Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Light lovin' ❯ Chapter 7
Light Lovin'!
By Daniel Sargeant
Chapter seven: Our loss.
On the previous chapter, Cream was pulled to the ground by hyper metal and a giant fireball consumed her. Tails decided to go back but was stopped by Sonic.
Sonic grabbed Tails arm and continued running.
"Let me go, Sonic. I gotta save Cream!" Tails cried
"You'll be throwing you life away. She'll be fine… hopefully." Sonic said.
"CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!" Tails yelled. The base blew sky high. Sonic and his friends escaped… well except Cream. Tails was crying, kneeling down. Tears were flowing like a river. Suddenly his eyes turn from blue to red and his jumped up and started to strangle Sonic.
"Ack… what're you… doing… Tails?" Sonic struggled
"You!!! You!!! I HATE YOU!!!" Tails Yelled. Knuckles Put Tikal down and punched Tails in the face. Tails fell off of Sonic and onto the ground. His eye colour returned to normal and he looked at Knuckles.
"Cream… Cream is gone… and it is all Sonic's fault." Tails cried.
"What?" Sonic said, rubbing his neck.
"IT'S YOUR FAULT SHE GONE… YOU SHOULD'VE LET ME SAVE HER… I COULD HAVE… I COULD…" Tails fell to his knees once more and cried again. "What's her mother gonna say? This is gonna tare her apart… she lost her husband… and now… I've lost her… only… child." Tails fell to the ground completely. His head was on the ground looking to the right. Sonic walked over. "Leave me… I have to be alone." Tails said. Everyone left. Knuckles picked up Tikal and headed for Angel Island. Sonic went home, he didn't want to tell Vanilla what's happened. Tails stayed at the ruined base, he couldn't even move. Not a flitch to a blink. Chaos was hovering above the base. Amy was slowly walking to Vanilla's house. Shadow and Rouge were walking home. They did not wish to tell her either. Knuckles took Tikal to Angel Island. Tikal woke up and looked around.
"How'd I get here?" She asked.
"We saved you… but it cost us." Knuckles said sadly.
"What ever do you mean." Tikal asked. She stood up.
"Mecha-knuckles self destructed…" Knuckles delayed a bit.
"Isn't that a good thing?" Tikal asked
"Yes, but… a giant fire ball chased us around the base…" Knuckles continued.
"Yes…" Tikal said
"Cream was…" Knuckles delayed again, for it was almost too hard to handle.
"…Oh my gosh…" Tikal said surprised, she put her hands over her mouth. She realized what happened after these last words. "What about Vanilla?" She asked. "This is going to really hurt her, but we have to tell her. Lets go."