Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Bad to worse? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sonic leaned against the tree. He'd run out of the city deep past the Mystic Ruins forest to a Cliffside, where he'd sat there against the tree overnight, until he could watch the sun rise. Damn you, Eggman. Your sick plans just hit a whole new level...What the hell have you done to Tails? I'll make you pay good for what you did, just you wait. Sonic then yawned and stood, putting a finger in his ear, cleaning it slightly, before booting it into the Forest.

Back in the city, Shadow was still sat on the roof as the new day was dawning. He was juggling the chaos emerald he'd picked up from the lab.
"Hey Shadow, have you been up there all night?" Amy just showed up. Shadow looked down on her.
"Yeah." He replied.
"Either you're really concerned or you have a boring life." Amy joked.
"I'm just doing what that slack Sonic is supposed to be doing. Once he gets back, I'm taking off." Shadow huffed.
"Geez, looks like you didn't sleep either." Amy narrowed her eyes. "Well, I'm going to check on Tails." Amy then walked into the building.
The hospital elevator was quiet... a little too quiet.  Its content was a young Cream.  I sure hope Tails is okay. She thought.  After Amy called and said Tails was rushed to the hospital last night, I was so worried.  She sighed at the fact that the elevator was still going up.  I hope these flowers will cheer him up.

The elevator comes to a stop and Cream steps out with her bouquet of yellow roses, then heads to Tails' room.  Suddenly, Shadow appears next to her.  She jumps back out of fright and the black hedgehog noticed this.  "You shouldn't get so close." he said.
"That was a scare." said Cream.  "Please don't do that anymore."
"I take it you're making a delivery."
"Amy called me last night and said Tails was in the hospital, so I figured that I would bring this bouquet of yellow roses for him."
Shadow simply looked at Cream.  At least Cream still thinks Tails is a guy. He thought.
"Why do you look so concerned?" asked Cream.
"I'm trying to be compassionate, especially since Sonic bailed out after Tails went to bed last night."
The two walk towards the room but don't quite enter yet.  "Well, here we are." said Shadow.
"Well, looks like you visitors come earlier than ever." said an approaching Dr. Quack.
"I was here all night." said Shadow.
"I was referring to Cream.  Well, let's wake up sleepyhead for the morning IV."
Dr. Quack, Shadow and Cream walk inside to see Tails still asleep.  Seeing the peaceful fox was enough to cancel any plots of waking her up, but Cream put the bouquet in the vase.  "Yellow roses, I expected pink ones coming from you." said Dr. Quack.
"They ran out." Cream said, though she was lying.
"Cream, could you step outside for a moment?" asked Shadow.
"Well, maybe it's for the best." and Cream left the room.
Dr. Quack gave Tails her IV.  "She really must be worried about Tails." he said.
"It's a long story." said Shadow.
"Try me, I need a keeper upper."
"From what I was told, Cream's mother Vanilla is planning an arranged marriage between them.  I don't believe it myself, but rumours usually are taken out of context."
"That they are."
"Vanilla is also trying to make sure Cream and Tails.... you know."
"I'm sorry?"
"Screw each other."
"And I'm awake." Tails finally stirs.  "Wh... what the hell is going on here..." she replies, then finally opens her eyes to see Shadow and Dr. Quack.  "Man, what time is it?"
"Early." Dr. Quack answered.  "How do you feel?"
"I feel like leaving."
Amy finally comes out of the elevator to see Cream.  "Were you here to visit Tails?" she asked the young doe.
"Yeah, but he's still asleep." Cream answered.  "What happened to Tails, Amy?"
"I promised I wouldn't tell you.  Tails will explain everything in time, so you'll have to wait until then."
"Not fair, I wanna know what happened!"
"Cream, keep it down.  Some of the patients are still asleep."
"Just tell me what happened to Tails, I can take it.  I was able to handle Cheese's death, so I can handle this too."
Amy was now in a pickle. Cream is my friend, so I really should tell her, she seems so concerned but... Amy opened her mouth as if to tell Cream, however, halted to a slight flashback to the look on Sonic's face when he asked her not to say. Sonic would never forgive me if I broke my word this time. "I'm sorry Cream. But I can't break my word. You'll know in time. I'll tell you this much. Tails was just a little hurt before Sonic and Shadow rescued us from Dr Eggman."
"Oh, well I hope he'll be okay. I wouldn't want anything to happen to him." Cream said.
"Tails'll be fine, Sonic got he...him here just in time." Amy said, nearly spilling the beans unintentionally.
"That's good. Well, I'll come back later. I should get back home." Cream said.
"Okay Cream, I'll come over later and we can go shopping, since I unintentionally missed the last one." Amy said.
"It's okay Amy, being picked up by Dr Eggman is never in anyone
's plans, so you're forgiven." Cream said before leaving. Amy sighed slightly before entering the room Tails is in.
"Hello again Shadow." She said.
Amy walks in to see Tails with Shadow and Dr. Quack.  "Well Tails, at least you slept somewhat well." said Shadow.  "I just hope you don't think this is all your fault."
"Why would I think it's my fault?" Tails asked.
"Most girls do that and end up going mad to the point they-"
"All right, let's not go there." Dr. Quack cut in.  "The last thing we need is to give Tails negative ideas."
"Where the hell is Sonic?"
"Right here." Sonic said from the door behind Amy, who jumped slightly.
"You took forever, speedy.  But at least you're here for Tails."
"You really seem to have this caring thing down." said Dr. Quack.  "Perhaps some of Maria's reasoning is wiping off of her and onto you."
"Tch, I'm done playing Sonic's role.  See ya, I'll go and update Rouge on Tails' condition." and off Shadow went.
Dr quack rubbed his bill.  "What's that guy's problem?"
"He has problems getting out of his hard-ass act." Amy said. "Deep down, I'm sure he's like a cream-cake." This made Tails chuckle a little. Sonic walked over to Tails and patted her on the head, ruffling her hair.
"You okay, Tails?" He asked.
"I'll be fine, but I'm getting tired of sitting in this bed." Tails replied.
"Well, let's wheel you around." Sonic said.
"Absolutely not." said Dr. Quack.  "
I know how you work with people in wheelchairs."
"Still remember that, huh?" Sonic asked, scratching his head.
"Well, so much for that idea." Tails sighed.
"I could wheel her around." Amy offered.
"Maybe later." said Dr. Quack.  "But for now, I have a favour to ask.  Why don't you two go downstairs and bring Tails up some breakfast?"
"Hm, sure..." Amy said. She went to leave, and then turned as Sonic looked like he wasn't planning to go anywhere. "Sonic. That means you too." Sonic then sighed and followed.
"What would you like Tails?" Amy asked.
"Uuh, I'm not choosy, so just a sandwich or something, i don't mind." Tails replied.
The hedgehogs left and walked down the halls, no words between the two and the silence was bothering our favourite pink hedgehog. "So, Sonic...What do you thinks going to happen to Tails? I'm sure that what Dr. Eggman did to her was not just an act of perversion." She asked to break the silence.
Something uncalled for." Sonic answered.
“Oh? What?" Amy questioned.
"Anything Eggman does is probably inconceivable."
"Now that those two are out of the room, I can talk to you personally about things." said Dr. Quack.
"Okay, talk away." Tails said, stretching her arms and fingers, clicking them slightly.
Dr. Quack pulled the chair next to Tails.  "Well kid, I have to tell you that I ran a few tests of your inner body..."
"I'm expecting bad news..." Tails replied, looking at her doctor. "What're the damages?"
"Damages?  You were mechanically raped. You're gonna be feeling sore in the hips for a while, so walking marginal distances will hurt.  There was also a bit of internal bruising and tears as well."
Tails then sighed and lowered her head. "Damn Egghead..." She uttered. " insides are messed up?" Tails looked at Quack.
"Just bruised and torn... and that will heal in time.  The good news is you can do limited flying."
"At least I'm not totally grounded." Tails lightened up a little.
"And by the way, you have nine weeks to build up your strength."
"Huh? Nine weeks?" Tails questioned.
"That's right, nine weeks.  I ran the tests four different times without change and... You're pregnant."
This is where it hit Tails. "I......I'm what?" She questioned her face in a mixed emotion of confused and frightened.
"Going to be bearing a pup in nine weeks.  But given the circumstances, I can perform an abortion in two weeks." Upon the end of his sentence, Tails fell to her side, off of the bed and crashing to the floor. The shock of the announcement had caused her to feint it seemed.
Dr. Quack went to Tails' side.  "Hey, let's get a nurse in here!" Dr. Quack yelled.
Back outside, Amy and Sonic were coming back with the food. They noticed a nurse run into the room, a minute after being called for and became concerned, heading over. However, a second nurse stopped them.
"I'm sorry, it's best you remain out here for a moment." She said to them.
"Why? What's going on?!" Amy asked concerned.
"Please, just let us handle everything."
"Man, look at the staff." Sonic said as he ate his breakfast burrito.  "I hope Tails is okay."
"I hope so too...You seem a little to calm at the moment Sonic." Amy said.
"Dr. Quack makes sure all of his patients are in good care.  I mean, he delivered me and look at how I turned out."
"Fare enough, let's sit and wait then." Amy said, walking over to the bench and placing the food on the one next to her, leaving only the seat on her other side for Sonic.
Back inside, Tails had been returned to the bed.
"You know, you can't fall like that, or you'll never heal properly." said Dr. Quack.
Tails was barely conscious as it is, but conscious none the less. "Well excuse me...for not being able to fully accept information like that." She said weakly.
"Well, we might have to keep you here until the evening after a fall like that."
"I'm sorry; I guess I made you worry." Tails said, rubbing her head.
"Well, rest up, and make sure the next time you pass out is in the bed."
"I blanked; I didn't really have control over my own body." Tails said. "I'm going to sleep, I feel sick..."
Everyone left Tails' room and Dr. Quack walked over to Sonic and Amy.  "Well, Tails passed out, but is doing fine." said Dr. Quack.
"What is going on with her?" asked Sonic.
"Patient confidentiality.  Besides, I think it'll come b
etter from Tails than it will from me."
"But what about this breakfast burrito I got for Tails?"
Dr. Quack took the breakfast burrito.  "Since Tails went back to sleep, I might as well eat this.  She isn't feeling too hungry this morning anyway."
Amy pouted. "Why does everyone keep things from me? I don't even know what's going on, other than..." Amy said, Sonic lifted his hand to hush her.
"Stop, Amy...please, just stop..." He said, almost sounding like pleading.
Unknown to the group, Eggman had a flying cam that had been spying on them for some time watching through the windows. It was camouflaged as a bird.

"Ooh hoo hoo hoo. Those fools have no idea the true purposes of Project Chimera." Eggman laughed from his backup base. One of his robots
was with him.
"Excuse me doctor, could you please re-elaborate your plans?" It asked.
"The project is a new super weapon created using my genius. You see, by taking DNA samples of each of my foes during several battles and recordings of their battles from the past, I have created a single biological organism. However, as you are aware, this was unable to be created in a simple pod, so by using it to fertilise one of Tails eggs, it'll grow within her, once born I will snatch it from her. From there, I'll speed its growth, and then use its power to defeat that hedgehog once and for all. That foolish doctor thinks he can simply abort my creation, hahaha. Not likely, that fluid is powered by chaos energy; it's far too stable to be destroyed by an abortion." Eggman explained.
"Chaos Emerald, sir?"
"By using a chaos emerald,
I was able to create and finalise the details to make the biological creation into the size of several sperm as it were, think of the creation as a pure creation of Chaos Energy. And with DNA from Shadow the Hedgehog, his title of Ultimate Life form will be passed on to my creation."
Rouge finished up serving another drink, and then walked down the counter to Shadow, who'd just finished a drink.
"So, how's our newly discovered vixen?" She asked.
"Not bad, but not good either." Shadow replied.
"You know, you've been showing more concern than usual." Rouge commented.
"Bah, I was only filling in for Sonic, I don't really care myself." Shadow replied. "Get me another."
"I hope she's doing okay... maybe I can get her a gift.  What do you think Tails likes?"
"Her gender turned out to be different, but Tails is still Tails." Shadow replied.
"So, new jeans?"
Shadow nearly fell out of his seat, but recovered in time. "Just...forget it. Do what you like." He said.
"Hey guys, what'cha talking about?" Ask a familiar red echidna, who just approached.
"Well, look who decided to show up.  What can I get ya?" asked Rouge.
"Beer." Knuckles said. "Who's this she you're talking about? Not many girls I know who get kicks out of jeans."
"Then again, you don't know many girls." Shadow commented. Knuckles fell over, and then recovered.
"What'dya mean by that?!"
"We're..." Rouge began.  "Talking about Blaze.  She likes to wear jeans now."
"I see, I guess I'm behind the times." Knuckles said calming from his previous rage.
"That's what you get when you spend your days beating off next to the master emerald." Shadow commented again.
"You need to stop spending so much time moping around Angel Island." Rouge added.
"Someone's gotta guard the Master Emerald." Knuckles defended himself.
"Take the damn thing with you.  You act like you can't let the island drop in the water where no aquatic life is in danger and go out.  Things would be much easier if you did."
"You also make it sound like I've left it there." Knuckles said. "Anyway, I want some information. I heard something happened to Tails, I caught Sonic in the mystical ruins who told me just that the little guy was rushed into the hospital after another Eggman run in."
Shadow and Rouge looked at each other, then turned back to Knuckles.  "I can't tell you everything, but I will say this." Rouge began.  "Tails, Amy and I got captured by Eggman.  While captive, Tails got... roughed up bad and had to be rushed to the hospital."
Knuckles looked like he was convinced and looked at Shadow. "Hope you and Sonic got Eggman good for it."
"I'm sure he enjoyed his flight." Shadow replied. "If you'll excuse me,
I got things to be doing." With that, Shadow took his Chaos Emerald and warped out of there.
"What's his problem?" Knuckles asked.
"I guess he has a hero complex." Rouge answered.  "Remember, Shadow isn't the 'hero' type as you know."
"Tell me about it, the black arms incident proved that when Shadow was all over the place." Knuckles grunted.
"Yet he still acted like a hard-boiled egg."
"Uh huh." Knuckles replied. "Well, hope that poor Tails recovers, but he's been through worse than a little beat down I guess."
"True.  I still have the paper of when our fox saved Station Square from that missile." Rouge replied. A simple beating, yes...but Tails is still a girl and no girl will recover easily from what she went through. She thought.
Later that night, Tails was awake in her room, though the lights were off. She managed to make her way to the window and looked up at the full moon, shining down on her tear-filled face. I had gotten so used to being a boy...I don't have the willpower to handle this kind of maturity. One minute Cream's talking about her romantic dreams...the next, I'mstanding next to the window, crying, carrying a child inside of myself that Idon't even know how it got there...What am I going to do now? Tails wiped her face dry, though it was slightly pointless as her tears were replaced.
Three raps are heard from her door, making Tails wipe her tears.  "D...door's open.  C...come on in." she said
Shadow opens the door and walks in. "Wasn't expecting you to be awake..." He said, closing the door behind him. "Where's the dimwit?"
"What dimwit... you mean Sonic?"
"Naturally." Shadow said, walking over. "Should you be out of bed?"
"I can't sleep."
"I see. I guess this place gets stuffy after being here to two days straight."
"At least I can fly short distances..." and Tails flies back to the bed.  "What am I gonna do with myself, I feel so useless?"
Shadow walked over and sat on the bed, next to Tails.
"You'll recover eventually, it just takes time." He told her.
"I've been ripped from the inside... I can't deal with this right now."
"I'm sorry Tails." Shadow said, sympathetically, which...quite frankly was out of character for him.
"Thank you, Shadow.  I... I really needed that." and Tails just broke down into tears.
Shadow was caught by surprise, not knowing quite what to do. Ahh...shit, now what? He thought. Whilst Tails simply cried, Shadow hesitated on touching her, however, eventually put his arm around her and gave her a shoulder to cry on, which she took without hesitation. Tails just let her tears flood from her eyes.  I'm used to being forced to grow up, but not so drastically.  One day, I'm a girl trying to be a guy... and now I'm nine weeks from motherhood... she thought.  I'm not ready for this sort of thing...
Shadow used one hand to stroke her head gently, the other to stroke her back, trying to be as soothing as he can, considering his usual character.
After another 2 minutes, Tails finally calmed down a little and had separated from the shoulder provided for her.
"Feeling a little better now?" Shadow asked.
"No...but it helped a little I guess." Tails replied.
"Good." Shadow said. "Anyway, would you like me to find...Sonic?"
"If you can, please do."
Shadow nodded, then stood and walked to the door. Then thought better of it. "You know, I actually don't think I should leave you here, bout some fresh air?"
"I could really go for some fresh air."
"Good, I should be able to get you back here before the Doc knows you're missing." Shadow said as he walked across the room and collected the wheelchair. He walked it over to the bed next to Tails and offered her a hand to help her shift into it.
As Shadow and Tails skate off during the night to search for Sonic, the Rabbit house wasn't as joyful. "Cream, you haven't even touched your food." said Vanilla. "Are you not well, honey?"
"Mom, Tails is in the hospital because Eggman did something to him..." Cream said. "I can't eat, I feel so responsible for what happened to him."
"Now Cream, that isn't your fault. Tails rescued you and-"
"That could've been me..." and Cream broke down into tears. "It should've been me, not him!"
Vanilla consoled her daughter.
Poor, poor Cream. She feels at fault for what happened to Tails. She thought. It isn't her fault that Tails is in the hospital... But I doubt she will believe that.
"Oh Mom.... I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself." Cream said through her tears.
"Tails will pull through this, he's very strong-willed."
Suddenly, the doorbell rang and four raps followed. This broke the moment for the mother and daughter as Vanilla went to open the door. While this happened, Cream tried to stifle her tears.
I can't bear to imagine what Tails went through... she thought.
Vanilla opened the door and was happy to see a familiar face. "Good evening, is Cream home?" said a certain
lavender coloured cat.
"I am so glad you're here, Blaze." Vanilla said. "And, who are you?"
"This is Marine." Blaze told Vanilla. "Marine, this is Cream's mother Vanilla."
"Good evenin', ma-am." Marine greeted.
"Come in you two. Cream, you have company."
Cream walked into the front room to see her company, than ran into Blaze's arms. "I'm so glad to see you." she said.

So this is Cream, eh?
Thought Marine.She looks around my age... maybe younger.
"I overheard that Tails was in the hospital from Amy." Blaze began. "She also told me that you weren't taking this so well."
"We plan on going to visit him tomorrow." said Marine.
"I see." said Cream, then she notices Marine.  "So you're Marine, huh?  Blaze told me about you after the end of the second EX Grand Prix.  I would be in a more cheery mood, but-"
"You don't have to explain, luv.  It happens." said Marine.  "Tails is a good mate, and I plan on visiting the men of my crew."
"Your... crew?"
"Long story, but I might as well tell you since we have a lot of time on our hands." said Blaze.
"Good." said Vanilla.  "I'll make some tea."
"You mates havin
' suppa?" asked Marine.
"You can have mine, I'm not hungry." Cream answered.
"Strewth!" and Marine took Cream's seat.
Amy was at home trying to enjoy her bath, but still couldn't relax.  I should go and visit Tails tonight. She thought.  Then again, I should let Tails rest.  I really hope she'll be okay for tonight.  If I keep worryingabout Tails, it'll never bring her spirits up to where they were before...  But I swear, Eggman will get his the next time I see him.  I'll even make sure to use my good hammers to bludgeon his sorry ass.  With that, Amy sank into the bubbles of her bath.
Knuckles was at Club Rouge enjoying the last bit of Last Call for the night and Rouge was still behind the bar.  "Damn, you sure can table a lot of my customers." she said.
"At least I'll wake up tomorrow." said Knuckles.
Tails and Shadow sped through the city, Tails was having a blast, laughing as Shadow effortlessly evaded every possible object in their path. Having ran for a good 30 minutes without a sign of our favourite blue blur, Shadow stopped near a fast food trailer.
“Are you hungry, Tails?” He asked.
“A little, I guess.” Tails replied.
“Well, let's grab a bite to eat.” Shadow suggested as he walked Tails over to the trailer. The two grabbed some chips to go and Shadow walked Tails into the park. He parked Tails up next to a bench, then picked her up by her back and legs and sat her on the bench, then took a seat next to her. The two opened their respected bags and began feasting on the fresh chips.
“So, what's happening, do you know?” Shadow asked. This caused Tails to stop eating and stare at her chips.
“I do.” She replied. “But, I'd like to just ignore it for now.”
“Understandable.” Shadow replied. He heard what sounded like water drops hitting the paper of the chip wrapping. He looked at Tails who was crying again and patted her on the shoulder. “What's happening anyway?” Tails wiped her eyes dry, sniffling slightly.
“I'd like to tell you, Shadow, but...I have to accept it myself before I can handle everyone else for now.” Tails cried.
“There, there. Don't cry anymore, okay?” Shadow said, rubbing her shoulder softly. Over time, she calmed down a little.
“Anyway, I heard from a very unreliable source that you're trying to get hitched with Rouge, how's that going?” Tails asked. This took Shadow aback.
“Wait, who told you something like that?!”
“The one you know as dimwit.” Tails replied.
“Damn Sonic. I knew he'd get the wrong opinion.” Shadow grunted.
“Well, it was in club Rouge, Amy shoved Rouge who fell on top of me and our lips...connected. But I'm not trying to get hitched with her, she doesn't interest me like that. She's a good friend and all but...” Shadow tried to explain before being cut off.
“My, my. Shadow admitting he has friends? This is a new one.” Tails interrupted.
“ I might have one or two, what's wrong with that?” Shadow questioned.
“Nothing, it's just not every day you admit that.”
The two continued to feast on their food, though it was sometime before another word was spoken.
I have so much coming up at once. 9 weeks and I'll be a planet. So I have only 3 or 4 weeks before I really start showing. Which means only that time to decide the best course to tell Cream the truth...god damn Vanilla is going to buy a chain-gun for this one... And Tails then sighed.
“Something the matter?” Shadow asked.
“Just having premonitions of how Vanilla is going to butcher me...” Tails replied.
“I see. Well, if it makes you feel any better, both myself and Sonic will be looking after you, from any danger.” Shadow said.
“I thought you didn't care.”
“Sonic may be the hero, but even he'll have his limits on how long he can protect you. He doesn't like to admit it, but he has to sleep too.” Shadow said calmly defending himself.
“Thanks Shadow.” Tails said.
“For what?”
“For this, I would have killed myself if I had to stay stuffed up in that hospital room any longer.”
“Not a problem, but no suicidal thoughts, okay?”
After finishing their food, Shadow helped Tails back into the wheelchair and the two sped off back to the hospital before someone noticed Tails was gone.

Not being so lucky, as once they arrived, Sonic, Amy and Rouge was already here and a not so happy Dr. Quack.
"So, did you have a fun time out?" asked Dr. Quack.  "I hope this was worth the escapade of night air, because I'll need to run some tests to see what your limit of walking is."
"Was it wrong to want some fresh air?" Tails questioned.
"Let's say you had another black-out episode like on the bed earlier.  With you out and about like that, who knows how your condition can change.  You may seem like it's the end of the world, which I don't blame you for feeling that way, but at least understand that you need to be at least 90% recovered before I can release you."
"It's my fault." Shadow took the blame. "With Sonic not here and me sent to find him, I felt it wasn't a good idea to leave Tails alone. What if the Doctor returned to take her again, she's hardly in a state to look after herself as she is and you're not likely to be able to defend her alone, Doctor."
"Nevermind, what's done is done. Just get me back to the bed." Tails sighed.
"Yes, back to bed with you.  I can run your tests tomorrow, young pup.  As for you Shadow, not everyone is an 'Ultimate Life Form' who doesn't need to apply to rules and regulations.  But it's nice to see you actually caring for a change."
"Bah..." Shadow said looking away. "Enough with the impressions that I care crap."
"But Shadow, what about what you said earlier?" Tails asked, looking up at him.
"What did Shadow say?" Rouge asked, wanting the juicy gossip. Tails looked at her.
"Oh, just that he loved me and couldn't
bear to part with me." She replied. Shadow then let go of her wheelchair and backed off.
"Hey wait a minute! I never said anything of the sort!" He retorted. Tails simply giggled as well as the rest of the group. Shadow grunted.
"Meh, that's the last time I show concern for anyone..." With that he took his chaos emerald. "Chaos Control!"
"Shadow, wait?!" Sonic called, but it was too late, the emerald flashed Shadow away.
"Aww, I think you hurt his feelings Tails." Amy giggled.
Dr Quack took Tails chair and pushed her back inside the building. "Time for some more rest, but your company can stay for a little while." He said.