Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Life Bestowed ❯ Mistakes ( Chapter 6 )
Legal Stuff:
I don't own any of the characters in this story. They are the properties of their respective owners.
Author's Notes:
Today's useless fact: Weird Al Yankovic hates sauerkraut.
Chapter 6: Mistakes
Chaos and Knuckles squared off on opposite sides of a table, each with plans to attack the other.
Knuckles: You're goin' down, you watery…um…thing!
Chaos: Ooh, nice insult! Not!
They engaged in a low-intelligence battle of words, while everyone else just watched and listened, stunned. Dr. Arrow leaned over to Bunnie, and whispered in her ear.
Dr. Arrow: Just listening to them argue, I think I can feel my IQ dropping…
Bunnie: I know what you mean.
Rotor: I'm going back to bed. Night, guys.
He left the room, and the others were ready to do so as well. Knuckles and Chaos made lame insults to one another constantly. This continued on as we now look to the skies above Florida, where Robotnik has awakened, and is currently strolling about his command deck, thinking.
Robotnik: Well, now that I've ordered a full stop, and chosen a waiting place, the manufacturing can resume!
He pressed a button on a console, and the six bomb factories began to produce the explosives once more. Robotnik then went down a few floors to where Eliminator was being repaired. He walked up to the massive machine as several small flying robots made repairs to various places.
Robotnik: Eliminator, what have they done to you?
Eliminator: I encountered severe opposition. Retreat was the only way I could survive.
Robotnik: Well, at least you made it back. Which reminds me…Metal Sonic and Chaos are all alone in that city, and they don't know I left. That robot isn't going to be too pleased with me. I don't think Chaos will care, though.
Eliminator: Why do you rely on those two?
Robotnik: I don't. I've never really expected them to succeed.
Eliminator: Then why do you continue to employ them?
Robotnik: Because I don't have anything better. Of course, hopefully this base, my plans, and you will change all that.
Eliminator: They will not survive our next encounter.
Meanwhile, Knuckles and Chaos had taken the fight to the next level. The echidna jumped over the table, and Tackled Chaos. They rolled through the door and into the lounge, and separated. Knuckles was on the ground, and Chaos was thrown onto the couch. Knuckles was standing up when he was suddenly cast back down. Chaos had leapt off the couch and landed on him.
Knuckles: Oof! Hey, get off me!
Knuckles elbowed Chaos in the gut, and the creature rolled off him. Knuckles jumped to his feet, and faced Chaos. The liquid monster got up quickly, and the two circled each other.
Knuckles: What are you doing here, anyway?
Chaos: I'd tell you, but I can't remember!
Knuckles: Oh, that's reeeal smart.
Chaos: Thanks.
Knuckles: I was being sarcastic!!
Knuckles and ran toward each other, fists ready, and punched each other in the face at the same moment. They froze in that position for a few seconds, and then both fell over backwards. Each was unconscious.
Dr. Arrow: Bunnie, would you mind taking out the trash before he wakes up?
Bunnie: That's no way to talk about Knuckles!
She laughed as she dragged Chaos to the door. The rabbit used her robotic arm to hurl the creature far away.
Bunnie: That should take care of him for a while.
She returned inside, and found Dr. Arrow waking Knuckles up. Groggily, he sat up, holding his face where Chaos had punched him.
Knuckles: Unh…Did I win, doc?
Dr. Arrow: Yes, I'd say you did.
Knuckles: Good…now how do you propose I get rid of all the little birdies flying around my head?
He fell back over, asleep. Dr. arrow sighed, and stood up.
Dr. Arrow: Well, I think we've all done enough tonight. We should all get some rest.
Simon: What about Knuckles?
Bunnie: Leave him; he'll be fine.
They did, and everyone returned to bed. Time passed, and several hours later, it was morning. Somewhere over the skies of Virginia, Tails was the first to wake up. He yawned, stretching his arms out as best he could. The cockpit of the Veritech was quite roomy for him, because of his size. Looking out to the right of his plane, he saw the Freedom Eagle, with no one in any of the pilot seats.
Tails: Well…at least we managed to stay on the same course.
He decided that it was time to make sure everything was okay, and picked up the radio.
Tails: Hey, guys, it's Tails. Everybody still alive over there?
He was surprised to hear the voice of Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: Oh, yes, we're all quite alive over here.
Tails: Huh?! Metal! You had better not have-
Metal Sonic: Relax, I didn't do anything. Your friends couldn't stay awake long enough to signal the others to start their watch. I've been up by myself all night. You're very lucky I didn't get the notion to attack anyone. It wouldn't have been pretty.
Tails; Well, do me a favor and wake `em up, would ya?
Metal Sonic: <annoyed> Yes, master.
Sally opened her eyes, and saw something blue in front of her. Her vision was still blurry, and she could feel a hand on her shoulder.
Sally: Huh…Sonic? Is it time for our watch yet?
Needless to say, she was shocked to hear the voice of Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic: You missed your watch, I'm afraid.
Sally blinked a few times, clearing her sight. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Metal Sonic.
Sally: What the?! Metal!
All this commotion woke a sleeping Sonic up. He was beside her.
Sonic: Oh, not now, Sal…
Sally: Sonic! Look!
Sonic: …What is it?
He opened his eyes, and saw Metal Sonic standing in front of them. It was right about then that he remembered forgetting to wake Sally up. Now fully awake, he spoke to the robot.
Sonic: Metal?!
Metal Sonic: Yes, it's me. What are you so surprised about?
Sonic: Well…<sigh> Wait a minute, you…you didn't kill us. You had the perfect chance, but you let us live. Why?
Sally: Not that we're arguing with the decision…
Metal Sonic: Please! There's no way I could've taken even one of you out without waking everyone else up. And then what? I'd be destroyed for sure, and it's just not worth it. If things were different, though, I'd've done it. Believe me, I'd've done it.
Sally: Well…thanks….
Sonic: Yeah, thanks, I guess.
Metal Sonic: I don't want your gratitude. Just don't tempt me again, because I might change my mind about it not being worth it.
Sonic: Okay, we won't fall asleep. Geez, calm down. Hey, Scott! Scotty!
Scotty stirred, awaking from his sleep. He looked up, rubbing his eyes.
Scotty: <yawn> Morning, Sonic. What time is it?
Sonya: Too early.
He looked down, surprised to find her waking up as well.
Scotty: Hey, Sony…How'd your watch go?
Sonya: Huh?
Scotty: Wait a minute…Sonic, you did wake them up, right?
Sonic: I thought you were gonna do it. Which is why I fell asleep.
Sally: And Metal here didn't attack us.
Scotty: Well…Now I've seen everything.
Metal Sonic: So I didn't kill anyone. Get over it.
They heard Billy mumbling something in his sleep It sounded quite complex, and suddenly his arms were in the air and his hands moved as if he were writing something. After a few moments of this, he woke up suddenly, and sat straight up.
Scotty: Whoa! Billy, did you have a nightmare or something?
Billy: No; I was only seconds away from figuring out the mysteries of the universe…I guess the excitement woke me up. I was sooo close!
Scotty: <O.o> Oooookaaayyy…
Sonic: Well, everyone's awake except…
He pointed over at Amy and Johnny. They were still asleep, hugging each other. Johnny's head rested on top of Amy's, and hers was on his shoulder. They were still together, peacefully. Scotty smiled, knowing they meant a lot to each other.
Metal Sonic: Ah yes, them. You don't believe how sickening it is to witness such emotions. If was capable of it, I'd throw up.
Sonic: Should we wake them up?
Scotty: Nah, let `em sleep.
Sonya found some of the supplies she packed, and made a breakfast of pancakes on a small portable stove. The smell woke both Amy and Johnny up at about the same time.
Sonic: Hey you two. Sleep well?
Johnny and Amy looked at each other, and realized they had fallen asleep in one another's arms. Amy smiled, and Johnny returned it.
Amy: I guess we're really comfortable with one another.
Sally: Well, you're just in time for breakfast.
Amy: Great.
Johnny: I could use some food.
They all ate, and several mountains of blueberry pancakes disappeared down the mouths of the crew. Even Metal Sonic was slightly amazed at how much and how fast they ate. He masked his awe with a simple insult:
Metal Sonic: Hedgehogs? More like hedgepigs!
Johnny: You should try it, Metal. These things are pretty good.
Metal Sonic: <sarcastically> Oh sure, I'll get right on that.
Johnny: Your loss.
When they were finished eating, Billy took his position in the pilot's seat. He radioed over to Tails, who was finishing a pre-cooked TV dinner for breakfast.
Billy: Good morning, Tails.
Tails: Hey, Bill. Everybody okay over there?
Billy: Yeah, we're fine.
Tails: Whew! That's a load off my mind.
Billy: Now that we're all awake, should we increase our speed? We need to get to a refueling station soon.
Tails: Yeah, I guess.
Tails pulled a little farther away from the helicopter to safely increase the speed. The jet easily outran the Freedom Eagle, but Billy had a plan for keeping up. He reached above his head, and pulled a lever out toward him. The two jet engines near the back of the Eagle lit up, superheated air being forced out the back of them. The helicopter's speed greatly increased as the powerful engines enabled it to catch up to Tails's Veritech.
Billy: Yes, the sonic propulsion system seems to be working just fine.
Sonic: Well what'd you expect? It's named after me, after all.
Billy: Actually, it's-
He was interrupted when there was an explosion and the entire helicopter lurched and bucked, shaking violently and knocking everyone over. It continued to vibrate, and there was a distinct feeling of falling. They could hear alarms going off
Metal Sonic: Looks like it's worth about as much as you, too!
Sonic: Not now, Metal! We're in danger!
Scotty: This is why I hate air travel!
Johnny: What's going on, Billy?!
Billy: I'm not sure!
The echidna managed to pull himself up to see the instruments on the control panel.
Billy: The engines drained fuel more quickly than I anticipated. When it was all gone, they must've malfunctioned.
Johnny: That's great, but what's happening to us?!
Billy: We're losing altitude quickly!
Outside, smoke poured from the engines as the Eagle began to go down. Tails saw it, and flew down with it, keeping a safe distance. The helicopter's nose began to tilt forward slightly as Billy got onto the radio.
Billy: Mayday! Mayday! Tails, we're going down, see if you can find some ground support!
Tails: What about you guys?
Billy: The Eagle is a helicopter. It will auto-rotate down to the surface. It'll be a rough landing, but we'll survive.
Tails: I hope so.
The Eagle's blades began to rotate by themselves, forced to do so by the air moving past them. This acted like a parachute, slowing the fall of the helicopter to a survivable speed. Still, Tails couldn't bear the thought of leaving them alone, so he stayed with them.
Scotty: I knew this was a bad idea!
Amy: Johnny! Are we going to be okay?
Johnny: We should be…I hope…
Billy activated the landing gear, and everyone held on to each other as the Eagle went down. They all laid on the ground, so that their spines wouldn't be snapped on impact. It seemed like forever, but the Freedom Eagle slammed into the ground. The landing gear snapped, offering little cushioning from the hit. Luckily, somehow, the helicopter survived the landing. When it was over, Tails switched the Veritech into Guardian mode, and landed next to the Eagle. A small fire was burning in both jet engines of the helicopter. Tails flew out of his vehicle carrying a small fire extinguisher. He put out the fires, and landed behind the Eagle.
Tails: Oh man! Sonic! Guys! This is too much!
The back door to the helicopter suddenly opened in front of him, and Metal Sonic zipped by, shouting as he quickly flew from sight.
Metal Sonic: Ha ha! So long, suckers!
Tails didn't have time to bother with the robot. He walked into the Eagle. It was dark inside, the only light coming from the cockpit window, one of which was cracked, and the back door. There was no movement from anyone inside.
Tails: Please be alive, please be alive!
He ran up to the first person he saw, and discovered it to be Johnny. The fox knelt down beside Johnny's head, looking him over for injuries. He saw none, and shook the hedgehog's shoulder. There was a weak voice from Johnny.
Johnny: Pain…sucks…
His body went limp, and Tails knew he had to find help. Quietly, he left for the back door. Tails turned his head, looking back inside.
Tails: Don't worry, guys…I won't fail you.
He hurried off, not sure where to go, and that's when he first realized where he was. The middle of a forest. Not knowing which forest, or where at in it, Tails himself was nearly lost. There was a device on his watch that would lead him to his Veritech, and he planned to use that to lead help back to the helicopter. Of course, that meant he couldn't use the Veritech to find help, which would really slow him down…
How are they gonna get out of this one? And what about Metal Sonic?
Stay tuned, and please review!