Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles Bad Day ❯ 2.You Devil ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sonic and all other characters belong to Sega.

1:00 in the morning while in an alley, Sonic was thinking about plans to get Knuckles` money by destroying his house annoyingly.`Thats it!` Sonic shouted.Sonic traveled over to Angel Island.Knuckles had bought a better shrine for the Master Emerald.And he also bought a Chaos Emerald for a cheap price.Sonic went to Knuckles house.He got ready and got in the fourth boss from Sonic Advance and ripped a hole through Knux`s house. Knuckles got mad and beat Sonic to a bloody pulp.`You Devil`shouted Knuckles.`Oh yeah well you can kiss my@$$!`shouted Sonic.

There I`m finished!Hope you all liked my story.