Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ A Cracked Egg ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, originally, there'd be things I once called `skits' here, but they're against site regulations, so if you want them, ask me, and I'll send them to you personally… they WERE extremely popular on, as they were absolutely hilarious, or so I was told. It's worth getting them, I suppose, if you want a good laugh. ^_-
Here we goooo! Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 4: “A Cracked Egg”
Cream was in heaven. She couldn't believe her luck… here she was, with Tails, on the beach, alone! It was quite simply put, too good to be true.
And get this, just when she thought the scenery couldn't get more perfect, the sky turned a silvery shade, and a light rain started. Perfect! No other word existed to describe this moment, she thought to herself.
“Hehehe… Tails… this is nice.” She stated simply, blushing a light pink. Tails smiled in a way only he could.
“Yeah. it really is…” He said, almost seductively, as his perfectly formed teenage voice seemed to calm the waves. The bunnygirl tittered, and looked shyly into his eyes…
Those eyes, blue as the skies… it was enough to make her wonder if he'd took to the sky so often, that his irises took on their brilliant hue. Cream sat there, admiring them for a moment, and they seemed to get closer, as she found herself drowning in them… Cream knew Tails was moving in to give her that long awaited kiss… she wanted to leap for joy, but at the same time, was completely at ease, and totally captivated…
The distance between their lips lessened, and lessened, until finally, it faded away entirely….!!!!!!!
“Chao! Chao chao! chaaaaaaoooo!” Cheese whined, rousing the the rabbit from her slumber. She drowsily sat up from the couch, wiping her eyes. She wouldn't have realized it, but she looked horribly cute, the fur of her head messed up like that. She always did roll around a lot in her sleep.
(Love scenes [real ones] don't come until waaaaaay later in my story, but Cross Rabbit wanted some now, so I threw in that little dream sequence in, just for her. Yup, it doesn't hurt to make requests people! I know it was unfathomably short, but I hope you enjoyed it, Crossy!)
“Ch… Cheese? What is it…?” the bunny asked herself. Her surroundings slowly blurred back into view. She was in her living room, and the TV was still on.
“Oh… I must have fallen asleep while watching Hamtaro… (CUUUUUTE! @_@ Sorry, that line is just so sweet coming from Cream… as you can see, she's still adorably childish. )… so it WAS just a dream… darn… I thought it might have been real this time…” Cream sulked. She had dreams like that a lot nowadays… they were both nice, and a little sad, since they weren't real. Cream felt lovesick.
“Chao!” Cheese squealed. He was hungry. Cream pushed herself upward onto her rather well formed legs. Slender, but not as much as they used to be, you get it. She walked into the kitchen, and looked for some chao numnums. She opened the fridge and pulled out a piece of the cantaloupe-like fruit from the chao garden in Station Square. She cut it in half, put it on a plate, and set it on a table.
Cheese immediately flew over to it and started snarfing it down. He thanked Cream gleefully, with juices squirting from his little mouth. The spongy ball that floated perpetually above that tiny head morphed into a little heart. Yes, the way to the chao's `heart' was doubtlessly through his stomach.
Cream sighed. Even her peppy little pet couldn't cheer her up when she thought about Tails. Just knowing that he had no clue she even existed. It was strange… no boy she'd ever met seemed to have any trouble whatsoever noticing the bunnygirl… Sonic and Knuckles, (believe it or not) seemed vaguely interested at times. As well as an older Chris. (I'm doing this fic as a mixture of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 as well as Sonic X and the Sonic Advance Series, just so you know.) Not to mention humans of all colors showed curiousity in what it would be like date a girl with long ears. (Just so you know, Cream is, in my story, considered by all to be drop-dead gorgeous.) Yes, it seemed like she was constantly turning members of the opposite sex down… She hated to see the look on their faces when she did, poor little soft-hearted thing.
After a moment, Cream shook herself free of her earlier pessimism. She was being pathetic. Amy was right, she had to strengthen her resolve, and go out there and do something to make that boy notice her!
….But what was there to do? She thought… and she thought some more… she thought until the faculties of her precious little head spun out of socket. Maybe she should call Amy back…? No, she couldn't depend on Amy ALL the time. It was much of the same way Tails used to be with Sonic… then he got stronger. And it wasn't Sonic's strength, nor Sonic's example that strengthened him, it was Tails' own inner strength, unleashing all by itself. Cream really admired that.
“Cheese.” Cream said, her tone of voice shrouded in thought.
“Chao chao!” The chao responded, having finished his meal.
“C'mon. We're going shopping!” She said, doing a cute little pose.
Tails walked back to his workshop slowly, hoping that the insane lady was gone. Around every corner he stuck his head slowly and timidly out, looking left, then right. He did NOT want that woman to know where he lived. By the time he was about half there he sprinted, screaming with nervousness, using his tails like some sort of propellor to propel himself forward more swiftly. He opened and slammed the door of his workshop behind him, letting out a sigh of relief… he was home free.
“Well, it's about TIME you got back, you know I hate waiting!” A voice said from within his residence.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Tails shrieked, his fur standing up on end for a moment.
“…What's bitin' you?” The Sonic inquired, tilting his head. (Yup, that's the great thing about Sonic… he's always on the move, so you can panel him in even if he should be in another place :P)
“Oh… Sonic, it's just you…” Tails said, with vast relief. Sonic gave a disdainful look.
“Peh, good to see you, too.” He said, with a gesture.
“Sorry… I just… Well, it's nothing. What is it you want?” The fox asked.
“I thought you'd never ask! See, Rouge has got me on this wild goose chase, and… well, you know, I don't wanna… so… could you…?” Sonic gently prodded. Tails saw where this was going.
“Nuh-uhh, Mister Hero, I'm not doing you're homework for you. Remember the last time you asked me to do you a favor?” Tails said scornfully, like an adult scolding a child. Sonic sweatdropped at the mention of what was only to be referred to as `the incident'.
“Hey Tails, can you scratch my back?” Sonic asked, trying to reach the confounded itchy spot.
“Uh… but you're a hedgehog…O_o” Tails said, too smart to fall for that.
“Oh, c'mon! They're not THAT sharp! Pleeeeeeeeeaase!” The now weakened hero pleaded.
“But I've seen you cut titanium robots in half with that buzzsaw thingy!” Tails said, coherently.
“I'll give you a HERTZ donut!” Sonic bribed.
“Ohhhh! I wuuuuuuv donuts!” Tails said, naively.
(1 minute later)
“No no no hehe.. uh, it's just a little scrape! It'll stop bleeding in a minute!”
*end flashback*
Tails stared at Sonic with his `I'm smart, you're dumb, now bow before me' look. Sonic sweatdropped.
“Hey, hey! I said I was sorry! I mean, at least you gave me a good Christmas present that year! I loved that backscratcher!” Sonic said, in a poor attempt to squeeze his way out of Tails' inevitable lecture.
“….Sonic, you used that backscratcher as a weapon to try and destroy one of Eggman's robots. And you missed.” The two-tailed titan of logic countered.
“…Hey, wait a minute…” Sonic said, making a deductive gesture. He pointed an accusing finger at his friend. “…Are you saying I have bad aim?!” Sonic said, rather humorously, really. Tails rolled his eyes. Sonic was hopeless sometimes.
“Forget it…” Tails said. Sonic wiped his brow, off the hook for the time.
Tails was too smart for his own good sometimes. And when you screw up, he's bound to give you a really long lecture. There was nothing in the world Sonic hated more than sitting around for hours, confused over a single large word as his friend sputtered sentence after sentence, explaining who knows what to him.
“Heh…” Sonic said, not having much else to add.
“Hey Sonic…” Tails began, gaining Sonic's momentary attention, “You never did give me my HERTZ donut, you know…” He stated. Sonic grinned for no appearant reason.
“Oh, that's right! I DO owe you a HERTZ donut! Hold on just a second!” Sonic said, cocking his starting leg back, and zooming out the door, leaving only skidmarks, dust, and a lot of wind in his wake.
And apparently, Sonic wasn't using any figurative speeches, as he was back within, ask anyone, was doubtlessly a mere second. He was holding a paper bag with a huge grin plastered to his face.
“Sweet! gimme gimme!” Tails said, jumping up and down childishly. (this whole scene is so chibi XD). Sonic reached into the bag…
“Ok, buddy… here's you delicious… scrumptious… taste-bud tantalizing HERTZ donut!” Sonic said, making sure to build up the suspense.
Suddenly, Sonic pulled his gloved fist out of the bag and suckerpunched Tails on his forehead. (not HARD, but just a playful bop)
“Owch! X_X” the flying foxboy peeped, surprised.
“HERTZ… donut?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” The hero guffawed uncontrollably, rolling around on the floor in sheer hysteria.
Tails, however, did not find such an immature gesture even vaguely humorous.
“Ohhh…. SOOOONIIIIIIC…….!!!!” The enraged fox growled, his highly exaggurated anime-like fury shooting up in flames as he gripped the nearest blunt object and raised it in the air violently!
However, Sonic was already gone. Tails sweatdropped.
“Hit and run, huh? I'll get him for this!” The foxboy vowed.
(Just to let you know, this scene was not a serious argument between Sonic and Tails. If it were, it would have been written more seriously. =P They were just goofin' around, like all good friends do. And anyway, the character of Sonic and Tails don't have the right properties to conflict that much. Tails is quite peaceful, and Sonic doesn't generally pick fights, so they rarely argue. They both like to joke around though.)
In another place, a very very different place, the setting was less cartoony, and more hardcore dreary. An empire, it seemed, of steel and bolts, nuts and gears enshrined a criminal mastermind, hidden from the entire world as this maliciously intelligent madman plotted his next scheme. His goal: World domination.
The infamous Dr. Eggman fidgeted with his florescent orange mustache, a sign that the dastardly gears in his brain were hard at work. His jet-black shades flashed in the light mysteriously as a tiny, however profoundly clever robot brought him his super evil… horrible… simply and utterly dreadful…..!!!!
“Ah, my tea!” The so-called `heartless' doctor announced happily as he took it from the metal servant.
The mad scientist sipped from the little pink cup with an uncharacteristic glee, his pinky extended.
“Oh hohoho! Nothing like a good cup of tea! Right, Respondobot34?!” Eggman asked his latest invention, which was crude-looking RC car with a walkie-talkie duck-taped to the top.
“Yes doctor. Nothing like it.” The static covered voice responded. Eggman's robots had gotten considerably more… shoddy. Perhaps he just lacked funds. Perhaps his egg was finally beginning to crack…
Eggman, over the years, had ceased to be a threat, and slowly morphed into nothing more than an annoyance. However, his IQ stood at 300, super genius, so he found his ways to pester the Sonic gang still. They were merely a bit more… erh, indirect.
(by the way, cross the whole `evil fortress of steel and profoundly clever little robot' stuff I said, earlier. I was just being dramatic ;o This was all merely an illusion of Eggman's mind… Eggman's sitting in mechanically altered golf cart that looks like it'll blow any minute, and he's got a little toy from radioshack serving him drinks. Yes! In my story, Eggman's completely and delightfully insane! Oh, also, scratch that IQ 300 part too. Eggman is now mentally retarded. HAHAHA! I'm so evil!)
“Hrrmm. Now, how shall I go about removing that pest, Sonic…?” The doctor thought aloud. A tiny lightbulb appeared above his head.
“I've got it! I'll build a giant robot!” Eggman said, sickeningly happy. The Respondobot34 spinned around on it's wheels.
“Genius. You're a genius.” It stated simply. Eggman let out his ladylike evil-laugh.
“Ain't it the truth??” He said, as he drew a crude blueprint of what was to be his `masterpiece' on a used napkin with a purple crayon. He spelled `big robot' wrong.
“Your plan will get Sonic this time for sure.” The Respondobot34 claimed, completely ignoring the fact that Sonic has managed to destroy every single one of Eggman's generic giant robots in the past, effortlessly.
“HEE HEE HEE! Look out, you little rodent! Eggy's got a NUUUU GIANT ROYBOT! @_@”
(Ok ok, before you FLAME the hell out of me, let me apologize in advance, you Eggman fans out there. I've got nothing against Eggman at all. In fact, I think he's a cool as heck bad guy. I halfway thought about making him one of the good guys in this fic. But you see, half the fic's genre is humor, and I need some, at the very least, desert dry comedy. And c'mon! You gotta admit, this is GOLD! lmao)
A certain flying fox soared through the sky, a mere dot in the air, if you were looking from the ground. He nibbled on half a grilled cheese sandwich as he made his way over Station square, his destination being Amy's apartment. He had no intention of continuing the Hypno Gun, and he really didn't have much to do, so he decided to go to her place and retrieve his Gameboy DS, which she'd had for the longest time.
Yeah, you guessed it, amongst Tails' many talents was a supreme video game-playing ability. He had little time for them, so he ended up letting whoever asked borrow his systems and hand-helds.
His collection included a PS3,(this is set in the future, don't forget.) an X-box 360, and a DS. Although, you couldn't really call it much of a collection seeing as none of the above were currently in his possession. Amy had the last, Chris had the X-box 360, and Sonic `confiscated' the PS3. It was strange. Sonic did LIVE with Tails, after all. Then again, the superintelligent fox never knew when it came to Sonic. He was rather simplistically complex.
The vulpine pilot finished his sandwich and shrugged mid-air. As fast as Sonic was, he had more freedom to go wherever he wanted than even a bird. He'd doubtlessly been all over the world. Tails jogged a lap around Mystic Ruin every morning, so it wouldn't be a surprise if Sonic the Hedgehog ran a lap around the whole country every morning.
Tails arrived at the building where Amy lived. He walked up some stairs, and counted the doors down to room 214. Though, a normal individual wouldn't go by number when finding Amy's apartment, considering that the door was painted pinker than a flamingo.
Tails knocked, hoping to get what he came for and leave before the Sonic-chasing chatterbox roped him into a conversation. Tails liked Amy, he really did, but he wasn't her girlfriend. Honestly, he didn't mind talking, but he really didn't have much in common with the girl, and looked at things from a very different perspective than she did. He was a realist, and she was an idealist. Generally she would just keep talking and talking and talking to him, and he would simply nod at the very small, opportune moments inbetween her sentences. This could go on for hours.
Not only that, but Amy's furniture, her floor, her walls, virtually EVERYTHING in her house was pink. Tails began to question if she secretly conducted a religion revolving around the color, because it seemed like she was more obsessed with it than even Sonic.
Tails stopped thinking about it as he waited for her to answer. This was Amy Rose, his friend. He shouldn't be thinking about her so disdainfully. He decided to take it in stride and consider the fact that he had a friend with pink silverware… `eccentric', rather than a probably much truer `totally bizarre'.
Tails looked at the wristwatch under his glove impatiently. Maybe she wasn't home? He knocked again.
“Hold yer horses! I'm coming!” Came Amy's voice. Tails chuckled. She sounded so irritated… probably thought it was another door-to-door salesman. She was the only one who lived in the city, bar Chris, so she was constantly being provoked by such nuisances.
The door opened, and a aggravated expression quickly reverted to a welcoming smile. Tails waved in a friendly manner.
“Oh, Tails! What brings you here? Oh, erh, come on in!” The pink hedgehog invited warmly. Tails laughed a little as he noticed her hiding her Piko Piko Hammer behind her back. She dropped it into a tiny bucket next to the door, which was really for umbrellas.
Tails walked in wordlessly, squinting as the mind-singeing pinkness made his eyes dilate. He smiled nevertheless.
“If I don't get outta here fast I'm gonna get a migraine…” He thought.
“Sit down! Stay a while! I'll get you something to drink.” Amy said, shuffling speedily into the other her kitchen. There was no preventing it when it came to Amy. It simply wouldn't get through. Tails sighed, and took a seat. Her loveseat (which is a couch that seats two people if you don't know) was squishy, and half his body sank into it.
“And she always talks about how much she hates hardheadedness… what a hypocrite…” Tails thought, sweatdropping. He smiled in spite of himself and concluded he was being a bit unfair.
Amy returned, and walking up and handing the two-tailed hero-in-the-makes a pink mug. It had milk in it… strawberry milk. Go figure.
Before Amy could sit down, she perked up, stiff as a rod, eyes shrinking to dots, as if some sort of animal instinct was taking place. She audibly sniffed the air, looked left, right, and finally at Tails. Her eyes softened to and sparkled as she scanned him, up…. and down. Tails made a face.
“…Ehehehehehehehehehehehe!” Amy giggled somewhat crazily. She plopped down peculiarly close to him and batted her eyelashes with a light blush.
“Um… Amy, are you… Ok…?” The clueless boy inquired, the reasoning for this odd behavior completely eluding him….
*End Chapter*
That's all for that one… uh oh… looks like the aroma works on hedgehogs, as well… what'll happen to poor Tails? Review, and then read the next chapter. Yeah yeah, I know it's not necessary, but GOD. Gimme a break here…