, I couldn't live without you! I had to come back to you, this kind of relationship is strictly forbidden in Albion!"

"Well it's not like it's easily accepted around here, either!" I say.

"Yes, well I guess what I'm getting at is… I want you so badly, Knuckles, right now!! Do you have any idea how strong the urge is for me after not doing it for over a year!?!" As he was saying this, he slowly advanced on me, crawling over me, forcing me to lay my head back on the armrest of the couch. Through his clothing, I could distinctly make out the outline of his erect self, straining in its cramped quarters. He bends down and meets my lips with a long, hard kiss. Breaking away to get some air, I sit myself up, pushing him back instead.

"What do you say we take this off, eh?" I say, undoing his belt and removing his clothing. "Now, let's not forget to take off our shoes this time, okay?" He smiles and throws his sandals across the room. I do the same, removing my shoes and socks, throwing them aside, and then he decides to help me take off my gloves. He neatly sets them down on the table beside us. "Well, if I didn't know you, I'd say you were more than excited to see me!" I say, looking down at his hard member.

"Well, you're right!"

"Yanar, it's been so long since I've gotten to taste you, would you mind if…?" I ask, when he cuts me off,

"Knuckles you know you don't need to ask!!" And with that he kisses me on the nose. I then take hold of his swollen echidna-hood and bring my mouth down upon it, taking his head in. He moaned at the first touch of my mouth. I wanted to make this good for him, since he hadn't had a release in so long! I started slowly, massaging his balls with my left hand, feeling their weight and furriness in my fingers. I took more of him into my mouth, leaving only a little of his shaft exposed for my other hand to stroke gently and squeeze every so often.

"Knuckles! You are even better than I remember!!" He shouts out, clenching the back and the underside of the couch, trying to control his body. I decide to just take his whole length into my mouth, and suck on him as hard as I could. When he felt this, he threw his head back over the side of the armrest, sending his dreadlocks flipping about everywhere. "Ohhhhhh, Knuckles, here I cummmmm!" He shouts, and sure enough I was rewarded with his head flaring and shooting a massive, powerful load of his seed into my mouth. After one shot, my mouth was full, and I had to release his cock from my mouth, and instead, began stroking him in earnest with my bare hands. He quickly fired shot after shot after shot of his warm, cream high into the air, only to rain down all over us. His climax lasted for just under five minutes, and when he had finished, both of us, and everything around us was completely covered in his sticky seed. When I released my grip, he immediately relaxed his muscles and rolled off of the couch onto the floor, landing with a soft splat. I chuckled softly at the sight as he tried to get himself back up onto the couch, but couldn't as he was too weak. I knelt down, lifting him up and sat him down on the couch.

"Thanks Guardian, I guess that drained me in more ways than one!" He said with a smile. We then embraced and kissed once more, as he pushed me onto my back. "Now it's my turn to pleasure you!" He said as he grabbed my throbbing erection. "Is it just me, or have you gotten even bigger since we last did it?"

"I don't know, do you wanna find out?" I ask, slyly.

"You bet I do, my love!" But to my surprise, instead of taking me orally like I did to him, he knelt over me, carefully aimed my cock at his ass, and slid his way along my length!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh." I moaned as I made my entrance. He kept the pace constant, not pausing for anything, until his rump was seated between my legs.

"Yeah, I think you've grown a bit Knuckles!" He says, smiling down at me. Then he begins sliding himself up and down along my shaft, slowly at first, but gradually increasing the pace as I began to thrust my hips up into him, meeting him halfway each time. He had now placed his hands on my chest, to give him some extra support. His touch made me lose control, as I began bucking my hips more violently into him. He was no longer moving himself along with me; he was letting me do all the work now.

"Oh Knuckles, you're getting bigger!" He said as I began to swell, reaching the point of no return. "Harder, Guardian, harder!!" And I did just that, I was thrusting into him with all my might, lifting him off of me ever so slightly each time. Our panting began to get louder, with a grunt escaping our mouths every once in a while.

Meanwhile, a few yards away from the lovemaking echidnas….

"Hang on guys! I'll be right back, lemme go get my Frisbee!" Sonic shouts to his fellow freedom fighters as he walks towards his home. Tails came running up behind him, yelling,

"I'll get us some drinks!" And the two of them walked up to the front door of Sonic's hut, thinking Knuckles and Yanar had gone for a walk together in the woods. They both stopped dead in their tracks when they heard a strange noise coming from within.

"Did you hear that, Sonic?" Tails asked. Sonic just nodded, wanting to remain as quiet as possible so they could hear it better. Then a loud groaning noise came from the other side of the door. The two of them looked at each other questioningly, until Sonic decided to open the door slowly.


"Yanar! I'm… gonna…. Cummmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted loudly as I flared within my mate and began pumping loads of my precious seed into him. He moaned in delight as he felt its warmth fill him to overflow. I clenched my teeth and eyes tightly and held onto the cushions of the couch as if my life depended on it. I could feel my warm, sticky seed gushing out around my shaft, flowing over my spasming, furry sack, forming a pool beneath my butt. When my climax had subsided, I slumped back onto the couch into the pool of myself, with Yanar lying on top of me, both of us breathing heavily. We didn't move nor did we say a word, we just lay there, still joined as one, when out of nowhere I heard two sets of hands applauding!!

"Bravo! Bravo!!!"

"Encore! Encore!!" Was what followed. This startled me so much that we fell off of the couch together with a loud plopping thud. Quickly I stand up, still exposed, and dripping with sweat and cum.

"Sonic, Tails?!? What the hell are you doing here!?!" I ask, embarrassed at first, with my anger growing stronger with each moment. Yanar also stood up, using a throw pillow from the couch to hide his still erect penis.

"We came to get a couple of things, thinking you weren't here, but obviously we were wrong!!" Sonic says, laughing hysterically. I clenched my fists in preparation, just in case he didn't shut up.

"Knuckles, does this mean I'm not your… your…" Tails stutters, with tears forming in his eyes.

"Sorry kid, Yanar's been my mate from the beginning. I love him very much." And I wrap my arm around his neck, kissing him on the cheek.

"NO!" Tails shouts, running out the door crying. Sonic sees this and says,

"Knuckles, you know he and I both love you very much, but he is too young to understand. It's best that you do what makes you happy." Sonic says, his tone suddenly becoming much more serious. I nod.

"You know Sonic, he wanted you first!" I say, winking to him.

"Really?" He asks. "Well, I think I know how I'll cheer him up tonight then." He says with a large grin. Suddenly, Tails appears in the doorway once again, but this time followed by all the freedom fighters as well. This was not looking good. Sally stepped forward and approached me. When she got to be right in front of me she stopped, raised her right arm and slapped me across the face. I just stood there, not saying a word, gazing into her glazed-over eyes, a tear forming in the corner, and then running down her cheek.

"How could you do this, Knuckles?" Were the first words she spoke to me in a whisper, and I could tell she was straining herself to keep from breaking down in front of everyone. I looked at Yanar, he looked at me, and it was then that I knew that it was time to face the music.