Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles Bad Day ❯ 3.The Talk ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer:Don`t make me say this again please.All characters belong to Sega except for my Character Adante that will make his debut in this chapter.
Knuckles was in the Dawn Café waiting for his friends.He was on his laptop chatting with another friend.
RadRed:Hey ,Adante u there?
MoonHedgie:Im here dude.
RadRed:Can u meet me at Dawn Café?
MoonHedgie:Yah who`s gonna be there?
RadRed::Me and The Team of Chaotix.
MoonHedgie:Ok see ya there.
pErSoNaLsTaLkEr:Hey do you have a sister around the age of 20-23?Is it ok if me and her can have sex?
Team Chaotix had arrived and had ordered some mochas and Charmy just had a bowl full of sugar.`So Knuckles why did you call us here?Espio said coolly.`I just wanted you guys to have a job with me and my buddy Adante'.`Who the heck is Adante!!!!`I am'.said an albino hedgehog.`Ok nice to meet you'.said Team Chaotix in unison.They had a long talk and it involved somethings about Sonic and the rest of the gang.
Sonic was angry with himself and was punching the walls until his knuckles started bleeding.`Sonic please stop hurting yourself.Ok look I know Knuckles threw us in jail but we did ask for his money and you did tear down his house, but maybe if we stop thinking about being rich he might let us out and share his money with us and we will all be richer than Bill Gates. Tails said.`Well he is a nice guy when we don`t bother him but when we do he can get really ferocious,but deep down inside I think he`s feeling guilty a little bit and if he asks if we forgive him we should say yes because we all do want to have a strong friendship.Rouge said.`I say we tie him up and chainsaw him until he`s in pieces!'Shadow said.`Shut up you maniac! Everyone but Shadow said.`I should have used Chaos Control when I had the chance but I thought I`d be teleported to the entrance to the frikkin` building.'muttered Shadow.`Well we`ll just have to wait won`t we?'Shadow said more maturely.
`God this annoying'Knuckles said angry with him self but then he thought about the rest of the gang.`Dang now I`m missing them,now I gotta let them out or else I`ll burst in to tears.
Tojikomeru means shut up in Japanese.Hope you liked this chapter.I will update soon.