Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles Bad Day ❯ 1x.Say it ain`t so Joe ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sonic and all other characters belong to Sega. Hope ya enjoy! And here we go![Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]
1:00 in the morning while in an alley, Sonic was thinking about plans to get Knuckles` money by destroying his house annoyingly.`Thats it![Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]` Sonic shouted.Sonic traveled over to Angel Island.Knuckles had bought a better shrine for the Master Emerald.And he also bought a Chaos Emerald for a cheap price.Sonic went to Knuckles house.He got ready and got in the fourth boss from Sonic Advance and ripped a hole through Knux`s house.[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ] Knuckles got mad and beat Sonic to a bloody pulp.`You Devil`shouted Knuckles[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ].`Oh yeah well you can kiss my@$$!`shouted Sonic.[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ][Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]
[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ][Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]
One day on Angel Island, Knuckles was watching tv while drinking orange juice when he heard the guy on the tv say Tv Man:Knuckles the echidna just won one million dang dollars!Knuckles spit out his orange juice on the tv[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ] and danced,but when he was dancing someone rang the doorbell.Knuckles: Hello but I have no time to talk because I won one million dang dollars.`We know Knux now give us the money or we`ll take the Master Emerald away from you for…for EVER![Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]`[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ] replied[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ] Sonic and the rest of the teams[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ].Knuckles:Oh ya well all you &^%$#@!ers better get outta my way before I !#$%^&*()_= you all.`Oh were all scared please don`t !@#$%^&*()_+ us all?`Shadow s[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]aid sarcasticly.Knuckles:Go on!(Sonic steps back) gogo[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]g[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]o[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]o[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]dbye[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ] (he closes the door) door:god banng %@#$ banng it![Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]Knuckles was so happy that he moved his parent`s graves into his house to have a conversation on how tacky Knuckles dressed.Knuckles father:Knuckles, how can you walk around wearing…..those messy shoes and you cant even tie your shoes!Knuckles:Dad, I never had shoelaces…..Knuckles dad:But its so sad my son…look we are dead right so we can't help you with anything now but fashion advice is something we are good at,right dear?Knuckles mom:Yeah Knuxie,we were fashion experts and we had the coolest clothes and…Knuckles:Mom,if you are talking about those shiny red and purple jumpsuits and blazers than your kidding right?Knucles mom:Hey!Those were cool at that time!Knuckles:Mom it's either you have lost it or you have been drinking at the Underworld bar.Knuckles father:Knuckles is that the way you treat your mom who won 1st place in the fashion contest in Mobius!Knuckles:I think maybe the judges could have been drugged at the moment so no wonder she won.Knuckles mother that's it your going back to your room!Knuckles had left the table before he was dismissed.Knuckles was in his room on the computer chatting with Vector on the chat room on MobianWars for his PC.
RadRed:Hey Vector how yah doin?
GatorMan666:Hey Knux.
RadRed:Dude my parents are freaking out.
GatorMan666:whatt did they do man.
RadRed:They keep on bothering about my stupid clothes.
GatorMan666:Do u even wear clothes?
RadRed:Heck yah I do!?!
GatorMan666:Srry dude I don't know anything' about old people.
NoobMan333:Hey can you guys help me lvl?
GatorMan666&RadRed:STFU NOOB!!!!!!
[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]
[Author ID0: at ]
There [Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]I`m finished!Hope you all[Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ] with [Author ID1: at Sat Jun 5 08:33:00 2004 ]THE REMAKE OF CHAPTER 1.
Ihope you enjoyed.