Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The girls entered our favourite bat's club with Amy carrying the cake they got for her in apology. However, upon reaching inside, Rouge wasn't about.
"She must have gone into the back." Tikal said. "Anyone brave enough to fish her out?"
"How good of you to volunteer." said Marine.
"Well, fine. I don't mind. At least I'm not a chicken shit, like a certain raccoon we met today." Tikal shrugged. "Be back in a little bit." She then wonders off into the staff area, looking for Rouge.
"Harsh..." Amy wondered. "I hope she comes out alive."
"I hope they both come out..." Tails narrowed her eyes.
Meanwhile, in the back, Tikal was still searching for Rouge.
"Is she in the bathroom, I wonder...?" She questioned aloud. "She walked over to Rouge's personal room and knocked 3 times. "Rouge? Are you here?"
A voice responded, but it wasn't human.  "Please state the password." it said.
"Oh crud..." Tikal uttered. "I think I'll just leave..." And with that, Tikal turned to leave the staff area.
"Access denied."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. For all I know her password would be ILIKEGEMS or something stupid like that." Tikal said, walking away.
"Access denied."
"I know, I know, geez..." And Tikal left the staff door, finding the other girls. "I'm going to assume she's in the bathroom." She said. "I knocked on her door, but it asked for a password."
"Let me guess, you tried Chaos Emerald or something?" Tails asked.
I didn't bother trying."
"Wow, talk about security." said Marine.
"Does anyone know what her password might be?" asked Cream.
"I have my guesses, but nothing beyond Gems or jewels." Tails replied.
"Possibly, Knuckles rod is-..." And Tikal gripped Amy over the mouth.
"Now, now, no need for that." She said to her.
"I better go and try." said Cream and off she went into the back.
It took a bit of walking, but she managed to get to the door, then gave two raps.  "Please state the password." said the same voice that Tikal encountered.
Hmm... Cream thought.  What would I make a password if I were Rouge?  Cream then got an idea.  "The password is areola." she answered.
"Access denied."
"Crud...." Cream snapper her fingers then gave a few more raps.
"Please state the password."
"Seven emeralds."
"Access denied."
"You've gotta be kidding me."
"Access denied."
Cream was now agitated, so you gave a few more raps.  "Please state the password." the voice replied.
"Jewel-obsessed bitch!" Cream yelled.
"Access denied."
"Will you open the god damn door already?"
"Little girls like you shouldn't have such a potty mouth."
You piece of shit....  Now Cream was really upset.  "Open up, or I'll hack you."
"Your access is permanently denied." the voice said.
"Yeah right." and Cream reaches into her pocket to pull out what appeared to be a pocket radio.  She pointed the antenna at the eye and began pressing a few buttons.  This caused malfunction noises to be heard.  "No... does not-does not-does not compute.... com..... puuuutee...." was said from the voice.
"100100101 111000101 010011010 111011101." Cream said.
"Unable to compute...."
"110011101 000100110 001000110 010100110."
"Will not comply."
"000001101 100101010 010101000 010000010."
After that, the door to Rouge's room opened, and Cream put the device away.  Hacking device... the world's most devastating cyber weapon. She thought and walked inside.
"INTRUDER DETECTED! INITIATING IMMIDIATE DESTRUCTION!" And Omega walked out of the shade, arms into machine guns aimed at the young doe.
"Oh crap."
In three seconds, the other girls heard the sounds of ammunition fire.  "Um, should we be concerned?" asked Marine. Tails did not really respond well, she simply ran to the staff door and was followed by Amy, then the rest of the girls who ran down the hall.
The girls see Cream running towards them.  "Run renegade robot!" she yelled.
"Robot?" ask Marine and Tikal.
"Run away."
"Seriously Cream, what the fuck did you do?!" Tails cried in terror.
"I tried guessing the password and it didn't work." Cream answered.  "So I hacked the door to get in, then this happened."
"How the hell did you hack the door?" asked Marine.
"BEGIN EXECUTION!" And Omega opened fired with a chain gun. The girls squealed and continued running.
"Talk later! Run now!" And the girls escaped to the main bar and headed to the exit when Tikal fall
s, shot in the back by Omega's gun, she fell to the floor, the red on her back plainly telling she was hit, the other girls stopped and quickly ran over to them as Omega ceased his fire.
"TARGET HIT!" He said, walking toward the others, weapon aimed.
"This robot is seriously going to kill us!" Amy cried.
"Okay, Omega, That's enough. I think we've fucked with them enough." Said a familiar bat, floating from the roof into one of Omega's oversized hands.
"What...?" Amy questioned. "Fucked with us? But you shot Tikal..." It was at this point Tikal screamed.
"Ahhh, that damn well hurt!" She cried out.
"It's a paintball, get over it." Rouge said. "Well, I'd call us even now, but I reckon I could get more from this."
"You bunch of drongos!" Marine yelled.  "And to think we even brought you an 'I'm sorry' cake.  Now it's ruined because you decided to go full salvo on us."
Tikal sat up. "My dress is ruined..." She moaned.
"You have another, don't you?" Amy asked.
"No, I didn't buy it..."
"Well, I guess that's what you get for prying into my room." said Rouge.
Tails fell on her back, panting hard. "Oh boy...Dr Quack's gonna be pissed at me..." She wheezed.
"You feeling okay, Tails?" asked Marine.
"I was told not to over walk or overfly...and here I was running around..." Tails tried to move pointlessly, cringing in pain. "And hips don't forgive me either...I'm just gonna lie here for a bit."
Cream felt bad.  "Well, I'm gonna go home now." she said. "Catch you later." and out the door she left.
"Hey! Cream wai-..." Slam... "Never mind..." Tails sighed. "I should probably go with if I could move..."
Marine was looking at Tikal.  "And this dress is officially ruined." she said.  "Oil paints leave wicked stains."
"Don't remind me. Well, I'm going to go home and change then..." Tikal then stood and headed to the door. "If anything, I regret coming here to apologize to you, Rouge. See ya." And out she left.
"You can clean my third hydraulic, you stupid meat-bag." said Omega with his arms raised.
Tails sweat drops. "Anyway...I'm sorry I laughed at you Rouge." She said.
"Yeah, me too." Amy replied. "Looking back on this whole charade...I feel kinda silly for believing Omega really was going to kill us."
"Omega, huh?" asked Marine.  "I gotta admit that your colours are something else."
Rouge leaped down from Omega's hand and walked over to Tails. "Okay girls, let's get Tails over to that chair. I'm not sure the floor is either comfortable or hygienic for her to be lying there." She said.
Marine had an odd look on her face as she helped Tails stand up.  "You want me to talk to Cream later?" she asked.
"Would you?" Tails asked.
"I could talk to her, she is my best friend after all." Amy said.
And Rouge and Marine carefully helped Tails to the long cushion chair where she sat.
"No problem, luv.  I'll do anything I can for my crew." said Marine happily.
"Fine, I'll stay out of this one then." Amy pouted.
"Really? Thanks Amy!" Tails said happily, making the pink hedgehog trip.
"And there you go again flashin' your knickers." said Marine.  "Well, I better go now if I plan on catching up to her." and off Marine went after Cream.
"Lemme get you something to drink, Tails." Rouge offered.
"Anything'll do so long as it's not alcoholic..." Tails replied. "Thanks."
"You never were a drinker...  One tequila coming up."
"No, just a juice or water is fine, thanks..." Tails protested.
Rouge got a drink for tails and handed it to her.  "I hope you like lime."
Tails took the drink and sniffed it slightly, her super sensitive nose trying to pick up any alcoholic traces. Amy was curious.
"Why are you being so fickle about a bit of al?" She asked.
"Doctors orders." Tails replied.
"Just drink it, Tails... or are you allergic to limes?" questioned Rouge.  "And you can't talk, Amy.  The only time you've had any drinks is if your water is spiked."
"I drink my fare share!" Amy barked. "Well, if you girls don't mind, I'm taking off. I'll catch you all later." And Amy took her leave.
"I wonder if she's leaving for proper reasons, or if you hit a sore spot." Tails said, taking a gentle sip of her drink.
"I'm curious, so why exactly ARE you dodging Alcohol? You pregnant or something?" Rouge joked and laughed, however Tails did nothing but lower her ears sadly, not defending herself at all, making Rouge stop laughing and realise. Rouge had an intrigued look on her face.  "Omega, run a scan on Tails."
"COMMENCING SCAN." said Omega.
Red beams left the robot's eye and scanned Tails' body head to toe where she sat, then stopped at Tails' hips.  "WARNING... WARNING.... PARASITE HAS BEEN DETECTED IN THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY OF ORANGE FOREST CREATURE."  Omega's claws began to spin around.  "INITIATE CLEANSING PROTOCOL APLHPA THETA PI."
"No, cancel protocol, Omega.  that isn't a parasite." said Rouge.
Tails didn't say a word, nor show fear, instead she simply put the drink aside on a table and lowered her head sadly.
Rouge walked over to Tails.  "Wow, I nailed your coffin twice on two separate instances." she said.  "You definitely have to down that drink now."
"Why? What difference would it make..." Tails replied sadly.
"It'll help build up your strength."
"What does physical strength even matter when I'm so completely mentally unstable that I can't...I can't tell people? Everyone who knows figured it out on their own, except for Tikal who I personally chose to tell..." Tails replied. "I keep lying to myself, telling myself that everything's fine, that nothing ever happened and that I'm still the same normal Tails that I used to be..." Tails said, as tears trailed her cheeks and dripped off of her snout.
"This drink actually helps your brain cells.  So in a way, you'll be getting a mental boost." answered Rouge as she pulled a seat up next to Tails.  "Does Sonic know about this?"
"No...Only you, Vanilla, Tikal and my doctor." Tails replied, wiping her face. "Oh, and the parasite enemy over there."
"Head into the back, Omega.  Heart-to-heart time." Rouge told the robot.
"Affirmative." said Omega and he went into the back.
"Now, are you gonna down that drink, or do I have to force you?  And you know I can force you..." Rouge addressed Tails. Tails sees no reason why not to listen and her crying did make her thirsty, even if she hadn't stopped crying. She took the drink and downed the rest of it.
Rouge pats Tails on the back.  "Congratulations, you just had your first Mojito." said Rouge.  "Virgin of course, but a mojito nonetheless.  So, how do you feel?"
"A what?"
"A Mojito...  Well, just the mix anyway.  It's nothing but lime juice and citrus stimulates the brain... at least that's what I read in a Citrus Health magazine.  Anyway, how do you feel?"
"Slightly refreshed, but no less miserable..." Tails replied with a few tearful hiccups.
"I like Mojitos myself.  And every now and again, I let Cream have a glass of Pink Panties."
"Pink...what?" Tails looked at Rouge weird.
"Pink Panties."
"I'm getting really wrong ideas here, Rouge..." Tails replied.
"Fine, I'll make you a glass."
"No no, I'm fine, I've drank enough..." Tails protested.
But Rouge was already mixing up the drink.  In the end, the bat poured two glasses of the pink coloured drink.  "Trust me, even you can go for a glass of this." said Rouge.  "Then again, Strawberries are good to drink." and Rouge walked over with the glasses, then placed a cherry on top of each one.  "Unfortunately, this came out more like a slushy, but you'll like it."
Tails shrugged and took the drink. "Thanks...for not freaking out too much...I appreciate it..." She said out of the blue.
"Trust me, my freaking out won't help you as the days go on.” Rouge said. "So, how do you plan on letting this out of the bag?"
"Honestly...I don't know." Tails replied. "Those who do know, like I said, mainly guessed. I'm really scared..."
"Of course you're scared, it's your first pregnancy." stated Rouge.  "A lot of new mothers are scared when it comes to their first pregnancy.  They don't know what to do, how to prepare, or consider their options.  All of this is normal... except how you were pregnant in the first place.  But rest assured that I will help you however you want me too."
"You wouldn't kill me if I asked you too, and even if I did I wouldn't really want to die..." Tails stated. "I considered Abortion, but Eggman must have foreseen that option and overcome it, so I'd be wasting my time. I'm keeping it..."
"I see.  Luckily for you, I kept my Steel Toe Boots, so believe that I will be using them in due time.  But enough about that, let's get you on the brighter side of life for a change.  Moping won't turn back time, you know."
"But what am I going to do? I don't know how to be a mother. And Even if I did I'm prime target for Eggman. There's no telling how far he'll go to get his hands on me now." Tails cried.
"You'll be a great mother, probably better than some of our own mothers.  Just remember that you have help with not only your pregnancy, but also being a mother.  And Heaven will be a raging inferno before any of us let that sadistic doctor get his hands on you."
"I'm scared..." Tails cried quietly.
"Let your tears flow, Tails.  It'll help you overcome everything.  I'll be over here at the bar if you need anything." and Rouge walked the ten feet from Tails behind the bar.  Eggman, I swear on all the gems in the world.  You'll be murdered if you ever try this on anyone else. She thought.
After 30 minutes, Tails stood up and stretched, having felt better from her previously unwanted exercise. She walked over to the counter.
"Rouge...I'm heading over to Vanilla's house, I'm staying one more night, then...if you don't mind. I'm gonna get my things and stay with you, as arranged." Tails said.
"No problem." said Rouge.  "Should I escort you over there?"
"Don't you have a bar to run? Surely it opens again soon." Tails wondered.
"There are more important things than a nightclub." Rouge answered.  "Let's get going, my clients can wait."
"Oh okay." And so the pair left and Tails waited as Rouge locked up.
Rouge locked up shop and posted the "closed" sign on the door, then approached Tails' side.  "Well, let's get you home, so to speak." she said and the two began their walk.  "And let me know if you need me to carry you."
"I'm not that much of a burden." Tails retorted, though she wasn't angry and didn't sound it either.
"I don't want you overexerting yourself, that's all."
As they walked, about half the journey, Tails place a hand on her lower belly. "Apparently, it's about the size of a grape now..." She spoke, out of the blue.
"Do your nipples feel tender?" asked Rouge.
Tails blushed slightly. "A bit...why?"
"It's a sign that you're beginning to lactate."
"Oh, lovely..." Tails said, sarcastically.
"Relax... we'll worry about that when it happens.  And if anyone asks you about it, tell them that it's a side effect of the pill."
"I guess...hopefully everyone will know by then though." Tails said. "And don't...freak out."
"A back-up plan.  See, the drinks helped you after all."
"Well, I'm near enough 2 weeks along, meaning 1 and a 1/2 weeks time, I won't be able to hide anything easily..." Tails said. "I only have that time left."
Tails decided to get sly. "Soooo...I heard a certain rumour that Shadow tried it off with you."
"Tried what?"
"Hm, let's see how was it put again..?" Tails thought to herself. "Apparently, he's trying to get hitched with you. According to Sonic, anyway."
"And he finally got convince to sleep with Amy."
Tails fell over and looked at Rouge. "What?"
"You can't keep falling over like that." said Rouge and helped Tails up.
"Sonic slept with Amy..?" Tails seemed disturbed by the information.
"Not in this lifetime."
"I gotta stop doing that." Tails said. "Remember to slap me the next time I think Sonic would ever go for Amy."
"I think Amy should just try for a blowjob."
"Okay, I'd like to talk about something else now." Tails said, and continued walking.
"How are things with you and Cream coming along?"
"Not that great. Every time I think things are back to normal, something happens and she runs away." Tails replied.
"I guess you're gonna have to settle this soon, huh?"
"No point." Tails said. "The moment I 'settle' anything will be ruined when this whole baby thing comes up."
"Then tell her you're pregnant."
"I keep losing my nerve. I don't want bad reactions..." Tails replied.
"And what did you experience when I found out?"
"You're not Cream." Tails replied.
"Neither are you."
"I don't mind you leaving everyone in the dark, but having her mother know and not her won't help you two mend." and Rouge sighed.
"Listen, you can either be ashamed about telling people you're pregnant, or you can be proud to tell people you're pregnant.  And until you finally come to terms with proud pregnancy, even if you don't want to, you'll never have a peaceful state of mind.  And besides, she isn't going to hate you for being how you are now."
Tails stopped walking, stood outside Cream and Vanilla's place.
"How can I be proud of this though?" She asked, lowering her head.
"You can start by holding your head up." answered Rouge as she pats Tails on the back.  "Trust me, Cream and her mom are going to be the most vital supporters you will have.  And if you can't find closure with them, you won't be able to close things with the rest of your inner circle."
Tails lifts her head. "I guess...I'll think about my approach tonight then."
The two walk up to the door and Rouge knocks.  Blaze is the one to answer the door.  "Don't you have a club to run?" asked Blaze.
"Tails is more important than my club." Rouge answered.
"Point taken."
"Anyway..." and Rouge turned to Tails, "let me know when you're ready to stay with me."
"I will do." Tails replied. "Thanks Rouge. You've been a great help."
"No problem, we're sisters now." said Rouge.  "Be gentle with her, she's been crying for a while, Blaze." and off Rouge ran.
"I'd ask why, but I don't want to pry. Come on in." Blaze said, letting Tails in the house. And Tails entered the house to be greeted by Vanilla.
"Did Cream come home?" Tails asked.
"She's in her room looking out the window." Vanilla answered.  "Go ahead and keep her company."
"Yeah...Okay, I'll do that." Tails nodded, and headed toward Creams room. She knocked on the door. "Cream? Can I come in?" She asked.
"Come on." Cream answered, her expression still sad.
So Tails entered the room and was about to close the door when Vanilla appeared. "Girls, I'm going to cook up some supper, okay?"
"Okay." Tails replied. And Vanilla left them to it. Tails closed the door and walked over to the bed, taking a seat. "Are you okay?"
"No I'm not." Cream answered.
"Talk to me about it." Tails said. "Please?"
"I messed up today...  Because of my impatience, I made you overexert yourself.  And the fact that Tikal got shot with paint didn't make things better."
"Somehow, I have a feeling the whole thing was staged. And it wasn't your fault she got shot. As for me...I don't mind, I was worried about you." Tails replied. "And there's no point in...lingering" Tails dragged toward the end, slowly realising what a hypocrite she is.
"I've also been thinking about today.  You going to the hospital, talking about being fat, trips to the bathroom, I just wish I knew what was going on..."
"Slowly you're just piecing it all together....just because I don't have the courage to tell you..." Tails lowered her head. "Well, either way, everyone's going to know soon enough anyway, so I might as well just...swallow my pride and tell you..."
"You're wh-"
"Tails, Dr. Quack is on the phone." Blaze cut in.  "He said that you didn't pick up your prescriptions."
"Crud...I knew I forgot something." Tails face palmed. "Can you...please just leave us a moment?" Tails asked Blaze. "Tell him I'll be there in a moment."
"Go on, I can wait." said Cream.
"But, what if I lose my nerve?" Tails asked.
"Then tell me now."
Tails paused for a moment; she was already losing her nerve. What will she will she handle this? "I'll tell you in a moment, just let me talk to my doctor..." And Tails left the room and went to talk to Dr Quack on the phone.
She took the phone and brought it to her ear. "Hello?"
"You forgot your prescriptions, young lady." said Dr. Quack.
"I'm sorry...we had a few...situations." Tails replied. "Shall I come and get them now?"
"Not by yourself."
"I'll ask Blaze to come with me." Tails replied.
"I see.  Well, come whenever you can." and Tails heard the call disconnect.
Tails then put the phone down on the receiver and sighed. Back to my fate, I guess... She walked on back to Cream's room.
"Is everything okay?" Cream asked.  "You aren't hurt, are you?"
"No...I need to pick up my prescriptions." Tails said. "You see, the medication is for my...insides. Help me heal and all that."
"Oh...  So you were gonna tell me what is going on."
Tails walked over to Cream and held her hand out, balling a fist except for her pinkie finger, she held it to Cream. "Pinkie promise me...that you won't hate me or completely freak out...please?"
"Trust me, it can't be worse than my finding out you're a girl.  So unless you're dying, nothing can be worse than telling me you're a girl."
Tails withdrew her hand and tried to calm herself a little and it was a good 40 seconds of silence before she finally spoke. "....I'm pregnant..."
"Yes...Pregnant." Tails said. "I'm having a baby..." Cream wanted to comment on this, but she fainted instead.
Tails made sure to catch her first before she fell and rested her on her bed. "Oh dear...I expected something but she took this like I did..." She said.
Blaze walks into the room.  "Tails are you--What the hell happened to Cream?"
"I dealt her a horrid mental blow..." Tails replied.
"Well, bring her along with us.  Vanilla and Marine have decided to come along." Blaze assured Tails.
"Um, Blaze...could you pick her up instead of me? I was told not to overexert myself." Tails asked.
"Sure." and Blaze went over to Cream.
"Hey, we're gonna eat after we get Tails happy drugs." said Marine.  "What's up with Cream?"
"It appears that she fainted." Blaze answered.
Should I tell them whilst they are here? Tails thought. Cream fainted, only delaying what possible reaction that will come. She looked at the girls.
The girls left the room and went into the elevator.  "I wonder what we're gonna eat." said Marine.
Vanilla was holding Cream.  "Hopefully something nice.  I'm tired of pizza." said Blaze.
Cream finally came around.  "Tails... I'm so sorry." she said.  "I didn't know you were pregnant."
And a shiver ran down Tails spine. I knew this'd happen... She thought.
The elevator soon stopped and opened up.  Blaze's hands were fully flamed as she ran out of the elevator. And Cream was helping Marine to her feet as she had fainted from the news.  "No one tells Amy." said Vanilla.
"How are you not shocked by this?!" shouted Cream.
"I was the first one to guess this."
"Blaze completely wigged out..." Tails said. "And Marine's completely out of it also..." She began to cry silently. "Telling Sonic will be the hardest of all. I don't know how I'm going to be able to handle all this."
"You have us to help you handle it." Cream assured Tails.
Tails fell to her knees and cried, Vanilla and Cream trying their best to console her.

Meanwhile, Blaze was still on a mad dash, trying to take in the news. However, all of a sudden someone grabbed her arm and halted her completely before throwing her onto her ass.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you just saw a ghost." Said the voice of a familiar dark hedgehog.
"I'm sorry, I had a big shock okay?" Blaze replied, standing up.
"Do you mind cooling off? Isn't it your current duty to look after Tails? I highly doubt Cream, Vanilla and that raccoon are going to halt an assault from the doctor."
"If it's my duty, why are you still overseeing, huh?"
"If I didn't, would you have gone back anytime soon?" No reply from the lavender cat. "I thought not. Do what you want, I'll be sure to watch her from a distance, since you're just as incompetent as that blue hedgehog." And Shadow walked passed Blaze.
"Don't you dare say anything about Sonic! He's a better hedgehog and hero than you'll ever be!" Blaze barked at him.
"Hah! I don't want to be a hero. And If he's so much better than me..." And Shadow turned his head with a sly grin, his usual
cockiness showing. "Then where is he now? Looking after the one who needs him the most? Or moping in a corner somewhere? Some hero he turned out to be." And Shadow walked on, leaving the Cat speechless, but angry.

Back with the girls, Tails finally cooled down and Marine was rested on a bench.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so emotional these days." Tails apologized.
"Mood swings." Cream and Vanilla said.
"Don't they usually rotate around Anger, Sadness, over happiness and all sorts of others? All I've had is misery and fake happiness..." Tails replied.
"It's not your fault." said Vanilla.
"I hope Blaze doesn't turn out to be a big mouth."
"We better get going." said Vanilla.
"Shall we try to wake Marine first?" Tails asked.
'I'll just carry her." Cream answered.
"Krickey... that was a weird happening." said Marine.  "Tails, you really dropped a bomb on me, luv."
" dropped it...I was gonna give it to you later." Tails replied, coyly.
"So, where did Blaze run off too?"
"Right here." and Blaze shows up on cue.  "Well, I had to check my temper, but I'm fine now.  Tails, I hope you don't hate me for my actions as of late."
"Actually, I was worried I'd be hated..." Tails replied. "But, despite the feinting or running off, everyone's been very good about this whole thing. I don't hate you though."
"Well, I just have to understand that you're a girl now... and have to go through all the female priorities."
"In all fairness, I don't really understand myself, It's been nearly 2 weeks, and I still haven't gotten used to the fact than I'm....that I'm..." Tails then just changed subject. "Can we just go get my medication please?"
From atop a roof stood Shadow, arms folded looking down on the 5. Prove to me. Show me that you're not worthless. Meanwhile, I'm going to have another word with this so called 'hero'. And Shadow walked off.

The girls made it to the Pharmacy and Tails went to the counter to get her meds. After picking up her meds, Tails walked back to the girls and they left the pharmacy. "So, did you decide on our food?" Tails asked.
"Let's have Steak and salad." Vanilla answered.
"Do you think I'll be able to stomach it?" Tails stretched. "Never mind, might as well try. I'm for it."
"And there's always salad if you can't." said Marine.
"True. Well, let's go eat." So the girls went to find the restaurant.
After they got something to eat and had medial chatter about this and that and generally had a good time. They returned to Vanilla's place for a well earned rest.

About 1am in the morning, Tails was still
awake, sat in the dark looking at the roof.
"The reactions today were too much and they don't even end yet..." She said to herself. "There's no way I can even imagine how bad Sonic will react..."

Tails got out of bed and wiped her face. She stood up and put on some of her warmest clothing, slipped her shoes on and carefully walked out of her room. Marine was sleeping on the couch and it appeared as though Blaze had fallen asleep in the window. Tails quietly walked into the living room and saw the spare key to the house. She took it and walked to the door.
A little fresh air won't hurt... And Tails left the house quietly.

She walked to the elevator and pushed the button for it, it wasn't long before she was in, out and then left the building. She walked for a while, not knowing where she was going, but she just kept walking.

It wasn't long before she found herself sat on a park bench, listening to the noises of the night.
How am I going to tell How will he take it? What will I do if he can't handle this either, he's avoiding me as it is. I wish I knew what to tell him. Someone please give me a sign or something...
It wasn't too long after her train of thoughts, she heard people. I guess I should get back to the place before I'm... Then the people came into veiw.
"99 bottles of bear on the wall...99 bottles of beer!" They sang.
It's Knuckles and the Chaotix. She thought.Vector slouched over and fell on Tails slightly, but not enough that'd knock her over, but leaning on her drunkenly.
"Hey there foxy lady, how'd you like to..*hic*..come to our place and we can party!" He said in a very drunken voice. Tails had to hold her nose from his drink breath.
"No thanks, Vector. I'm not into that kind of fun."
"How do you know my...*hic* name, foxy?"
"That's right, you don't recognise me when you're off your head..."
"Hey, Tails." Knuckles said. "Don't worry,
I'm relatively sober, tipsy though." Knuckles walked over and got Vector off of Tails. "Hey man, back off, she's too young for you."
"Aww, I thought I was gonna see some action.." Vector moaned, then fell on his ass.
"Vector, you shouldn't drink so much." Tails said.
"I'll get as want as I drunka be." Vector drunkenly commented.
"So, Tails. What are you doing out here?" Knuckles asked.
"Just getting some air." Tails replied. "I'm going through a lot and needed to think."
"Hey, Knuxy, how do ya know this sex bomb?" Vector asked. "I thought you wanted to...*hic*..fuck the bat girl."
"What?! I never said such a thing!" Knuckles barked. Tails started to giggle.
"But you were talking about how you stuffed your 'sacred guardian rod' in her 'jewel sack' just 5 minutes ago." Now Tails was laughing.
"Shut up you idiot!" Knuckles yelled.
"So it's true?" Tails asked.
"N-.." Knuckles was going to say no, but Vector spoke first.
"He was talking about how she cooed at all his awesome motions. How the 'great guardian of the Master Emerald made her weak.'" Now Tails was nearly wetting herself laughing.
"Okay, that does it!" And Knuckles leaped on Vector and began to beat him up. Tails stepped back and watched them scrap.
It appeared this wasn't going to end soon, so Tails took her leave.

When she got back to Vanilla's place, she took the key and carefully turned it, entering the door and closing it quietly. She walked into the living room and put the key back before returning to her room. She opened the door and quietly entered and closed it. She turned to her bed and there Cream was.
"Huh? Cream?" Cream turned around to look at Tails.
"Hi...Tails...where were you?" She asked, Tails saw the tears on her face.
"I just...went for a walk. Why are you crying?"
"I had a bad dream..." Cream cried. "I dreamt that you expanded and exploded and I couldn't do anything, then I came to see you and you were gone.." She then cried aloud and Tails quickly went over to her and hugged her, petting her head.
"There, there, Cream. I'm still here, see? Don't cry okay?"
"I thought you were gone! I was so sad and scared, please don't leave me, please..."
"I won't leave, Cream. Not permanently anyway."
"I don't want you to be gone." Cream cried.
"Please don't cry anymore, okay, Cream?"
It took a few more minutes for Cream to calm down.
"Feeling better now?" Tails asked, the two were sat on the bed, backs against the wall.
"Where did you go?" Cream asked.
"I just went to the nearby park to think. I didn't go far." Tails said. "I needed some air and time to think. I bumped into Knuckles and Vector, Espio too, but he didn't say anything. Vector on the other hand spilt a looot of Knuckles big secrets." Tails chuckled.
"Like what?"
"Like his massive crush on Rouge, and how he molests her quite severely in his imagination." Tails replied. "Or as Vector put it... 'stuffed his 'sacred guardian rod' in her 'jewel sack' and how the 'great guardian of the Master Emerald made her weak.' I found it quite amusing with his drunken words." Tails explained.
Cream giggled.  "Drunken fools don't lie." she said.
"Tipsy ones do though, Knuckles was sober enough to deny at least." Tails said. "Are you feeling better now? I'm not combusted and I am still here with you now."
"A little."
"That's good." Tails gave Cream a friendly and comforting hug. "No more crying, okay?"
"I'll try."
Tails let Cream go. "You ready to try and go back to bed now? Or do you want to stay here now?"
"What I want.... you probably can't give me."
"What?" Tails asked, taken aback.
"I want...."
Tails listens intently. "You want?"
"I... want... just don't leave me." and Cream went back into crying.
"Oh, Cream..." And Tails pulled the young doe into a hug. "I won't leave, okay?" I guess I have to cancel going to Rouge's... She thought. She stroked Creams head softly. Tails tried to gently rock the rabbit to help sooth her. I don't like seeing Cream like this...It upsets me too...
"I... can't take it anymore...." Cream was practically losing her wits.
"What can't you take?" Tails asked, continuing to sooth the poor rabbit.
"Us... like this.... I can't do it." Cream was very distraught.
"Then tell me how I can help you." said Tails.
"I.... I...."
"I won't know if you don't tell me."
"If I can tell you I'm pregnant, you can tell me what you need of me."
"I want...."  Cream was at the verge of losing it.  "I want to wake up from this nightmare... but, it's real."
"Tails... I want you to help me."
"Tell me how I can help you."
"Just... just hold me."
"I can hold you, Cream."
"Please, hold me."
Tails brought Cream close to her, but not too close to her chest.  "Tell me what you'd like from me."
"For starters... how about head?"
"Wait, what?" Tails was shocked.
"Head.... give me head." Cream answered.  "We can start there and work on things from that point."
"Well... okay, I guess."
"I knew you wouldn't do it."
"No, no, I'll do it.  But do you want to sit on the edge, or what?"
"...I'll lay back on the bed."

With that said, Cream lay back in bed and waited for Tails.