Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Light lovin' ❯ Chapter 22
Light Lovin'!
By Daniel Sargeant
Chapter Twenty-two: My first Child… part 2
Tikal was happy now. She had just had her first child. A small wet, pink echidna lay in Tikals arms cooing not crying. The tiny echidna tried to open her little eyes. Tikal thought she was perfect, like all mothers do. Knuckles was out cold on the floor and Vanilla was collecting towels. She rapped the newborn baby in one and covered the womb water with another. Tikal put one around her waist while Amy held the baby. The baby opened her eyes and giggled at Amy. Amy giggled back. Sonic was thinking.
`I'm getting out of here before Amy decides to…' Amy walked over to Sonic holding the baby. She gave Sonic the baby.
"Why don't we have a baby, Sonic." Amy asked. Sonic gave the baby back.
"No way! Not ever! No!" Sonic ran away. Amy gave the baby back to Tikal and chased after him. Knuckles awoke next to Tikal and looked around.
"So what do we call her?" Tikal asked. Tails thanked the doctor and the doctors said someone will be over a soon a possible all Tails had to do was give the address which he did. Tails then went a joined the others. Cream was taunting the pink baby with her finger. The baby grabbed her finger and began to suck on it. Cream just giggled.
"I don't know… Julie?" Knuckles said.
"No, no, no. I don't like that one. What about… Peppy, no that's not good." Tikal replied
"Samantha?" Knuckles suggested not to sure.
"No, that's no good. How about a mix of names." Tikal said.
"How about Knukal?" Knuckles said
"No, that's more of a boys name." Tikal moaned
"How about Knikal?" Cream joked
"Yeah, but spelled with a `Y'" Tikal happily said.
"Okay, I like it." Knuckles cheered
"Then its is settled. Knykal." Tikal stroked her baby. Knykal looked at Tikal and stopped sucking on Creams finger. Vanilla Went into the kitchen and came back out with food for everyone.
"Who said out celebration party was over."
"Yeah." The all said. The party continued and Sonic and Amy came back after an hour.
Outside James looked in through the window.
"I hate her, I HATE HER!!! She didn't keep mine. She can just wait I'll kill them both." He said and walked away.