Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Chapter 20

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Sorry for the delay people, what with the work we've been having and what not, we've not had as much time to write and proof read as we'd have liked to. But, after a long wait, here is the chapter you've all waited for, hopefully you'll be satisfied. Please enjoy!
The door opens to see Vanilla with a smile on her face.  "Looks like your date went well." she said.  "Come on in you two."
Shadow and Tails walk inside carrying their stuffed dolls.  This wasn't so bad. Thought Tails.  Shadow still needs a bit of work, but at least it was a good first date.
"So, how was your first experience of Twinkle Park?" asked Vanilla.
"Enjoyable." Shadow replied.
"And what all did you do?"
"Played a few games, broke one of them, watched a live Chao show, had some food, rested in a Chao Garden and shared a couples cake." Shadow replied with a smile. "Personally, my favourite part was the cake."
"Couple's cake with Tails and enjoyed it?  It's official; we're seeing the softer side of Shadow the Hedgehog."
"If I was to be more specific, the highlight of the day was what happened just before getting the cake."
"And that was...."
Shadow then tapped his own nose, as if to say 'I'm not telling.'
"Really...  I didn't expect you to actually blow a load at the park, but I see I'm wrong."
"Ask Tails if you must know." Shadow shrugged.
"Shadow wants me to give him some." said Tails as she stuck out her tongue.
"I figured you'd say that." Shadow said. "Well, that wasn't what I had in mind, but hey, I can go along with that." And clicked his fingers before he stuck his tongue out in return.
Yup, he wants it bad. Thought Vanilla.
"But I'm not putting out on the first date." said Tails.
Good girl.
"I may have to pull out the Magic Naked Apron though."
"I never expected you to put out on the first date." Shadow said. "Then again, I never expected you to accept the date in the first place, so I'm contented for now."
"Overall, what can you say about your date on the date?" asked Vanilla.
"Hmm, Tails was absolutely lovely, there was one moment she was unhappy, but a certain out-of-business vendor is to blame for that. I thought it was great though." Shadow rubbed his chin in thought. "I should have kept that bell as a trophy..." He muttered.
Tails giggled.  "Shadow was cute and a bit sly.  He still needs work on dates, but did good for the first one." Tails answered.
And Cream finally appeared. "Hey Tails." She said, noticing the fox was here. "How was the date? Did Shadow screw up?" She asked.
"He did," Tails answered.  "I had to remember that he's not used to us girls in cases like this, but it was otherwise fine."
"I see, so no 'special treatment' then?" And Cream giggled.
"Aww, too bad Shadow." Cream teased. Shadow simply shrugged, but didn't say anything.
"Is there something I should know?" Tails asked.
"Nope, It's just something I said to mom after you left." And Cream stuck her tongue out.
"If I find out there's some odd mess going on around here behind my back, I'm gonna be pretty mad."
"Trust me, it's between me and Mom, Shadow's as oblivious as you are." Cream giggled. "So, is the park still intact?"
"It's still in one piece.  Anyway Vanilla, can we speak in the back, I wanna discuss something with you." said Tails.
"Sure, let's go." said Vanilla and the two go into the back.
"Need any more help with her?" Cream whispered to Shadow.
"Maybe, but I'm alright for now." Shadow replied.
"Suit yourself."
"Why, what do you think I need help with?"
"Nothing.  You'll ask when you need it."
"That I shall. Thanks for the previous information." Shadow said, before patting Cream on the head.
Vanilla and Tails walk back into the front room.  "So you saw Muri at Twinkle Park with Kirika, I hope they were doing okay." said Vanilla.
"Yeah.  Muri is big too, like a miniature cloud." Tails said. "By the way, how is my place coming along?"
"Still in the works from what I hear." Vanilla answered, obviously a lie.
"So, what are you going to do from here?" asked Cream.
"Not sure, but I do plan on going back to see Sonic." Tails answered.
"Let him know about what we discussed." said Vanilla.
"Sure." Tails nods.
"And Shadow, when you're done running around, I have a few choice words for you."
"Is that so? Is that your way of saying come back later, or do you have time to tell me now?" Shadow replied.
"Come back after you take Tails home." Vanilla answered.
"Come on, we better go." said Tails.
"Okay." Shadow replied. "Talk to you later then, Vanilla." He said.
Shadow and Tails take their leave and head for the elevator. "I wonder what she wants to say..." Shadow said.
"Not sure." said Tails.  "Probably has something to do with her chaos emerald."
"Perhaps." Shadow said. "I'm glad you had a nice time, by the way. I hope we can have more fun soon."
"Yup." said Tails.
They waited for the elevator, but it was packed up with people and no one appeared to want to get off on this floor.
"So, stairs?" asked Tails.
"Or, I can shift some of these people..." Shadow replied.
"Okay." And the two head for the stairs.
So the two begin the long flights of stairs, and when they hit the second flight, a certain Armadillo notices them. "Oh, hello again, Ma'am. I hope you're okay from our last encounter. I'm really sorry for what happened." Mighty said whilst bowing to Tails.
"We're fine, but thanks for your concern." Tails said.
"It was my fault, I'm glad there was no harm done." Mighty said. Shadow simply lifted an eyebrow, but stayed quiet. "Good day to you." and Mighty continued up the stairs.
Shadow and Tails continue down the stairs and finally reach the bottom. Shadow looks to Tails. "You okay?" He asked.
"I'll manage." Tails answered.
"Okay." And the two continue out the building and head in the direction of Sonics' place. "Is there anything I can do for you at all?"
"I'll tell you."
"Okay." Shadow said, as the two continued walking.

Shadow and Tails arrive at Sonic's, and Tails let's herself in.
"Hey, Sonic.  You busy with stretches?" asked Tails.
Sonic lifts up from the sofa. "Nope, watching the tube. So, how awful was the date? Bet Shad was a real annoying one." He teased, standing up and walking over. Shadow got a little angry at this, but it didn't show on the outside.
"He did good for his first date." said Tails.  "We did a lot better than your run with Amy at Twinkle Park."
"Oh, please. It was good that I managed to lose her in there. Shame about the robot thing though." Sonic shrugged. Shadow grinned though.
"So it was a date after all..." Tails grinned.
"Nooo, she was running from that...Oh never mind, I give up. There's been another 'hoax' about your gender, Tails. People are getting more reports, but the media still doesn't buy it." Sonic said.
"I should get back and see what Vanilla wants, but I'll come and find you later sometime, Tails." Shadow said to the Fox.
"Okay, see ya." said Tails.
Shadow hugs Tails briefly before he warps off. Sonic scratched his head. "He's friendly...don't see that often..." He said.
"It's his 'softer side' as Vanilla pointed out." said Tails.  "Speaking of her, she wanted me to discuss something with you."
"Oh?" Sonic questioned. "Well, take a load off and I'll get something to snack on." He said, before speeding off into the kitchen. "Anything you want?" He called.
"Just a honey bun."
"Gotcha!" Sonic called again, Tails took a seat and Sonic wasn't long with food and came out, taking a seat next to her.
"Now, what's going on with you and Amy?" Tails asked as she took her honey bun.
"I had a few choice words with her after she attacked Tikal. Other than that, nothing." Sonic replied, before he opened a large packet of chilli flavoured crisps.
"Go on."
"I told her to get help. And that I don't want to be with someone who'll attack their own friends."
"So you were contemplating a relationship with her?"
"Nope." Sonic replied, without hesitation. "I'm not interested in relationships yet. I like my freedom." Sonic had another handful of crisps. "She was basically begging me to impregnate her, and I won't do it."
"So you basically led her on then?"
"I never did that either." Sonic said. "I always thought I made it perfectly clear I had no interest, but she persisted. So in a way, she led herself on."
"You just do that to shut her up then?" and Tails bit into her honey bun.
"The only impressions that I might give her are when I save her from Eggman, but then again, I save all my friends from Eggman. I don't lead her on in anyway shape or form. If I did that, I wouldn't run away so much whenever she pops up." Sonic then finished his crisps, zipped off and returned with another pack in less than 3 seconds.
"Well, she's a nervous wreck because of it.  Aside from wanting to move away and killing herself, Amy is practically losing it.  Almost worse then you did when this whole mess started.  The mess with me, I mean."
Sonic sighed. "Fine, I'll talk to her. But I'm still not interested in cherry popping, marrying, dating or giving her babies..."
"Fine, but consider getting yourself a shagging partner."
"I don't want one." Sonic said. "I prefer my freedom."
"Don't look at me, it's what Vanilla said."
"Vanilla, she can't help but 'set people up', can she?"
"You act like you'll have to deal with the 'hammer swinging Amy' this time, Sonic."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, perhaps I'll see if Blaze or Tikal are up for it." Sonic said. "But not Amy, she'll get the wrong idea. I don't want a relationship."
"Just don't pull a Silver." and Tails stuck out her tongue.
"I'm not gay."
"But anyway, what hoax was it this time?"
"Same one. More people have sighted you, thinking you're not Miley Inari." Sonic said. "The media don't buy it though."
"What are they saying now?"
"It was some random town sighting, some people claim it's impossible for you to be a living cosplayer of Tails, so they are convinced you are really you and are really female."
"Aha.  Maybe I should take Marine's worries about that tipster to heart.  Thanks for telling me, Sonic."
"Not a problem." Sonic replied, after a short time, he let out a laugh. "Hey, perhaps you can be my fuck-buddy, it'd shut Amy up at least." He joked, clearly.
"That's what set her off in the first place."
"And, you make it sound like the reaction would be different if I had a different fuck buddy."
"Amy thinks you're Lavender's father."
"That's bull and she knows it..."
"Whatever the case, I already know how everything's going."
"In all fairness, that makes me sound like a horny rat." Sonic said. "If I was the father, I would have had to have sex with you the same day you got violated, since you found out the day after." Sonic explained. "Sorry for opening old wounds." Sonic then had another handful of crisps. "So how's everything going?"
"I told Vanilla about our date in two words, she said to have Sonic find a shag partner and to talk to Amy, and then there was the last part...."
"In two words?"
"Those words?"
"Not the point."
"Okay. So, the last part?"
"All of this is over the last emerald." Tails' ears drooped.
"What do you mean?"
Vanilla said she's having Shadow court me for the emerald."
Sonic's jaw dropped. " mean, Shadow's playing you just to get a hold of the last emerald?" He asked.
"No, Vanilla won't let Shadow have it unless we go through a bit of courting."
That son of a...So he's doing this just to get that emerald, huh? Perhaps I should give him a pieceof my mind! And Sonic stood up and stretched. "I see, well. I'm gonna head out for my daily run, think you can look after the place on your own for a few minutes?" He asked.
"I think this is Vanilla's plan, not Shadow's.  But don't do anything rash."
"Like I said, just a run." And Sonic dashed out of the house, his unfinished packet of crisps landing neatly on the sofa.
"I'll be here.  Catch you later, Sonic."

Sonic sped off and headed into the city.
He said he was heading to Vanilla's so I know where he is... He thought, as he chose his destination.

Meanwhile, Shadow had stopped in the middle somewhere and was contemplating going to Rouge's or Vanilla's first. Then he heard the
familiar sneaker-hit-floor speed of Sonic's and turned, only to get smashed in the face by a fist and sent flying into a nearby wall. After the dust settled, Sonic was stood where Shadow was previously, and Shadow wiped his mouth from the punch and stood up.
"Spoiling for a spar, I see..." said Shadow.
"How dare you?!" Sonic barked. "I can't believe you'd go so low as to toy with Tails to get a Chaos Emerald!"
"Vanilla told you about this, didn't she?"
"No! Tails did!" Sonic replied. "I can't believe that's all you're in it for!"
"What's your problem?"
"You're my problem! As if Tails hasn't got enough to go through without you toying with her. It's a good thing she doesn't give a shit about you enough to be heartbroken, at least I hope not! You'd better stay away from Tails if all you're in it for is that Chaos Emerald. I don't care if you never lay your hands on it, I won't let you hurt my best friend!"
"You have it all wrong." said Shadow.
"Is that right?" Sonic questioned, still angry. "What exactly do you want those emeralds for, anyway?!"
"Do you think you can believe me if I were honest with you about getting the last emerald?"
"So you are just after the last emerald?! Stay away from Tails, you and Vanilla sort out your own way of an exchange, but leave Tails out of it! I have a few choice words for her as well."
"You idiot, I'd rather grab that emerald another way.  But Vanilla wants me to plough into her before I can get it.  I'd rather fight her for it than have to involve our fox's heart into things.  I'm doing all of the dating because I want to and because I care.  I'll let her tell me when I can 'nail her' as the slang goes."
"Yeah right. As if you're one to care about anyone but yourself." Sonic snapped. "That's how you've always been, why should now be any different? Keep away from Tails!"
"So I'm not allowed to change?!"
"Perhaps you are trying to change, perhaps I am mistaken. But the way things are turning out at the moment, chances are you're just as selfish as always."
"Have you ever thought that I just might take a liking to the mother-to-be?  Everyone is on good terms with 'Miley', so why can't I?  Must I be the one that has to constantly be the lone wolf, who only has rivals and a solitary life.
"Maybe for once, you would think that I would like to be friendly with someone who's actually real?  The only friend I have is Omega, but I would like to have an 'inner circle' myself, not just some line."
"Then prove it to me." Sonic said. "Because until this whole rule to get the emerald drops, I'm not convinced." And Sonic dashes off.
Shadow skates after and manages to catch Sonic's fast feet.  "So lemme get this straight, you wanna get mad at me for trying to branch out to the one person that everyone can depend on?" he asked.  "You really are shallow.  If you feel so protective of 'lil sis', then you plow her." And Sonic went to punch Shadow a second time. Shadow laughed as he took the blow.  "That's the reason, you're mad because I'm with her.  It eats away at you like acid to think she'd give me the time of day and not you.  But then again, you have worse luck with women than I do.  Maybe we should go for drinks sometime and make a toast to our woman troubles." he continued to taunt the blue hedgehog.
"To think I considered you a friendly rival, a friend. But no, you're just a second rate fake hedgehog!" Sonic barked. "Tails is like my little sister, that's how it shall stay. I don't have woman troubles because I don't want them! I prefer my freedom and will settle down when I want to and no sooner. I don't like the idea of you toying with Tails heart when she's already got so much to deal with."
"So if I call her and ask if you've wanted to get some from her, she'll tell me 'no'?"
"Fuck off, Shadow." And Sonic continued running, in the direction of Vanilla's it appeared.
Shadow let Sonic go.  You stupid bastard....  I hope you get chewed out. he thought and skates off.
Sonic arrived at Vanilla's place and was about to knock, however a ball of light appeared and circled him. "What?" He questioned, then in a blinding light, he vanished.
Shadow warped into Club Rouge and he was none-too-happy.
"Hey, just in time.  I need your help with a few things." said a shocked Rouge.
"Find another errand boy." Shadow retorted. "I'm not in the mood." And into the corner Shadow goes.
"Well, okay then.  Just lemme know when you want a drink... on the house."
"Get me something hard, then if you're not too busy, you can pull up a seat and tell me what you want and I'll consider it."
"One Heavy Slug, coming up."
Rouge makes her drink, then Omega appears.  "WHAT IS YOUR PROGRESS ON CURRENT MISSION ELIMINATE HOSTILE MOOD?" Omega asked Shadow.
"Was doing well, until that blue moron decided to sucker punch me." Shadow replied.
"I mocked him, but he was the one throwing punches. It was a funny thing to see." Shadow laughed.
"I didn't fight back if that's what you mean."
Rouge came over with the Heavy Slug.  "Here's your drink." she said.
"Thanks." And Shadow took the drink. "Fuckin' Sonic, who does he think he is. And I have a few choice words of my own for Vanilla." Then Shadow looks at Omega. "Just to prove a point, here." And Shadow takes the Red Chaos emerald and throws it to Omega.
"DOES NOT COMPUTE." said Omega.
"Vanilla told Tails that I'm trying to sleep with her solely for the ownership of the chaos emerald she current possesses. This is not the case, so to prove it. I'll remove all but one chaos emerald from my possession." Shadow replied.
"Well, it won't go anywhere as long as Omega has it." said Rouge.
"It's not in my possession, and stops the Doctor from getting it also." Shadow said, before throwing the Purple one to Rouge.
"I'm glad I didn't have to ask for one."
"Humph." Shadow said. "If they truly believe that I care only about these emeralds, this is my way of proving them wrong." He said. "Perhaps I should just move back to the ARK, people won't let me change, so why should I stick around?"
"Because of your promise to Maria."
"Like I can fulfil letting people be happy when I'm not allowed to be."
"What Omega is trying to say," Rouge cut Omega off, "is that you have to learn how to be patient."
"Heh, I guess. It's not like Sonic can kill me for going against his threats." Shadow drank his drink and put it on the table. "So, what do you need me for?" He asked Rouge.
"Just a few placement things, I'll be opening up the club tomorrow night." Rouge answered.
"Hm, fine." Shadow said. "I shall go and see Vanilla first though, she wanted to talk about something."
"Try not to get your neck rung." Rouge cautioned.  "Only her late husband was able to beat her using force."
"She said she had some choice words for me. I don't intend to fight her or anything." And Shadow warps off.
"Let's hope not."
Sonic opened his eyes to find himself in old mystic ruins. "What the...Where am I? One minute ago I was outside Vanilla's door..." He said to himself. "Looks like the old mystic ruins, and if I know that light, Tikal brought me here." Sonic said. "Why, I wonder."
"Because you're letting your anger get the better of you, and we all know what happens when you get too angry." Tikal said from behind him.
"Let me out of this place, I have a rabbit
that needs talking to."
"You need to get in check first."
"Do you even know what Vanilla is having Shadow do?! I won't let them sit around and tear into Tails heart; it's not something I'm going to tolerate." Sonic told Tikal.
"What is Vanilla having Shadow do?" asked Tikal, lying to Sonic.
"She's trying to 'court' him with Tails in exchange for the last Chaos Emerald." Sonic told her. "I mean seriously, would you stand for that? He's only trying to get closer to Tails for a chaos emerald. What if she turns out to really like him, he'll break her like glass and I won't let him do it."
"That's funny, because Vanilla figures that Amy should watch you nail some girl to finally come to terms about you not wanting a relationship with her."
"Yeah, I got that as well. What is with that rabbit and thinking she has the right to manipulate everything? It's not on, I don't want a relationship and she has no right involving Tails in a trade with Shadow. That'd be like me saying I'd hand you over to a science organisation to experiment on you, for an infinite amount of Chilli Dogs, sure the Chilli Dogs would be nice, but I just wouldn't do it."
"That, and I'd be able to escape easily." and Tikal giggled.  "The point is that Vanilla wants Shadow to express his true feelings to Tails.  And let's face it, while you were away, Shadow was the one Tails had to rely on."
"That's not the point, he's only in it for the emerald." Sonic retaliated, but his tone was low, meaning he was slowly giving in.
"Idiot.  And how do you think he feels deep down?"
"I....I don't know. He's not really the type who socialises, like he said, his only friend is Omega and despite the fact he says he's over it and moved on, he's still obsessed about Maria."
"Do you think he'd be happy to give a stiff one to Tails?"
Sonic gritted his teeth. "What makes you think I want to know?"
"That same expression is how Shadow feels.  I know, he turned down head from me when I was in the hospital after an Amy beatdown."
"Shadow turned down head?"
"Yeah, so he's probably dreading the fact that he has to court Tails."
"How so?"
"Hello, he didn't want my mouth.  What makes you think he wants Tails' pussy?"
"You think he's gay?"
"No, but He doesn't wanna do any sexual favours for anyone."
"Hmm...Well, maybe he's kinda like me. Just doesn't want to settle down or something..." Sonic said, going into thought.
"You two should have drinks and pretzels over that."
"No way."
"Fine... I guess you two could.... no, that won't work either."
"If you mean anything in a gay sense, then no, that won't work..." Sonic narrowed his eyes.
"Actually I was gonna say you can coax Tails into a threesome, but if you wanna be butt pirates..."
"You're crossing a very bad line, Tikal..."
"Fine, I'm sorry." and Tikal bowed.  "If you truly are Tails' big brother, and if Shadow truly does love her, then you'll have to accept these feelings."
"Apology accepted. What are your thoughts on the matter, you said you spoke to Shadow. So what do you think?"
"I think he should be able to have someone."
"Do you think he does love her though?"
"I haven't seen, so I can't say.  But he has feelings for Tails, and strong ones at that.
"You should take Shadow's feelings for Tails into consideration before you rush into things.  Pregnant mothers don't need so many things stressing them."
"Well...she doesn't need to be heart broken too, so what if that is just his motive, grab the emerald and leave, you know?"
"Sometimes, a man will change for a girl or woman..."
Sonic didn't reply. Maybe Iwas a bit rash... He thought.
"Give them time."
"Yeah...I guess I should..." Sonic said. "I should get back to Tails, before she gets worried."
"And ask her forgiveness for trying to run up on Vanilla." Sonic didn't reply. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah." Sonic said. Tikal nodded.  "Okay, now close your eyes..." Sonic does so. "Now, sing Happy Happy Joy Joy." Sonic sings the song. In a flash of light, Sonic was back at his house.
But he was still singing, so Tails looked at him and lifted an eyebrow.
"You okay?" Tails asked.
Sonic was startled and fell over. "Oh shishkabob!" He said. Then looked around. "Looks like I am back already." He looked at Tails. "Oh, heya Tails." He said.
"What's with the music?"
"Long story short, Tikal took me to 'happy land." Sonic said, before he sped over and sat on the sofa, back to his crisps.
"At least you didn't have to do that one song like Rouge did."
"I heard about that." And Sonic shuddered.
"Did you bring back anything to eat?"
Was I meant to?" Sonic asked.
"Oh, Tails. I'm sorry." Sonic said.
"It's okay.... just as long as you didn't do anything rash."
"Well, that's the thing, I kinda punched Shadow...and was gonna have a word with Vanilla when Tikal took me to that world." Sonic scratched his head. "I wasn't thinking."
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."
Sonic sighed. "I gotta know, Tails. What do you feel for Shadow, if anything?"
"He wants to be with me, or so he says..."  Tails gives a sigh.  "Then as soon as I figure him out he says the one thing that really makes me wanna cry, even though I hold back my tears."
"Like what?"
"That... he wants... he wants to be Lavender's father."
Sonic's jaw dropped again. "That's not something I expected..."  he said. "But, what does that make you wanna cry?"
"I guess it's just the fact that..." tears begin to swell in Tails' eyes.  "I'm gonna be a single mom raising a baby with the help of everyone, but... Shadow... Shadow wants to make sure she has two parents in her life." and Tails began her cry. Sonic pulled Tails into a hug, and rubs her arm gently. "Shhhh..." He soothed her. "That's not a bad thing is it?"
"No..." Tails answered through her cry, "but I don't know how to respond to that."
"Hey, Tails. Do you know what I do when I don't know the answer to something?" Sonic said to her.
"Run places or eat chilidogs."
"Yes. And do you know why I do that, rather than seek the answer?"
"It's because I don't need to seek the answer. If the question is important enough, the answer will find you." Sonic said. "You'll see, it'll all work out. One day, you'll just know what you want, and if you want Shadow to be the father of your baby, then so be it, right?"
"I... I guess so."
Sonic pat Tails head. "You'll see. It'll all work out."
"Okay.  So, how about those pancakes?"
"We were doin' pancakes?" Sonic questioned.
"Will you make some for your niece?"
Sonic chuckled and leaned down to Tails belly. "Of course I will." He said, before giving it a kiss and speeding off to the kitchen and in seconds he was prepped to make pancakes.
Shadow appeared outside Vanilla's door. I'll bring the subject up perhaps, but I'll choose my words carefully. Let's see what she has to say. He thought as he knocked on the door.
To Shadow's dismay, Cream answered the door.  "Hey Shadow, what's going on?" she asked.
"Is something going on? Vanilla wanted me to come back as soon as I dropped Tails off to Sonic..." Shadow replied.
"Oh, come on in." Shadow then nodded and walked in and again looked around the room, whilst he waited. "Can I get you a drink?"
"No thanks, I had something before I came." Shadow replied.
"Okay." Vanilla comes out and looks at Shadow.  Her expression is straight, but says nothing.
"You had something you wanted to say to me?" Shadow questioned, looking at Vanilla.
"Just so you know, I told Tails about the chaos emerald situation."
"Oh, you needn't worry, I've already been well informed." Shadow narrowed his eyes. "And that certain blue hedgehog was not the nicest about it either, I'm curious as to how his rant went with you, also."
"That's none of your concern, but his rashness got him the boot with authority."
"Uh huh." Shadow said. "I figured I'd have some choice words for you as well. However, I've decided against it. And it's not because of fear, before you make that assumption. Tails was bound to find out eventually, so it's better it's earlier than later. I just hope it hasn't damaged my chances too much."
"Did Sonic ruin that?"
"Oh, I've been given warnings to keep away from Tails. He's a fool if he thinks he can stop me though." Shadow shrugged. "Seeing him angry is so amusing though. There's only one thing that will stop me seeing Tails."
"I see.  Well, whatever the case, you have your work cut out for you."
"You're determined to make this more difficult, aren't you?"
"I figured that Tails should know what's going on.  If you love her like you say you do, then this shouldn't hinder your feelings towards her. Or are you just trying to get between her legs?"
Shadow narrowed his brow. "This doesn't hinder anything." He said. "I'll prove myself one way or the other and just to prove to those who think I'm doing this solely for the Chaos Emerald are sorely mistaken. I only have 4 of them now."
"So why are you doing this?"
"Because I want to. Because I do feel for Tails, whether that's believable or not."
"So be it."
"Anything else you want from me, or shall I leave you to your day now?"
"Here.  Take this and be on your way." and Vanilla tosses the blue chaos emerald to Shadow.
Shadow catches the emerald. "Why the change of mind?" He asked.
"Well, I could give you the emerald after you have sex with Tails, but it only proves that you were in it for the emerald."
Shadow looks at the emerald and then back to Vanilla. "I see. Well, either way, I'm still going to prove myself. See you later." And off he warps.
"And there he goes." and Vanilla returns to her room.
After Shadow left, Tikal appeared in Vanilla's lounge and waved.
"Hello, Vanilla. How are things?" She asked.
"Going fine." Vanilla answered.  "Are you alone?"
"I released Sonic after I had him cool down. How come you told Shadow that you had words with Sonic, when I didn't even let him reach you?"
"You forgot about how Shadow can manipulate time and space.  Now answer my question."
"Yes, I'm alone."
"Why isn't Amy with you?"
"Because I left her in the mystic ruins for a little while."
"Which Mystic Ruins?"
"The old ones." Tikal teased. "She's still in the real world, I'll assure you. She's not stuck in the past."
"Come to my room, I want to discuss something so Cream's ears don't hear all that well."
"As you wish." And Tikal followed Vanilla into her room.
Once the two were inside, Vanilla closed and locked her door, then sat on her bed.  "As you know, Amy feels like Sonic is never going to have her." Vanilla began.  "But she struggles with letting go of him, which is where I have the perfect solution."
"Go on."
"Amy says she's ready to move on with life without Sonic, but her heart says otherwise.  I need to test her to see if she can handle Sonic never accepting her romantically as she has vented over for as long as we both can remember."
"Stop being a 'yes man' and come up with an idea."
"You said you already had a solution..." Tikal replied.
"I'm always open to other's opinions."
"Only solution I can think of is to fixate her to someone who would love her." Tikal replied.
"And how would you go about that?"
"That's where it is flawed."
"Next opinion."
"I said only..."
Nothing on the fly?"
"Only seducing Sonic myself whilst having her watch from somewhere, but I think that's a little too mean."
Vanilla smiled.  "Then let's tape the act and force her to watch it."
"What about your solution?"
"That was my solution.  Have Amy watch Sonic laying pipe in another girl.  I'm a firm believer of tough love, Tikal.  Tough love is what makes Cream a polite and self-reliant individual."
"So, you want me to fuck Sonic and make sure she knows about it?"
"Volunteering yourself, eh?  Are you sure you can handle it if Amy uses her boxercise moves against you in combat?"
"I can take care of myself." Tikal replied. "Amy might have the heart of a maiden in love, but she's genuinely useless without her hammers. I believe you have removed them from her, no?"
"Yes, but the girl can make a hammer out of a tampon."
"She got the better of me in her house only because I didn't expect it. But I'm not going to let my guard down around her again. You could always get Blaze to do it, but I don't think she has the nerves."
"Well, let me know so that I may tape it."
"You do know that if Sonic knows this is to be recorded, he won't do it. You'll need to bug a room or something." Tikal suggested.
"He'll do it.  Just mention giving him a good time.  It's not like you don't have a free vagina."
"I'll probably be able to get him in bed with little trouble. But only if he's oblivious to the real meaning behind it."
"Don't you want Sonic?"
Tikal pouted. "I do." She said. "But he's not going to go along with it if he knows we're recording for the sole purpose of showing Amy. He wants her off his back, yes, but he's too gentle and kind to go through with that knowingly. So I'll have to seduce him under false pretences."
"Then tell him you want to 'spice things up a little', Tikal.  We're women..."
"Keep in mind this will be spur of the moment, so make sure you're ready when you need to be."
"You know my private line...  Oh, and are we still on for the annual gambling day in Casinopolis?"
"Of course." Tikal replied. "I'll send you a text when I'm taking Sonic to do the dirty deed, okay?"
"That works." Vanilla nods.
"If you have any locations better suited for you, tell me now."
"I will call you about them."
"Okay." Tikal said. "I wonder if the girls would like to go out for the day..." She pondered.
"Which day?"
"Tomorrow, perhaps."
"I doubt Rouge will leave her club, but at least you can take Cream."
"Yeah, that's true. Well, anything else you need me for?"
"Just that recipe for that one tribal dessert you make."
"Ah, I'll write that down, got a spare pen and paper?"
"Sure, but let's return to the living room."
Tikal nodded and the two return to the living room, where Cream is happily watching cartoons.
Tikal receives the pen and paper and writes down the recipe in fine detail for Vanilla and then goes over to Cream. "Hey, Cream, do you want to pick up some of the girls and spend a day out?" She asked the doe.
"What day?" asked Cream.
"Today is a bit late I think, so perhaps tomorrow?"
"Sure." and Cream nods.
"Great, I'll come get you about 10 tomorrow morning, or would you prefer to meet the rest of us elsewhere?"
"Well, we can always check up on the other girls too."
"I'll come and get you around 10 and we'll go get the other girls from there. Amy too, depending on how long she's in the woods for." Tikal replied.
"That can work fine.  We can even have lunch together."
"That's the idea. And I wanna play with Tails bump a little bit." Tikal giggled slightly.
"Yeah.  You might get a reaction out of Lavender."
"Sounds like a joy to have life moving inside of yourself. I wonder what it's like." Tikal thought. "Anyway, I better get back to Amy." And Tikal walked off a bit, then looked at Vanilla. "How long is she going to be in the forest for?" She asked her.
"Not too long, just to get a bit of survival skills." answered Vanilla.
"I'll keep her there over night and check on her then." Tikal said. "Well, gotta go. See you tomorrow, Cream." And Tikal turns into a ball of light and floats off.
"I think I'll get to bed now." said Cream.
"Same here." added Vanilla.
So the two headed to their respective rooms for the night.